Dances of Gorean's
                                       Belt Dance
The belt dance is performed with a Warrior. She now writhed on the furs at his feet, moving as though being struck with a whip. The belt dance is a dance developed and made famous by Port Kar dancing girls. The dance receives its name from the fact that the girl's head is not suppose to rise above the Warrior's belt, but only purists concern themselves with such niceties; wherever the dance is performed, however, it is imperative that the girl never rise to her feet.

                                     Chain Dance
There are a few ways to dance, I will put the most common here. The chain to which the collar was attached was a good deal longer than that of the Sirik, containing perhaps twenty feet of length. The Master Usually Holds one end as you dance, you usually start by pulling away from Master eventually you feel drawn to Him.

                             Dance of the 6 Thongs
The girl has 6 leather thongs attached to her body: (ankles, wrists, belly, and neck) She dances as a girl who is captured. She will show her defiance and bewilderment at not being able to move freely, the dance growing more frenzied until she is subdued by the Masters that hold her. The girl is then presented to one Master, who asks her if she is slave, to which she will proudly say that she is.
"Raiders of Gor" p. 228

                 Love Dance of a Newly Collared Slave
The Love Dance of the Newly Collared Slave Girl has many variations, in the different cities of Gor, but the common theme is that the girl dances her joy that she will soon lie in the arms of a strong master.

                                 Need Dance
This dance is used to show Master your need of Him, it is to be sensual and seductive. And should tell the story of a girl who wishes her Master to slave rape her.

                            Placatory Dance
There are many forms of placatory dances which are performed by female slaves. Some of these tend to have rather fixed forms, sanctioned by custom and tradition, such as the stately 'Contrition Dance' of Turia. Some sort of placatory dance is usually taught to the girl in slave training." "Most placatory dances, however, are not fixed-form dances, but are 'free' dances, in which the slave, exquisitely alert to the nuances of the situation, the particular master, the nature of his displeasure, the gravity of her offense, and such, improvises, to reassure him of the authenticity of her contrition and the genuineness of her desire to do better."
"Dancer of Gor" p. 332

                                Pole Dance
In this dance the pole represents the Master, the girl dances and caresses the Pole as if it was Master.

This is a another need/lure dance, although it does have a bit of a twist, it is meant to be the story of a neglected slave girl.
Seduction Dance
This dance is an alluring dance, a girl uses it to seduce either the one she is begging a kolar from, or to show her Master her need.
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