Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson
Simply Divine


{ The camera pans over the capacity crowd inside the Battling Ring Angels Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the fans leap to their feet, and begin cheering. }

{ The shot then goes to the announcers table at ringside, where Sandra Allistar, and Garry Grimmoire are seated. }

Sandra: Welcome back everyone. Well it is time for an interesting match to say the least.

Garry: I call it a suicide mission myself!

Sandra: Well folks, Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson is going to take on the tag team champions, Simply Divine all by herself. Now Jenny of course has won several championships throughout her young career, and she is known for being a tag team specialist, but I personally think she's bitten off more than she can chew here, taking on the champs by herself.

Garry: Um yes, I personally think she's freaking nuts!

Sandra: Well I wont say that about her, but she's certainly has her work cut out for her in this one.

{ A loud whistle blows throughout the arena, and the Ohio State Fight Song begins to thump through the speakers. Jenny steps out fromm behind the curtains and some explosions sound at the entrance ramp. Jenny waves to the crowd, and is dressed in a Body Shop jacket. which is red matching the colors of her wrestling attire. Jenny looks towards the back, and motions someone out. Her twin sister Linda then comes walking out, dressed the same as her sister Jenny. }

Garry: I knew it, I just knew she wouldn't do this on her own!

Sandra: She will, her sister is just out here to support her.

{ Jenny and Linda start running towards the ring and do several flips and cartwheels towards the ring. As they get to the ring and do a few sommersaults. Jenny and Linda then move around the ring and hand out some pom poms to the small girls at ringside and they tie their hair up into a pony tails so like they look a lot like the Anderson sisters. Jenny then hands her Body Shop jacket to some lucky girl. }

Sandra: Aww this is so cute!

Garry: Pfft...glad you're ammused, this is boring me to death.

{ Jenny then moves into the ring followed by Linda, and they start doing a dance routine for the crowd, and the crowd roars with approval. }

Garry: Ok enough is enough, let's get the champs out here now!

Sandra: they come!

{ Darkness falls upon the arena as the crowd screams in anticipation, awaiting the next combatant. Suddenly, the entrance ramp explodes with Pyros, "Simply Divine" appears on the screen and "She's a Bitch" by Missy Elliot begins to loudly blare across the arena's speakers. }

Garry: KEWL!!!!

{ The black curtains part and long shapely leg sticks out of the curtain. The male portion of the crowd erupts in whistles. The female crowd's cheers turn into boo's as out step the Laura Parker and "Rich Bitch" Alexandria Parker accompanied by Willie Wienersnitzel and Vanity(wearing a replica of Miss.Parker's ensemble) carrying a large mirror. Both wrestlers are dressed in a gold one piece catsuit, matching boots and black kicking pads with "Simply Divine" written on the front of their kicking pads. Willie wears his usual cranberry "disco" suit. Alexandria and Laura both arrogantly saunter down the aisle, followed by Vanity and Willie. In the ring Alexandria poses in front of the mirror and finally Miss.Vanity exits the ring. The two pose with their tag belts high in the air. }

Garry: Oh my, I am in love!

Sandra: Oh geez, what else is new Captain Hormone? Anyways everyone is in the ring, and the ref is trying to get everyone out, execpt for those in this match up.

{ Jenny and Linda exchange a hug, and Jenny then hands her pom poms to Linda, and she climbs out of the ring with them. }

{ Across the ring, Willie and Miss Vanity also step out of the ring, as Laura and Alexandria talk over strategies. The red signals for the bell, and the match is under way. }

Sandra: Here we go folks!

{ Simply Divine both stay in the ring, and charge at Jenny. Jenny side steps the charge, and goes to the ref, and makes him make one of them get out of the ring, and he does so. Laura steps through the ropes, and onto the ring apron. }

Garry: Um I was told this match was no holds barred, so if the champs both want to be in there at the same time, they should be allowed to!

Sandra: Hmmn interesting point, but the match would really be insanely one sided then, I like it this way.

Garry: One sided is awesome, nothing better than seeing a Shopper get clobbered!

Sandra: Oh geez! Just call the action tubby.

Garry: Alright.....Jenny and Alexandria lock up in the center of the ring, and Alex drives Jenny to a neutral corner, and then she lets loose with a series of chops on Jenny.

Sandra: Ouch!

{ Alexandria stays on the attack, and then begins to kick away at Jenny's knee. Jenny fires back with a punch that nails Alex right in the mouth, and that is Jenny's chance to get out of the corner, as Alex holds her mouth. }

Garry: Closed fist! Call it ref!

Sandra: Umm what were you just saying about no holds barred?


Sandra: The old double standard as always I see.

{ Jenny runs to the ropes, and bounces off, and leaps in the air, nailing Alex with a Missle Dropkick to her knee. }

Sandra: Now that had to hurt!

Garry: Ewww I would say so!

{ Jenny stays on the attack. She gets to her feet, and then drops a knee across Alex's already aching knee. Laura is up on the ropes, trying to cheer her partner on. }

{ A skirmish breaks out next to the ring, as Willie is russling around with Linda. }

Sandra: What is that goof doing to her????

Garry: I dunno....hmm looks like he's trying to take the pom poms from her.

Sandra: Don't even tell me he's gonna do a cheer routine for us....Whoa who's that?!?!?!?

{ A woman leaps out of the crowd, and runs up behind Willie who is still russling around with Linda, trying to get the pom poms from her. The woman who is wearing a hood, drops to her knees, and brings her arm upwards, nailing Willie in his privates. Willie drops to his knees, and the woman removes her hood, revealing herself as Veronica Millions. Linda then walks to a safe area outside the ring, and Veronica hovers over Willie yelling at him. She then turns to Miss Vanity, and warns her to stay out of this. }

Sandra: That'll teach that creep Willie to touch a woman!

Garry: Well ya know damn well why he wanted those pom poms!

Sandra: OHHHHH! Oh well, he didn't get them, and now he'll be singing suprano for a while, hehehehe.

{ Back in the ring, Jenny continues to work over Alex's knee, however Alexandria is inching herself closer and closer to the ropes. She finally makes it, and the ref has Jenny back off, and she reluctantly does so. }

Garry: That little Cheerleader is a terror!

Sandra: She's got more energy than anyone I know.

Garry: Well Alexandria has wisely rolled out of the ring, and is trying to walk off the pain in her leg.

{ Laura hops down from the ring apron, and goes to check on her partner. Jenny just stands above them at the ropes taunting them. }

Jenny: I'm going to snatch those belts from you! They are going back with me to the shop!!!!

Garry: her dreams!

Sandra: ya just never know! Simply Divine needs to get back in the ring though, or they'll get counted out.

Garry: Oh well, they'll still have the belts if that happens.

Sandra: Uh huh, I suppose so. Well Alex just rolled into the ring to break the count, but rolled right back out again.

Garry: Wise move there by Alex, she needs to work out the pain in that knee.

Sandra: Yes, but Jenny is begining to get really aggrivated over this. Ut oh, here she goes!

{ Jenny's waited long enough, and she takes ff running, bounces off the ropes, and builds the momentum of a freight train as she heads towards Simply Divine. Jenny springboards off the ropes, and does a suicide splash, that takes out both Laura, and Alexandria. }

Garry: Sheesh, she's freaking nuts!!!!

Sandra: That was an awesome manuever there! However, I think it took its toll on Jenny a little too. She's slow in getting up, but she finally does so.

Garry: Oh geez, here comes her sister, guess it's time for some cheating.

Sandra: No, Linda is just checking on Jenny is all, she isn't getting involved. Jenny seems to be alright now, and Laura and Alex are both getting up now too.

{ Jenny after talking over a few things with her sister, climbs back into the ring. Alex, with the aid of her partner, also gets back into the ring. Jenny charges at Alexandria, but she takes off to her corner, and makes the tag to Laura. Laura and Jenny then tie up in the center of the ring, in a collar and elbow tie up, and Laura takes Jenny down with a hip toss. }

Garry: Now the little Cheerleader will get it!

{ Laura follows that up with a leg drop across Jenny's chest, and that takes the wind right out of Jenny. Linda is outside the ring trying to get the fans going with a Jenny cheer, and they begin chanting her name, in hopes of firing up Jenny, but Laura stays on the attack, and brings Jenny to her feet. She then Irish Whips Jenny into the corner, where Alex is waiting. }

{ Alex grabs hold of Jenny, so that Laura can open up on her. Laura lets loose with a series of chops to Jenny's chest, and then she begins kicking away at Jenny's knees. }

Sandra: Egads, Jenny is in big trouble now!

Garry: Good, maybe the fans will stop that dreadful cheering, it's giving me a headache!

Sandra: Oh boo hoo!!! Dang, Jenny needs to get out of there!

{ Simply Divine continues to double team Jenny. Now Laura just holds Jenny by the chin, and gets in her face. }

Laura: "I'll bet you want to be wrestler . . . when you grow up."

{ Laura follows that up with a slap across Jenny's face. Alexandria puts the tag rops around Jenny's throat, and begins strangling her with it. The ref has seen enough, and steps in, breaking it up. Jenny staggers out of the corner, and drops limp in the center of the ring. Laura makes a tag to Alexandria, and she climbs up to the top rope. She leaps off, and nails Jenny with a leg drop across her back. }

Garry: Seeya Jenny, this over with!

{ Alex rolls Jenny over, and goes for the pin. }




{ Alex arrogantly lifts Jenny up breaking the count. }

Garry: What the hell is she doing? She had her beat there.

Sandra: I dunno, but that arrogance may come back to haunt Alexandria later on.

Garry: Nah, that Cheerleader is done in, just look at her, she's out of it!

Sandra: You sure about that?

Garry: Umm yes, she's just laying there, and Alex is parading around the ring taunting her. Hey what in the hell are these fans suddenly cheering about????

Sandra: Oh look, your buddy Sherry is coming to the ring area!

Garry: Oh gawd, now this just blows. Someone get her out of here! Eeep! She has that silly ass grin of hers on, that's never a good sign!

Sandra: Oh don't be silly, Sherry is just talking to Linda, she isn't interfereing at all.

Garry: Yea right, I'll beleive that when I see it!

{ Sherry seems to be paying the match no mind, and is just talking to Linda. Veronica Millions has returned again, and is now being briefed by Sherry. }

Garry: I just don't like the looks of this at all!!!!

Sandra: They're just talking, no big deal. Um there is still a match going on ya know?

Garry: Oh um..yea! Jenny is still in trouble in there big time!

Sandra: Is not.

Garry: Huh?

Sandra: Oh nothing.....

Garry: Umm whatever.....been drinking again, eh?

Sandra: Nope, I just know Jenny well is'll soon see what I mean.

{ Alexandria walks over and tags in Laura. Laura goes up to the top rope. Sherry runs over and talks to a couple photographers. They run over to the corner Laura is in, and start taking pics of her standing atop the ropes. Laura. Laura turns to her "good" side for them, and as Sherry had hoped, it has bought Jenny some more time to recuperate. Alexandria taps Laura on the leg, and tells her to get back to Jenny, and Laura does so, as she leaps off the ropes, with a Huricana, but Jenny seemed to be waiting for this moment, and rolls out of the way, sending Laura crashing to the mat. }

Garry: Oh, you saw that coming eh?

Sandra: Sure did, she learned that from her mom.

Garry: Eww surprised that bimbo can teach anyone, anything!

{ Jenny is slow in getting up, but does so before Laura, and Jenny goes on the offensive now. She lets Laura get to her feet, then nails her with a drop kick, that sends her flying into the corner. Laura just hangs there in the corner, and Jenny takes off running at her, and leaps in the air, nailing Laura with a Stinger Splash. }

Garry: I hate to say it, but this kid could just pull this off!

Sandra: Ya just never know! much for that now!

{ Sandra points to the ring, where Alexandria has just ran in, and nailed Jenny from behind with a shot to the back of her head, that sends Jenny to the mat hard. }

Garry: Kewl!!

{ Laura gets her bearings back, and joins her partner in the center of the ring. They bring Jenny to her feet, and then send her flying into the ropes. Jenny bounces off, and is then met with a Double Dropkick, and that sends her once again, back to the mat. }

Sandra: The champs are strutting their stuff now!

Garry: Yes, that was some impressive teamwork there.

{ Simply Divine now brings Jenny back to her feet, and stand her up against the ropes. They then leave her there, and take off running to the opposite ropes, they bounce into them, then both fall right out of the ring, as Sherry stands there with a menacing look on her face. }

Garry: That old hag pulled the top rope down, and that caused the champs to fall out of the ring!!!

Sandra: Sherry must of spotted a problem with the rope, and was checking it out.

Garry: Oh please...hey those are sorta like my lines you're using!!!

Sandra: Yea, it's sounds ridiculous, doesn't it??

Garry: Oh hush!

{ Sherry doesn't touch the champs while they are out of the ring, she just walks away from them with her famous devilish grin on her face. The champs slowly get back to their feet outside the ring, and Jenny gets her bearings back, and is encouraged on again by her twin sister, who once again has the crowd chanting for Jenny. }

Garry: Ack! Not this again!

{ Jenny then gets out of the ring, and walks to her sister. Linda hands Jenny one of the pom poms, and Jenny heads over towards the champs. Jenny goes right to Alexandria, and sticks the pom pom in her face, and a mist comes out of it, and Alex holds her eyes in pain. }

Garry: Dammit!!! It's that dreaded pepper spray again!!! Oh Laura is gonna make Jenny pay for that now!

Sandra: Um she was, WHO IS THAT?!?!?!

Garry: It's Bloodlust!!! and they are now beating up on poor Laura!!!

{ Amanda Sinclair, and Wendy Wildcat Jones pound away on Laura, and Jenny rolls the blinded Alexandria into the ring. Jenny begins parading around, showing off for the crowd, but quickly stops as her mother scolds her. }

Sherry: Dammit Jennifer, quit screwing around, and go for the win!!! You can do that crap later!!!

{ Jenny quickly stops messing around, and goes for the pin while BRA security comes to Laura's aid. Amanda storms to the announcers table, and grabs a mic. }

Amanda: NO! We are not affiliated with the Shop, we did this to make our pressance felt in this fed, and oh was it ever!!

{ Back in the ring, Jenny has Alexandria rolled up in a cradle, and the ref begins to count. }




Garry: You've got to be kidding me?????

Sandra: Noep, she did it, Jenny actually did it!

Garry: Well she sure as hell had enough help!! Typical Shop crap!

Sandra: Umm Bloodlust is not in the Shop, or involved with them, you heard it yourself!

Garry: And the pepper spray?????

Sandra: It was no holds barred, and that was Jenny's equalizer.

Garry: Her mother got involved!

Sandra: She was looking at a problem with the ropes!

Garry: Gimme a damn break, hell they should of had the entire fed come help the Cheerleader in this thing!

Sandra: Well what's done is done, and there's no changing it. Jenny Anderson is the new tag team champion!

Garry: Oh crap, now I'm gonna be sick, here comes the Shop out to congratulate Jenny, and just look how proud Sherry is of her little girl. I can't take anymore of this. I'll go get my own next beer, goodbye!

Sandra: Ta Ta, best get a light beer tubby, you need it! Well folks, a very unhappy Simly Divine has left the ring area, and a big celebration is going on in the ring now. I suppose we should go to a commercial break now. We'll be back soon, and then see Tina Dream and Kelly Mase tangle. That should prove to be a tough match too!
Once again, your winner here, and new Tag Team Champion, all by herself, Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson!! We'll be right back, don't go away!

{ Fade to a commercial for Frozen Hearts 2000 } 1

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