The Motherhood

Sandra: Welcome back everyone. This match features the expanding Tag Team division of BRA. Our next match is between established tag team Motherhood. Consisting of Princess Peg Christian and Americana. Their opponents are "Bloodlust" Wendy Wildcat Jones and Amanda Sinclair, two newcomers to BRA.

Garry: Bloodlust! I like that name. That's what we need in BRA. More wrestlers willing to spill their opponents blood. Wendy's match on the last card was pretty gory. It's a start to real blood sport action.

Sandra: You're sick. The fans want to see competitive sportswomen not a bunch of blood.

Garry: What century are you living in? Here comes Bloodlust.

(The lights in the arena dim and spotlights focus on the entrance. The first chords of Killing Joke's "Love like Blood" start over the sound system, somehow not sounding quite right. The video wall shows the symbol of Bloodlust: the orange outline of female lips superimposing a yellow teardrop outline on a blood red background. Out of the back stride Wendy "Wildcat" Jones and Amanda Sinclair. Both are wearing an identical blood red outfit: wrestling boots, supple tight fitting pants and a tanktop which repeats the Bloodlust symbol in the front. Wendy's long blond hair is kept in a single braid and bound with blood red ribbon. They purposefully step toward the ring, all the while on the lookout for possible ambushes. As the crowd sees them, they start to cheer, but there is a lot of booing as well. Wendy cringes, and Amanda looks at her with a worried expression as she now seems to slink reluctantly towards the ring. They climb in and hug each other shortly, causing whistling and shouting.)

Sandra: Wendy seems to be really affected by the booing of a lot of the fans.

Garry: Fans, what do they know? These morons have even booed a group as hot as the Babe Squad. (Yelling to Wendy) Don't let these yokels bother you, Wendy.

(Wendy doesn't seem to hear Garry as she and Amanda stretch and prepare for the match.)

("I'll Always Love Mama" by the Temptations starts to blare over the loudspeakers and the crowd starts to cheer wildly as they know what is coming!)

Sandra: The fans know who's coming next. They're already cheering.

Garry: See what I mean? These half-wits are cheering for a pair of overweight grandmothers. These two are almost as old as Sherry Ann.

( Smoke clears and the curtains part and everyone's favourite mothers enter the arena. Peggy Christian and Americana walk out together, each waving the flag of their homeland. Peggy wears a one piece red suit with the white maple leaf on the front, while Americana proudly displays the stars and stripes singlet)

Garry: Oh great! Here come the stretch mark sisters.

Sandra: They are Motherhood. And the fans love them.

(As they walk down the aisle, a ragged chorus of "God Bless America" breaks out among some of the more jubilant crowd, causing Americana to pause to acknowledge them, waving old glory and holding up a victory sign. Peggy pauses to allow her teammate the chance to shake hands with her admirers, allowing her smile to drop for just a few seconds. Americana finishes with her fans and then joins her partner to enter the ring. Peggy and Americana wave the flags while walking around the ring after entering. Wendy and Amanda watch the parade smiling. Americana and Peg give their flags to a ring attendant. Americana steps out of the ring as Peg moves toward the center. Wendy moves toward Peg as Amanda steps out. The ref signals for the bell)


Sandra: Wendy seems bothered that the fans would cheer for Motherhood and not for her. In another league a short while ago she was a fan favorite, but she seems to have turned toward cheating.

GARRY:She got smart and began to do whatever tit takes to win. That's not cheating. That's using your head.

Sandra: It's cheating when you break the rules to win.

Garry: Rule breaking is done by the Body Shop and tag teams like Motherhood.

Sandra: Yeah right. Why don't you just call the match?


Garry: Motherhood starts off with a tactical mistake. Americana is the better wrestler, she should start the match.

Sandra: Peg has the heart. She's had a week off to rest after that grueling five matches in two weeks. She's ready for this.

Garry: She's still not a good wrestler, by any stretch of the imagination.

Sandra: She is too. She has only lost because of the cheating of her opponents.

Garry Yeah right.

(Wendy raises her hands in a test of strength. Peg accepts and locks her fingers on Wendy's. )

Garry: Bad move by Peg. Wendy has the height and strength advantage.

(Wendy uses her height advantage to force Peg to her knees. Wendy Pushes on Pegs hand Pegs groans in pain. The fans soundly boo Wendy. Wendy looks surprised at this and releases the hold She lets Peg get to her feet.)

Garry: WHAT THE . . . ? Wendy had Peg in a painful hold and just released it. What is she thinking?

Sandra: Well the fans react well to that display of good sportswomenship.

Garry: Those morons applaud every time they flick a switch and the light goes on. (Shouting) COME ON WENDY GET YOUR HEAD INTO THE MATCH.

(Peg rises to her feet only to be met by a kick to the stomach. Peg doubles over with a loud OOF!. Wendy sends her reeling into the ropes with a kneelift to the face. Peg rebounds off the ropes. Wendy grabs her arm and Irish whips her into the far ropes. On Peg's rebound Wendy nails her with a clothes line that sends Peg crashing to the mat, gagging. Wendy leaps on the Princess. She hooks a leg and goes for the pin.)



(Strong kick out by Peg)

Sandra: Way too early in the match for a pin attempt.

Garry: I'm not so sure of that. That clothesline took a lot out of Peg.

(Wendy puts Peg in a wristlock and forces her to her feet. Wendy whips Peg into the ropes but Peg reverses it. Wendy crashes into the ropes and is sent up and over in a big back drop by Peg. Wendy hits the mat with a thud that seems to knock the wind out of her. Peg runs and leaps on Wendy with a big splash. Both Wendy and Peg bounce on the mat. Peg hooks a leg and rolls Wendy up.)



(Shoulder up by Wendy. Peg gets up and comes right back down with a leg drop to Wendy's head. American has climbed to the top of the turnbuckle. Peg sees her and tags her in. Americana leaps off the turnbuckle and executes a perfect frog splash landing squarely on . . . the mat. Wendy has rolled to safety at the last possible second. Wendy quickly scrambles to her corner and tags in Amanda.)

Garry: Another one of those high risk maneuvers doesn't pay off.

Sandra: And It's too bad, I think Peg had Wendy in big trouble there.

(Americana gets slowly to her feet only to be sent crashing to the mat with a drop kick from Amanda. Amanda grabs Americana's legs and rolls her over to her stomach. Amanda grabs both of Americana's legs and leans back into a Boston Crab. American groans but refuses to submit.)

Amanda: Come on, don't do this to yarself. Give in now and get it over with.

(American shakes her head no. Amanda puts on more pressure. Americana grits her teeth and can only shake her head no when the ref asks if she submits. The fans start chanting USA! USA! Americana uses her hands to claw at the mat and pull herself toward the ropes.)

Sandra: I don't know if Americana can make it. She refuses to submit but the ropes are still more than a foot out of her reach.

Garry: That Boston crab has just about broken Americana's back. A little more pressure by Amanda and we can say a permanent good bye to Americana. Nobody's ever wrestled after having their back broken. Amanda Sinclair of Bloodlust is just the woman to have no qualms about breaking someone's back.

(Americana cries out in agony as she claws her way a couple of inches toward the ropes. The fans are chanting USA or booing Amanda. Amanda seems impressed by Americana's determination. To the surprise of all she releases the hold. Most of the fans cheer Amanda's act.)

Garry NOOOOooo! What is happening to Bloodlust? First Wendy releases a good hold and now Amanda releases Americana from a sure career ender.

Sandra: Maybe they have decided to change their ways.

Garry: They better not. There are too many "good girls" in this league already. I was hoping to see pain and cruelty but most of all BLOOD! They are Bloodlust after all.

Sandra: You are one sick puppy, do you know that?

Garry: I'm just a normal healthy wrestling fan.

(Americana uses the ropes to get to her feet. She tries to rub her back with her hands. Amanda moves in quickly and sends a foot into Americana's exposed belly. Americana doubles over. A quick knee lift sends Americana back into the corner. Bloodlust's corner. Americana bounces out of the corner but Wendy brings her back into it with a handful of hair. Peg sees the double team corner beating and enters the ring to go to the aid of her team mate. The ref sees Peggy and forces her out of the ring. Just as Amanda lands a punch to the belly of the trapped Americana. Americana groans and doubles over but is brought back up by a yank of her hair.)

Garry: Okay, now Bloodlust is back on track. They'll pound the puddin out of old "puddin' ass".

Sandra: Americana is not in a good spot.

Garry: The beating has just begun. Amanda has just signaled Wendy. We're going to see a major two on one beat down.

(The fans begin booing Amanda again. Amanda smiles at the crowd.)

Sandra: I can't look. These Brutal British will destroy the American dream.

Garry: What the hell?

Sandra: This is unbelievable! Wendy has let go of Americana's hair. Amanda has grabbed Americana's hand and is whipping her into the far corner. NO! A reversal by Americana.

(Americana sends Amanda into the far turnbuckle with a thud. Americana follows her into the corner with a splash. Amanda lets out a gasp and slumps as Americana steps back. Amanda staggers out of the corner and is met by a spinning heel kick which knocks her to the mat.)

Sandra: A surprising comeback by Americana. She still has a lot of fight left in her.

Garry: I wouldn't call it a lot of fight. She is barely able to stand after that heel kick.

(American staggers over to a worried Peggy and tags her in. Peg was out of position for a quick entrance and is slow at getting in. Amanda uses the time to scramble to her corner and tag in Wendy. Wendy charges across the ring and surprises Peggy with a drop kick that sends her through the ropes and onto the floor. Peggy is able to bounce back to her feet and quickly enters the ring. Wendy grabs Peggy and sends her up and back down to the mat with a snap suplex. Peggy lands hard but is able to roll over and get to her feet quickly. Wendy whips Peg into the ropes and launches another drop kick at her. Peggy manages to grab the ropes and prevent her from rebounding. Wendy hits nothing but air and then the mat. Peggy moves in quickly and grabs both of Wendy's legs. She begins to spin around in the center of the ring. Wendy screams as her body is lifted off the mat and begins to turn in a big swing. Peg continues to spin as Wendy begs for the ride to end. It does as Peg releases her and sends her crashing into a corner. Wendy grabs the ropes and gets to her feet staggering around the ring from dizziness. Peg puts her arm under one of Wendy's shoulders and leads her to the Motherhood corner. Peg tags in Americana who quickly enters the ring and gets herself positioned under Wendy's other shoulder. They lift together and hold Wendy upside down for a second before sending her crashing to the mat with a double suplex. Wendy hits the mat and bounces. Peg exits the ring. Americana brings Wendy to her feet by means of a handful of hair. Wendy surprises the All American girl with a punch to the stomach making Americana release Wendy's hair. The two battlers go toe to toe exchanging punches.)

Sandra: I don't think Americana is going to win this slug fest. She has already had too much taken out of her.

Garry: They both are landing punches to each other's face and midsection, but Americana is definitely weakening. She is unable to block Wendy's punches.

(A big European uppercut by Wendy catches Americana on the chin, snapping her head back and stunning her. She pulls Americana to Bloodlust's corner and tags in Amanda. Amanda climbs the turnbuckle as Wendy places Americana in a front bear hug. Wendy lifts her up as Amanda flies off the turnbuckle and nails Americana with a flying lariat. Americana gags in shock as she crashes to the mat. Amanda rises to her feet as Wendy leaves the ring. Americana lies on the mat clutching her throat tying to breathe.)


Sandra: Amanda could have crushed Americana's larynx with that move.

Garry: Americana does seem to have a hard time breathing after that.

(Amanda lifts one of Americana's legs and puts her foot on the other. Amanda raises her foot as though she is about to do a foot stomp to Americana's crotch. The crowd boos loudly at this. Amanda looks at Wendy. Wendy shakes her head no. Many in the crowd cheer this. Wendy reacts to the cheering crowd with surprise. Those wanting to see blood and pain boo. Instead Amanda grabs Americana's other leg and wraps her legs into a figure 4 leg lock. Americana is near the ropes and easily grabs the lowest rope. The ref signals for the break and Amanda complies. The crowd cheers Amanda, she looks up in surprise at this.)

Garry: I think I'm going to be sick. Amanda just had two chances to inflict major pain on old Puddin' ass but she didn't.

Sandra: I'm loving this. Instead of the cheatfest that every match with the Sisterhood is, we are seeing true athleticism.


Garry: Jeez, I hate it when a bad girl goes good.

(Peg uses the ropes to get groggily to her feet. Her legs are shaky from the abuse her body has taken. Amanda grabs an arm and sends Americana across the ring. Americana hits the ropes and rebounds into a backdrop by Amanda.)

Sandra: Wait a minute. Peggy was able to reach out and tag Americana on the shoulder. The ref saw it and is signaling that a tag has been made. Peg enters the ring.

( The crowd cheers it's favorite loudly and Amanda turns to see Peggy entering the ring. She looks at the ref, who signals that Peg is the legal woman. Amanda looks at the unmoving form of Americana and shrugs her shoulders. Amanda and Peg, both weary from the fight so far, circle each other as Americana is able to slide herself under the ropes and out of the ring. Amanda moves in on Peg but Peg side steps her and sends a kick to the back of Amanda's knee causing her to drop to one knee. Peg puts Amanda in a headlock and forces her to her feet. Peg runs to the center of the ring and plants Amanda's head into the canvas with a DDT. Amanda flops on the mat. Peg turns her over and pins her shoulders to the mat. Amanda kicks out after the count of one. Peg slaps a wristlock on Amanda and forces her to her feet, Peg releases the wristlock and grabs Amanda for a fisherman's suplex. Amanda moves quickly and scoops Peg up and drops her down onto the mat with a body slam. Amanda drops an elbow on Peg's exposed midsection, causing Peg to sit up with a grunt. Amanda moves quickly behind Peg and wraps her legs around Peg's waist in a body scissors. Peg tries to force Amanda's legs apart. Amanda wraps her arms around Peg's neck in a sleeper.)

Garry: This is it! Amanda has just gotten her finisher the "final Embrace" on Poppin' fresh. Nothing says lovin' like Amanda's sleeper scissors huggin'.

Sandra: That's pretty clever. Who told it to you?

Garry: I made it up just now.

(Peg struggles against the finisher move by Amanda, but is unable to cause the scissors or the sleeper holds to loosen. Peg brings her feet under her knees and gives a mighty push with her legs. This causes both wrestlers to scoot two feet closer to Motherhood's corner where Americana is yelling encouragement to Peg while stretching her hand out to make a tag. The sleeper is having its effect as the blood flow to Peg's head is restricted. Again Peg manages a mighty heave and manages to get a foot closer to Americana. The crowd is yelling its encouragement to Peg. Her heads begins to nod but she makes one last push. Americana is able to reach far enough to just barely tag Peg on the head. The ref sees the tag and signals to Amanda that a tag has been made. Amanda releases Peg in frustration and moves to her own corner where she tags in Wendy.)

Sandra: That was close. I don't think Peg could have lasted another five seconds.

Garry: Did Americana suddenly grow longer arms or was she standing on the bottom rope when she made that tag?

Sandra: Are you suggesting that Americana cheated?

Garry: I'm not suggesting it. I'm saying it. Americana cheated when she tagged in.

Sandra: Americana would never cheat. I didn't see it and neither did the ref.

(American is still a little shaky from her fight but Wendy seems pretty fresh. Wendy moves in quickly and delivers a snap kick to Americana's belly. Americana grunts but doesn't seem to be that much affected by it. Americana swings at Wendy but Wendy blocks it. Wendy grabs Americana's arm in an arm bar and twists. Americana shoulders are forced down toward the mat. Wendy delivers another kick to Americana's belly driving the wind from her and causing her to drop to her knees. Wendy moves behind Americana and changes the arm bar to an arm lock. Wendy positions her arms around Americana in a sleeper. Americana struggles against the sleeper but the toll of the match is having its effect. Americana's struggles become weaker. The struggles stop completely. The ref raises Americana's hand once and it flops down. The crowd begins to chant USA! USA! USA!)

Garry: Listen to these morons. Americana is past hearing anything now.

Sandra: Crowd support helped her get out of that Boston crab earlier.

Garry: It wasn't crowd support. Amanda let her out of it.

(The ref lifts Americana hand again and it drops down again. The fans are chanting louder USA! USA! The ref lifts Americana's hand a third time. The fans chat even louder. The ref lets the hand go . . . and it DROPS A THIRD TIME. The ref signals for the bell.)

Garry: I told you. A bunch of morons chanting has never helped anybody. The winners are BLOODLUST.

Sandra: OH OH! Amanda has come into the ring and both Amanda and Wendy are leaning over Americana. Peggy has entered the ring too. It looks like this match may not be over.

Garry: ALL RIGHT! Now we're going to see a real beat down. Bloodlust has come to its senses.

(Amanda and Wendy help Americana to her feet. They shake her hand and then Peg's. The ref raises Bloodlust's hands in the air. With their free hands Wendy takes one of Peg's hands and raises it and Amanda takes one of Americana's and raises. The crowd cheers loudly at this display. Amanda just hangs her head but Wendy smiles happily at the crowd.)

Garry: Now I know I'm going to be sick.

Sandra; The crowd is cheering Bloodlust at this display of good sportswomenship. They are also cheering Motherhood for putting up a good, CLEAN fight. I think this is wonderful.

Garry: I think I need insulin. Let's get to commercial fast.

The winner BLOODLUST by submission.







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