Sherry Ann
Lisa Dream

Match By: Lord Pumpkin

(As the camera returns to show the BRA arena, the fans are ecstatic with the euphoria which is about overwhelm the crowd. The lights dim and flicker and the pumping music has a rhythm of ominous pleasure. It is not only the first show of the new Millennium, but it is also the first show for Sherry Ann and Lisa Dream, two of the best combatants in female wrestling. The camera pans down to Garry and Sandra, seated at their announcer's table. Garry is busy flipping through the latest issue of 'Rolling Stone' magazine, while Sandra's eyes are transfixed upon the large metal cage lowering itself over the ring.)

Sandra: Garry, put that damn magazine down. The cage is lowering and the most anticipated match of the night is about to get underway.

Garry: (tossing the magazine over his shoulder) I dunno, I would have preferred something else top start out the new era of BRA. Something that involved more nudity or even shameless T and A.

Sandra: Well, I'm sitting next to an A. Does that count?

(The house lights go out, and 'Eminence Front' By the Who - music only, no lyrics - begins to play over the sound system. The Angeltron then comes to life, and shows video clips of Sherry Ann in various matches throughout her career, and in between them it shows Sherry posing in various outfits. The crowd erupts with cheers as they watch the video, and begin to chant for Sherry. The screen then appears to become engulfed in flames, and fireballs shoot up from the ring posts, and all over the stage area. A cascading waterfall of sparks flows down over the wrestler's entranceway. The original music stops, and a concussion grenade explodes, letting out a deafening sound. 'Thunderstruck' by AC/DC then pounds over the sound system. Sherry Ann then emerges from the sparks on her custom Heritage Softtail Classic, Harley Davidson. She has on her famous thigh high black leather boots, and her long black oilskin drovers coat. The crowd jumps from their seats, and cheers Sherry on as she rides down to ringside. She smiles, and waves to her fans as she makes her way down to the ring. Sherry parks her steel horse, and dismounts it, then grabs a mic, and enters the ring.)

Sherry: OK, Lisa, the time has come, you blithering idiot, to take the beating of your life!!! So get your sorry ass out here now!!!

(Sherry throws down the mic, and then removes her coat, and reveals her muscular body, which is covered by a black bikini. She walks over to the corner, and does some stretching, as she awaits the arrival of Lisa. The cage has now lowered over the ring and Sherry is giving it a few test tugs.)

Sandra: Another stunning entrance by Sherry.

Garry: (rolling his eyes) I tend to like her exits better.

Sandra: I guess you would be used to watching women leave you.

Garry: Any chance that you might be one of them? Right now.

(The lights dim as the words 'the DREAM', written in gold

letters, show up on the Angeltron directly above the exit from the dressing room area. The sounds of twinkling stars and awe music fill the arena. Smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of light, the music changes to 'Nookie', by

Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area. She is wearing

black leather pants and a black leather halter top, and she arrogantly

surveys the crowd. Around her waist is the Battling Ring Angels Celestial

Belt. She then makes her way down towards the ring, walking like a

supermodel on the entrance ramp. After entering the cage, which she surveys to her approval, she grabs a microphone.)

Lisa: All you lucky little DREAM-o-phobics are in for a treat tonight! That is right; not only do you get to set your eyes upon the ultimate form of human perfection, you get to see me make a mockery, again, of the most overrated wrestler in this business today! I make a solemn promise to all of you, all you lucky ticket-holders; all of you who bought your tickets in a vain attempt to get

close to the DREAM, that I will put on a good show for you tonight! I know

that I can beat this insignificant with both hands tied behind my back and a

paper bag over my head, that it is simply too easy for me, but that would

not keep all of you interested! No, I will drag this domination out as long

as possible, and prove to all of you that I am all I claim to be! Sherry Ann, I used to think you a smart woman. You lead a group of pathetic peons, yes, but you have lead for a while, which usually takes some form of intelligence. But then you make a moronic decision to face me, again, for a second time, in that very ring! You seem to forget exactly how badly the All American Sweetheart beat you when we last met...all of those repeated shots to the head must have done some serious damage! Which does surprise me, for I thought that there was nothing left up there for me to impair! It does not matter, however, Sherry, I will enjoy beating you from one corner of the squared circle to the next like a rag doll time and time again, and show everyone that this here belt around my *luscious* little waist, is here to stay. For, as ye all know...You had best close your eyes,

and fantasize. For that is the ONLY way you are EVER going to

top . . . PERFECTION.

Sandra: Garry, this is going to be a wild night between the two women.

Garry: Ah, that's true, Sandra. To say that there is bad blood between the two is an understatement. Ever since this rivalry started, people have been thinking back to the days when Lisa was a Shop member - which she finally gave up - where the clashes were never pretty.

Sandra: It is speculated by several analysts that the reason for the Shop being less than what it once was is because of Lisa Dream. She began to sew the seeds of mistrust and animosity with the members. If that is true, then Sherry has a great deal of pent up anger ready to be released tonight.

Garry: Much as I hate to admit it, Sherry is the queen of the cage matches. As I recall, granny has only lost one in several years. I would say it is her feeling comfortable behind bars. What would you say, Sandra?

Sandra: (shrugging Garry's less flattering comments about Sherry aside) The cage is brutal. The cage is unforgiving. The cage is symbolic of revenge and punishment. Sherry excels at this points. That is her strong point.

Garry: Sherry is certainly putting a great deal on the line tonight. If she wins the match, it is almost expected, due to her mastery of the cage match. If she loses to Lisa Dream, then it will be a serious blow to her reputation.

Sandra: Well, Garry, the two women have been examined for foreign objects and little ordeal is about to get underway.

(Right as the bell rings, both women make a few sudden moves with the attempt of throwing the other off guard. However, it is Sherry who makes the first move, rushing, then making a sweep for Lisa's legs. She misses, however, as Lisa gracefully ducks out of the way with a laugh, then drives a fist to the face of the seasoned veteran.)

Garry: Lisa is a trixter. What she may not be able to do to Sherry in the form of power moves, she lacks a certain . . .

Sandra: Evil?

Garry: . . . cunning and wit.

(However, the fist to the face has allowed Sherry to get close enough to Lisa and the veteran responds by seizing Lisa and driving her into the cage, back first. Lisa winces in pain but proceeds in driving a knee into the gut of Sherry, shaking her off and giving Lisa enough time to escape the grasp of the more experienced woman.)

Lisa: (furious) How dare you lay a hand on me you insignificant! I suppose, however, you, like everyone else should feel honored being allowed this close to PERFECTION!

(The comments do not seem to have upset Sherry, who merely shrugs them off, favor of taking advantage of the time it took the woman to speak. Sherry lunges, grabs Lisa by the arm and swings her into the far turnbuckle, and follows through with knee into Lisa's stomach. Lisa's bulging eyes and tightened body shows exactly how she feels.)

Sandra: Sherry is taking it to Lisa early on in this confrontation.

Garry: That may be true, but Lisa is a survivor - probably the most resilient and . . .

Sandra: Underhanded?


Garry: . . . competitor in this federation. Lisa never goes down without a fight. Hey, wait a minute! I thought you always said that Evonne Carmikel or Yvette were the most underhanded in the fed?

Sandra: (merely blinks, unsure of what to say)

(Back in the ring, Sherry has done a number on Lisa, kicking her in the knee and has grabbed her by the hair, ramming her face-first into the cage, causing the woman to bounce off with a sickening thud.)

Sherry: Time for me to expose you to the world, you pathetic piece of crap!

(Sherry prepares to drive her knee into Lisa's leg, but the crafty woman manages to roll out of the way. Sherry screams in pain as Lisa staggers to her feet. With her good knee, Lisa drops directly onto Sherry's crotch, then goes up for the second try, landing it squarely on target, yet again. Sherry's screams cause Lisa to cackle with sheer delight.)

Garry: Ha! I always knew Sherry was a man! It explains so much!

(Lisa stands the weakened Sherry up and puts her head between her legs. Lisa appears to be frozen as she does not know what to do next, being faced with so many choices. Drop her? Pile driver? Instead, she begins spanking Sherry in a way that brings great delight to Lisa's face. However, the celebration is short lived. Sherry digs down into her well of power and lifts Lisa up, and drops her on her back in an amazing display of strength. The loud noise which accompanies the impact, begins a roar from the crowd, sharply dividing the Sherry fans and the Lisa fans in boos and cheers.)

Sandra: Did you see that?!

Garry: No. I found it more interesting to check out that red head in the crowd. The one with the big hooters.

Sandra: Weasel!

(Lisa begins to squirm away as Sherry descends upon her. Sherry is going to work on Lisa's legs and back, creating a disaster area for the woman.)

Sherry: How does this feel Lisa? Think again before you hurt the ones I love, bitch!

Lisa: (defiantly) I'll still kick your fat ass, you aging tart!

(Sherry's eyes widen at Lisa's comments and she body slams her to the mat, and decides this is the time for the figure four, for the sole purpose of causing the Champion more pain. However, as Sherry bends down, Lisa thrusts her arm to the veteran's head and pops her fist in Sherry's nose, sending her back. Lisa, cursing and swearing, makes it to her feet. Sherry comes up to meet Lisa and they both lock up - Sherry for a fight, and Lisa who hopes to be able to throw Sherry off balance while she rethinks her game plan.)

Garry: Lisa is a genius. She did not get that belt by being an idiot. I think Lisa could be the most clever warrior we have in the federation.

Sandra: I would like to agree with you, but three things make me think you're wrong. First, if she is so smart, how does she get into these messes. Second, if she is so smart, why does she let her ego get in the way.

Garry: And third?

Sandra: And third, you made the statement.

(Back in the ring, Sherry has slammed Lisa's head against the cage several times, possibly hoping to disorient the woman. Lisa, however, suddenly with all her strength, breaks free of the bad situation and elbows Sherry in the throat. The surprise attack, causes Sherry to release Lisa and stumble backwards.)

Lisa: (turning to the crowd and speaking to them, more so than Sherry) Close your eyes, insignificant. Soon it will all be over.

(Lisa hoists Sherry to her feet and whips her into the corner, smashing her into the turnbuckle. She then follows through with a series of kicks to the stomach. Reacting with lightening speed, before Sherry can defend herself, she turns the veteran around and rakes her eyes across the ropes. As Sherry reacts by coming up, she swings but misses Lisa. Lisa then delivers a series of blows to the face, turns to the crowd and blows them a kiss, then delivers one fine punch to the nose, sending Sherry to the mat. Lisa then stands over Sherry and begins her 'bump and grind' moves, gyrating to the cheers of the crowd. Unbeknownst to the Champion, however, Sherry is using this time to recover. Sherry raises her foot to the groin of Lisa and as the Champion is doubled over, a kick to the rear is delivered, sending Lisa spiraling into the cage.)

Sandra: This is precisely what I was talking about, folks. How smart can you be when you waste valuable time, with such antics?

Garry: This whole business is about showmanship. That dance by Lisa, just increased our point share, and likely sold a few more t-shirts.

(Sherry gets up with a great deal of resolve. She marches over to Lisa who is rubbing her head. Sherry proceeds to start beating down on Lisa's face. Lisa, who is using valuable time and strength, covering up her PERFECT face, has left herself open to attacks to the chest, legs, and lower torso. Sherry takes full advantage, by resorting to low blows and chokeholds, seemingly trying to end Lisa's career.)

Sherry: Your reign of terror ends tonight, bitch!

Garry: Yeah, this is real good sportsmanship coming from the veteran.

(Sherry finishes the assault by lifting Lisa into the air and tossing her against the cage. Lisa falls to the mat, struggling to move.)

Sandra: I don't think Lisa knows what time zone she is in, much less the match.

(Sherry goes for the cover but Lisa is able to kick out after two.)

Garry: (laughing) "That which does not kill me makes me stronger."

(Sherry, frustrated by this turn of events, lifts Lisa into the air and begins to spin her around. Before Sherry can dump Lisa, the official gets clipped by Lisa's feet, sending him down.)

Garry: Like he was serving any purpose around here anyway. Hell, Stevie Wonder could ref this match!

Sandra: (looking at Garry) Sometimes I think he calls them.

(As Sherry is about to slam Lisa to the mat, she escapes the hold and drops behind Sherry, kicking the woman into the cage. Sherry bounces off the cage and stumbles backwards, and falls right into the arms of Lisa, who, with all remaining strength she has, slams Sherry's head into the mat and falls on top of her. Lisa rolls her over and goes for the pin.)

Garry: Oh, dammit, that referee WOULD be useful about now. Sherry did this on purpose!

Sandra: What? Are you suggesting that Sherry can see into the future?

Garry: Well, there is plenty of past for her to view!

(Lisa is merely laying on top of Sherry. After a few moments Lisa looks around to see the official dazed on the mat. She slaps herself in the head with frustration but then she rubs her head, realizing that maybe she should not have hit herself in such a tender spot.)

Lisa: Dammit! This is a travesty!

(Sherry comes around and sits up, seeing Lisa parade around the ring in anger and frustration. Lisa does not see Sherry coming to her feet, nor does she see when Sherry comes up to her and grabs her by the head. What she does see, however, is the turnbuckle. Very close up, in fact. Further, she is introduced to all four turnbuckles as her head is slammed into them with rapid succession. Sherry releases the punch drunk Lisa who simply stumbles around the ring, clumsily striking out at phantom opponents.)

Sandra: I think Lisa must be swinging at every opponent she has had in the past few months. She is unaware of her surroundings!

Garry: Oh my, this does not look good.

Sandra: Not for Lisa, that is.

(Sherry throws Lisa into the ropes and catches her on the rebound. Using the momentum, Sherry grabs Lisa's neck and rams her 'prefect' head into the steel cage, and Lisa is thrust backward due to the acceleration and then the sudden stop. Lisa falls flat on her back and Sherry lays across for the pin. The official, who is now fully able and alert comes down for the count. One! Two! Three! The bell rings and the crowd goes wild with cheers for the victor. Lisa's legions of Dream-O-Philes begin to boo and hiss, clearly showing their stance on the matter.)

Sandra: (screaming) Its done! Its over! Sherry is the victor!

Garry: Well, she doesn't get her grubby little hands on the belt. That is one match for each. The next match decides the winner! Oh no! What's this? Oh, like a TRUE champion, Sherry has brought spray paint in and has begun defacing Lisa's back! What is she writing?

Sandra: (laughing) It looks like 'Body Shop.'

Garry: Oh, cut to commercial!

(After showing off her artistic talents, Sherry exists the cage and is greeted by members of the Body Shop who go up the ramp to the noise of the crowd. Sherry turns around to give Lisa the finger, who is getting up, but slowly, to her feet. Nurse Ansalong, the Head Nurse at Dentonvale, seductively slides over the railing and approaches the ring with a bag of medical supplies.)

Sandra: Is that the red head you were talking about earlier?

(Nurse Ansalong enters the ring and waves to everyone. She goes over to Lisa and they begin talking. Well, Nurse Ansalong begins talking but Lisa is screaming at her, obviously not wanting medical attention. She blows past the nurse and begins screaming at the official, likely over his absence when things really mattered for her. The official shrugs his shoulders which illicits a punch in the nose. Finally, Nurse Ansalong has a patient. However, it also looks like she is lifting his watch as she is taking his pulse. Lisa storms out of the ring and begins kicking chairs, cameramen and anything else in her path.)

Garry: For my colleague Sandra Allister and myself, Garry Grimmoire, good night everybody!

(Camera fades out.)



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