Short Sword
  "The Turian's decision plunged me into despair. In all my time among the wagons I had not seen one of the Gorean short swords, so fierce and swift and common a weapon among those of the cities. The warrior of the Wagon Peoples does not use the short sword, probably because such a weapon could not be optimally used froth the saddle of the kaiila;..." Nomads of Gor - pg. 124

The sword, the quick, short, double-edged Gorean gladius, was drawn back for a thrust.
Mercenaries of Gor - pg 387

sword, long (Torvaldsland)
"He wore beneath his cloak yellow wool, and a great belt of glistening black, with a gold buckle, to which was attached a scabbard of oiled, black leather; in this scabbard was a sword, a sword of Torvaldsland, a long sword, with a jeweled pommel, with double guard."
Marauders of Gor, page 172

Scmitar (Tahari)
"I knew the light lance, and the swift, silken kaiila. I had learned these with the Wagon Peoples. But I did not know the scimitar. The short sword, now slung over my left shoulder, in the common fashion, would be of little use on kaiila back. The men of the Tahari do not fight on foot. A man on foot in the desert, in warfare, is accounted a dead man." Tribesmen

"The spear was a typical Gorean spear, about seven feet in height, heavy, stout, with a tapering bronze head some eighteen inches in length. It is a terrible weapon and, abetted by the somewhat lighter gravity of Gor, when cast with considerable force, can pierce a shield at close quarters or bury its head a foot deep in solid wood. With this weapon groups of men hunt even the larl in its native haunts in the Voltai Range, that incredible pantherlike carnivore which may stand six to eight feet high at the shoulder." Outlaw of Gor, page 21

Spear (Red hunters-savages)
Similar in most respects to the common Gorean spear, though often it is found tipped with carved bone or shaped stone, rather than metal. It is also highly carved and decorated, according to tribal custom. Savages of Gor.

War Spear (Kurii)
Constructed similarly to the common Gorean war spear, only much larger and heavier. The Kur war spear is some 12 feet in length, with a long, tapering bronze head. The shaft of the Kur war spear is 3" in diameter, and the bronze head weighs up to twenty pounds. Savages of Gor
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