Part 1

She looked out the window at the trees that were speeding past. She rarely saw trees. They were so scarce in the desert as well as New York City, where she and Michael had just recently taken up residence.

So here they were. Driving all the way to some small town in Vermont. It was so stupid, but she couldn't exactly complain since it HAD been her idea.

Maria thought back to the beginning. Their wedding had been beautiful. It was in a small chapel on the outskirts of Roswell. They had gone to their college commencement the day before and everyone was still excited about graduating.

Michael had looked amazing in his black tuxedo. She had won a lot of money that day. Every single one of their friends had bet her that she wouldn't get him to wear the tux. She smiled at the memory of everyone groaning and removing their wallets when they saw what he was wearing. It hadn't been all that hard though. He had wanted to make her happy.

So why didn't he feel the same now? What had changed in five years? They went to work and they came home. They ate together and slept together when Michael didn't fall asleep on the couch watching television. He had been watching a good deal of late night tv lately.

Maria looked at her husband, who was staring so blankly at the open expanse of road in front of them. He was chewing on his thumbnail distractedly. She didn't dare ask him for fear of another argument but she wondered, as always, what he was thinking.


Michael could feel Maria's eyes on him. Why the Hell did she have to be so damn quiet? It was making him nervous.

Why had he agreed on going to a shrink? Not just a shrink...a �marriage counselor'. They didn't have problems. Things were going great. Weren't they?

Michael admitted to himself that things had been better. After their wedding, they had been so happy and it was like one big honeymoon. That was the first two years. After that...things had gone downhill. Her new age store in Manhattan was just getting off the ground and it meant a lot of late nights. He had commissions to complete, which meant a great deal of studio time, hunched over his latest oil painting. They were on two different plains now.

They had been married for five years. He knew that and he rubbed his chin where Maria had given him a painful reminder. She had punched him square in the jaw when she realized he had forgotten their anniversary. There was still a small bruise there in the shape of her small knuckles. Yes, he saw now where he could have handled that better. He had brought her flowers that night but it was a case of too little too late.

That had taken place a week ago. This week she had surprised him with the news that she was going to Vermont and if he planned on staying married to her - he would go too. How can you resist an invitation like that?

So here they were, driving in complete silence. Neither of them wanting to make the first move and both of them wanting to resolve whatever was between them so they could go back to normal. Whatever normal might be.

Michael glanced at Maria and they shared nervous half smiles. Michael fought the urge to speak to her. He refused to make this trip even worse by starting another argument.


Two hours later, they pulled up to a very clinical looking building in the heart of Burlington, Vermont. Michael read the sign and shook his head. He might have been happy to be there if he didn't have to go in there now and hear Maria go on about what a horrible husband he was.

They rode the elevator to the third floor and stepped off into a small office area. Michael had to stop himself from gaping openly at the brunette in front of them. Maria would divorce him on the spot if she thought he was checking out the gorgeous creature. He was of course, but it wasn't as if he would ever cheat on Maria. He loved her too much to do that. He might be married but that didn't mean he didn't have eyes. Still...he didn't want to provoke his wife any further.

She had been married to Michael for years and she could read him like a book. She had seen the look he had given the receptionist. She decided to ignore him and the itching in her palm that screamed "HIT HIM!" At this point, however, it wasn't below her to be mean to the innocent assistant out of spite.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked, filing her nails.

"Yes...we have an appointment with Dr. Whitman." Maria snapped.

"He's busy right now. Just have a seat in the corner and I'll let him know you are here." Maria turned without another word and went to sit in one of the uncomfortable leather chairs.

Michael grabbed the issue of Newsweek just as Maria went for it. He looked up at her annoyed as she tried to pull it away from him. Then he saw the fire in her eyes. What was going to happen to them if they could get so upset about a magazine? He relented and handed it to her without a word.

Michael was trying to focus on the fitting article about �Why Women Go Overboard' in the Glamour he had found and she had just gotten into the article on the future of small business when she heard the office door open. For the first time in a week, Maria smiled.

He looked up at Maria's small cry of happiness. She was actually smiling. He frowned, realizing that he hadn't seen that amazing smile of her's in days.

He followed her gaze to see the entire Whitman brood standing in the door. Michael jumped up to grab little Sarah and Maria followed him grabbing Sarah's twin brother Jamie. Michael smiled at Isabel as she hugged him around her daughter.

"Good to see you guys." She said happily. Maria put her hand on the other woman's already swollen stomach.

"How much longer?" She whispered in awe and brightened as she felt a kick.

"Another month! I think he is gonna be early though."

"Well, he's eager to see his beautiful mommy from the outside." Alex smiled coming up behind his wife.

"Alex!" Maria cried and threw herself into his arms.

Michael knew something was wrong now. He was actually jealous of the brief, friendly hug that Alex was now receiving from his wife. Damn it! How long had it been since she had hugged him? He couldn't even remember.

Isabel looked at Michael and raised an eyebrow in her silent questioning way. Silent...boy, motherhood sure had changed her. Michael knew the look on his face must be telling but he shook his head. He didn't need Isabel trying to help. That would only make matters worse.

"Well, we need to get going. We have a play-date to keep and I have a ton of laundry to do!" Isabel said taking her turn to hug Maria. "You guys are staying with us tonight aren't you?"

"Uh, no...we have to get back to the city. I have a few paintings to finish by next week. Are you guys coming to the show?"

"We wouldn't miss it!" Isabel exclaimed distractedly. She looked at the three bags on her arms to make sure she had everything. "Well we're gonna go. I guess we'll see you guys next week then!" She leaned over to kiss Alex goodbye and walked to the elevator, Jamie and Sarah in tow.

"Go on in the office and I'll be right with you guys. I just have to check my messages." Alex said, trying to shift into therapist mode.

Maria walked in and immediately plopped down in a chair identical to the ones in the waiting area. Michael followed her lead and took the chair beside her. His hand shot out in an old habit of reaching for her in uncomfortable situations. He hesitated for a moment, his hand hovered over hers. Then he gently took her small hand in his.

Before Maria could say anything or move away, Alex entered the room and sat down behind his small desk. Michael almost laughed at him as their friend shifted forward and tried desperately to look professional.

"I know you guys must feel a little odd about being here. I was a little hesitant to see you at first but...I do know you better than anyone else would. I'm going to be as professional as possible about this and treat you like any couple that I see. So lets begin. Who wants to start?" Michael and Maria stared blankly at him. "Okay." Alex said slowly. "Michael...why don't you tell me what YOU think the problem is."

Michael closed his eyes. He had no clue what the problem was. That WAS the problem. So he gave the only answer he could think of. "I forgot our anniversary."

Obviously that wasn't the problem Maria had in mind. She gasped and turned in the chair to glare at him.

"Maria..." Alex warned. "Michael, can you think of anything else? ANYTHING?"

"Um...I...not really. Well, unless she's mad about me getting the wrong kind of paper towels the other day. She nagged about that one for an entire hour." Oh shit! Had that actually left his brain and come out of his mouth? He remembered her saying she was sorry for that and to bring it up again was just gonna piss her off more.

"Okay...Maria, I can tell want to say something. Just remember that he is your husband and you love him. That is why you are here. You aren't here to fight, but to resolve any problems you do have." He advised his friend. By the look in her eyes, she was ready to tear into the tired looking alien beside her.

Maria nodded and turned back to Michael. "How can you think that his about paper towels? I mean...yeah - the anniversary thing...that hurt! But I think our problems run a little deeper than your forgetfulness."

Alex was shocked at how calm she sounded. Michael was worried about the calmness in her voice. Of all the emotions that his wife held...calm was the one to fear. It meant pent up anger that was boiling somewhere inside of her. Calm before the storm was an excellent way of thinking of Maria. Michael dreaded the storm that was inevitably to come.

"Maria..." Alex began.

"You two-bit, brooding alien, Picasso-wannabe hack! You're cheating on me aren't you!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She snatched her hand from his and stood up to get away from him.

Michael stood up and confronted her. "I am not cheating on you! When would I have time? If I'm not working on my own projects, then I'm helping you at the store!"

"Guys...It won't do to accuse one another of anything." Alex said calmly. "Now sit down." He sounded so insistent that they both walked back to their seats like two children who had just been reprimanded. "Michael, Maria seems to believe that you are cheating on you. Maria, Michael says that he isn't. Would you like to tell him why you think he's cheating on you?"

Maria nodded. "He never...sleeps with me anymore. And his assistant is a twenty year-old nympho!"

"Jenny is not a nympho. She is engaged and if you cared to listen every once in a while you would know that she is transferring to Penn State this month to be with her fianc�!"

"Okay. I think we can stop here because this is a textbook case and it would be a waste of time and money to keep you guys here."

Michael leaned forward in his seat and folded his arms on the desk. "Well?"

"Your's...sexual." Alex blurted out.

Part 2

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