~ Knifes ~
Sleen Knife
"The girl, clad like the others in the skins of forest panthers, who had held my leash, and now again held it, she who had bound me, her sleen knife again in its sheath, thrust her face toward mine. It was she who had leaped at me with her knife. She twisted her hand in the metal and leather choke collar. "Kajira!" she said, with contempt. I gasped, choking. I was terrified of her.
Verna regarded me. She wiped the dirt and crumbled leaves from her sleen knife, which I had thrown from me, on the skins of her brief garments, and then replaced it in her sheath. She slung again about her shoulders her bow and quiver, and took up again her light spear. The other girls similarly armed themselves preparing to depart. Some gathered up the water gourds and what meat was left from their meal." Captive of Gor - pg. 126

Turf Knife
She placed the turf knife in the pit, through the hole which we had left as its entrance.The turf knife is a wooden-bladed, saw-edged, paddlelike tool.It is used to cut and saw sod and, when the handle is held in the right hand and the blade is supported with the left, it may be used also,rather like a shovel, to move dirt. Blood Brothers of Gor, page 311-312

Tarn Knife
"I saw that he had been given another knife, a tarn knife, of the sort carried by riders."
Assassin of Gor, page 363

"The ulo, or woman's knife, with its semicircular blade, customarily fixed to a wooden handle, is not well suited to carving. It is better at cutting meat and slicing sinew."
Beasts of Gor, page 262

Turian knife
"The free woman was a tall woman, large. She wore a great cape of fur, of white sea-sleen, thrown back to reveal the whiteness of her arms. Her kirtle was of the finest wool of Ar, dyed scarlet, with black trimmings. She wore two broaches, both carved of the horn of a kailiauk, mounted in gold. At her waist she wore a jeweled scabbard, protruding from which I saw the ornamented, twisted blade of a Turian dagger; free women of Torvaldsland commonly carry a knife; at her belt too, hung her scissors, and a ring of many keys,.... Marauders of Gor, page 156
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