CJ Undaunted--The Miracle's website
***NEW PICTURES 2006***
      My wife and I had been married a couple of years when we found out that we would be having a son. Leslie would visit Dr. Froerer, OB/GYN often. Leslie was very healthy and did not even want to take an aspirin for fear it would harm the baby. She had prenatal care from beginning to end.  During the ultra sounds, CJ was a very wiggly boy, and the medical staff could never get a good look at CJ's heart. Curtis John Undaunted, Jr (CJ) was born July 23, 2001 at 7:41 am.
       The delivery went well and we had a healthy boy.  Some time later, a pediatrician came and gave CJ a full physical. CJ seemed to be perfect, but his heart was making a loud murmur. After a few hours, the medical staff at Cottonwood Hospital informed me that CJ had a heart problem.  Next thing I know CJ is being strapped to a air-med plastic protective gurney and was taken to his mom so she could say goodbye. The life-flight team took off with our five hour old son and took him to Primary Children's Medical Center. 
       I drove to Primary's because I could not go with the Life-Flight Team. CJ was immediately taken to the NICU (Newborn Infant Critical Unit).   The cardiology team was doing every kind of test and procedure to determine how bad the damage was to CJ's heart.  It is now Tuesday, July 24, 2001.  We were not allowed to touch our son for his safty. We looked at him from a distance and had to scrub up and wear hospital gowns to see our CJ.
       The doctors continued to run test after test.  The cardiology staff discovered that CJ had a major heart defect and they wanted to operate on him, but they came across another defect. . . then three. . .  and many more.  Wednesday, July 25, 2001, the whole cardiology staff  met together to compile all of the tests, info and procedures that were done.  Dr. Williams informed us that CJ would need a series of open-heart operation to correct and reconstruct his heart.
       The heart operations are called "The Norwood," "The Glen," and "The Fontan."  They can fix the other problems during each operation. Friday, July 27, 2001 CJ had his first major open-heart operation at four days old. He made it!!!  ALL GRACE TO GOD! He recovered in the PICU (Pediatric Intesive Care Unit) for four weeks.
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CJ Undaunted:
This website is dedicated to all the people who have helped CJ! THANK YOU!
CJ in June 2007
Thank you!!!! CJ's Medical Staff:
**Dr. Richard V. Williams, MD, CJ's lead cardiologist at Primary Children's and staff.
**Dr. John A. Hawkins, MD, cardiothoracic surgeon at Primary Children's and Staff.
Dr. Stephen M.  Lynch, MD, pediatrician at Willow Creek Pediatrics and staff.
The whole entire Staff, Admin, Techs, volunteers + Everyone at Primary Children's.
**Doris Mason, MSW, LCSW.
Primary Children's Medical Center
"The Child First and Always"
Primary Children's Medical Center
100 North Medical Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84113
(801) 588-2000
Make a donation to Primary's Medical Center. Click here.
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Thank you for all of your love and support. Click here to find out how you can support other children like CJ.
Pictures of CJ and Family
Primary Children's Medical Center Ranked #10 Click here to read article
CJ's Congenital Heart Defects!
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If you live in a state that is not in Utah, Montana, Nevada, Wyoming or Idaho PLEASE click here!  This link will send you to the CMN and you can find out about a local Children's Hospital in your area that you can make a donation to.  God Bless you all!
1 out of every 100 babies born in the USA is born with a life-threatening congenital heart defect! WE NEED RESEARCH TO STOP THIS DISEASE!! Please call your local Senator and Congressman and tell them that you want your tax dollars to go towards RESEARCH.
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