87.  Urt: There are several varieties of this common rodent. It is usually fat, sleek and white. It has three rows of needlelike teeth, tusks that curve from its jaw, and two horns that protrude over its eyes. It also has a long hairless tail. Most are tiny enough to hold in palm of your hand but some can get as big as wolves or ponies. Certain varieties migrate twice a year though it is only dangerous if you are in the middle of their path. In the rain forests there are gliding, ground, leaf and tree urts. The canal urt is web footed and can be found in Port Kar's canals. There are also brush urts and forest urts. Some large urts are domesticated and bred for attacking and killing. Most urts attack in a pack and are messy and noisy when attacking.

88.  Vart: These are blind, bat-like flying rodents. They can grow to the size of a small dog. They can strip a carcass in minutes. Some are rabid and they hang upside down like bats. There are jungle varts in the rain forests. Varts on Tyros are trained as weapons.

89.  Veminium bird: This is a songbird that may live among veminium flowers.

90.  Verr: This is a mountain goat, indigenous to the Voltai Mountains. They are long-haired, spiral horned, and ill-tempered. There is a small, long-haired verr that is smaller and less belligerent than the wild verr. Some are domesticated and they are a source of wool and milk. The finest wool is sheared in the spring from the bellies of the hurt and verr.

91.  Vints: These are tiny, sand-colored insects.

92.  Vulos: These are domesticated, tawny-colored pigeons raised for eggs and meat. At least some of their meat is white.

93.  Wader: There are at least two varieties of this water bird in the rain forests. This includes the ring-necked wader and the yellow-legged wader.

94.  Whales: There are several varieties of whales on Gor including the Karl whale, baleen whale, and the Hunjer Long Whale, a rare toothed black whale which eats cuttlefish.

95.  Wingfish, Cosian: This is a tiny, delicate fish, about the size of a tarn disk when curled in one's hand. It is blue in color and has three or four slender spines in its dorsal fin that are poisonous. It can hurl itself from the water and glide through the air for brief distances on its stiff pectoral fins. It does this to evade sea-tharlarions who are immune to their poison. It is sometimes called the song fish because of the whistling sound they make in courting rituals. The fish thrust their heads out of the water to whistle. The blue, four-spined variety is only found in Cosian waters. Larger varieties are found farther out to sea. It is a great delicacy, especially its liver.

96.  Woodpecker: There is an ivory-billed variety

97.  Worms, silk

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