


( The fans are cheering as the camera pan across the BRA arena. Hundreds of signs and banners are frantically waved in the hopes they are spotted and seen on TV. “ HELLION WHERE ARE U?” , “ GOD BLESS SABRINA “ and “Anyone Need a Lift to Vail?” are just a number of them. Another camera shot appears as it pans over to the announcer’s table. Garry is looking around for a beer concession operator, while Sally smiles into the camera.)

Sally: “ Welcome back folks! What great action we’ve seen so far and we’re only about to start the third match of the evening. BloodLust’s Amanda Sinclair will be taking on Sisterhood Leader…oh wait. Sisterhood member….. no ..that’s not right. Anyway … Amanda will be taking on The Marquise DeSade, Yvette.”

Garry: “ Where is that beer clerk!! He should have been around here 5 minutes ago! “

Sandra: “ Well, this is an interesting match up. The Television Title is not on the line tonight, since Yvette will be facing Americana at the PPV in Vail.

Garry: “ Bah, The Marquise is going to demolish the Rube known as Amanda.”

Sandra: “ I thought you liked Bloodlust?”

Garry: “ Oh, I do, I think they have wonderful ….assets. But they are not the Marquise.”

( Sandra rolls her eyes and then smiles at Garry )

Sandra: “ Tell me Garry, what’s your take on the Sisterhood troubles. Do you stand behind Yvette or Tiffany?”

( Garry scowls at the question before turning and smiling into the camera. )

Garry: “ As a member of the press, I cannot take sides on such an important matter. My job is to bring the facts to the people and let them decide. I mean, if that Judas Tiffany wanted more attention, she should have asked the Marquise, instead of posting Nude photo’s of herself all over the internet. “

( Sandra seems shocked for a moment, and then see’s Garry’s lap top computer on the “TIFFANY NAKED” Home page. )

Sandra: “ I see, and you’re checking out that page to get all the facts?”

( Garry looks down at the screen and then blushes for a moment.)

Garry: “ oh ,..umm er..I am just viewing this page for purely journalistic reasons.”

Sandra: ‘ Yeah right! Anyway's folks, This is a classic match up. Amanda is a skilled brawler, while Yvette is a pure technician. Both these ladies are willing to stretch the rules to gain a win and I am sure that both of them will have their entourages with them. “

(The lights in the arena dim and spotlights focus on the entrance. The sound of Republica’s “Ready to Go” starts up over the sound system, while on the video wall orange letters saying “BRING IT ON !” flash on and off on the black background. Out of the back strides Amanda Sinclair, wearing orange wrestling boots, orange shorts and an orange tank top that is just slightly to small, so as to better show of her chest. Black letters on the item repeat her quote “BRING IT ON !”. There is a lot of booing, though some scattered cheers can be heard as well. Amanda’s outfit also causes more then a few whistles and catcalls. A few steps behind, Wendy “Wildcat” Jones , keeps an eye on the crowd. Behind Wendy walk other members of Bloodlust. All seem to be watching the crowd for any type of attack as Amanda makes her way to the ring. Sinclair purposefully steps towards the ring, all the while her eyes flash back and forth to detect possible ambushes. She climbs into the ring and heads towards her corner. She greets the public with a clenched fist raised in the air.)

Sandra: “ Well Amanda looks ready to go.”

Garry: “ She’d better be ready, the Marquise is not going to be in a good mood…”

Sandra: “ When is she ever in a good mood?”

Garry: “I think Yvette will be in a good mood, when Tiffany is on her hands and knee’s begging for forgiveness “

Sandra: “ Somehow, I don’t see Miss BRA getting down on her hands and knee’s to Yvette.”

( Garry closes his eyes and mumbles to himself , envisioning Tiffany down on all fours. A quick cuff to the side of the head , snaps him out of his daydream )

Garry: “ Hey!! “

Sandra: “Less Drool. More talk!”

(Suddenly the first few bars of the French National Anthem play, then it's suddenly cut off. The lights go out. Explosions, fireballs and spotlights go swirling. The Angeltron shows scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and explosions, followed by the Lords of Acid's 'Out Comes the Evil.' Yvette appears from the curtains, clad in her white S&M style outfit with white crop and cape, then throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a 'Y'. Behind her Merci stands awaiting her mistress’s orders. Yvette walks slowly towards the ring, taking her time as the crowd boo’s and jeer’s. A few faithful fans cheer and bow as Yvette passes them. The Marquise keeps her eyes focussed on Amanda as Mercy seems a bit concerned with having members of BloodLust hanging around ringside. Yvette climbs into the ring and Merci follows her. The Marquise extends her arms out, and Merci carefully peels off the cape. Merci turns and walks down the steps and places the cape on a table. )

Garry: “ Yvette is the epitome of grace and style. “

( The ref walks over to Amanda and slowly checks her for weapons. He seems satisfied that she is not carrying and then turns to check on Yvette )

Garry: “ Man, I want that job.”

Sandra: “ You want to be a ref? Those poor guys and gals get spit on ,beat up. They are the most under appreciated members of the Wrestling Community.”

Garry: “ But they get to “Check” the wrestlers …if you know what I mean.”

( As the ref approaches Yvette, she snarls at him.)

Yvette: ‘ What? Do think the Marquise DeSade has to bring weapons to the ring to dispose of this English pig?!”

( The ref pauses for a moment and then proceeds to check Yvette for weapons. All the time , The Marquise is verbally abusing the poor man. )

Sandra: “ You know , that’s not a good way to start off the match. Pissing off the person who decides if you win or not is never good tactics.”

Garry: “ Zebra’s are idiots. The only job qualification is counting to three.”

Sandra: “ Ahhh, now I know why you can’t ref…”

Garry: “grrrrrrrrrrrrrr”

( Amanda smirks and walks part way across the ring. Yvette immediately raises her hands up )

Amanda: “ So, you think your some kind of Dominatrix it seems? Well, how about finding out who’s the strongest ? Pure, one on one, just you and me. You without your goons, me without my friends ?”

( Yvette smiles and looks down at the members of Blood Lust that flank the ring. She turns her head.)

Yvette: “ I am not the one with my friends around to save me. I have no need of outside interference to handle the likes of you!”

( Amanda points to Merci )

Yvette: “ What! Her!? You expect me to come to the ring without my servant?!” “ Truly you are as ignorant as you look. But soon, I shall beat some sense into you. You are about to enter a world of pain mon ami.”

( Amanda shrugs her shoulders and winks at her comrades. Wendy looks up into the ring and gives her teammate a thumbs up as the bell rings )


(. Immediately Amanda charges out from her corner. Yvette steps into her savate stance and slowly moves around the ring, daring the British Brawler to get in range. Amanda smirks and moves slowly towards Yvette. The Marquise lashes out with her foot, it sails by Amanda’s head, missing by inches. Amanda backs off quickly, as Yvette bounces gracefully on her feet, preparing to launch another kick.)

Sandra: ‘ Well, right off the start folks, both wrestlers are going into their own particular style. Amanda has to close the distance and get Yvette to the mat, while the Marquise needs to use her speed and finesse to wear down the British Brawler.”

Garry: “ Amanda’s going to get her teeth kicked in, if Yvette catches her with one of those savate kicks!”

( Amanda takes a step back and then raises her arms, protecting her head. She charges in at Yvette. The Marquise launches her kick up and it smacks into the side of Amanda’s head, but doesn’t slow the tough brawler down. Amanda crashes into Yvette, pushing her back into the corner. Yvette tries to drive her knee’s up into Amanda’s ribcage, but Sinclair blocks the blows and slams the Marquise into the turnbuckles. Yvette winces on impact and then gasps as Amanda drives a fist into her firm midsection. The ref runs over and begins the count as Amanda brings her forearm up and slams it upwards in a swinging motion. )

Sandra: “ European Upper Cut!!! That’ll rattle Yvette’s cage.!”

( Yvette’s head snaps back as Amanda’s forearm drives upward into her chin. The ref reaches a 4 count and Amanda backs off, pulling Yvette forward. The tough blonde whips Yvette across the ring and into the opposite corner. Yvette slams into the turnbuckles and stumbles out as Amanda charges and then leaps into the air extending her arm. )

Garry: “ OUCH!! Flying Lariat!! That clothesline nearly took Yvette’s head off!”

Sandra: “ The Marquise isn’t starting out to well ….”

Garry: “ She’s had a busy week!! The life of a Marquise is very tiresome, and with Tiffany betraying her, I bet that Yvette didn’t get much sleep”

( The members of BloodLust cheer as Amanda drops across Yvette for a quick pin. Wendy however watches intently as her partner covers the Marquise. Before the ref can count one, Yvette kicks out. Amanda sits up and wraps her arms around Yvette’s head. Merci screams out.)

Merci: “ Choke!!”

( The ref checks the hold and shakes his head. Yvette yelps as Amanda pours on the pressure , keeping Yvette on the mat )

Sandra: “ Smart tactics by Amanda, keeping her faster opponent on the mat and wearing her down. “

( Amanda slowly rises to her feet, keeping the headlock tight. She twists her body and flips Yvette over in a hiptoss. The Marquise falls over onto her back, as Amanda maintains the headlock.)

Garry: “ Come on Yvette …and where the hell is that Beer Vendor!!”

( Yvette tries to grab a handful of Amanda’s hair, but the ref slaps her hand away. She curses him as Amanda lifts her up to her feet again. Yvette reacts quickly and lifts her foot up and slams it into the back of Amanda’s knee. Sinclair yelps and stumbles forward as Yvette pushes off backwards. As her head breaks free of the hold, Yvette scowls )

Garry: “ Uh oh, Yvette looks pissed.”

Sandra: “ She always looks like that”

( As Amanda turns , Yvette leaps up into the air, spinning her foot around. It catches Amanda in the side of the head, sending her sprawling across the mat. Yvette immediately moves in and kicks Amanda savagely in the ribs. The British Beauty yelps as the toe of Yvette’s boot slams into her side. Amanda tries to roll away as Yvette continues her assault )

Yvette: “Impudent Wretch!! Stay still!!”

( Yvette kicks Amanda once more in the side, before reaching down and grabbing a handful of hair. Yvette hauls Amanda up and then lashes out with a series of palm strikes to the head and neck. Amanda stumbles backwards under the assault and crashes into the turnbuckles. Yvette follows in immediately and starts stomping down again and again. The ref calls for a break, but Yvette ignores him. As he reaches the 4 count, she stops and smiles The Marquise bends down and grabs another handful of Amanda’s hair and pulls her up. She whips her into the ropes and then takes off in the other direction. Amanda hits the ropes and rebounds in as Yvette launches her body into the air, rotating her legs around and slamming them into Amanda’s chest )

Garry: ‘ Spinning Heel Kick!!! ‘

( Amanda crashes to the mat as Yvette rolls to her feet. The Marquise smiles as Amanda rolls on the mat, clutching her chest. )

Sandra: “ Yvette is doing some serious damage with those kicks of hers “

Garry: “ Of course she is , The Marquise is a trained Savate Specialist. Her feet are lethal.”

Sandra: “ So is her mouth “

( Wendy and the others look on with concern as Amanda rolls on the mat. Yvette grabs the British blonde by her legs and holds them up in the air, parting them slightly. The crowd gives a collective gasp as Yvette jumps in the air and extends her legs out. They crash down on the inside of Amanda’s thighs, causing them to be violently stretched. Amanda howls on impact and rolls away as Yvette smirks and pushes herself up. )

Sandra: “Brutal Jumping Leg Split!!”

( Yvette pauses for a moment planning her next move. She looks down at the concerned faces of the BloodLust members and laughs. Merci smiles , but stays far away from Wendy and her comrades. Yvette bends down and hauls Amanda up to her feet. She wraps her arm around Amanda’s head and uses her other hand to grab her waistband. )

Garry: “ Suplex time!!

( Yvette goes to lift Amanda up, by the British wrestler wraps her leg around Yvette’s blocking the move. Yvette strains again to lift Amanda up. Then she squeals as she feels her legs being lifted off the ground )

Sandra: “ No!! Reversal!!!”

( Yvette wails as she is lifted up and over and slammed down onto her back. Wendy cheers as Amanda slowly pushes herself up. She stands above the Marquise and growls )

Amanda: “ Ok Frenchie , Let’s see how you like it!!”

( Amanda starts stomping down on Yvette, kicking her in the ribs and stomach. Yvette groans and tries to roll away, but Amanda is relentless in her attacks. Amanda launches a kick that plows into Yvette’s stomach, causing her to squeal and curl into a ball. Amanda pauses for a moment as a she spots a reflection coming off the bottom of Yvette’s boots. She reaches down and grabs Yvette by the leg, tapping the bottom of her foot)

Amanda: “ What the Hell!!! Hey Ump!! These boots are metal!!!”

Garry: ‘ uh oh “

Sandra: ‘ Of all the dirty tricks!!!”

( The ref comes over and taps the bottom of Yvette’s boot. The Marquise pleads ignorance as the ref scowls at her. )

Sandra: ‘DQ Her!!”

Garry: “ I’m sure it was an honest mistake. I bet Merci brought the wrong boots.”

( The crowd pauses as they wait for the ref’s ruling. Yvette looks up and then her eye’s open wide as she hears his decision )

Referee: ‘ These Boot’s gotta come off, right now or you’re Disqualified!!”

( Yvette curses and then crawls to her corner. Amanda goes to attack her, but the ref stops her. Merci climbs up into the ring and hands Yvette a water bottle and then proceeds to take off her boots. )

Garry: “ Well, there is some good coming out of this. Yvette gets a breather, not that she needed it. “

Sandra: “ She’s lucky she wasn’t DQ’d on the spot. Amanda is pissed off, no wonder those kicks were hurting her so much. “

( The crowd laughs as Merci stumbles backward while trying to pull Yvette’s boots off. Finally after a minute or so, Yvette stands barefoot in the ring. Amanda smiles at her and then stomps her feet on the mat, threatening to crush the Marquise’s bare toes. Amanda rushes in and Yvette quickly slides under the ring ropes. She turns and yells at Merci to go and get her another pair of boots. Merci turns and runs up the ramp )

Garry: ‘Yvette !! Look out!!”

( Yvette turns as Amanda slides out of the ring and kicks her in the back. Yvette is sent crashing forward into the guardrail. She moans as her body slams into the metal bars. Amanda smirks as she walks up and grabs Yvette by her hair , pulling her up. Amanda then lifts Yvette up and drops her neck first over the barrier. The Marquise slams into the bar and then slumps backwards. The ref jumps out of the ring and begins demanding that Amanda get back into the ring. She winks at him and then grabs Yvette by the arm. She pulls Yvette up and then goes to whip her into the guardrail again. )

Sandra: “ This is going to hurt….”

Garry: “ NO!! Reversal!!”

( Yvette stops and reverses the hold, sending Amanda into the metal barrier. The tough blonde slams into the gate and slumps down, clutching her back. Yvette sneers as the ref asks her to get in the ring. She ignores his pleas and grabs Amanda by the hair, she pulls her up and places her in a side headlock. Yvette then leaps backward driving Amanda’s head into the hard floor. The crowd gasps as the vicious move is seen on the AngelTron. The ref begins to count as Yvette pulls herself up. She scowls at members of BloodLust who have edged closer to the action. Yvette grabs Amanda by the hair and pulls her up. )

Sandra: “ Amanda’s cut!!! “

( A trickle of blood runs down Amanda’s forehead, an obvious result of the devastating DDT. Yvette drags Amanda over to the edge of the ring and lifts her up, rolling her inside. Yvette quickly jumps up onto the ring edge and steps in through the ropes. )

Garry: “ Yvette is pissed off about her boots and now she’s going to take it out on Amanda!”

( Yvette grabs Amanda by the hair and pulls her up. She lifts the British wrestler into the air and then slams her down in a powerful body slam. Amanda’s body bounces on impact and she rolls onto her side. Yvette smiles in triumph and raises her arms into the air, forming a “Y” shape. She bends down and grabs another handful of blonde locks , before hauling Amanda to her feet. Yvette goes to lift Amanda up again. But this time the British Beauty stomps her boot down on to Yvette’s exposed toes. )

Garry: ‘OUCH!! Stupid ref!!!”

( Yvette howls and hops away , clutching her foot. Amanda takes a running step and nearly takes Yvette’s head off with a vicious clothesline. Part of the crowd cheers as Amanda wipes some of the blood off her face. The British bombshell snarls with anger and grabs Yvette by her legs. Amanda begins to kick Yvette in the back of her legs. The Marquise howls with each impact. )

Garry: “ HEY!!! Check her boots ref!!!”

Sandra: “ I don’t think that Amanda would use steel toed boots. Brass Knuckles are more her style.”

( Amanda suddenly stops and then a twisted smile appears on her face. She parts Yvette’s legs slightly and then looks out into the crowd )

Sandra: “ hehe, turnabout it fair play!”

( Amanda leaps up into the air, extending her legs. She repeat’s the same move Yvette did to her earlier in the match. Yvette’s legs arm forced wide, stretching her muscles to the limit. She howls as Amanda’s weight drives her legs apart. Amanda quickly rolls to her feet and grabs Yvette by her legs again. Amanda steps forward, placing Yvette’s legs across one another )

Garry: “ oh no….”

Sandra: ‘She’s…Yes….Figure Four!!”

( Yvette howls as Amanda falls backwards, locking in the figure four leglock. Yvette screams in rage and pain as her leg is violently twisted. Amanda pushes herself up on her elbows and smiles as the blood trickles into her mouth, staining her teeth.)

Amanda: ‘ There now, that ‘s the proper position for a Marquise … on her back…screaming for mercy.”

( The crowd laughs as Amanda mocks Yvette. Merci comes running down the ramp with a pair of boots. Spike and Kitty run to intercept her. Merci stops dead in her tracks as the members of Blood Lust walk towards her. She pleads with them ,but they both smile and shake their heads. )

Garry: “ How Unsporting !! Merci is just trying to bring her master some boots.”

Sandra: “ Well, Yvette wouldn’t be barefoot if she wasn’t wearing metal lined boots. How can anyone think they can get away with that?”

( Merci back tracks up the ramp as Kitty and Spike demand that she give them the boots . Merci then takes off running as Kitty and Spike give chase)

( Inside the ring, Yvette is pounding on the mat as the ref asks for her submission. She curses his mother and screams her defiance as Amanda pours on the pressure. Yvette reaches her arms out for the safety of the ropes, but it is inches beyond her grasp.)

Sandra: “ Yvette is in big trouble, if she can’t reach those ropes, this match is over”

( Garry’s eye catches a glimpse of a beer vender, in his red and white uniform)

Garry: “ Finally!! Hey boy!! BOY!!!”

( The vendor ignores Garry’s cry and continues on his way, walking around serving drinks to the front row crowd. )

Garry: “ That jerk, I need a beer. When that jackass comes back over here, I am going to give him a piece of my mind Who in the hell does he think he is with that cheesy moustache.”

Sandra: “ Make sure you save a piece for yourself”

( Yvette’s pounding on the mat has brought her closer to the ropes. She ignores the ref’s call for a submission, using her arms to drag herself and Amanda closer , closer ….)

Garry: “ She’s got the ropes!!!”

( Yvette reaches the ropes and grabs on for dear life. The ref calls for a break. Amanda waits a moment , adding a last bit of pain before releasing her grip. Yvette whimpers, pulling her leg close to her body. Amanda rises to her feet and walks over to Yvette. She grabs a handful of Yvette’s hair, pulling her up. Amanda then lands a perfect punch into Yvette's face. The Marquise squeals as Amanda’s fist slams into her lips. Blood spurts on impact and Amanda smiles as Yvette’s crimson fluid is spread over her knuckles. Yvette stumbles back but Amanda grabs her, lifting her onto her shoulder. Amanda takes a step back into the corner and then charges out. She jumps into the air and then slams Yvette into the mat, with all her weight on top of her )

Sandra: ‘HUGE Powerslam!!!’

( Both wrestler bounce on impact. Amanda quickly hooks the leg and goes for the pin )

Garry: 1..

Sandra: 2…

Garry: Kickout!! Thank god!!

( Amanda smiles through blood soaked teeth and rises to her feet. She drags her finger across her throat and then points at Yvette. Wendy pumps her fist into the air as Amanda pulls Yvette up into a sitting position. Amanda quickly sits down behind her, wrapping her legs around Yvette in a body scissors and then wrapping her arms around her neck in a sleeper)

Sandra: FINAL EMBRACE!!! That’s Amanda’s finisher!!!

( Yvette struggles to break free, but the strong thighs and arms of Amanda squeeze tight, starving her body of oxygen.)

Garry: “ Oh no!! Come on Yvette!!”

( Suddenly from beside the announcer’s table, a fans starts screaming in agony. Wendy turns and looks on with wide-eyed concern. The woman is flailing away on the ground, covering her eyes. The beer vendor is standing there holding his arms up in confusion. Wendy heads over to the a railing quickly )

Garry: “HEY!! Beer boy!! Give me a freaking…….HEY!!!”

( As Wendy reaches the barrier to check on the screaming woman , the vendor slams his tray into her head, spilling beer everywhere and sending the Wildcat to the floor.)

Garry: “ My beer!!!!”

( As Wendy slumps to the floor, the Vendor rips off his wig and moustache. )

Sandra: ‘ OH my god!! It’s Laura Parker!!!’

Garry: “ In red and white stripes? No way!!”

Sandra: “ It is ..and she nailed Wendy in the head with her tray!!”

Garry: “ I recognize that woman on the ground! That’s Crissy, a member of BloodLust!!”

( Laura stomps on Crissy’s head before vaulting over the barrier. Laura lifts her tray up again and slams it down on top of Wendy’s head. Laura quickly grabs the microphone off of the announcer’s table. )

Laura: “ Hey Amanda, you want to interfere in Simply Divine’s Match? Well, paybacks a bitch!”

( Laura grabs Wendy by the hair and holds her up. Amanda glares as she holds Yvette in her grasp. Yvette’s struggles have become weaker and weaker. Laura slams the microphone on top of Wendy’s head. The Wildcat slumps to the floor and Laura begins to kick and stomp on her”

Laura: “ Aren’t you going to come and save your friend? Your Lover ? I’m going to cripple this bitch. Listen up stray cat and Panda bear. Don't ever mess with Simply Divine or the Sisterhood again or your name will be changed to BLOODLESS."

( Laura grabs the steel tray and holds it above the dazed Wildcat.)

Sandra: “ Laura Parker is destroying Wendy, Looks like she wants to work her over , before she faces her partner later this evening!”

Garry : ( sob , sob ) “All that beer, gone to waste”

( As Laura lifts the tray up for a third time , Amanda has seen enough, she releases her hold, just as the Marquise’s arms slump lifeless to her sides. Laura watches as Amanda runs towards her and slides out of the ring. Laura throws the tray into the ring and takes off over the barricade and into the crowd as Amanda rushes to her partner’s aid. Kitty and Spike come running down from the wrestler’s entrance, each holding one white wrestling boot. )

Sandra: “ What a devastating attack by the model!!”

Garry: “ Well, Bloodlust did interfere in the tag match last week, that cost Simply Divine the belts. Laura and Alex were rightly pissed off, so pissed off that Laura even dressed in red and white vertical stripes to attack members of BloodLust , now that’s angry. Of course, that was also a good way to show Yvette just where Laura stands in the little Sisterhood dispute”

( The members of BloodLust help Wendy to her feet, she seems ok , and despite the tray shots. She motions for Amanda to get back into the ring. Amanda turns and scowls at Yvette. The Marquise has pushed herself to her knees and it slowly trying to rise. The ref walks over to remove the tray as Amanda slides into the ring and moves to grab Yvette by the hair. Suddenly, the Marquise’s arm rams upwards, between Amanda’s thighs. The crowd lets out a collective gasp as Amanda doubles over and stumbles away. .The ref turns as Amanda slumps forward to the mat, clutching her groin. He glares at Yvette as he tosses the tray out of the ring. Yvette pushes herself up and takes a step forward grabbing Amanda from behind. The Marquise wraps her arms around Amanda’s waist and with a grunt, lifts up and falls backwards. )

Garry: “ German Suplex ..into a Bridge!!!! “

( Yvette slams Amanda up and over and then bridges up, holding her for a pin. The ref jumps down, slapping his hand against the canvas )

Garry: 1….2…….3 YES!!!!

Sandra: NO!!! NO!! The ref is holding two fingers up!!! Amanda kicked out at the last second!!”

( Yvette slams her hand on the mat and swears at the ref holding up three fingers. He shakes his head and holds up two. She curses him and rises to her feet. She wobbles a bit on her sore leg and then grabs Amanda by the hair pulling her to her feet once more. Yvette places Amanda’s chin on her shoulder and then wraps her hands around Amanda’s head before falling to her knee’s.)

Sandra: ‘JawBreaker!!!’

( Amanda’s head is brought down, her jaw slams into Yvette’s shoulder before the Marquise lets go, Amanda pops up and then falls to the mat, clutching her face. Yvette pushed Amanda onto her back and hooks the leg. The British beauty kicks out at the 2 count. Yvette snarls and wraps her hands around Amanda’s throat, squeezing the life out of her. The ref immediately calls for a break and starts his count. Yvette waits until the last second before releasing her grip. Amanda splutters and coughs as Yvette clamps her hands around her throat once more. Again the ref calls for a break and counts quickly. Yvette releases her grip and stares at the ref. He warns her, not to try that again. She rises to her feet and then grabs Amanda by her arms, pulling her in front of a corner. Yvette slowly climbs the turnbuckles and looms above her opponent. )

Sandra: “ Yvette’s going for her French Tickler move!!

( Yvette leaps off the top , keeping her feet together and she falls. Amanda rolls suddenly out of the way and Yvette lands hard on the canvas. Her injured knee buckles and she falls . )

Garry: “ oh no!! no!! Her knee!!!”

( Amanda lies on the mat catching her breath, as Yvette rolls around ,clutching her knee. The ref looks on as both women lie on the mat. He starts to count. )

Garry: “ Get up Yvette!!”

Sandra: “ Get up Amanda!!”

Referee: “ 1……2…..3…….”

( Amanda rolls onto her stomach )

Referee: “ 4…..5…..6….”

( Yvette grabs a hold of the ropes to assist in lifting her up )

Referee: “ 7…..8…..9……”

( Both women rise to their feet as the ref just about reaches 10. The crowd cheers both warriors as the move in on each other. Yvette lashes out with a fist. Amanda ducks and sweeps out her leg, slamming it into the back of Yvette’s ankle. The Marquise crashes to the mat”

Sandra: “ Nice LegSweep by Amanda, if she can get the figure four on again, Yvette will give for sure!”

( Almost on cue , Amanda grabs Yvette by the legs, the crowd is on its feet in anticipation of what could be the final hold of the match. Amanda bends to twist Yvette’s legs into position. In a desperate move, Yvette lurches her torso forward, extending her hand in a knife edge position. Her blow slams into Amanda’s throat causing her to squeal and gag and stumble away. )

Sandra:: “ Brutal blow to the throat!! That hit right on the Adam’s apple!!”

( Yvette rolls onto her stomach and pushes herself up and Amanda drops to one knee, clutching her throat. Yvette hobbles over to were Amanda is kneeling and grabs a handful of her hair. Amanda struggles for breath as Yvette lifts her up. The Marquise takes a moment and then lifts Amanda onto her shoulder for a fireman’s carry. Yvette lets Amanda’s body slide down until her head is trapped between her thighs. Yvette wraps one arm around Amanda’s midsection and the other around her upper thigh. She reaches both hands together and clasps them. )

Garry: “ Here it comes ….The Fifth Estate!!!!

( Yvette jumps up in the air, she lifts her arms up and then slams them down into Amanda’s groin as she drops to her knees. Amanda’s head is driven into the mat with terrific force. She bounces on impact and then lies still )

Sandra: “ Brutal Tombstone ….A version of the Cradle PileDriver!!

( Yvette crawls over and lays her body across Amanda’s. )

Garry: “ 1……

Sandra: “2…..

Garry: “ 3!!!!!!!!!!!”


( Yvette rises to her knees and holds her arms in the air. The ref grabs her arm and helps her up. She shoves him away and holds her arms up in a “Y” as the crowd boo’s and jeer’s. Yvette scowls at the crowd before looking around the ring for Merci. Wendy jumps into the ring to check on her partner. She smiles as she see’s Amanda slowly trying to push herself up. Yvette seems shocked that Amanda is rising so quickly after the PileDriver. The Marquise rolls out of the ring as the other members of BloodLust climb in to attend to Amanda.)

Sandra: ‘ Wow!! That was great match, both women gave 110% in there. Even without all the cheating by the Marquise, it was a great contest. ‘

Garry: “ Amanda showed her toughness in there, she was a moment away from putting Yvette out with the Final Embrace.”

Sandra: “ If Laura Parker hadn’t shown up, this match would have certainly gone to Amanda.”

Garry: “ Well, I wouldn’t go that far…..”

Sandra: “ What? Yvette was out, trapped in the Final Embrace, she was a goner!!”

Garry: ‘ Bah, The Marquise had her , right where she wanted her…”

Sandra: “ Yeah right, well folks , Stay tuned for the next match. The Tag Team Champions are up next!!!”

Garry: “ Hmmmm, I wonder where the real Beer vendor is ?”


** Winner of the match: Yvette DeSade **



* Writers Note.* Both Handlers in this match did terrific role-plays and strats. You made this writers decision difficult to make. J












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