logoSamantha Staffer vs. Jennifer Christian

As always when BRA comes to town people flock to see the stars! As the camera pans around certain loyalties begin to make themselves known in the form of banners and signs competing for attention. Some of the lucky few to catch the camera's eye include "Tiffany, you wuz robbed!" "Peggy come home!" "Kowpuk, Kansas loves Laura Parker" and "Make mine a Pembroke".

Kenny: Excitement reigns and BRA once again has the talent to back it up with five great matches tonight.

Cari: Our feature match tonight has the new and improved Jessica Estrella going head to head with Sakura Ito.

Kenny: The little mountain has this in the bag. Estrella's record is hardly impressive!

Cari: That was before she got some character and good guidance! Some are calling the match prior to that the match of the night as two stable heads go against each other! Sasha Crowley and Nina LaRue promises to be a classic as Sasha wrestles for the last time!

Kenny: I don't think too many will miss her. Now, Porsha Pembroke and indy veteran Mixie Locke should be interesting!

Cari: The "other" Locke may be experienced but not against the level of wrestling here! Count another victory for the Hit Squad!

Kenny: Veronica Millions returns to action from a prolonged absence against promising rookie Red Rose!

Cari: Tonight's "who cares" match! Neither has the skill or talent to go far!

Kenny: Which brings us to tonight's opening match, Twilight Zone Jennifer Christian going up against Samantha Staffer!

Cari: I fully expect the Sisterhood to prevail in this match!

Kenny: I can't agree. Jennifer looked terrible against Staffer and Malibu before Christmas!

Cari: So would you if you had a rib injury and your tag partner ran out on you!

Kenny: Maybe, but I still think Staffer will handle the youngster easily tonight!

The lights go dim and to the sound of Queen's "Another one Bites the Dust", Samantha Staffer strides out confidently from the curtains. She is dressed in a tight, shiny black one-piece suit and tall black leather boots and her fiery red hair falls down her back in a single braid. On her head is a black ball cap with the word "Cathouse" written across the front as she struts cool and confident toward the ring, slapping hands with her numerous fans along the way!

Cari: She does not appear to remember the last time she had a singles match against this girl!

Kenny: It was a long time ago and Staffer has improved tremendously in that time! She is fast becoming a dangerous wrestler!

Cari: She still has a long way to go to be as competent as her opponent!

As the lights go out the first few haunting notes of the theme from Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone" come across the speakers the crowd goes into a hush. Then, as the music changes suddenly to Golden Earing's song of the same name, the lights crash on and flashpots go off as Jennifer Christian splits the curtains! She walks down the aisle with a familiar scowl dressed in a tiger print one-piece suit, black tights and black wrestling boots. She steps into the ring and takes her corner.

Kenny: New look for Jenny! I wonder if she is trying to hide something, like bandages!

Cari: No doubt Staffer would try and use the injury against her like she and that blonde abomination did before Christmas!

Kenny: Samantha Staffer is not like that! She will win by honest talent alone!


Both women come out from their corners but the teen is fast and catches the big redhead looking with a blindingly quick dropkick to her chest! As Jenn gets up she leaps again and catches Staffer with another dropkick to the chest as she tries to rise! Samantha rolls to the ropes gasping and starts to climb to her feet. Jenn grabs an arm and drags her off and whips Samantha towards the far ropes but Staffer manages to reverse it and sends the crowd to raptures as the teen springs off the ropes and is dropped by a high boot to her chin!

Kenny: Nice reversal from Staffer after being caught by Christian's speed in the opening moments!

Cari: Temporary setback!

Samantha drags Jenn up and doubles her over with a knee to her stomach before wrapping her in a front headlock. Then, as she grabs a handful of Jenn's suit she hoists the small teen up and drops her over heavily with a devastating snap suplex! Wasting no time the red head responds to the cheering of the crowd and drags Jenn up by an arm and whips her hard across the ring into the far ropes and then sends her crashing hard to the mat with a crushing dropkick of her own! She quickly rolls across her struggling opponent's chest going for the pin.




Cari: Kickout by Christian!

Kenny: Samantha almost had her there!

Samantha gets up and drags Jenn up by the hair but is shocked by a spirited blow to her stomach, and again as the teen tries to fight back, but it's short-lived as Samantha quickly wraps Jenn in a front headlock and drops back, DDT'ing her to the mat! Getting up again she drags Jenn up again and whips her heavily to a corner. The teen slams hard wincing in the corner before slumping back. She has no time to rest as Staffer runs up and plants her feet in Jenn's tummy at the same time as she laces her fingers around her neck, then falls back and monkey flip's the smaller girl half way across the ring! Christian lands with a jarring crash, rolling to her side and grabbing for her back. The crowd loves it as Samantha walks over and grabs Jenn's legs, looking at the crowd.

Kenny: Could be the scorpion death lock!

Cari: It could be over!

Staffer then twists the legs as she applies her finisher and Jenn screams as she pounds the mat in pain! Samantha uses her weight advantage and prevents her smaller opponent from moving, keeping her trapped tight! The ref looks for the submission but the youngster shakes her head. Samantha keeps applying the pressure as her opponent weakens, tears in her eyes but still refusing to surrender!

Cari: She is no quitter! It may kill her but she refuses to quit!

Kenny: Samantha can't believe it! She has Christian dead to rights but she won't quit!

Samantha unwraps Christian from the hold and lets the teen slump to the mat. Shaking her head she pulls her up easily and leans the nearly lifeless teen backwards over her shoulders and hoists her up!

Kenny: Torture rack backbreaker!

Jenn again winces as the redhead mercilessly shakes her around before rolling forward and tossing her to the mat. The crowd goes wild as Samantha Staffer dominates the smaller wrestler. Jenn is lying on her back and trying to roll to the ropes but Samantha won't give her the chance! She grabs the teen by the legs and drags her back to the center of the ring. Christian lies on her back as the tall redhead holds her legs up and spreads them wide. The young blonde's eyes widened as she lay helpless, chest heaving as all she could do is watch as Samantha leapt up and brought her legs crashing down on Jenn's inner thighs!

Kenny: Oh gosh that looked painful! Staffer split poor Jennifer's legs wide!

Cari: The kid has taken an awful beating in a short time! Maybe she should have quit when she had the chance!

Kenny: Samantha should just pin her and end this now!

Samantha gets to her feet, dragging a suffering Jennifer Christian up and doubling her over with a knee to the stomach. She leans over and wraps her arms through Jenn's in a chicken wing fashion. Then, stopping to take a deep breath she pulls up, swinging her victim up high and lets her rotate until her back is facing the mat. Then with a visible effort the redhead pulls the teen back down hard as she drops to her bum and slams the kid's back hard to the mat! Then wrapping her arms around Jenn's waist Samantha slides her legs over her victim's shoulders and holds her easily in place.

Kenny: This one is over!





Cari: Disappointing effort from the former Featherweight champion! Maybe losing the belt by force had a real adverse effect on her! I can just imagine what must have happened!

Kenny: I give her credit for not giving up, but she was clearly outclassed by Samantha Staffer tonight! Alex Parker might have to watch out!

Cari: Don't give her too much credit! The Sisterhood is strong and I wouldn't count Twilight Zone out of the picture either!

WINNER: Samantha Staffer by pinfall
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws