Arctic flora: The arctic regions of Gor, the home of the Red Hunters, is not as barren as might be suspected. There are approximately 240 varieties of flora that grow within five hundred pasangs of the north pole. Only the areas near the glacial ice are generally bereft of plant life. Small perennials are a common type of vegetation. The growing season is too short for annuals to adequately grow. During the cold winters, the buds of the perennials lay dormant in a fluffy, protective sheath. Out of all of the different types of flora in this region, none of the plants have thorns or are poisonous. There was no need to develop such defenses due to the dearth of predators that could threaten such vegetation.

Bazi tea: This is an herbal tea that comes in many different varieties. Thus there are a number of shrubs that provide tea leaves though no specific names are ever given for them. As Bazi tea is a common drink, the tea shrubs may no longer be limited only to Bazi and may grow in a number of different places.

Black wine: This is a coffee-like drink made from beans grown only in the mountain city of Thentis. Thentis does not trade the beans to make this drink. It is very strong and bitter, almost like expresso coffee. It likely has an Earth origin, especially due to its limited area of growth on Gor.

Brak bush: This is an odorous shrub and its leaves, if chewed, have a purgative effect which means that they may induce vomiting. The brak bush also figures into certain superstitions associated with the Gorean New Year. During the Waiting Hand, the five-day period before the start of the New Year, many people seal the doors of their homes with pitch and nail branches of the brak bush to the doors. This is done to prevent the entry of bad luck into the house for the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, the pitch is then washed away and the brak branches are burned.

Cacao trees: These trees grow in the tropical regions of Gor and their beans can be used to make chocolate. These appear very similar to Earth cacao trees.

Carpet plant: This is a plant of the rainforests of Gor. They possess strong tendrils that can be used as ties to secure items.

Clover: This is a plant on Gor similar to the Earth plant of the same name.

Dina: This is a small, short stemmed flower that grows primarily on hill slopes in the northern temperate zones of Gor. It is much rarer in the southern hemisphere so dinas are more valuable there. In its budding, though in few other ways, it resembles an Earth rose. The dina is sometimes referred to as the "slave flower" though the precise origin of that designation is unknown. There is one legend concerning its origin centering on a Ubar of Ar. This Ubar pursued and captured the daughter of one of his enemies, finally trapping her within a field of dinas. The Ubar scanned his surroundings and chose to name his new slave Dina. Dina is a common slave name and there is even a brand that resembles a dina. Girls that bear the dina brand may be referred to as "dinas." There is another reason why dinas may be called the slave flower. ".., It is, though delicate and beautiful, a reasonably common, unimportant flower; it is also easily plucked, being defenseless, and can be easily crushed, overwhelmed and, if one wishes, discarded." (Slave Girl of Gor, p.62)

Fern: This is a plant on Gor similar to the Earth plant of the same name.

Festal: This is a type of shrubbery that grows in the Vosk delta and possibly elsewhere.
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