Sweet Misty
Kayla Vandergriff


{ Noticing the cameras are back on again after a commercial break, the crowd leaps to its feet, and cheers. Most of the fans hold up their homemade signs, some of which read, }

P.J. and Lucy get well soon!

Sherry put Lisa in Dream Land, PUHHLEEZE!

Hey Laura,
get a calender,
Christmas was over a long time ago!

{ The camera then pans to the announcers table, where Sandra and Garry are seated. Garry is sporting a polyester suit, that has gone out of style 20 years ago. Dressed in a more fashion orientated manner is Sandra, who is decked out in a Armani buisness suit. }

{ Noticing that they are on, Sandra addresses the people at home. }

Sandra: Welcome back everyone, it sure has been a wild night so far, and we've got plenty more action coming your way still. Next up we have a match featuring the lovely Sweet Misty, and her opponent is someone that beat her here a few months back, and that loss lead to Misty running away to find herself.

Garry: Did she?

Sandra: Huh?

Garry: Did she find herself?

Sandra: Yes she did, umm...at least I think she did.

Garry: Well I think she's still lost, look at who she is in love with, and she's in the Shop, so I'd say she's still lost! I hear she's a great maid though!

Sandra: Oh shut up, idiot! Anyways, it's no secret that Misty has been through hell ever since joining here. First as I said she ran away for over a month. She then returned only to have her house burned down by Yvette. She did have a couple bright spots though, she was reunited with Sherry, and she also won the TV title belt, but went on to lose that to Yvette, and the stipulation was is Misty lost she had to become Yvette's maid for a month, and that month just ended last week, and you know Misty is looking forward to getting her hands on a member of the Sisterhood tonight, and to get some redemption for losing to Kayla before.

Garry: Sheesh woman, take a breath! Ok folks, now that we know the life story of Misty, let's talk about Kayla. The little pale girl is always a handfull in that ring, and with her association with Yvette, you can be sure the Marquise will be close by for this one.

Sandra: Well you can bet Sherry will be really close by, so Yvette best watch her step out here. The Shop leader is in no mood to see anything happen to any of her girls, and ya know damn well she'll kill anyone that tries to harm Misty!

Garry: Well since you were so busy blabbing, we missed Kayla's entrance, she's already in the ring, waiting for Misty. Damn, she sure looks like someone I know.

Sandra: Ever watch the Addams Family?

Garry: Yes, why?

Sandra: She looks like Wendesday.

Garry: Well I'll be, that's it!!! Hmmn she should try out for their next movie, she looks more like the original then the other girl they've been using does.

Sandra: Ummm...ok you suggest that to her then.

Garry: Nah, I'll pass on that....

{ "Tomorrow Never Dies" by Cheryl Crow (James Bond Theme) begins to play over the sound system, and the crowd roars as they await the arrival of Sweet Misty. However, as usual, the Sweet One, is to shy to come out, and the crowd cheers louder, all in hopes of coaxing her out, but it's to no avail. }

{ Stepping through the curtains is Sherry Ann, who is waving her hands for the fans to cheer louder, and they do. Finally Misty shyly peeks her head out through the curtains, and looks around. Her lover Sherry just wiggles her index finger at her, trying to get her to come out. With a little more coaxing from the crowd, Misty finally comes out, wearing her kimona. She gives Sherry a hug, and then Sherry pats her on the rear end, and sends her to the ring. }

{ Finally over her shyness, Misty smiles, and greets the fans along the aisle, as she makes her way to the ring, with Sherry Ann following her. Misty stops occasionally, and gives some lucky fans a peck on the cheek, and hugs. }

Sandra: Ya just gotta love Misty, she's just so sweet!!

Garry: Whatever, we'll see how sweet she is when Kayla pounds her into next month.

Sandra: Oh? Care to make a little wager on this? 50 bucks says Misty takes this victory.

Garry: You're on! Kayla beat her before, and she's gonna do it again.

Sandra: Nah, Sherry has Misty all pumped up for this, and is wanting her to score a record timed pin tonight, and I dunno for sure, but Misty just may be capable of doing that.

Garry: I doubt it! She'll be lucky to survive this match!

{ The Sweet One climbs into the ring, and Sherry follows her in. The fans are still going wild cheering for Misty, and she goes to her corner, removes her kimona, throws it to the crowd, and pulls on the ropes a few times to loosen up, while Kayla just coldly glares at Misty. Sherry just glances at Kayla, then rolls her eyes at her, she then goes over to Misty, and gives her a quick pep talk. }

Garry: Oh lord, Sherry's talking now, we could be here all night waiting for her to shut up. Hey! guys in the back, make sure nobody gives Sherry a mic, or we'll be here all night if she starts flapping her lips!

Sandra: Hmmn maybe I'll go give her one.

Garry: Yea, you're dumb enough to want to work all night, go ahead.

Sandra: I was kidding. I wanna see this match get started. Oh look, Sherry is done now, and getting out of the ring.

{ As Sherry starts to step through the ropes, she looks over at Kayla, and drags her thumb across her throat. Kayla just sneers at Sherry, then puts her attention on Misty. }

Garry: Oh geez, just get the nut out of the ring already. The NFL banned that jesture, I think Electra should too!

Sandra: Whatever! Alright folks, looks like we're about ready to get this going. The ref is signaling for the bell.


Kayla and Misty move towards the center of the ring, and then circle each other, looking for an opening. }

Garry: Come on Kayla, knock her block off!!!

Sandra: Go Misty!

{ The two women tie up in a collar and elbow tie up, and then Misty sends Kayla quickly to the mat with an armdrag, and Misty holds onto the arm, locking an armbar, wristlock combo on Kayla. Kayla moans in pain, as Misty really bares down on the hold. Sherry gets the fans fired back up, and they begin cheering for Misty again. }

Garry: Hush you fools, cheer for Kayla!!!

{ Kayla manages to get a foot on the bottom rope, and the ref asks Misty to release the hold, and she does so cleanly. Kayla gets to her feet, and shakes her arm a few times, and is then ready to go it again. She and Misty lock up again, and once again, Misty, much to the delight of Sherry Ann, takes Kayla down again with another arm drag, but this time Kayla holds onto Misty tightly, and lets her momentum take Misty down too, and Misty crashes to the mat on her butt. Kayla then swings her legs around Misty, and locks a body scissors on her, and Misty howls in pain. }

Garry: Yes! Now that was smart wrestling on Kayla's part, and so much for the record time pin fall too!!!

Sandra: Hmph!

{ Sherry is leaning into the ring yelling at Misty to pull Kayla's legs apart, but Misty is in a lot of pain, and just can't manage to do so. Kayla grabs a handful of Misty's hair, and yanks her head back. }

Kayla: You having fun suffering yet?????

{ Sherry screams at the ref about the hairpull, and he then steps in, and makes Kayla let go of Misty. Kayla does, but as she does, she lashes out with a kick, that nails Misty in the ribs. }

Sandra: Now there was no need for that cheap shot!!!

Garry: Cheapshot? I didn't see anything like that happen. I was taking a drink of my beer.

Sandra: Yea right!

{ Kayla gets up to her feet, and the ref, who is scolding her, makes her go to her corner. Sherry has Misty roll out of the ring for a breather, and she gives Misty a pep talk. }

Sherry: Alright hun, you need to get aggresive now. Kayla isn't gonna give you any breaks at all in there, so go take the action to her!

{ Misty nods at Sherry, then climbs back into the ring, while the fans begin chanting Misty's name. }

Garry: She knows her name you fools, knock it off, you're giving me a headache!

Sandra: Awww poor baby!!

Garry: Kiss my ass!

Sandra: Eww I'll pass on that offer!

{ Back in the ring, Misty and Kayla collide in the center, and Misty nails Kayla in the midsection with a knee lift, that doubles Kayla over, and Misty continues her assault with a double axe handle blow to the back of Kayla's head, that sends Kayla to the mat fast. }

Sandra: Money in the bank!

Garry: Huh? This is far from being over!

Sandra: Well Sherry is happy that Misty is now back on the offensive, but is telling her to get back to her game plan.

Garry: The old hag is right, Misty doesn't need to be brawling with Kayla, she'll end up getting clobbered.

{ Taking the advise of her good friend, Misty goes to the corner, and climbs to the second turnbuckle, then leaps off, and nails Kayla with a kneedrop to the left knee. }

Sandra: Oh now that had to hurt!

Garry: Yes, that was a good move by Misty.

{ Misty now brings the hurting Kayla to her feet, and then proceeds to pound on her stomach with knee lifts and kicks. }

Sandra: Misty is giving Kayla a dose of her own medicine here!!!

{ Misty now grabs Kayla's arm, and whips her into the ropes. Misty runs to the opposite ropes, bounces off, and then leaps in the air, and nails kayla in her already worked over stomach with an unbeleivable dropkick, that simply levels Kayla. Not letting up at all, Misty climbs up to the top rope, and the fans go into a frenzy cheering her on. The shy one then leaps off, and nails Kayla with a suicide splash. }

Sandra: WOW!!!!!!!

Garry: Oh dear, I may of made a bad bet, Kayla just wasn't prepared at all for this match.

Sandra: Well Misty sure was, and it's great to see her back on top of her game again. She has the potential to be one of the tops in the world, and she's showing the world that right now.

Garry: Even though she may be costing me fifty bucks, I must say that she really does look impressive here.

{ Misty brings Kayla to her feet once again, and goes back to back with her, then applies a reverse headlock on her. Kaylas, back arches, and Misty pushes back, and down on Kayla, driving her to her knees. Now Misty drops to the mat, still holding onto Kayla's head, and she grabs Kayla's arm, crouches down, and pulls back hard on her head, and Kayla's body bows from her knees to her neck in a way it isn't meant to. }

Sandra: Hand over my money, this is the Sweet Revenge, Misty's finisher, Kayla is finished now!!!

Garry: I'll pay when the ref raises her hand, this isn't over just yet!

{ Misty continues to apply pressure on this awesome hold, and Kayla is helpless, and in severe pain. The ref continues to ask Kayla if she submits, but he's getting no response from her. }

Sandra: Kayla is being foolish here, she needs to submit.

Sherry: Don't let up sweety, keep it on her, she'll give soon!!!!!!

{ The ref notices that Kayla is no longer moving, and he raises her arm, which just drops back to the mat. He does it again, and gets the same result. The ref then does it a third time, and once again, Kayla's arm drops to the mat, he then hops to his feet, and signals for the bell. }


{ The ref then instructs Misty to release the hold, and she does so. Kayla lies motionless on the mat as the ref raises Misty's hand high in the air, declaring her the winner of the match. }

Sandra: Pay up buckaroo!

Garry" Arrgh!!!

{ Sherry Ann flies into the ring, and grabs Misty, lifts her into the air, and spins her around hugging her proudly. The crowd goes wild cheering, as "Tomorrow Never Dies" plays over the sound system. The announcement is then made.... }

Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of the match as a result of a submission....SWEET MISTY!!!!!!!!!!!

{ Misty is smiling broadly as Sherry proudly is holding her hand high in the air as a decisive victor in this match. }

{ The shot then goes to the announcers table, where Garry is paying a giggling Sandra her 50 dollars. }

{ Fade to a commercial } 1

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