Tina Dream
Kelly "The Assassin" Mase

Sandra: We have a great matchup for everyone here! Kelly "The Assassin" Mase takes on veteren Body Shopper Tina Dream. What do you think of this match Garry?

Garry: Well I always enjoy...seeing...Tina Dream come to the ring and perform. The Assassin is still a rookie really and has yet to prove herself in the ranks of the BRA. I think that is about to be rectified tonight!

Sandra: Hmmm...I don't think so Garry. Tina is a ring veteren and has messed with the best! Tina is way too much heat for the Assassin to handle.

As the lights dim, red pyros shoot into the sky lighting up the arena and simulating rockets as "Live and Let Die" by Guns and Roses blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance, Kelly Mase appears to the crowd. She ignores their jeers and moves toward the ring quickly leaping onto the apron and inside.

Garry: Kelly Mase makes her appearance first which is unusual. Assassins tend to want to be unseen...

The curtain in the back parts. Tina Dream steps out and scans the crowd who goes wild at the sight of this tanned beauty! She slaps hands with some of the people making her way to the ring. Coming up the steps, Tina places her hands on the turnbuckle and vaults up, flips around, and lands in the ring!

Sandra: Tina Dream appears and displays her excellent agility! No wait! Watch out!!!!

Crashing forward, Kelly nails Tina in the back with a forearm shot arching the Dream's back. Tina lets out a scream and crumples into the corner she just vaulted over. Rather than stop these two from going at it, the ref signals for the bell getting everything officially underway.

Pulling the Dream from the corner, Kelly smiles a little hooking a reverse headlock. Taking a hold of Tina's bottems, She heaves her over and does a backward suplex planting Tina right onto her face and stomach! Tina groans and rolls on the mat onto her stomach clearly dazed. A few kicks to the body keep the veteren down on the canvass.

Sandra: Tina Dream is really taking a beating in there.

Garry: I never saw her look so great! Mmmmmm...yeah roll around a little more...

Sandra: Are you watching the match?

Kelly picks Tina up by the hair and shows her off to the crowd. Groaning and moaning, Tina feels the aches in her body and knows she really overtrained for this one. Her workout soarness was still there. Throwing Tina toward the ropes, Kelly holds onto her arm and whips her back around. Thrusting her arm out, Kelly plows over Tina with a short-arm clothesline. Tina lands on the back of her head, flips over, and lands on her stomach hard. Grabbing an arm and a leg then planting a foot into the back of the Dream, Kelly pulls back on an excruciatingly painful bow and arrow!

Garry: Stretch her! Break her! Haha!!!

Sandra: Tina is really out of it! She is hardly even struggling!

Garry: She is just outclassed by a superior athelete!

Tina shakes her head no to the referee which frustrates Kelly even more! Letting the hold go, she picks Tina up again getting her to her feet. Tina wobbles unsteadily but is heaved up into a body slam position. Kelly grunts as she pushes Dream above her head. The crowd hisses and boos but that doesn't discourage the Assassin.

Using gravity to her advantage, Kelly throws Tina down onto a knee arching her back dangerously and gets a cry of pain from the Body Shopper! Putting a hand on Tina's knees and throat, Kelly pushes down increasing the pressure more and more as she pumps her hands. Tears start to form in Tina's eyes as the ref gets into postion to ask Tina for her submission. He doesn't even need to ask as Tina passes out from the pain and slumps over Kelly's knee. With disgust, the Assassin shoves Tina to the mat and holds her arms up in victory as the official calls for the bell.

Sandra: Kelly Mase demonstrates superior skill in this match. Tina Dream was overwhelmed!

Garry: What a Body Shop disgrace!!! The Body Shop is coming back! Yeah right!!!!

Pulling Tina to a corner, Kelly hops out of the ring and yells at the crowd telling them to shut up! Pulling Tina's legs around the post, Kelly hops in the air and agilly wraps her legs around Tina's into a fiqure-four! With such a rude awakening, Tina can't help but arch her back and scream a scream never screamed before! The ref screams at the Assassin to let the hold go as other officials run down the aisle. In a combined effort, the officials pull Kelly off of Tina. Furiously, Kelly gets to her feet and lashes out at the officials hearding her down the aisle. Tina rolls into the ring and holds her legs as the pain still is evident!

Sandra: What a horrible ending to this match!

Garry: What do you mean!? That was great! It's good to see we are getting more wrestlers with some guts around here!

Sandra: Well anyways...the winner of this match is Kelly "The Assassin" Mase. 1

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