52.  Monkeys: Several varieties of monkeys lives in the rain forest such as the Guernon monkeys , tarsiers and the nocturnal jit monkeys.

53.  Ost: This is a venomous, brilliantly orange snake that is little more than a foot long. Its bite causes an excruciating death within seconds. A powder prepared from its venom can be put into wine. The osts of the rain forests are red with black stripes. The banded ost is yellowish orange and marked with black rings.

54.  Panther: There are several varieties of these cats. They include jungle panthers, yellow panthers, and forest panthers. The forest panther is a proud beast that does not care to be distracted when it is hunting. They hunt largely at night but are not invariably nocturnal. They will hunt when hungry or irritable. Panthers will usually only attack men if they are provoked or if no other prey is available. Panthers are able to climb but they normally take a hunting scent from the ground.

55.  Parrot

56.  Parsit fish: There are several types of this slender, silvery fish with brown stripes. They are migratory fish and the principal prey of sea sleen.

57.  Pike: This is a carnivorous fish about fifteen inches long.

58.  Porcupine: A long-tailed variety lives in the rain forests.

59.  Quala: This is a small, three-toed mammal. It is dun colored with a stiff brushy mane of black hair. It travels in a scampering flock. The plural form for them is qualae.

60.  Rennels: These are crab-like desert insects with a poisonous bite though it is not too lethal. They leave little red bites.

61.  Roach: This is commonly an oblong, flat-bodied black creature about half a hort long. It has long feelers and is basically harmless.

62.  Salamanders: In the salt mines, salamanders are tiny, white and blind. They are long bodied with long, stem-like legs. They have fern-like filaments at the sides of their heads that are feather gills, an external gill system. They have a slow metabolism and are capable of long periods of dormancy.
63.  Scorpions

64.  Sharks: There are several varieties of sharks on Gor, saltwater and freshwater. The common shark is nine-gilled and its skin is very rough and abrasive. Varieties include river sharks, salt shark, marsh shark, white sharks of the north and the Vosk and Laurius sharks. The salt shark is commonly over twelve feet long, with a sickle-like tail. It has several rows of triangular teeth and a sail-like dorsal fin. It inhabits brine pits such as those of the Tahari region.

65.  Slee: This is a rodent of the rain forests.

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