logoSherry Ann & Zantara Underworld vs. Evonne Carmikel & Lisa Dream

[Fade in.]

Sandra: Hey, everyone, we're back and to the highlight of the evening: a tag match between Sherry Ann and Zantara Underworld of the Body Shop, and the nefarious Evonne Carmikel and Lisa Dream of the Syndicate. As a bonus though, we are again joined by Canadian wrestling legend and commentator, "Hammerlock" Hank Lazarelli!

[A balding man with barrel chest but also a paunch sits between Garry and Sandra. He carried a German stein with him.]

Garry: Welcome back, Hammerlock. As most of you know, poor Hammerlock here was supposed to be our correspondant for the Brawl in the Mall Tag Match a while back.

Hammerlock: But the girls went awol.

Garry: [nervously laughing] Heh heh.. Yes.. those.. uh.. wacky girls.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match is a tag team event. Introducing, first, at a combined weight of 174 pounds - Sherry Ann and Zantara Underworld!

[The lights dim, and an eerie green smoke bellows out from the wrestlers entranceway. Green spotlights shine down, and the theme from 2001 begins to play.]

Garry: My favorite thing about 2001 was the monkey-things.

[ Sherry makes her way through the smoke with a serious look on her face, and heads to the ring. The crowd loves her, and some reach out to try and touch her. Sherry is dressed in her normal black bikini with matching thigh high leather boots.]

Garry: And there's one of 'em!

Sandra: Hush!

[Then lights grow even darker. A scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek To Cheek" plays. That fades into "Like Flames" by the rock band Berlin. Zantara is dressed in her black suit with purple pin-stripes; a purple shirt underneath; black, steel-tipped boots. She does not look happy. The crowd boos her, and she covers her ears and sneers at them. A few who actually like her try to reach out and touch her, and Zantara threatens them with a backhand. She walks to the announcer's table and snatches a microphone harshly from Sandra.]

Sandra: Now wait a minu-

Zantara: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a second! Let's get something straight here, you morons! Just because I am teamed with the Body Shop leader and a member myself, does not mean I am fighting for you pathetic excuses for primates. For some reason, some higher power thinks you fools would like to see me forced into a tag match! Fine, but that doesn't mean I have to like it! You people make me sick to my stomach."

Garry: You tell 'em, Zanny!

[The fans react very negatively to this. Sherry begins stretching as they wait for their opponents. Zantara just leans into a corner, not paying much attention.]

Hammerlock: I've gotta say, that attitude is not going to help anything along. I don't care how good your Sherry Ann, or anyone else, is. If you can't depend on you opponent, and with that attitude you can't, you might as well be walking into a handicap match.

Announcer: Their opponents this evening, at a combined weight of 160 pounds - Evonne Carmikel and Lisa Dream!

[ The lights dim as the words 'the DREAM', written in gold letters, show up on the jumbtron above the exit from the dressing room area. The sounds of twinking stars and awe music fill the arena. Smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of light, the music changes to 'Nookie', by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area. She is wearing some black leather pants and a black leather halter top, and she arrogantly surveys the crowd. Around her waist is the Battling Ring Angels Celestial belt. She then makes her way down towards the ring, walking like a supermodel on the entrance ramp. Once near the ring, Lisa snatches a microphone from the announcer's table and speaks.]

Hammerlock: [to Sandra] This is common?

Lisa: Feast your Eyes and Fantasize, all you lucky DREAM-o-phobics, for your All American Sweetheart, has, once again, decided to grace you all with her *perfect* presence! So you can now feel justified in those ridiculous prices that you are forced to pay for those tickets you hold in your grubby little hands, for the ultimate form of human *perfection* has entered the building, and promises all of you, all of you who wish that you were as cunning as the dream, as talented as the dream, as gorgeous as the dream...she promises all of you that you will get a good show tonight!

[Lisa looks to the ring and points.]

Lisa: Sherry, you insignificant, you must be the luckiest woman inside of the world of wrestling today! How else can you possibly explain your victory over the biggest draw in professional wrestling? It is all too apparent that I am quicker than you, that I am smarter than you, that I am more talented than you..all in all, that I am very much your superior, and that lucky win you got last week proves nothing! I will prove tonight, in front of all of my loyal fans, and I will prove at the Pay Per View, that you pale next to *perfection*! I will set all my fans hearts at ease..do not worry, phobics, this belt will be remaining around my ever so *luscious* waist for a long time to come!

[Sherry's face turns bright red as Lisa then looks at Zantara.]

Lisa: And tonight, not only do I get to beat on Sherry, I get to beat on one of her little peons as well! Zantara Underworld, you may have a good record, but any fool with half a brain could have a winning record against those jokes you have faced in the past! You now step into the ring tonight against the Deadliest Woman in Wrestling, Ms. Evonne Carmikel, and myself, the BRA Icon! It's time for a lesson, Zantara, a lesson in humility, for, when we're finally done with you tonight, you will have realized that you have a long way to go until you can challenge women of our stature! Little darlings, you had best close your eyes, and fantasize, because that is the ONLY way you will EVER top the Syndicate!

[Once done with her speech, Lisa tosses the microphone down upon the announcer's table. As she does, the arena lights dim as the infamous sounds of GOLDFINGER begin to play over the loudspeakers. Gold Spotlights begin to move around the arena as thousands of little pieces of gold metallic paper float from the rafters and down to the floor. Each piece of paper bares the words � Be Honored, you�ve just been touched by Greatness.]

Hammerlock: [stairing into his stein] Damn it! Greatness just got soggy in my beer!

[All the spotlights converge on the wrestlers entrance as the music slowly fades. All eyes watch the entrance as the spotlights slowly fade out. Suddenly without warning there is a blinding flash of light and pryo. �The World is Not Enough� by Garbage begins to play as the curtains slowly part. Evonne steps out onto the ramp. Her tall body is covered in a black and gold body suit that opens to reveal part of her left side. On her feet she wears her �new� black Gucchi Wrestling boots. Her arms are bare, her hands are covered by a pair black and gold gloves. Her hair is tied in a tight ponytail. Behind Evonne walks her secretary Ivana. The attractive bookworm is in a grey Armani suit and is carrying a suitcase. Evonne smiles and nods at Lisa and extends her arm down the ramp, allowing the Dream to walk infront of her. The Syndicate Leader has a serious expression on her face as she ignores the jeers and taunts of the crowd. Evonne reaches the ring and slowly walks around it. Finally after circling the ring she climbs the stairs and steps between the ropes. Upon entering the ring, Lisa Dream sits on the turnbuckle arrogantly, waiting for the match to begin.]

Garry: I have to admit my excitement now! It's not often you have a chance to see two Shoppers get schooled in one match.

Sandra: Come off it! Sherry Ann and Zantara are a hell of a lot meaner and aren't cowards!

Hammerlock: Be that as it may, Lisa and Evonne can at least work together, even though it's through a pecking order more than comradery. If the Syndicate takes this match, it won't have to do with their ability. It'll be given to them by Zantara and Sherry's differeneces.

    The good referee Glenn Robbins was just finishing up briefing both teams on the rules.

    "All the standard regulations apply, ladies," Glenn barked. "And if you want your partner to come in for you, you have to tag her in and I have to see it." His grey eyes searched the four women. "You hear me? I have to see it. None of this, 'But I did tag her,' crap. Once you tag your partner, I'll give a count and by the time I done, your partner and opponent better be the only ones in the ring. Now, I'm feeling particularly irritated tonight. It's been long and I want to go home. Hence, I'm going to come down hard on your four tonight for any infractions of the rules. Each of you gets two warnings out of me. After your warnings are up, your team gets disqualified. Have I made myself clear?" The woman grudgingly nodded. "Good. Now go to your corners. When that bell rings, the only three people in this ring better be me, a Body Shopper and a Syndicate member. Now go to your corners!"

    "Her boots," Evonne barked suddenly, pointing at Zantara's feet. "Steel toes are illegal."

    Zantara's eyes narrowed on the woman, then darted at to the referee. Glenn thought momentarily about this.

    "They're considered a foreign object," Evonne went on. "They give them an unfair advantage."

    Glenn looked at Zantara. "She's right. The steel tips come off. You can have them after the match."

    Zantara's expression did not change. Her eyes merely fell upon Evonne, who beamed at the woman with a smug look. A ring attendant jumped into the ring and kneeled at Zantara's feet. The girl, probably seventeen, looked to Glenn. "They don't seem to come off."

    Glenn frowned. "Then she wrestles barefoot. You can have your boots back after the match. Unlace 'em." The man rubbed his stomach. His ulcer was bubbling. It was going to be that sort of match.

    Glenn turned towards the Syndicate women. "Since the regulations are so important to you, miss, I'm sure you won't mind a pat down." Glenn hid his joy when he saw Evonne's face fall. "Standard thing, really. We don't want anyone to have an unfair advantage."

    Glenn first checked Lisa, who was greatly put off by being touched by Glenn in any fashion. Next, he searched Evonne. Upon tapping her boot, he felt some odd bulge. He looked up at the brunette.

    "Unlace them, Ms. Carmikel."

    Evonne's face betrayed her annoyance at the matter. Slowly, she unlaced her boot. Immediately, the referee reached in and pulled out a bag of some sort of filings. Glenn could guess what kind they were, knowing one of the wrestlers had a metal plate in her head. Glenn tossed the sack to the young ring attendant.

    After Glenn had patted down Zantara and Sherry, the bell rang. Sherry Ann and Evonne came mid ring and began circling each other. Sherry had a somewhat more determined look, where as Evonne's face was that of a cat eyeing a canary. Sherry Ann's hateful glance kept leaving Evonne and focusing on Lisa, who smiled from outside the ropes.

    A fact Evonne didn't miss.

    "Ready for your next lesson, Sherry?� Evonne asked. Sherry tried to ignore her.

    � Do you remember what I did to Jenny?" Evonne asked. "The night in prison, the pictures, the parties. I would say that Jenny was the Syndicate Cheveron. The Office Pump."

    Sherry's eyes widened as memories, from a league in her past, flooded her mind of how Evonne somehow managed to get drug charges trumped up on Jenny Anderson, Sherry's daughter-figure. To Evonne, Jenny had been another person to exploit and humiliate.

    Rage erupted. Sherry Ann bolted at the taller brunette. Evonne stepped to the side, sweeping her leg across and tripping Sherry. As the blonde plummetted forwards, she felt her hair tug bag as Evonne caught her midfall. Sherry could her Evonne grunt as she slung the Sherry into the ropes. Like rubber bands, they shot Sherry forwards a few steps, just to catch a boot in her stomach. Sherry leaned over, clutching her stomach. She could hear the referee bellowing.

    "Hair, Carmikel!"

    Sherry lifted her head in time to see five knuckles closing in on her face. The punch rolled her head to the side and distracted her for the knife hand chop Evonne delivered across her chest. Sherry saw the foot flying at her stomach and managed to side step in time, however. She watches from a few paces away as Evonne's leg entangled with the ropes.

    Sherry huffed and pulled air in. She'd made a mistake and let Evonne get into her head - a mistake she was going to have to avoid in the future. Sherry glanced back at Zantara, who was glaring across the ring towards the arrogant Lisa Dream. Sherry looked back. The ropes had released Evonne already and she was headed towards her corner, holding her hand out to Lisa. Lisa looked a bit surprised, but tagged in.

    As she climbed out of the ring, Evonne turned back to Sherry and gave her a sickening smile.

    Sherry could feel her blood boiling.

    The lights were warm on her. She felt them bath her body - make it glow, just like the star she was. Lisa strutted around the canvas as her senior opponent's face contorted with hate.

    Now that was something pretty.

    Lisa felt her smugness suddenly vanish as the blonde ("Whatta bad job of hair coloring!") stormed towards her. It was then Lisa realized, washed up or not, Sherry Ann had size on her.

    Like an angry rhino, the Shopper bore down on Lisa. Lisa could feel her own face contorting now as, in what seem liked hours, Sherry charged. That's when Lisa realized: she was in front of a turnbuckle.

    Lisa barely pulled out of the way. A little joy crept up in her as Sherry plowed into the turnbuckle, and from the look on the old dame's face, it hurt like hell. Good!

    Lisa straightened up and strode to the woman. "Who do you think you are," she began, "challenging *perfection* in such - oof!"

    Lisa's knees bent and wobbled from the force of Sherry's boot which was now very intimate with her *perfect* little belly. Lisa bit her quivering lip as she bunny hopped back from Sherry. She could see now all the hate and anger in Sherry's face, and all of it aimed, like a cannon, straight at her. Nervously, Lisa glanced to Evonne, who gave her a, "What are you waiting for?" look.

    Lisa returned to her opponent, just in time to barely step back from the paw swipe. She felt a sharp tear as Sherry Ann's nails drug across her cheek. The scratch was deep, and it burned. "My face! My beautiful face!" Lisa backpeddled now, rubbing her marred beauty, until she felt something hard against her back - a turnbuckle.

    Sherry Ann saw it too, apparently, because she came charging again, her snout against lowered like she was ready to spear *perfection.* Some people just don't learn.

    Again, the horrified expression of Lisa Dream made its showing, but this time it was mostly fraud. Again, just a foot from impact, Lisa hopped from the target zone. It was probably good, though, she couldn't see the look on her own face when Sherry slammed an arm right in front of her, which Lisa jumped right into. Or the look on her face when Sherry backhanded her into the corner. And Lisa definately would not have liked her facial expressions when the first punch landed in her soft belly, or the second across her cheek, the third and fourth both crushing right back to the belly, and then the knee lift to her face.

    Lisa feel to the canvas. She could feel the sweat beginning to crawl across her body and drying in the damnable lights. She could feel Sherry Ann's knees close in around her head, and the woman's horrible hands clamp down on Lisa's gorgeous skin and lift her lower body up in the air.

    And she could feel the entire weight of the world shoot through her spine, seconds before Sherry even drove her head into the mat.

    Kim Chi wanted to be a wrestler more than anything else.

    That desire was tempered, however, as she watched Lisa Dream's body go limp and fall to the mat. Kim shuddered. She'd been training a bit, and hopefully in less than a year, she'd be wrestling - if not here, somewhere else - but the idea of having one's face planted firmly into the mat and all the pressure placed on one's neck... well, it just didn't seem pleasant.

    And things weren't pleasant for Lisa Dream right now, either. Sherry Ann drug the girl center mat and jumped down to pin her. Glenn fell and counted - one, tw- Lisa's elbow shot up. Behind him, she could hear Sherry's fans boo, and Lisa's fans cheer. Sherry pulled Lisa to her feet by her arms and ducked her head under Lisa's chest, holding the woman's arms. Kim watched, wide eyed, as Sherry stood up and flopped the black haired girl down on the canvas like a broken toy. The older woman ("I don't see why everyone calls her old," Kim thought. "She's just thirty-three.") fell back onto Dream with an elbow smash to the chest that vibrated the mat completely. Kim, standing just ten inches from ringside, started back, shocked, then watched on.

    To her surprise, Dream was actually moving - and fast ("Maybe that's not so surprising, really.") towards her corner, on hands and knees. Lisa held her hand up to Ms. Carmikel ("No one calls her Evonne," Kim had been warned by other attendants.) who just stared at the outstretched hand and shook her head. Lisa's back was turned to her, so Kim couldn't see the woman's face as Sherry stomped her in the back, but Kim grimmaced for Lisa, anyway.

    Sherry pulled the woman up and snapped her over her shoulder. Again, Lisa's body shook the mat. Again, Kim watched as Sherry attempted a pin, but Lisa bridged out. Sherry was looking a bit tired - not ehausted, just tired - and drug Lisa by the feet to the corner. She held her hand to Zantara. Ms. Underworld, from what the young girl could see, wasn't putting on a show - she really hated being here. Zantara glared at Sherry's hand, but tagged anyway and slowly entered the ring.

    The two women whipped the smaller Dream into the ropes and met her, each catching her by the arms, one on each side of Lisa, and lifted her, then crashed her body down on both their waiting knees. Sherry pulled from the ring before Glenn could say anything to her, while Zantara seemed very focused on taking care of the wayward Dream.

    Zantara sent a kick into Lisa's side as the smaller woman tried to get to her feet. The kick probably hurt, but not as much as it would have with those boots. Kim glanced back to the evil looking things resting on the announcer's table with another attendant. She looked back to the action as Zantara gripped Lisa by the shoulders and repeatedly headbutted Lisa. Dream was screaming like a baby, but then again, Kim realized, she might too if someone with a metal plate headbutted her (Kim had once been told there was a way you could hit someone who had a plate in their head that would shove the plate into the brain. If that were the case, Zantara certainly didn't seem too concerned about it happening). Zantara released Lisa, who again slumped. Behind Kim, should could hear Garry screaming, and Sandra and that guest commentator trying to calm him down.

    Kim watched in awe (and a bit of fear) as Zantara clutched Lisa by the throat and rose her to her feet, then lifted her above the mat. Lisa scratched at Zantara's claw, her face turning blue. Glenn was bellowing at Zantara to release the hold, and be began counting. She released the hold at two, and Glenn stepped between the women - something Kim gave him a lot of respect for. Few of the other refs would dare. She heard him telling Zantara this was her first warning, and she "best remember a hold" when he told her. Zantara sneered at him as she reached around and snagged at Lisa's hair - but the Dream scampered back to her corner. Kim looked at Sherry, who was still red faced. Evonne was still refusing to tag Lisa out, too.

    Zantara stomped towards Lisa as the Dream got to her feet - and rammed her knee into a place that made every woman shudder. Glenn gave Lisa her warning about low blows, but she seemed less than interested. Instead, she jumped at the bigger woman and threw her elbow across her face. Zantara stumbled back a bit, which made it easier for Lisa as she threw herself against the ropes behind her and leapt at Zantara, executing a Hurricana. The boom of Zantara's body and the tap on Kim's shoulder made the teenager jump.

    Kim spun around. She looked eye to eye with a bespeckled bald man in a white coat who looked a lot like a villainous mad doctor from an old, old comic book. He smiled at Kim, thrusting a book in her hand.

    "A free copy of my book, my dear," the man stated. "I think you'll find it especially helpful in these angst ridden teen years."

    Kim examined the book, looking for his name. Dr. Cosmo McKinley? He's that nut I'd heard about, who handles the scary girl!

    As if on cue, Li'l Alexandria stormed into view, dressed in her derby and suspenders, but carrying a satchel full of Cosmo's books. She was scanning the crowds, as if searching for someone. Not too far off, Kim could see the doctor's famed nurse, pushing the doctor's goods and flashing her own.

    "You know, dear, I have something you might like," Cosmo went on. He dropped a sack he'd been carrying and reached in. From it, he pulled a straight jacket with the Dentonvale logo. He thrust it into Kim's hands. "I know how you young adults are all so excited about such things. I bet this will make you the talk of your young friends."

    "Yes, sir, it will," Kim replied. "Th-thank you." She glanced nervously at Li'l Alexandra.

    The doctor retrieved a pen from his jacket. "It's my pleasure - and such a polite young woman. Here, let me autograph the book for you. Whom shall I make-" The doctor stopped short, looking into the seats not too far off. "Oh my. I should have known."

    Kim followed his eyes to a few audience members just twenty feet away. There sat two blonde women and a brunette. Kim recognized them as Jenny and Linda Anderson, and fellow Shop Member Veronica Millions. When Kim looked back to the doctor, he'd walked off, tapping Alexandra on her shoulder.

    Suddenly, Kim thought, this seemed like the wrong side of the ring to be on.

    Zantara was slow standing from the hurricana, which was fine for Lisa. The longer it too the machine to start up again, the more she could kick at its gears.

    And kick she did. Over and over, dead center to the chest, right at the sternum. Lisa would then stop, and blow kisses to her adoring fans, then send a few more into Zantara.

    "How dare you lay a hand upon me?" Lisa shrieked. "Who gave you the right to touch such an example of *perfection*?" Zantara looked up, and reached for Lisa's foot. She clutched it and twisted, but Lisa bit back on the pain and stomped Zantara's head with her other foot. The fallen woman released the hold.

    Again, Lisa reached her hand out to Evonne. Evonne just looked at her, smiled, and shook her head.

    Zantara was standing now, managing to get to her knees. *Perfect* opportunity. Just as Sherry had done, Lisa walked to Zantara and clamped her knees around the woman's head and picked her up in a standing headscissor hold - then spanked Zantara. Laughter ripped from the audience at the sight. Zantara whalloped Lisa in the side, but Lisa merely dropped to her butt and drove Zantara's head into the mat. Lisa rolled the woman over and slid her body on top of her in a grapevine pin.

    "Feel honored, being allowed this close to *perfection*," Lisa purred.

    The referee was about to bring his hand down for the third time when Zantara's leg wrapped around the rope. Her breathing was a bit labored now, but she shoved Lisa forcefully as the Dream released the hold. The turn of events pleased Lisa greatly.

    "Is that truly the best you can do?" Lisa yelled, laughing a bit. Lisa handspringed backwards, her foot catching Zantara under the chin and lifting her to her feet. Lisa raised her arms and again blew kisses to the fans. "Who's your greatest Dream, and her greatest Nightmare?!" she called. Lisa pointed to Zantara, whom she realized was making way to Sherry Ann for a tag.

    Dream ran and launched herself in a missile dropkick - a move which, while it definately gave some pain to Zantara, backfired when it shot the woman even closer to her partner, whom instantly tagged her while climbing into the ring.


    Sherry struck out with a stomp, but Lisa rolled back from it. She wasn't about to make some of the same mistakes as she did last time. She rolled backwards as Sherry's kick grazed past her. Finally, Lisa stopped rolling and propped her feet up, to catch a storming Sherry Ann in the bread basket and push her back. The blonde fell off balance and landed on her rear. Lisa hopped up and reared back, scissor kicking Sherry before she could regain her footing.

    As Sherry toppled, Lisa decided it was time to humble the older woman a little. She set upon Sherry with a crotch claw hold, which made Sherry Ann shriek and writhe, immediately latching onto a rope. The meddlesome referee intervene.

    "This isn't foxy wrestling, Dream!" the barked. "Your last warning!"

    From outside the ring, Zantara yelled, "Come on, Sherry! You're making the Shop look stupid!" Sherry gritted her teeth and looked at her tag partner.

    Another opportunity! Lisa thought. The Dream pulled Sherry by her hair into a headlock, then flipped her over into the midmat. Sherry sat up, but Lisa clamped a body scissor hold around Sherry's chest (much to the excitement of the male fan base). Lisa hooked her legs together and rolled back, wrenching Sherry painfully from the mat. The referee checked for submission, but Sherry shook her head.

    "Aren't you a cute little thing?" Lisa scoffed. Sherry's face flushed purple as Lisa's legs tightened the hold. Not only was her chest being crushed, but her ribs pinned, restricting breathing. Again, the referee checked for a submission, but Sherry refused. Finally, Sherry managed to pry Lisa's legs open enough to allow her to shoot from the vice and snag a rope.

    Lisa sighed as she stood. She grabs Sherry's legs firmly and tugged her back, flipping her over. Lisa dropped to a knee in Sherry's crotch, causing the woman to jolt. Luckily for Lisa, the referee wasn't close enough to tell if it had landed there or just her thigh. Again, Lisa slid across Sherry for a grapevine pin, but not even a count of one was achieved.

    Lisa was growing tired of this - literally even. She rose, obviously frustrated, and pulled Sherry up by her hair, heaving as she did. She turned and trudged to the corner, staring at Evonne. The brunette looked at the ragged Sherry Ann, reached beyond the rope, and tagged Lisa.

    A double suplex put Sherry Ann back on the mat. Immediately, Evonne applied a figure four lock to Sherry. Sherry, wearing down even more, clawed her way towards the ropes. Evonne released the hold before her opponent even got there, pulling her back to the heart of the ring by the legs and dropped her. Evonne climbed on the woman's back to apply her 24Karat Clutch. Again, no submission.

    Evonne released the hold and Sherry flopped to the mat. Evonne kicked the woman over and placed a boot at her throat, choking her. " Do you understand now, bitch? You can never beat me, I own you."

    Evonne broke the choke before the referee could start a count. She smiled to him as she grabbed Sherry's ankles and spun the woman around, releasing her once gaining a forceful speed. Evonne stumbled a bit from being a bit dizzy, but regained her footing.

    Only to see she'd thrown Sherry to the feet of Zantara.

    Evonne backed to the ropes, fearfully, as Sherry moved her shaking hand up to tag in her partner. Zantara looked at Sherry, then to Evonne, and back to Sherry.

    Then she refused the tag.

    Sherry's jaw dropped in astonishment. The fans gasped at the sight.

    And Evonne sighed in relief.

    From the little she could see of Sherry's profile, Evonne could see Sherry Ann was astonished by the actions of Zantara, leaving her in the lion's den. Understandable, but good for Evonne. Sherry was so enraged, in fact, she didn't even notice Evonne striding up behind her and stomping Sherry Ann's mildly weakened knee. She pulled Sherry Ann to her feet and spun her around, letting loose and flinging Sherry into the Syndicate corner. Evonne looked Zantara in the eyes and gave her a sweet smile, but the woman only returned a cold expression.

    Sherry's fans boomed for their heroine to get out of the way as Evonne imitated a football player with her run, shoulder lowered. She could see the look of desperation on Sherry's face, but she could also see (though the referee apparently could not) that Lisa was holding Sherry in place by the hair. Evonne's shoulder dug deep under Sherry's rib cage and diaphragm. The blonde woman slump, gasping for air. Evonne punted her between the eyes, sending her to her back. She exchanged sick smirks with Lisa before returning to work. Sherry, again was making her way towards Zantara, who looked unphased by what was happening to her partner. Barely walking and heavily gasping, Sherry reached for the woman one more time, and once more, Zantara looked at Sherry with no interest.

    Evonne walked behind Sherry and bearhugged her, lifting the woman over her and bridging her into a pin. The referee began his count. Moments later, the bell rang.

    "The winners, by pinfall, Evonne Carmikel and Lisa Dream!"

    The two Syndicate members strode around the ring, arms raised in triumph. Lisa made way towards Sherry to do her usual, "face sit and gyrate," but Evonne caught her by the arm and gestured to Zantara, whom was putting her boots back on, and the three Shoppers neither had noticed were sitting in the front row but were now making their way, quickly, to the ring. Both turned to exit the ring, nodding to the fans, and to Dr. McKinley and Nurse Ansalong, who were excitedly clapping and praising the duo.

    Sherry Ann sat up, still breathing hard. She saw her adoptive daughter Jenny, accompanied by Linda and Veronica, rushing ringside. She glared in the direction of Zantara. Zantara merely laced up her boots, looked to Sherry, and shrugged. With that, the woman left ringside.

    "A fantastic display, wasn't it?" Dr. McKinley asked Kim.

    The girl nodded politely. "Yes, sir. It was. Very much so." A fantasic display of stubbornness, Kim thought to herself.

    The doctor nodded. He handed back to Kim the book he'd taken from her earlier, his signature scrawled on the cover. "Read it in good health, miss." He looked to the nurse and the hungry looking beast of Li'l Alexandra. "Come. It seems we weren't needed today." He looked back to Kim, offered a smile, and headed up the aisle.

    A shiver passed down Kim's back as Alexandra stared at her before leaving.

Garry: Now that was a fantastic display of skill and grace!

Sandra: What are you talking about? The match would still be going on if -

Garry: Would, could, should, but ain't! It's over, baby, and the rightful winners walked out with a victory.

Sandra: Hardly! I hope to see this all rectified next week. That's all the time we have this week. I'd like to thank "Hammerlock" Lazarelli for his wonderful commentary.

[Hammerlock raises his stein.]

Sandra: It was nice hearing someone intellegent for a change.

Garry: Excuse me? I've got a doctorate in Ancient Sumerian Studies!

Sandra: Well, super. And to our audience at home, I hope you catch us next week for our Frozen Hearts PPV. Until then, take care, fans!

[credits begin.]

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