74.  Tabuk: There are several varieties of this one horned, yellow antelope. The common type frequents Ka-la-na thickets. It is small, graceful and eats berries and salt. Young tabuk rarely leave the thickets. Their hide is a mottled yellow and brown. Northern tabuk are massive, tawny, and swift. Many stand ten hands at the shoulder. Northern tabuk hairs are hollow and give its fur an excellent insulative quality. Both types have a single horn of ivory, a deadly weapon. It is a yard or so long and two and a half inches at the base. The herd of Tancred is a gigantic herd of northern tabuk, one of several. This herd winters in the rims of the northern forests, south and east of Torvaldsland. In the springtime, short-haired and hungry, they migrate northward, following the shore of Thassa until they reach the tundra of the polar basin for their summer grazing. When winter comes, long-haired and fat, they return south. The prairie tabuk reside in the Barrens. They are tawny, single-horned, and travel in herds. Some varieties lie down when sensing danger. They can attain short-term speeds of eighty to ninety pasangs an Ahn. Their evasive leaps can cover thirty to forty feet in length and heights of ten to fifteen feet. There are twenty varieties of tabuk in the rain forests.

75.  Tanager: This is a brightly plumaged bird in the rain forests near Schendi.

76.  Tarns: These are the giant riding birds of Gor, also called the Brothers of the Wind. They resemble a hawk but with a crest like a jay. They are surprisingly light for their size due to the hollowness of their bones. A tarn is an extremely powerful bird. It can fly from the ground with a spring and sudden wing flurry. Its tongue is thin, sharp and as long as a man's arm. It has a curved beak, slit with narrow nostrils. They are not migratory birds and cannot live in the cold northern regions. Tarns are diurnal and carnivorous. They eat only what they catch themselves, usually antelopes and wild bull. If enough food is available, they will eat half their weight. But by Renegades of Gor, tarns are being trained to eat prepared meat. They are seldom more than half-tamed and it is not unknown for a tarn to attack its own rider. Their plumage varies and they are bred for color. The most common color is greenish-brown. Black tarns used for night raids, white for winter raids, and multi-colored for proud warriors who care not for camouflage. It is extremely difficult to fly a tarn from the sight of land. The jungle tarn is a rare bird, gloriously plumaged, from the tropical reaches of the Cartius. Tarns often are trained for specific functions. Draft tarn are used for transporting cargo while Saddle tarns are used for transport of people. War tarns are used by Tarnsmen in battle. Racing Tarns are made for entertainment like Earth horse racing. Racing tarns are different in size, strength, build, and tendencies from most other tarns. They are extremely light so that two men could lift one. Its wings are broader and shorter permitting a swifter take off and a capacity for extremely abrupt turns and shifts in flight. They lack the stamina of most other tarns and cannot carry heavy weight.

77.  Tarsk: This is a six-tusked wild boar, with a bristly mane running down its spine. There is a giant tarsk that stands ten hands at the shoulder. There are several varieties of tarks in the rain forests, both large and small. They can be domesticated and the rencers keep some. They are best hunted from the back of kaiila with lances and the giant tarsk is often hunted on tarnback with lances. Tarsk meat tends to be salty.

78.  Termites: They are also called white ants.
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