Samantha Page vrs Zantara Underworld

Steel Cage; Evonne Carmikel Special Guest Referee

By: Tonedef

[We come back from the commercial break to survey the BRA’s sold out arena. The crowd is on their feet, screaming for their favorites and waving their signs, all hoping for a moment of glory infront of the Battling Ring Angel Cameras. Some of the apparent signs say ‘LAURA PARKER IS TRUE PERFECTION’, ’AMERICANA IS MY HERO’ and ‘SHERRY IS MY KIND OF SWEETHEART’. The camera pans around to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]

Sandra: "Welcome back, Ladies and Gentlemen, and you are here, right in time to catch one of the most eagerly anticipated matches of the evening! Now, I don’t know why the powers that be made Evonne Carmikel the special guest referee in this cage match…"

Garry: "I see no problems with it, Evonne is a credit to this federation and one of the most impartial women I know, she’ll keep those two freaks from breaking every rule in the book tonight!"

Sandra: "A falling out between 2 onetime comrades….Samantha Page against Zantara Underworld, in a steel cage!"

[The lights dim as the theme to Goldfinger begins to play, and gold colored streaks of light wander around the arena as thousands of glittering strips of gold paper fall to the floor. Each is labelled with the words ‘Be honored, you are touched by Evonne’. Then, the curtains part, and Evonne Carmikel walks out into the arena to the jeers of the crowd.]

Garry: "And here comes the woman who is going to maintain order in this matchup! A tall order, I just hope Evonne is prepared for any evil attacks on her person…wait a second!"

[Emerging from the back with Evonne is Wendy Jones and Amanda Sinclair, 2 members of the Bloodlust stable. They survey the crowd with Evonne, and then accompany the powerful figurehead down to the ring, looking for any possible sneak attacks. Evonne is wearing a Black Armani jacket with some long black pants, under the jacket wearing a satin black and white blouse. Evonne arrives at the cage, picks up her phone and talks into it as she hands Wendy Jones her jacket. She then enters the ring and awaits the participants.]

Sandra: "How arrogant, how downright rude to be talking into her cellphone at a time like this! What could she possibly be doing?"

Garry: "Anything she wants, Sandra…..probably making sure that these cowardly shoppers, are, in fact, going to make it to the match today!"

[‘Know your Enemy’, by Rage against the Machine, blares over the arena’s loudspeakers as Samantha Page exits the dressing room area. She surveys the cheering crowd, and then makes her way to the cage, accompanied by Buffy Lawrence. Buffy remains on the outside of the cage, and stares menacingly at Bloodlust as Samantha enters the cage and watches Evonne, who is still talking on her phone.]

Sandra: "A little more reserved than usual, but this is an important match! And I’m glad to see she brought Buffy with her to ringside, who knows what Bloodlust and Evonne are up to?"

Garry: "Pffft…probably just brought her down to help her cheat…"

[The loudspeakers switch to an original, scratchy version of Irving Berlin’s ‘Cheek to Cheek’, which fades into ‘Don’t pay the Ferryman’, by Chris De Burgh. Zantara Underworld exits the dressing room area, wearing a black suit with purple pin stripes. Beneath the suit is a purple shirt, and she is also wearing some black, steel tip boots. The crowd boos her, which Zantara returns with a sneer as she makes her way down to the cage.]

Sandra: "The fans are not too fond of Zantara, that is for sure, I wonder what circumstances drove her to the shop?"

Garry: "She’s the only good shopper, and would do so much better without them…Samantha is in for a world of hurting here!"

[Zantara enters the cage, and sneers at Samantha. She then walks over to a corner and takes a seat, awaiting the beginning of the match. Evonne, still talking on the phone, signals the match to begin.]

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "And so it begins, the final chapter in these two association….Samantha walks over towards Zantara, but Zantara remains seated in the corner, scowling at Samantha!"

Garry: "Samantha stands there, and waits for Zantara to finally stand, which she does….but, ignoring Samantha, Zantara removes a padlock from her pocket…and attaches it around the cage door!"

Sandra: "Wow, that means the only way for exit is over the top….which may be exactly what Zantara prefers, though I must give Samantha the edge in that way, she is much quicker than…"

Garry: "Samantha Page is nothing next to the Z Woman, and now’s the time to prove it!"

[Evonne finally hangs up the cellphone, and casually takes up a stance in the corner as the two combatants lunge at one another, attacking their opponent with a flurry of punches. They stand toe to toe for a few moment, and then Zantara’s size and strength earn her the advantage, knocking Samantha back against the ropes. Zantara then whips Samantha into the ropes]

Sandra: "Samantha bounces back…Zantara scoops her up, and powerslams her to the mat! What a powerful woman!"

Garry: "I think anyone in this fed would be hard pressed to match the Z woman for strength…and for callousness! She is stomping away on Samantha with those steel toed boots of hers!"

Sandra: "Those are not even regulation boots, I don’t know why Evonne allowed them in the ring…Samantha struggles to the ropes, and grasps a hold of them…this should force a break, but one is not coming!"

[Evonne merely stands there and files at her nails as Samantha glowers at her, still on the receiving end of the brutal attack. Zantara works on Samantha until she is huddled on the ground, and then, hauling her to her feet, Underworld shoves Samanthas head between her legs and hooks her up]

Garry: "Looks like a powerbomb attempt, I love it, this match could be over before it even started….No! Samantha, that lucky shopper, manages to flip Underworld over her body!"

Sandra: "Samantha still looks a little woozy from the attack, but one thing that can be said of the Z woman is that she DOES not have a lot of speed…she goes to get to her feet, but Samantha dashes at her and flying knees her in the face!"

Garry:" C’mon, Zantara! Z doesn’t go down, however….Samantha throws herself at the ropes a second time, and flying spinkicks Zantara in the face! She goes down this time!"

Sandra: "And Samantha is right there, spreading Z’s legs…and driving a foot down onto Zantara’s pelvic area! That had to hurt, but Zantara is merely grinning from the attack!"

Garry: "And a Boston Crab from Samantha!"

[Samantha somehow manages to roll Zantara onto her belly and hooks her up into a boston crab. Evonne stops filing her nails and calmly walks over to where they stand, but any hope for a submission is lost in the apparent pleasure that Zantara is gaining from her pain. She is merely grinning, and Evonne goes back to the corner.]

Sandra: "That Underworld is one freaky woman….Samantha realizes that she is not going to get a submission this way, and, releasing the hold, pulls Underworld to her feet…"

Garry: "Underworld with a solid headbutt to Samantha’s face! Sources tell me that Zantara has a steel plate in there…more than enough to drive some sense into Samantha’s empty head!"

Sandra: "Well, Samantha is reeling, and, wrapping her arms around Samantha’s belly, Zantara lifts and spins, driving the former shopper down to the mat inside of a belly to belly suplex!"

Garry: "What power! Good Job, Zantara, teach that shopper wannabe a true lesson in humility!"

[Zantara scowls at the crowd for a moment, and does a summersault legdrop down onto Samantha’s face. Samantha cries out, and flips onto her front, clutching her face. At this moment, Evonne’s cell phone rings, and she answers it while watching the action from the corner.]

Sandra: "What a display from Evonne, it makes me sick…she’s supposed to be refereeing this match, not talking on her phone!"

Garry: "Hey, Evonne is an important businesswoman…she has to take these calls! Anyways, this is a cage match, what can you do about refereeing a cage match?!?"

Sandra: "Zantara pulls Samantha into the air….jumps into the air and drives one of her steel toe boots into the back of Samantha’s head! Page drops to the mat unceremoniously…..those boots should have been outlawed!"

Garry: "Hey, I think that they’re nice and legal…Our duly appointed referee had no problems with them! Zantara seats herself on Page’s back, and gets her inside of a camel clutch."

[Zantara hauls back on Samantha, threatening to snap the slender vixen in half with the powerful move as Samantha cries out. Evonne walks over to where they stand, and, hanging up the phone, bends over to where Samantha is crying out.]

Evonne Carmikel: "Do you quit? Come On, Sammy, I can’t quite hear you…are you begging me to stop the match?"

Garry: "Samantha scowls at Evonne…and gives her the finger! The crowd erupts, for some reason…..Evonne should disqualify Sammy for her lack of respect!"

Sandra: "Well, Zantara looks content simply to hold Samantha in this hold until Samantha is out….no, wait! Samantha pulls her arms free, off of Zantara’s legs…and, reaching behind her, grabs a hold of Zantara’s head, and flips her over her body! What a counter!"

Garry: "How the hell did Samantha do that?!? Z outweighs her by a fair bit….is stronger, deadlier…..what a lucky woman to catch Z off guard like that, but she can’t capitalize! She just lies there, on her belly, attempting to recuperate!"

[Zantara is lying there too, but she suddenly sits up to the jeers of the audience, and begins to struggle to her feet. Samantha does the same, and, once they are both to their feet, Zantara goes to punch Page. Samantha ducks out of the path of the fist, and, jumping into the air, hurricanrana’s Zantara to the cheers of the audience.]

Sandra: "And down goes Underworld! Samantha parades around the ring for a few moments, gloating for the crowd….and then, seating herself on Underworlds back, gets her in a chin stretch!"

Garry: "I doubt that is going to work, I mean, Zantara doesn’t understand the meaning of the word submit…look, the fool’s actually smiling here! Evonne walks over…"

Evonne Carmikel: "Oh, come on now, Zantara, I thought that the dead felt no pain!"

Sandra: "I think that Evonne mistakenly interprets that grin as a grimace of pain….Zantara easily stands up with Samantha on her back, and drops to the mat, driving Page to the mat!"

Garry: "Good job, Zantara! But Samantha gets up quicker than the Z woman…quick, Zantara is not…and flying dropkicks her to the mat!"

[Samantha pulls Zantara to her feet, and manages to pick her up, and bodyslam the mammoth woman to the mat, to the cheers of the crowd who did not think that Samantha had it in her. Samantha then legdops Zantara in the face, and then heads for the cage]

Sandra: "It looks as if Samantha is trying to exit the cage…I don’t think that she will be able to do it, Zantara will need a lot more damage to allow Samantha to do that!"

Garry: "Exactly! Zantara sits up….stands….grabs a hold of Samantha’s leg as she moves up the cage, and then pulls Samantha off the cage! She holds the helpless shopper up, above her head for a moment, and the Z drives the blond to the mat!"

Sandra: "That had to hurt!"

Garry: "I don’t think so….Samantha landed on her head!"

[Zantara manages to stand quicker than Samantha, and drives a boot down onto Samantha’s head, which knocks her back to the mat. Zantara then, once again, assaults her with a number of deadly stomps to the head. After a sufficent amount of head shots, Zantara hauls Samantha to her feet, shoves her head between her legs and double armbar piledrivers Samantha]

Sandra: "WOW! What strength from Zantara, managing to haul Samantha up like that! Such devastation, Samantha has got to be out of it now!"

Garry: "Zantara should get out of the cage now, Samantha will NOT be getting up for a while….but no, Zantara merely smiles at the booing crowd, and then Zantara pulls Samantha to her feet…"

Sandra: "Samantha grabs the front of Zantara’s fighting attire and pulls her forward, driving her into the cage! Desperation move, but it pays off as it stuns the Z woman!"

Garry: "Not for long tho, and Samantha has fallen to her hands and knees, still feeling the effects of the brutal attack…Zantara walks back over, goes to pull Samantha to her feet…low blow doubles over Zantara!"

[Samantha follows it up with a DDT, and then both women are lying on the mat, Samantha faceup, Zantara facedown. Evonne Carmikel regards the ladies, starts to count, giving one of them to the count of 10 to get to their feet. 1….2….3….4…5…6…..7……]

Sandra: "They both make it to their feet at the same time…Zantara goes for a punch, a duck under from Samantha, and a running closeline jarrs Underworld!"

Garry: "Samantha launches herself at the ropes, and flying knees Zantara in the belly, doubling her over! And Samantha follows it up with a powerful kneelift to the face, Z could be in trouble here! Nooooooooo!"

Sandra: "Z goes to the mat, and Samantha goes to the top rope turnbuckle to the cheers of the crowd!"

[Samantha launches herself off the turnbuckle, and drives a leg right down across Zantara’s face. She then gets to her feet, scowls at Evonne, who is merely watching impassivly, and then begins to climb the cage]

Garry: "She’s trying to escape! Come on, Zantara, stop her!"

Sandra: "I’m surprised we haven’t seen much interference from Evonne during this match, I thought that it would be a field day for her.""

Garry: "Evonne isn’t a stupid woman, she knows when to sit back and enjoy seeing two of her enemies beat the crap out of eachother….Samantha is moving pretty slowly, and Zantara sits up!"

Sandra: "Samantha is showing the effects of this battle, she is not moving too quickly up the cage, and Zantara begins to follow her!"

[Zantara moves up a turnbuckle then begins to climb the cage after Samantha, and soon catches up to her while both are perched at the top of the cage, one leg to either side of the cage. Samantha goes to throw a punch…Zantara easily blocks it, and then gets Samantha in a face claw]

Garry: "Yes! And here it comes, the Hades Hazzard! Zantara grins, and stands, pulling Samantha up, along with her….they are both standing on the edge of the cage…"

Sandra: "Zantara lifts Samantha into the air by the face claw…jumps off the cage…HADES HAZZARD from the top of the cage! There is NO WAY that Samantha is getting up from that!!!"

[The crowd audibly boos as Zantara stands, grins, and begins to make her way up the cage. Samantha does not even stir, lying on her back in the center of the ring, severly hurt from the effects of the Hades Hazzard, and Zantara makes an exit from the cage with no resistance]

Ding Ding Ding

Garry: "And there you have it! The better woman comes out on top, no matter what these foolish spectators believe!"

Sandra: "What a deadly move, and a deadly fighter….Zantara’s theme music plays, and she makes her way back to the dressing room area without a care for the carnage in the ring!"

Garry: "There is a padlock on the door, but that is easily opened by security, and they rush into the ring with a pile of paramedics to check on Samantha…I hope she’s gone for good!"

Sandra: "How can you be so callous? Evonne Carmikel smirks, and exits the ring, and sweeps to the back, Bloodlust at her heels….I tell you, not much interference from either of those 3 in this event, I’m more than a little surprised…"

Garry: "Buffy sweeps into the cage as well, to check on her so called friend…"

Sandra: "Folks we have to take a short commercial break, but we’ll be right back with some more great action!"

[Fade to a commercial for ‘The Battling Ring Angels’ Year 2000 Calender, available at all fine retailers today.]

[Winner: Zantara Underworld]






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