~ Lances ~
Tharlarion Lance
"In a minute the rider appeared in view, a fine, bearded warrior with a golden helmet and a tharlarion lance. " Tarnsman of Gor - pg. 115

Kaiila Lance (Wagon Peoples)
The warrior of the Wagon Peoples seldom approaches an enemy more closely than is required to bring him down with a bow, or if need be, the lance; the quiva itself on the whole, as more of a missile weapon than a hand knife.  Nomads of Gor, p.124

Kaiila Lance--hunting (Red savages)
"Hunting lances are commonly longer, heavier and thicker than war lances. Too, they are often undecorated, save perhaps for a knot of the feathers of the yellow, long winged, sharp billed prairie fleer, or, as it is sometimes called, the maize bird, or corn bird, considered by the red savages to be generally the first bird to find food."
"The point of the hunting lance is usually longer and narrower than that of the war lance, a function of the depth into which one must strike in order to find the heart of the kailiauk"
"These lances are used in a great variety of ways, but the most common method is to thrust one's wrist through the wrist loop, grasp the lance with the right hand, and anchor it beneath the right arm. This maximizes balance, control and impact. With the weight of a hurtling kaiila behind the thrust such a lance can be thrust through the body of a kailiauk." Savages of Gor, page 42 & 44

Tarn Lance (Red savages)
"The tarn lance, it might be mentioned, as is used by the red savages who have mastered who have mastered the tarn, is, in size and shape, very similar to the kaiila lance. It differs primarily in being longer and more slender."
Savages of Gor - pg. 43

The red hunters lived as nomads, dependent on the migrations of various types of animals, in particular the northern tabuk and four varieties of sea sleen. Their fishing and hunting were seasonal, and depended on the animals. Sometimes they managed to secure the northern shark, sometimes even the toothed Hunjer whale or the less common Karl whale, which was a four-fluked, baleen whale. Beasts of Gor Page 36
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