Lineage of Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and Sri Ranjit Maharaj
[Nav Nath Sampradaya]|

Nisargadatta Maharaj - Realize who you are!


Sri Nisargadatta - Life and Teachings
(by Timothy Conway, Ph.D.)

Dasbodh | Neti Neti

The Nisargadatta Gita (by Pradeep Apte)

Pradeep is a spiritual friend from India,
and a sage-devotee of Sri Nisargadatta.
His books are the direct wisdom of the Self

pdf download The Nisargadatta Gita

The Nisargadatta Gita (book version)

pdf download I am Unborn - Sri Nisargadatta

Miguel A Carrasco - ASMI (I Am That compilation)

Nisargadatta's Message (by Mark West)

Sri Nisargadatta - Self Knowledge and Self Realization

I AM - The complete I Am quotes of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
compiled by Pradep Apte (book version)

I AM - The Mahamantra of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
(book by Pradeep Apte)

I am (k)not the body (by Pradeep Apte)

The Way of the Bird (by Andrew Vernon)

Andrew is a lovely friend in California,
and a sublime sage-devotee of Sri Ranjit.
All about him is the blessing of truth)

I am He (by Andrew Vernon) - pdf download

Sri Ranjit Maharaj - The Stateless State

'Sailor' Bob Adamson|John Wheeler James Braha
Adamson is the most well reputed Western disciple of Sri Nisargadatta.
Wheeler and Braha are actualized disciples of Adamson.


Conciencia No dual

Traditional Vedanta

Shining World (James 'Ram' Swartz) | Swami Dayananda

James is a sweet friend
Vedanta jnani-scholar-sannyasin,
and former disciple of Sw. Dayananda.
His website is a treasure chest of nondual knowledge.

Dennis Waite

Discussion: Traditional vs Neo Advaita

Textos Tradicionales
(Spanish resource for Vedanta texts)

Lineage of Sri Ramana Maharshi

David Godman|Sri Ramanasramam|Happiness of Being|



Papaji (Harilal Poonja)

Poonjaji a.k.a. Papaji,
one of the main originators of the satsang movement.

Most popular and respected devotee of Papaji.

John Sherman
Illustrious Self-realization teacher of lucid expression,
former disciple of Gangaji.

Ashley Ruiz

Ash is a generous friend,
Miami based musician-singer,

delightful teacher,
and former disciple of Gangaji.
He's unique in fusing truth and fun.

Advaita (Consuelo Martin)

Devotees of Saint Maharaj Baba Neeb Karori (Neem Karoli Baba)

Lord Hanuman Neem Karoli Baba

. ..

Ram Das | Krishna Das | Bhagavan Das

Neville Goddard
(Western Master of Esoteric Christianity)

|The Neville Project|Real Neville|

Buddhist Teachers (Vajrayana, Dzogchen, Zen, Pure Land)

Dharma Fellowship (Namgyal Rinpoche) | Pundarika Foundation |

| Dzongsar Khyentse | Beru Khyentse | Dharma Dictionary |

  My first Vajrayana lama, H.E. Beru Khyentse Rinpoche,
a Kagyu-Nyingma siddha, emanation of Vimalamitra and Manjushri.

Dharmata Foundation (Anam Thubten)| The Bodhisattva Way of Life

Keith Dowman | Blazing Splendor Chants | Shedrub | Ranjung Yeshe

Dodrupchen | Rigpa Shedra | Traktung |

 | Sechen | Never Born, Never Ceasing | Chatral's Advice | Lotsawa |

[ Dudjom Rinpoche: Series Advice Great Perfection Heart-Essence

Meditation | Supplication Sadhanas (mp3)

. . .
Arnaud Desjardins 1960's superb documentary on Tantric Buddhism
featuring Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, the Sakya Trizin, and the XVI Karmapa.

.Tsawai Lama.
His Holiness Dungse Shenpen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche,
Heart-Son and Heir of HH Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche,
Regent of the Dudjom Tersar lineage of Nyingma Dharma.
Emanation of Sambhogakaya Bodhisattva Hayagriva,
Nirmanakaya manifestation of Mahasiddha Virupa.

| Great Madhyamaka
Mist Real (Mike Dickman) Tersar ]

| Turtle Hill | Tsegyalgar | Brad Warner | Hongaku Jodo

Seung Sahn | Joshu Sasaki Roshi
The many sesshins I attended in the early 1980s were lead
by a teacher connected to these two lineages, and practice style.
. . .

Great Freedom (Candice O'Denver)
Dzogchen-like method/teachings in plain language,
avoiding any Tibetan lingo that could reference traditional Vajrayana.

Non-traditional Teachers / Nonduality Mavericks & Freethinkers

J. Krishnamurti, a very early influence
in my enquiry process & awakening to truth
thanks to my father.
  A true benefactor of the humankind
through his direct approach of fearless awareness
into one's real nature and condition;
"the" contemporary pioneer of non-mediated realization
that has become a movement with countless faces.

J. Krishnamurti JK JK US| U.G. Krishnamurti + U.G. + UGK | Osho * * |
Three diverse proponents of the 'break the rules' and
'don't buy knowledge' consideration of all and anything spiritual;
what a great relief they brought to this Pavlovian world.

their legacy:

U.G. = Stand alone, free from any hope for enlightenment.
K = Find your own light, away from religious institutions.
Osho = Celebrate yourself, openly, courageously, for you are divine.

K fulfilled the testament of the Buddha: "be your own lamp"
and delivered the medicine of radical insight to mankind.
The very return of the Awakened.

. .
U.G. totally destroyed the ego/greed for "realization" in his audience
and left them with unpretentious spontaneity and ordinary/natural living.
  A true avatar of Rudra.

Osho/Bhagwan restored and revived the mystic power of transformation
from all the many degenerated and fossilized religious traditions,
concluding in immediate access of anyone's heart into the infinite sacred.
The authentic form of Govinda.

Vimala Thakar

Vimala Thakar, realized student of J. Krishnamurti.
I attended one of her 7 days seminars in 1987 in Switzerland
and was deeply impressed by her authenticity,
radiating poise, closeness, and dignity;
her teachings belong to the most compassionate,
insightful and world-liberating ever.

Alan Watts (net)(more)(org) | Douglas Harding |

Jean Klein

Independent teacher and Western nonduality pioneer.

Francis Lucille
Independent teacher of the direct path
former disciple of Jean Klein.

Eckhart Tolle
Independent teacher and best-selling author
that holds the merit of having placed the practice
of 'presence in the now' on the map of mainstream culture,
fact that has multiplied
worldwide the demand for "awakening".

Widely esteemed exponent of the non-traditional approach to nonduality,
loosely owing to Zen, he's adopted the rite of 'transmission'.

Tony Parsons
Leading radicalist of the 'no seeker, no method, no liberated one'
approach to awakening, debunking most other presentations
of realizing nonduality; his negating style looks like
an abridged version of the two Krisnamurtis message.

Other Resources and Hubs

Stillness Speaks
Chris Hebard, disciple of Francis Lucille.

Divine Inspirators | Blueprints for Awakening

Sarlo's Guru Ratings
The "who is who" of contemporary "enlightenment".

Jerry Katz,
advaita resource-man extraordinaire.

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