logoPorsha Pembroke vs. Mixie Locke

(Without warning, smoke starts to gather at the head of the entrance. The smoke gets thick and almost obscures the area, save for the backlighting. As several oddly shaped shadows appear behind the wall of smoke, 'Mississippi Queen' from Mountain booms across the arena speakers. The first to appear is the miniscule Paula Pembroke, clutching a cigarette in her hand. Behind her walks Jessica Estrella, her Hit Squad companion. Next appears Sasha Crowley and Brenda, followed by Janus and Lindsey Locke. Lastly, the gigantic Porsha Pembroke appears. The giant is dressed in riding kit, black riding pants tucked at the ankles into heavy black riding boots. She wears a white blouse and her drak hair is pulled straight back. She walks slowly and with purpose, just a few steps behind her sister. The entire Hit Squad moves towards the ring eyeing it with a dark purpose. It is clear that Porsha's opponent is outnumbered. The huge woman crests the ring steps and climbs over the top rope into the ring. She eyes the crowd and looks ominous. She regards her sister, who offers last minute instructions. Jessica looks on as Porsha turns and stands ready for the match.)

Kenny: And we are back with more exciting action! Looks like our next match is about to begin. Porsha Pembroke has just arrived to take on Mixie Locke! Any predictions, Cari?

Cari: I think Porsha's going to tear little Mixie apart. The poor girl doesn't stand a chance against a monster like Pembroke. Besides, with The Hit Squad and Children of The Revolution at ringside, Mixie is hopelessly outnumbered. I predict a massive beatdown.

Kenny: Well, I guess we'll see if your predictions are correct because here comes Mixie!

("Intergalactic" from The Beastie Boys starts to play throughout the arena. Mixie Locke appears at the ramp. The crowd gives a good cheer for this popular newcomer. Mixie has a very intense and focused look on her face as she walks briskly towards the ring. She slaps hands with the fans at the rail, making sure to get as many of them as possible on the way. The toned and tanned athletic young woman wears a pair of black spandex shorts with the words "All Mixed Up" on the back in red letters. She wears black wrestling boots with the letters "ML" on the top in red letters and red knee pads. She wears a white T shirt that says "Mixie Locke: The Hardest Working Girl In Wrestling" on the front in blue letters. Beneath the words is a South Park style drawing of Mixie. On the back it says "Mixie Locke: Not Just Another Jobber World Tour 2000" and beneath that a variety of cities where she has wrestled and dates next to each one. Beneath the T she wears a black spandex sports bra style top. She has two ear rings in her left ear, and three in her right. Her belly button is pierced as well, as shown by the slightly too short T shirt. When she gets to ringside, she takes a good look at the ring and the arena, taking it all in. She enjoys the crowd's support for a moments before she climbs to the ring apron and to the ropes. She enters the ring and sticks her tongue out at Porsha, showing off the stud in her tongue. She pauses for the referee to check her for any foreign objects, and stretches in the corner waiting for the start of the match.)

Ding! Ding! Ding!

(Just as the bell rings, Porsha charges Mixie, surprising her with a lighting fast lariat, sending the smaller woman bouncing to the mat. Porsha's entourage looks on with smug smiles, clapping their approval.)

Kenny: Yow! That's got to hurt! Porsha almost took her head off with that one!

Cari: It's like I told you, Porsha just has too much power for Mixie. Locke can't cope.

(Porsha lifts Mixie from the mat with a handful of hair and slams her back down with a spinebuster, the fans showing their displeasure. Mixie writhes in pain as Porsha lifts her again, putting her in power bomb position.)

Cari: Looks like this match is over before it even began.

(To Porsha's surprise, Mixie slips from the hold and scurries between the giant's legs. As Pembroke turns, she is met with a huge drop kick to the chest. Porsha stumbles slightly and another drop kick sends her to the mat. As Porsha slowly rises, Mixie mounts the second turnbuckle, measuring the bigger woman.)

Kenny: Looks like Mixie is utilizing her tremendous speed against Porsha. That's her best chance of survival.

(As Porsha makes it to her feet, she is met with a missile drop kick to the face, stumbling backwards. Taking advantage of a disorientated Porsha, Mixie rebounds off the ropes and charges her. Leaping in the air, Mixie wraps her legs around Porsha's neck, taking her over in a hurricanrana! Grabbing Porsha's legs, Mixie attempts a pin.)

Cari: Mixie tries a pin with that hurricanrana but it fails! Porsha kicks out at the one and a half mark. It's a little too early to put the big woman away.

(As a woozy Porsha slowly gets to her feet again, she is startled by a flying forearm to the chest, sending her reeling against the ropes. As Porsha stumbles on the ropes, her entourage meets in a huddle, discussing the match. Just then, Mixie mounts the top turnbuckle and flies off, splashing the collective of The Hit Squad and Children of The revolution with a plancha outside of the ring. With a smile, Mixie looks at her downed enemies, all sprawled on the arena floor and trying to rise to their feet.)

Kenny: Wow! Did you see that? Mixie just laid out the entire group with that plancha! She is impressive.

Cari: Yeah, but she aint too smart. All that did was make them angrier!

(Mixie returns to the ring and Porsha charges her with a clothesline. Mixie ducks and sends a boot into Porsha's stomach. As the big woman doubles over, Mixie grabs her by the head and drives her face first into the mat.)

Kenny: X-Factor! This has got to be over!

(Mixie leaps onto Porsha and hooks the leg, the ref counting. Suddenly, The Hit Squad and The Children of The Revolution storm the ring, the crowd booing and hissing. They break the count by stomping on Mixie, the ref signaling for the bell.)

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Kenny: I don't believe this! Mixie almost had this match won until those goons had to stick their noses in it!

(Jessica and Brenda hold Mixie while Lindsay slaps her cousin in the face, shouting obscenities. With a magic marker, Lindsay writes "Loser" on her forehead. The crowd shows their displeasure as they attack Mixie with a few more kicks and stomps, a woozy Porsha stumbling from the ring to catch her breath.)

Kenny: This is disgusting! This is the same thing that they did to Sakura Ito and Alexandria Parker!

Cari: Speaking of Parker......

(Unknown to the celebrating Hit Squad, Alexandria Parker comes from out of the audience, leaps over the guardrail, and sneaks up behind Porsha, wielding a huge mirror.)

Kenny: Uh oh! Business is about to pick up!

(At that, Alexandria smashes the mirror over Porsha's head, laying the big woman out in a pool of glass and blood. The Hit Squad and Revolutionaries cease their celebrating, turning their attention to the loud crash. They look on in shock and anger as Alexandria stands over a bleeding and fallen Porsha Pembroke.)

Kenny: Uh oh! It looks like they're going to get Parker! She had better get out of here!

Cari: Why? Looks like the cavalry has arrived!

(The crowd begins to cheer loudly as The Sisterhood of Seduction races to ringside, slides under the bottom rope, and immediately attacks both The Hit Squad and Children of The Revolution! Janus and Laura Parker exchange blows while Tiffany Lane and Lindsay Locke engage in a hair pulling catfight. Jennifer Christian attacks Jessica Estrella with a missile drop kick as Nina Larue does the same to Sasha Crowley with a spinning heel kick! After adding a few boots to the unconscious Porsha, Alexandria leaps into the ring and greets Brenda with a huge slap and DDT. As the fans cheer the brawl, security races to ringside, separating the wrestlers and taking them to the back. The fans boo as the violent brawl is ended prematurely.)

Kenny: This is a brawl, an out and out brawl!

Cari: No, Kenny. This is a war, something all together worse. I don't think this is the last we'll see of this feud!

(The scene fades as the ring is cleared and medics help Porsha and Mixie to the back.)

Winner by DQ: Mixie Locke
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