logoSasha vs. Nina Larue

( The camera pans the capacity crowd after coming back from commercial. The crowd is on its feet holding up homemade signs endorsing their favorite wrestlers. The camera stops at the announcers� table showing Cari yelling at the fans.)

Cari: You are all a walking advertisement for planned parenthood.

Kenny: (Smiling at the camera) Ah . . . Cari . . .

Cari: Is it a law in Shreveport that residents can only marry their cousins? You are nothing but a bunch of inbred, moronic, baby mo . . .


(Cari turns and sees that the camera is pointed ot her. She quickly regains her composure and smiles for the camera.)

Kenny: This is a match that all the fans have been waiting for.

Cari: That�s right e very fan of BRA can�t wait for Sasha to retire.

Kenny: That�s not what I meant. I mean that this promises to be one of the classic matches in BRA One that will be in the highlight film for years to come.

Cari: For once I agree with you. These two wrestlers have no love for each other.

Kenny: They are both heads of stables in which no wrestler from one stable loves any from the other.

Cari: Sasha is head of a stable?

Kenny: Yes! One of the toughest in all of wrestling. The �Hit Squad�.

Cari: The hit Squad can�t hold a candle to the Sisterhood of Seduction. They have held more title belts than any other stable in BRA.

Kenny: They have also been around longer than any other stable in BRA. They�re ripe for a come down.

Cari: Nina will put this old cow out to pasture and the Sisterhood will continue it�s dominance of the Battling Ring Angels.

Kenny: Sasha may be retiring, but is not old. She has a lot of ring savvy and Nina will have her hands full and I think Sasha will be teaching her a lesson in humility.

Cari: Yes. it will be a lesson taught by example. Nina will humiliate Sasha and Sasha will show her how a totally humiliated wrestler acts.

(As the arena goes dark, two female figures can be seen by the entry. Suddenly, a fireball seems to appear from one of the figure's mouth. "Problem Child" from AC/DC hits the arena speakers, Sasha the Dragon Lady appears at the top of the stage. Behind her is The Oakland Enforcer Brenda Busley. Sasha wears black leather pants and a blue velvet shirt. She finishes the outfit with her customary turquoise and yellow cowboy boots. The blond woman has her shirt sleeves rolled back to show off her tattoos. She struts to the ring. The fans do not boo her as usual, but show her some cheers as this is her last match. Behind her walks Brenda, arms folded in front of her chest. Brenda wears black leather pants and black biker boots. She has on a black "Hit Squad" T shirt. Her large arms are covered in biker tattoos. She follows slowly behind her boss. Finally Sasha reaches the ring and enters, with Brenda following behind her. Sasha stands in the center of the ring and holds her hands up, smiling and waving for the fans. It's almost a farewell gesture intended to get the fans to cheer. And they do. Sasha has a controlled look in her eyes, the look of the wrestler/mercenary she is best known as. She takes the mic. )

"This is it! One last time for me. And Nina, this is the way I want it. You and me. You don't like me, Nina, and I don't like you. Well, I said it once and I'll say it again I hope you aren't feeling too cocky right now, because this is my last match but it just might be your last match also!"

(She looks to the entrance, and then to the ring announcer. )

"Now send her!"

(She flips the microphone aside and stretches for the match. )

Kenny: Sasha put it all out there. The time for talk is through. now is the time for action.

Cari: I think that old lady wants the match to start soon because it is getting close to her bed time. ld women get cranky when they stay up too late

Kenny: It looks like Nina has heard what Sasha said. (Suddenly, Sisqo's "The Thong Song" begins to play as the fans jump to their feet, awaiting the arrival of "The Goddess" Nina Larue. The curtains part and Nina stands before the crowd, clad in a sexy, black, lace, thong bikini, showing off her sleek, curvy figure. She completes the look with black, leather, knee high boots, with a platform heel, and her long, black hair falls straight to the small of her back, framing her flawless face. The busty beauty poses for a moment, surveying the crowd, before sashaying to ringside. The bewitching brunette gracefully enters the ring, the crowd showering her in catcalls and wolf whistles. With a sly smirk across her gorgeous visage, she seductively leans over the top rope, blowing a kiss to the fans and offering them a tantalizing view of her ample cleavage. Needless to say, the catcalls and whistles are now deafening. The leader of The Sisterhood of Seduction does a few sexy stretches, arching her back in a tantalizing fashion, as she awaits the start of the match. )

Kenny: Agggh . . . aggh . . .

Cari: It�s usually easier to talk with your tongue inside your mouth.

Kenny: Uhumm. That is quite an entrance. Nina knows what it takes to get the fans on her side.

Cari: They appreciate her skill in the ring.

Kenny: And I�m sure that a few of them even appreciate her wrestling skills.

Cari: What is that supposed to mean?

Kenny: It means that the ref has called both wrestlers into the center of the ring and is explaining the rules.

Cari: This match is to be a best of three falls with a 60 minute time limit.

Kenny: It promises to be a really grueling match.

Cari: I don�t know if old lady Crowley can last the whole sixty minutes. Maybe Nina will go easy on her and pin her twice in the first minute.

(The ref explains the rules but neither wrestler seems to be paying any attention to him. Sasha is staring daggers at Nina while Nina seems to be waving to some of her special fans in the crowd. Both wrestlers return to their corners and the ref signals for the bell.)




Kenny: Both wrestlers move quickly out of their corners and circle each other looking for an opening. Sasha raises her hands as an offer for a test of strength.

Cari: Nina smirks at Sasha and refuses the test.

Kenny: Once again Nina shows that skill that all members of the Sisterhood have of avoiding a true test of skill.

Cari: I call that smart thanking. Nina knows that Sasha is stronger than she is. Nina is going to fight the match on her terms.

(The wrestlers again begin to circle one another. A move brings the appropriate counter response from the other. The crowd begins to grow restive at this apparent lack of action. Sasha lunges at Nina who deftly sidesteps her. Nina sends a kick to the back of Sasha�s knee as she passes. Sasha�s knee buckles and she falls to the mat. Nina grabs one of Sasha�s feet and and twists it.)

Cari: It looks like Nina is going for some type of leg lock possibly a figure four.

Kenny: Putting a hold like that on this early in the match can have an effect throughout the entire match.

Cari: No kidding? I see that they pay you the big bucks for brilliant thoughts like that.

(Nina tries to roll Sasha on to her back but Sasha is fighting off the attempt. Finally Sasha lashes out with her foot and strikes Nina in the knee. Nina screams and releases Sasha�s foot. Sasha lashes out again and again kicks Nina in the same knee. Nina�s knee gives out and she falls to the mat on one knee. Sasha gets to her feet and grabs Nina by the hair. She hair mares Nina on to the mat. Nina screams as she is thrown through the air by her hair. The ref cautions Sasha about pulling hair but she ignores him.)

Kenny: Sasha is starting to take command of the match.

Cari: Nina is far from out of this match. She is just pacing herself.

(Sasha forces Nina to her feet and places her in a side headlock. Sasha falls backward onto the mat driving Nina�s head into the mat with a vicious DDT. Nina bounces on the mat and rolls onto her stomach. Sasha is quickly to her her feet as Nina gets to her hands and knees and tries to shake the cobwebs out of her head. Sasha nails Nina in the stomach with a powerful kick that lifts Nina off the mat and drops her to it again on her back. Nina�s hands go to her wounded stomach as her mouth opens wide to draw in much needed oxygen. Sasha stands over Nina and taunts her.)

Sasha: Your mama is watching you, baby. At least make this a show.

(Nina is curled in the fetal position rocking bak and forth on the mat while Sasha laughs at her. Suddenly Nina lashes out with both of her feet and connects to Sasha�s chest. Sasha staggers backward and falls to the mat.)

Cari: HAH! I knew Nina was faking it. She suckered Sasha into that kick.

Kenny: Somehow i don�t think that Nina was faking it.

(Both wrestlers get slowly to their feet. Nina just a fraction of a second sooner than Sasha. Nina lashes out with a kick that catches Crowley in the stomach. Sasha groans and doubles over from the impact. Nina follows that up with another kick, this time to Sasha�s ribs which cause her to stagger . Larue sneers at Crowley as she delivers another kick to Sasha�s midsection but Sasha surprises her by grabbing Nina�s leg and holding it. Nina�s sneer turns into a look of fear as Sasha begins to twist Nina�s leg. Sasha forces Nina to hop as she continues to twist Nina�s leg. Nina jumps and drives her foot into the back of Sasha�s head.)

Cari: Enzugiri! Nina has knocked Sasha to the mat face first.

(Nina walks around the ring massaging her injured leg as Sasha gets to her knees. Sasha shakes her head trying to collect her thoughts. Nina forces Sasha to her feet but Sasha delivers a punch to Nina�s midsection. Nina staggers back from the punch. Crowley delivers another punch, this time to Nina�s face. Sasha winds up and delivers another punch that Nina blocks. Nina delivers a big right to Sasha�s face with Sasha shrugs off as she hits Nina with another hay maker. Nina Staggers backward but delivers another big punch that lands on Sasha�s jaw. Sasha seems to be barely effected by this. Nina looks shocked at the little effect her punches are having.)

Kenny: Sasha must have a jaw may out of iron. Nina�s punches seem to have no effect on her.

Cari: It looks to me like Sasha is losing power from her punches with each punch that Nina lands.

Kenny: You must have x-ray vision.

(Sasha and Nina continue to exchange punches. Both seem to be slowing down as the punches are beginning to have their effect. Nina throws a right that Sasha blocks. Before Sasha can react, Nina swiftly drives her foot up between Sasha�s legs. Sasha screams as she drops to her knees.)

Kenny: LOW BLOW! Nina should be dqed for that.

Cari: That wasn�t a low blow. Sasha is just trying to make it look that way. She�s trying to get Nina disqualified. A typical cheap way of winning.

Kenny: The ref seems to think it is a low blow. he is reading Nina the riot act.

Cari: Nina is giving that ref all the attention he deserves. . . none.

(Sasha remains kneeling on the mat as the ref warns Nina. Nina ignores the ref and tries to get to Sasha but the ref blocks her way, giving Sasha a few seconds to recover. Nina finally gets pasty the ref and grabs Sasha by the hair. She is about to say something but all that escapes her mouth is a strangled cry.)

Cari: Now THAT was a low blow by Sasha.

Kenny: Turn about is fair play.

Cari: The ref doesn�t know who to yell at. He seems to be yelling at both of them equally.

Kenny: He better do something. If he doesn�t he�ll lose control of the match.

(Nina has stubbled back into the ropes. She is doubled over and only the ropes are holding her up. Sasha gets slowly to her feet as the ref continues to yell at both wrestlers. Sasha pays him even less attention than Nina. Sasha grabs Nina. She whips Nina into the far ropes. On the rebound Sasha bends over and raises Nina on her shoulders. Nina kicks and struggles to get free of Sasha. Crowley takes a few steps and falls to her side, driving Nina�s head into the mat with a death valley driver. Nina�s head bounces off the mat and she lies still. Sasha rolls her over and covers her for the pin. the ref drops to the mat and slaps it.)


Kenny: That DVD has taken the fight out of Nina. This first fall is Sasha�s.

Cari: Don�t count Nina out.


Cari: Come on Nina!

Kenny: Nothing like having impartial announcers.

THR . . . NO!

Cari: Nina got a shoulder up just in time.

( Sasha berates the ref for what she considers to be a slow count. She slaps the mat three times quickly showing him how fast she wants the counts to be. She grabs Nina and forces her to her feet. Sasha whips Nina into the ropes. Nina bounces off the ropes and leaps into the air. She flips 180 degrees in the air and wraps her legs around Sasha�s neck. Nina swings to the side flipping Sasha to the mat with a well executed huricanrana.)

Cari: What a move!

Kenny: I have to admit that Nina has some impressive moves. She is a good wrestler. I don�t understand why she feels the need to cheat so much.

Cari: Both she and Sasha share one common trait, They will do what ever it takes to win.

Kenny: I thought you didn�t like Sasha.

Cari: There are many good qualities to Sasha, but she really shouldn�t have challenged Nina. They should be working together not against each other.

(Both wrestlers lie on the mat trying to recover from the match so far. The ref looks from one to the other and then begins to slowly count both wrestlers out. They begin to stir as the count reaches five, both wrestlers taking advantage of the break in the action. They both get to their feet but stay clear of each other as they continue to regain their strength. Nina moves backward quickly and jumps to the middle rope. She springs off the rope and delivers a missile drop kick to Sasha�s chest. Sasha falls back into the ropes and drops to the mat. Nina gets to her feet and stands over Sasha.)

Nina: How dare you think that you can defeat BRA�s one and only angelic beauty.

(With that, Nina sends a kick into Sasha�s ribs. Sasha grabs the ropes as Nina rains more kicks on her. The ref orders Nina to stop but she ignores him. Nina continues to kick Sasha as the ref begins the count stopping only when he reaches four. Sasha rolls out of the ring to recuperate. Nina struts around the ring daring Sasha to get back in. The ref seems to be watching things until Nina yells at him to start counting. He begins to count Sasha out. Brenda walks to Sasha and whispers something to her. Sasha shakes her head yes and tries to enter the ring but Nina block her way. Sasha tries to enter at another place but again Nina blocks her. The ref stops counting and forces Nina to the center of the ring. Sasha enters the ring and the ref steps away from Nina.)

(Sasha runs toward Nina in an attempt to spear her. Nina moves out of the way and Sasha runs past and hits the ropes. Nina smiles at the ease with which she avoided Sasha. She turns to see where Sasha ended up and is surprised as Sasha bounces off the ropes and nails her with a running clothes line.)

Kenny: Sasha shows off her intelligence. She made Nina think that she was going for a spear when she really was setting Nina up for that clothes line.

Cari: It was pure luck.

(Nina lies on her back on the mat gagging from the effect of the of the clothes line. Sasha pauses a moment before grabbing Nina�s leg and twisting it. Nina is able to lash out with her free leg and force Sasha to release her foot. before Nina can get to her feet, Sasha kicks her right knee, Nina screams and tries to role away from Sasha. Sasha continues to assault the right knee of Nina with her heavy cowboy boots. Nina continues to roll around the mat until she is able to get under the ropes and onto the floor of the arena. Nina gets to her feet and massages her sore knee. The ref begins to count Nina out as Sasha stands in the middle of the ring. Nina moves to enter the ring when Sasha runs toward her and baseball slides out of the ring and into Nina�s chest. Nina is knocked all the way back into the the barricade, slamming hard into it with her back. Sasha gets to her feet as Nina stumbles about trying to rub her sore back. The ref orders both wrestlers into the ring but they both ignore him.)

Kenny: This is the type of match that Sasha wants to fight.

Cari: You mean a slobber knocker brawl?

Kenny: I think Sasha wants it to turn into a battle were her greater physical strength can be used.

Cari: That is true she has no wrestling skill.

Kenny: She has a lot of wrestling skill. She just doesn�t want to let Nina use her martial arts skills.

(Sasha gets to her feet and grabs Nina by the head and slams it into the barricade. She does it again and Nina seems disoriented. Sasha tries to slam Nina�s head into the top of the barricade but Nina manages to block it. Sasha tries again and again Nina blocks it. This time Nina manages to reverse positions and ram Sasha�s head into the fop of the ring post. Nina grabs Sasha by the head and runs toward the steel steps tot he ring. Nina flings Sasha forward, head first into the steal steps, Sasha hits the steps hard knocking the top step off the other two. Nina notices the count is getting near to a count out so she rolls under the bottom rope breaking the count. Nina rolls out of the ring and goes toward Sasha. Nina nails Sasha with a spinning back heel kick. Sasha surprises everyone, especially Nina by blocking the kick and grabbing Nina�s leg. She elbows Nina�s knee before throwing Nina�s leg away from her, causing Nina to spin around. Sasha grabs both of Nina�s arms and plants her knee in Nina�s back. Nina screams as Sasha increases the pressure of her standing surfboard.)

Kenny: Sasha has Nina in a submission hold that I don�t think she can get out of.

Cari: It doesn�t look good for Nina but the ref isn�t even asking her if she submits.

Kenny: What is he doing?

Cari: I don�t believe this. The ref is continuing to count both the wrestlers out.

(Sasha increases the pressure on Nina�s shoulders and back. Nina struggles wildly to get free. Sasha looks around until she sees that the ref is counting both wrestlers out. She says something to the refs that is bleeped out by the censors. Sasha drags Nina to the ring and then rolls her under the bottom rope. Sasha follows Nina into the ring breaking the count.)

Kenny: Sasha forces Nina into the ring to keep her from resting outside the ring, She smells victory.

(Nina gets to her feet and tries to stretch her arms to get rid of the pain in them. Sasha moves in on her but Nina moves away quickly. Sasha continues to stalk the wounded Nina who manages to stay just out of her reach. Sasha finally manages to corner Nina, who ducks between the ropes. The ref tries to get Sasha away from Nina but she grabs Nina and drags her away from the ropes. She lugs Nina hard in the belly, driving the air from her lungs. She drags Nina to the ring post and sits her on the top turnbuckle. Sasha climbs the turnbuckles and punches Nina in the face twice.)

Cari: This doesn�t look good for Nina.

Kenny: I think Sasha is setting her up for her finisher the Dragon Driver.

(Sasha drives Nina into the mat with a jackhammer from the top rope.)

Kenny: There it is! Sasha just performed her finisher on Nina. It�s all over but the cheering.

(Sasha covers Nina and the ref drops to the mat. His hand slaps the mat three times. He signals;s for the bell signifying the end of the first fall. Sasha leaps to her feet with her hands over her head in victory. Nina lies on the mat unmoving. The ref goes to her and she begins to stir. Nina gets to her feet and staggers to her her corner.)

Kenny: I don�t know if Nina will be able to answer the call for the next fall.

Cari: She�s got a two minute rest. That will be enough time for her to recover.

Kenny: Stay tuned folks. The second fall will begin after these important messages.

(The camera fades to a commercial for Monday Mayhem, Battling Ring Angels official wrestling game for Nintendo. After the commercial, the camera pans the arena again. The fans are on their feet, thoroughly into this match. The camera stops at the ring as both wrestlers move toward the middle of the ring.)

Cari: We�re back and just in time to see the second fall of this exciting match.

Kenny: The first fall took a lot out of both wrestlers but Nina lost that one and that is a powerful psychological advantage for Sasha.

Cari: Not to mention the brutal pounding both wrestlers took in the first fall. (Both wrestlers circle each other warily. Nina adopts a martial arts stance as Sasha backs away from her. Nina laughs at Sasha taunting her to attack.)

Kenny: From the way she is acting, you would think that Nina won the first fall. (Sasha kicks at Nina but Nina dodges it. Nina counters with a martial arts kick that glances off Sasha�s arm. Nina suddenly goes on the offensive with a series of kicks that drive Sasha into the corner. Nina lands a kick that causes Sasha to double over. Nina grabs Sasha�s head and runs toward the opposite corner before jumping into the air and driving Sasha�s head into the mat with a running bulldog. Sasha bounces on the mat and lies there. Nina grabs both of Sasha�s feet and places them under her arms as she sits on Sasha�s back. Sasha screams in agony.)

Cari: Nina gathered some strength from somewhere and really went on the attack. This Boston Crab has Sasha in a world of pain.

Kenny: THe ref is asking Sasha if she submits.

Cari: I believe her response is unprintable. (Sasha�s face is twisted in agony as she claws at the mat, trying to move herself closer to the ropes. She reaches out but is still inches from the safety of the ropes. Nina increases the pressure of the Boston Crab as she feels Sasha inching toward the ropes. She screams for the ref to ask Sasha if she submits. The ref does ask but Sasha grits her teeth and shakes her head no. Crowley claws the mat and manages to inch a little closer to the ropes. She makes one final effort and reaches out her hand, just barely missing the ropes. She reaches out again and somehow manages to grab the bottom one.)


Kenny: What are you talking about?

Cari: Brenda Busley pushed to ropes out so that Sasha could grab the bottom one.

(The camera does a close up of Brenda who is trying very hard to look innocent. The ref orders Nina to break the hold but all she does is scream in frustration as she increases the pressure of the hold. The ref begins to count and Nina releases the hold at the last possible moment. Nina stands and begins to kick Sasha in sides and back. Sasha rolls out of the ring to escape.)

Nina: Bow before the goddess, urchin.

Cari: It looks like Sasha is bowing to Nina.

Kenny: She isn�t bowing. She�s just trying to stretch the pain from her back.

(Sasha allows the ref to continue to count, taking as much time as possible before reentering the ring. She does enter but Nina is on her right away. She whips Sasha into the ropes but Sasha manages to reverse it. Nina hits the ropes and rebounds off them. The stretches out her arm at the same time that Sasha does, They both execute clothes line on each other. Both wrestlers land on their backs gagging.)

Cari: Both wrestlers go down hard.

Kenny: The ref is counting both of them out. The second fall could end in a double count out.

Cari: Would that wend the match with a double count out or just this fall?

Kenny: I don�t know. Let me check my computer. i don�t know if that has ever happened before.

Cari: I don�t think it�s going to happen now. Nina is getting to her feet and Sasha is beginning to stir.

(Nina leans over Sasha and grabs a double handful of hair. Sasha screams as Nina tries to lift Sasha off the mat by her hair. Sasha reaches out and rakes her fingers across Nina�s eyes. Nina screams and lets go of Sasha. She stumbles blindly around the ring. Sasha gets to her feet ignoring the ref as he warns her about rakes to the eyes.)

Cari: I don�t know why this ref even bothers. Neither wrestler pays any attention to him. He might as well stand back and watch the action.

(Sasha goes to the blinded Nina and begins to kick her viciously. The heavy cowboy boots land with sickening thuds on various parts of Nina�s body. Nina is still blinded from the eye rake and has no idea where the next kick will come from or where it will land. Nina is barely able to stand on her feet from the effect of these kicks. Sasha stops the kicking only to grab Nina by the hair and stand her straight up she winds up for a truly big kick.)


(The last exclamation was caused by a swift punch to Sasha�s groin by Nina. Nina grabs Sasha in a headlock and falls backward in a DDT. Sasha hits the mat hard and bounces. Nina quickly rolls her over and hooks a leg as she goes for the cover. The ref drops to the mat and slaps it once. Sasha struggles against the pin but Nina manages to hold her shoulders to the mat as the ref slaps it a second time. Sasha�s struggles become noticeably weaker as the ref slaps the mat for the third time. The bell is rung signaling the end of the second fall.)

Cari: Nina has shown that she has what it takes to be a true champion in BRA by battling back and taking the second fall.

Kenny: It all comes down to the final fall which will start after we return from this message from our sponsors.

(The camera fades to a commercial for DR. Cosmo McKinley�s 1 900 feel mentally better hotline. only $19,95 per minute to talk with a trained counselor. The camera comes back and shows a completely dark arena.)

Kenny: Don�t adjust your tv sets, ladies and gentleman. There is power outage at the arena in Shreveport.

Cari: These cheap rednecks probably didn�t pay heir electric bills. have you been tot he restrooms?

Kenny: No I haven�t. Where are they.

Cari: They�re those little buildings outside with the half moon on them. They apparently don�t have indoor plumbing here yet.

(The lights suddenly come back on. The wrestlers are in their corners resting up for the final fall.)

Kenny: I�m amazed that either wrestler can continue. They both have taken quite a beating.

Cari: Nina is in the position she wants to be. She has made this match go the distance. I don�t think that Sasha has the stamina to continue at the rate that Nina has taken this match.

Kenny: This is Sasha�s last match. She has nothing to save herself for. I think she is going to let everything out in this final fall of her final match.

(Both wrestlers move out from their corners, looking quite a bit worse for the wear. Nina perfect face is smeared by sweat and make up. Her face and body show the marks made by Sasha�s fists and boots. Sasha is moving slowly and her body shows the marks from Nina�s kicks. She moves gingerly from the holds that Nina has put on her.)

Kenny: I think that this last fall will be a lot slower than the other two.

(Sasha grabs Nina�s arm. Nina tries to dodge it but she is just a fraction of a second too late. Sasha whips Nina into the ropes. Crowley bends over for a back lift but she does it too soon, telegraphing the move. Nina is able to stop in time and stands Sasha up with a powerful knee lift. Sasha staggers backward, away from Nina. Nina suddenly does a handspring elbowing Sasha in the face when she finishes. Sasha staggers into the ropes. Nina runs to the opposite side of the ring and bounces off the ropes she extends her arm and clotheslines Sasha. Sasha flips over the ropes and lands hard on the concrete floor of the arena. Nina slides under the ropes and tries to grab Sasha. Brenda Busley comes out of nowhere and grabs Nina by the throat, She raises Nina into the air and slams her onto the concrete floor of the arena.)

Cari: I can�t believe this! Brenda Busley just choke slammed Nina into that hard solid concrete floor. Sasha should be disqualified for that.

Kenny: The ref seems to be thinking about that but he hasn�t done anything yet.

Cari: Something is going on under the ring!

(The camera catches the skirting around the ring being raised and Laura Parker emerges from under the ring. She is soon joined by Jennifer Christian, Alexandria Parker and Tiffany Lane.)

Cari: The Sisterhood has come to aid of the Nina.

Kenny: They always act together to make sure their members win,

Cari: You act as though this is a bad thing.

( The Sisterhood swarm over Brenda Busley and beat on her unmercifully. Sasha gets to her feet and sees all the action around Sasha, She also sees Nina Laying on the floor not moving after that choke slam from Brenda. She grabs Nina and rolls her into the ring. Sasha goes for the cover nd the ref drops to the mat.)

Cari: Somebody from the Sisterhood better help Nina.

Kenny: I think they are having too much fun beating on Brenda to pay attention to what is going on in the ring.

(The ref slaps the mat once. That sound seems to have attracted the attention of Laura Parker, She sees what is going on and begins to enter the ring just as the ref brings his hand down and slaps the mat a second time The ref raises his hand a third time and starts to bring it down a third time when Laura flies across the ring and nails Sasha with a missile drop kick. Sasha is knocked off Nina who gets her shoulder up just before the ref�s hand hits the mat for the third time. The ref looks around and sees Laura in the ring. he also sees the other members of the Sisterhood entering the ring. He signals for the bell and also signals that the match had ended in Nina Larue being disqualified.)

Kenny: This is unbelievable! This match has gone on this long only to end in a DQ because of interference from the Sisterhood.

Cari: This is so unfair. Sasha should have been DQed because of the interference of Brenda. The Sisterhood was only reacting to the actions of the Hit Squad.

Kenny: It doesn�t matter. Why they did it. The ref has DQed Nina for the final fall giving the win to Sasha,

Cari: That�s all the time we have for tonight. tune in next week for another exciting night of Battling Ring Angels action

The Winner: Sasha Crowley 2 falls to 1.
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