Yet More Art!
Sailor Iron Mouse
A chibi, blushing SIM.

A nice pic of Mousie flying.

Same as above, only she's flying into the Wild Purple Yonder!

Chibi Mouse done on the PC

Chibi Mouse has teamed up with.....Zircon?? Oh well, a flying eyeball is always good to have :)

Iron Mouse enjoying some sushi. She's so sweet when she's not trying to kill people!

A tiny picture of her with her tounge out. Awwww!

Chibi Mouse with manga-esque curls.

Looking suspiciously happy.......
Dark Kingdom and Miscellaneous
A Kunzy from ages ago. I hate it.

An equally old Nephrite, my first in paint! ^_^

His evil-ass crest from the previous pic.

A scene from Miss Para Para's "How the Kunz Stoled Christmas."

Kunzy is unhappy with the Malachite VA!!!

Zoi being his evil little self.

a Kunzite in black and white.

And here he is painted!

Mousie pulling a "Chibi Usa" on Kunz and Zoi. Zoi wears rollers??

Zoi naked. Yes, he IS a man!!!

Zoi singing "Holding Out For A Hero" (!!!)

Chibi Lead Crow

Chibi Aluminum Siren

Chibi Tin Nyanko

Chibi James

Chibi Jessie

Is it divine intervention?

Nephrite and his designer 'do.

Nephrite the Pimp King and his favorite hos. O.O

Fish Eye. Awww, he's sooooooo sweet!

Hawk's Eye. And he actually looks.....ATTRACTIVE!!! (Heads for the hills)

A cute pic of Chibi Siren and Chibi Crow. I like thi s a lot better than the last one I did.

I always wanted to do a picture of Tin Nyanko that didn't look completely psycho... and I finally did it! ^_^

Pimpdaddy Nephrite lurks in the shadows in search of some Ass. The scanner ruined the colours, but it still looks OK.

Another scene from Miss Para Para's fic, "How the Kunz Stoled Christmas". Artemis makes one pathetic looking reindeer!

A Chibi Lead Crow I drew at school, and shaded at home.

Er, um, errr............. O.O;;;

An old pic of the 4 Kings as Sailor Senshi......

A cute Kunzy label I made for one of my videotapes.

Chibi Aluminuim Siren enjoying the orangey goodness of her Tsunami. Well, it's not as if her attack would HURT any of the Senshi......

My two favorite Anime Gays!! (Plus their *ahem* UNDERSTANDING workmates.....)

Bulma from Dragonball Z in a Team Rocket outfit.

Chibi Fish Eye!

Chibi Tigers Eye!

Merry Crhistmas, Crow-chan!

A Sailor Jupiter.

I support Uranus and Neptune's Shoujo Ai!
Does this girl ever stop drawing?
Awwww! Sweeeet!
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