Gorean Holidays
THE WINTERING: The nomadic herds of the Wagon peoples typically occupy their winter pastures during the period from the middle of the ninth Gorean month (late November) through the Second Hand of En'Kara (late March).

NEW YEAR (WAGON PEOPLES): The day of the Winter Solstice (December 21st) is celebrated by the Wagon Peoples as the first day of the new year, and marks the beginning of The Season of Snows. In addition, the women of the Wagon Peoples keep a calendar of their own, based upon the phases of the largest of the three Gorean moons. It consists of fifteen separate divisions, each named after one of the fifteen different kinds of bosk, for instance: "The Moon of the Brown Bosk", "The Moon of the Spotted Bosk", etc.

CARNIVAL: Held in many southern cities, notably Port Kar, during the five days of the Twelfth Passage Hand (March 11th-15th). During this celebration it is often customary to garb oneself in outlandish costumes or masks and attend various masquerade fetes and feasts.

THE WAITING HAND: This is a five day period (March 16th-20th) during which doors are painted white, little food is eaten, little is drunk and there is no singing or public rejoicing in the city. Walls and doors are adorned with sprigs and branches from the brak bush to ward off ill-luck in the coming year. On the day of the Vernal equinox, the Ubar or Administrator of the city performs a ritual "greeting of the sun," after which doors are repainted and the brak foliage is removed, beginning a ten day period of general revelry.

Battles of Oxen
(noun): a gladiator type competition popular in Tharna; men are yoked with horns fitted to them; they battle each other in an arena, one trying to gore or maim the other.
Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, page 112

Contests of Arms
(noun): gladiatorial contests where men fought to the death were banned in Ar when Kazrak of Port Kar became administrator of that city.
Book 3: Priest-Kings of Gor, page 11

(noun; lit. 'first turning'): the first month of the Gorean calendar that of the vernal equinox which is the Gorean new year; roughly equivalent to the Earth calendar month of March.
Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, page 178

(noun; lit. 'first resting'): the fourth month of the Gorean calendar that of the summer solstice roughly equivalent with the Earth calendar month of June.
Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, page 178

Equinox, autumnal
(noun): (lit. The Second Turning of the Central Fire ); the month of Autumnal Equinox is Se`Kara or The Second Kara; also called Se`Kara Lar-Torvis
Book 2: Outlaw of Gor page 178

Equinox, vernal
(noun): (lit. The First Turning of the Central Fire); the month of Vernal Equinox is En'Kara or the First Kara; also called En`Kara Lar-Torvis.
Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, page 178

Fair of En'Kara
(holiday); one of four great fairs held in the shadow of the Sardar range in the first month of the Gorean year.
Book 3: Priest-Kings of Gor, page 8

(noun; lit. 'Festival of Slaves'): this holiday is celebrated in most northern civilized cities with the exception of Port Kar; many cities celebrate on the last day of the 12th Passage Hand but in Ar and some other cities on the last day of the 5th month the day before the Love Feast; in this day practical jokes from slaves are tolerated.
Book 5: Assassin of Gor, page 229

Love Feast
(noun): common name for the 5th Passage Hand occurring in late summer which time is the greatest period for the sale of slaves esp. slave girls.
Book 5: Assassin of Gor, page 193

Love War
(noun): The Wagon Peoples compete against the Warriors of Turia
on the Plain of Stakes during the Second Passage Hand (May 15th-19th) in
mid-spring, participating in various challenges and ceremonial combats. For Turians, the contest is to win ownership of a slave of the Wagon Peoples. The Four Tribes compete to win high born Turian free women, which will be turned into slaves of the wagons.
Book 4: Nomads of Gor, pages 115 -124
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