
We return to the Battling Ring Angels Pay Per View in San Diego and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: �I came to Just Watch Lindsay!�; �Samantha Staffer is the best!�; and �Bow down before the Goddess Nina LaRue.� The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.

Kenny: Cari, we have just received some bad news�Sakura Ito is apparently unable to make it this evening due to personal reasons. I'm sure all of her fans know that she is not one to miss matches and that this must be something pretty serious.

Cari: She probably overslept.

Kenny: I doubt that. Sakura Ito is a very responsible and�

The arena goes to pitch black. Suddenly, from the arena sound system, a deep, mysterious Jamaican man's voice says the recognizable line from an unrecognizable movie ('Predator 2'):

'There's no stopping what can't be stopped. No killing what can't be killed.'

Red spotlights streak across the entire arena, bathing sections of the crowd in red before moving to other sections. Finally, the all seem to coalesce at the head of the entrance ramp. Under the single red spotlight stands a hooded female figure. Her head is bent down and the brown robe hides her body. Her hands are at her sides. Without warning, her head goes back and sticks up towards the sky. The hood falls and a spray of red mist shoots out of her mouth. When the face comes back to level, we see that it is Jessica Estrella. Her face is painted white and black, in resemblance of a skeleton. Her face is splattered with red spots from the mist, and her chin and tongue drip the liquid all over her face, giving a very unsettling look.

Joan Jett and The Blackhearts version of 'Crimson and Clover' can be heard from the arena soundsystem as she begins to slowly walk to the ring, followed by members of The Hit Squad. First is her tag team partner Porsha Pembroke. Behind her is Sasha 'The Dragon Lady' Crowley, Samantha Slick and her bodyguard Brenda Busley. And, to the shock of the fans, they are followed by 'Lightning' Lindsey Locke and Janus.

Jessica's light brown hair, frizzed and loose, waves as she stalks her way to the ring. Her eyes betray an almost trance like state. Glassy and distant, they display a woman intent on her mission.

Jessica slowly climbs into the ring, completely oblivious of the crowd and their jeers. She removes the robe to reveal an outfit consisting of black vinyl karate pants, loose fitting and tied off with a red belt. She wears red wrestling boots. She wears a black and white tee shirt reading: 'The Hit Squad' on the front and the back proclaims: 'If we hit you once, you won't get back up.' She sticks her tongue into the air and wiggles it slowly back and forth, allowing the red mist to run all over her chin. She stretches against the ropes and prepares for the match.

Kenny: I don't know why Jessica Estrella is here. Her match has been canceled tonight.

Cari: Lindsay had the microphone. Let's see what she has to say.

Kenny: I can only imagine.

Cari: Let her speak!

Kenny gives Cari a dirty look. Meanwhile, the entire Hit Squad, with Janus and Lindsay enter the ring. Lindsay picks up a Microphone and proceeds to the center of the ring.

Lindsay: And now for the reason all of you are here�to Just Watch Me!

The fans hit her with a mixture of cheers and boos. She waves and smiles for her cheering sections.

Kenny: I never thought I'd see the fans boo Lindsay Locke.

Cari: She doesn't need them.

Lindsay waits for the boos to settle.

Lindsay: It's too bad, but Sakura Ito is not coming tonight. She had more important things to do than come and entertain you people. I know some of you, for some stupid reason, think she's a role model. But who comes out to entertain you when she doesn't? Who knew how much you were needing a good show? That's me! And now you all get to�Just Watch Me!

Lindsay is met with a mixed response. A section of people wearing �Children of the Revolution� T shirts cheer her on, while most of the children in the arena look hurt.

Kenny: I never thought I'd say this, but Lindsay Locke has turned into quite the little egomaniac.

Cari: I like this new attitude.

Kenny: You used to insult her all the time.

Cari: I can change my mind about person.

Lindsay: Soooo remember Johnny Angel and all your pals, remember Sakura Ito and my loser cousin, you won't fool The Children of the Revolution!

Lindsay throws the microphone to Sasha.

Sasha: I want all of you to take notice of the woman in the corner. Jessica Estrella is on her way. And no one wants to fight her. Every time she gets scheduled, the match never seems to take place. Everyone in the back is scared to death of this woman.

The fans boo Sasha. Sasha tosses the microphone to Samantha Slick. The new leader of the Hit Squad waits for the boos to stop.

Slick: As the new head of The Hit Squad I do not think it's right to see one of my team mates not get a match�again. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to pay $5,000 to any little kitten in the back who thinks she can last just two minutes in the ring with Jessica!

Kenny: Did you hear that?

Cari: I'll do it!

The fans pop over this announcement. Slick and Sasha converse in whispers and Slick looks back to the fans.

Slick: Come on! I know there are a gaggle of undercard kittens in the back looking to make some bucks. Come on out girls! Only two minutes�you don't even need to pin her! $5,000 from me�and Sasha will match it! $10,000 to any undercarder who thinks she has what it takes!

The crowd is popping in anticipation.

Kenny: $10,000. This is interesting.

Cari: I don't see any takers yet.

Slick: Come on! She's not going to bite you!

Kenny: She might�

�I want to take you higher� by Sly and the Family Stone begins to play. Angela Downey walks out and stands defiantly at the entrance. She smiles and gives a few waves to the fans. The short and tiny girl wears powder blue bikini bottoms with a Superman logo on the back, a powder blue bikini top and a Superman T-shirt over that. She completes her outfit with red wrestling boots. Her dirty blond hair is tied in pigtails. She is flanked by Mixie Locke. They power walk to the ring and get in.

Kenny: That's Angela Downey!

Cari: She must have a death wish.

Angela and Mixie stand on one side of the ring, across from The Hit Squad. Lindsay rushes right over. The fans are popping for Angela and Mixie.

Lindsay: What? You're not a wrestler! You're not under contract with BRA! Get out of here!

Angela: No, I'm a manager. And I am under contract with BRA. And since I need the money to raise my son�I accept this challenge!

The crowd gives a huge pop for Angela. Lindsay is beside herself.

Kenny: Did you hear that? She wants the match.

Cari: She's insane.

Sasha and Slick confer.

Slick: Fine. Two minutes in this ring with Jessica. If you last�you get the money. If you don't�you get hurt.

Kenny: I guess we have a match.

The Hit Squad, with Lindsay and Janus exit the ring and stand to one side. Mixie goes to theother side after giving some words of encouragement to Angela. Angela moves nervously up and down in her corner while Jessica looks at her from across the ring. The look in Jessica's eyes is that of a hungry lion.

Kenny: Referee Vicky Task in the ring.

Cari: That cheater.

Kenny: She's one of the fairest refs we have. Vickie has a stop watch. She sets in and�there's the bell!

Angela and Jessica come to the center of the ring. Jessica goes to lock up, by Angela side steps her. She keeps moving around while Jessica lunges at her, trying to get the match started. This tactic is starting to get Jessica a little frustrated.

Kenny: Angela being smart and running away from Jessica.

Cari: She's going to try and run from her for two minutes. What a loser.

Kenny: I think it's a smart strategy.

Angela continues to move around the ring for about half a minute. Jessica can never seem to get close. But she makes one miss step and�

Cari: Ha! Red Mist!

Kenny: What? Jessica just blew that red mist from her mouth right into Angela's face!

Angela reaches up for her face and starts to wipe her eyes. Before she can get her vision back, Jessica knocks her down with a clothesline. Angela hits the mat hard. Angela starts to roll around on the mat. Still, unable to see.

Kenny: Believe it or not, this farce has gone on for a minute and a half. Jessica better pin her if she doesn't want to lose favor with her bosses.

Cari: Well if Angela would stop rolling around, she could.

Jessica finally corrals Angela. She grabs Angela by the hair and hauls the small blond to her feet. She sends a kick to Angela's midsection that doubles her over. She grabs her around the neck and DDT's Angela to the mat.

Kenny: That might be it.

Cari: Just pin her!

The entire Hit Squad is calling for Jessica to pin Angela. Jessica seems like she's in a trance. She slowly bends down and covers the little blond.

Kenny: 1�2�3!

Cari: She did it!

Kenny: Let's get the official word.

Vicki calls for the bell and holds Jessica's hand up for the pinfall victory. Mixie enters the ring and helps Angela. Meanwhile, Vickie is showing the stop watch to the irate Hit Squad.

Kenny: Wait! We're being told that Jessica pinned Angela in 2 minutes, 1 second. Angela gets the money!

Cari: What?

The Hit Squad enters the ring en mass and starts to attack Mixie and Angela. The two are completely overtaken by the members of the Hit Squad and Janus and Lindsay. They soon tire of Angela and attack Mixie. Porsha holds her in place while Slick and Sasha exchange blows on her. Lindsay finally walks over and slaps her in the face. Janus holds Angela back. One could almost think that she's sort of protecting Angela. Finally, Jessica blows some red mist into Mixie's face and they drop her, leaving her in a heap in the center of the ring. Angela rushes to her aid while Janus, Lindsay and The Hit Squad take off.

Winner of the match: Jessica Estrella

Winner of the money: Angela Downey
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