<BGSOUND SRC="introductionhikhik.wav">
HiKaRu ShIdOu
HiKaRu ShIdOu
name: Hikaru Shidou (light of the lion temple)
seiyuu: Hekiru Shiina
grade: eight
age: 14
favorite color: red
blood type: O
birthday: august 8 (leo)
favorite food: ice cream
least favorite food: anything spicy
favorite subject: Biology
least favorite subject: Music
hobby: playing with her dog hikari
extracurricular activities: Kendo Club
Specialties: kendo,talking to animals
wants to be when grow up: an eye seeing-dog trainer
family: father,mother, 3 brothers

                   Hikaru Shidou is a high spirited and strong willed girl. She's always cheerful and always full of energy. She is the shortest among them but she could jump high even though she's short. She also cares so much to her friend's Umi and Fuu. She's always injured too!!  She also studies kendo that's why her sword handling is great. She uses fire based magic
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