Michelle Anderson & Rebecca Deiwert
The Cheerleaders


{ The crowd still in a frenzy over the last match continues to cheer as the camera pans over them. }

{ The shot then goes to the announcers table, where Garry and Sandra are seated. }

Sandra: Welcome back everyone, time for another great match here at Battling Ring Angels.

Garry: Next up we have a battle for the tag team titles, as the Cheerleaders, Jenny Anderson and Tina Dream put their titles on the line against Michelle Anderson, and Rebecca Deiwert.

{ The lights goes out. The Angeltron shows a big ball falling down as everone counts, 5..4..3..2..1..BOOM. A big explosion comes out of no where and Triumph plays around the arena. The Angeltron fades to MillenniuM, Michelle walks out with her sister Betty. After the slaps to the fans' hands, Michelle enters the ring. She takes out the microphone, "Well the boss finally gave me another match, she should have put me against Zantara because I want to rip off her limbs! Rebecca, I don't know you and you don't know me but that what makes a dangerous team. Lets kicksome Body Shop ass!" Michelle throws out the mic and waves to Tina to come to her. }

Garry: Well she sounds ready, but is her partner?

Sandra: I dunno, here she comes walking to the ring, with no entrance music.

Garry: Sheesh, how boring!

Sandra: I'll say, I think management has had just about enough of this jabroni. However, I really feel sorry for Michelle, she a big name in this industry, and has trained hard for this match, and quite honestly, she doesn't deserve to be teamed up with such a jabroni as Rebecca.

Garry: I agree on that. Well Rebecca is in the ring, and she just shook hands with her partner Michelle, but Michelle doesn't seem to impressed with Rebecca's lack luster attitude, and it shows as she goes to her sister Betty and complains about it.

Sandra: Well maybe she'll surprise us?

{ The Ohio state song will sound through the sounds system, the lights will dim and blink red and white, and some fire works flash at the entrance ramp. }

Sandra: Here come the champs!

Garry: Now that's debatable!

Sandra: Oh hush!

{ Tina, Jenny and Linda (Jenny's twin sister) step out from the back, and the 3 cheerleaders take of running towards the ring, they do several cartwheels and as they make their way yo the ring ring they then slide down into a split and wave to their fans. The girls then move around the ring and hand out pom pom's to the young girls at ringside and give them warm hugs. The 3 girls will then step into the ring and climb the turn buckles and wave some more to their fans before getting ready for the match. Linda takes her spot outside and cheers her sister and Tina on. }

Garry: I'll say this, they sure can pump up the crowd.

Sandra: Oh yes, just listen to this place roar!!

{ The ref goes over his instructions with all four ladies, and then tells them to get ready. Tina and Rebecca step out onto the ring apron, as Jenny and Michelle are going to start things off, no now Michelle decides she doesn't want to fight Jenny, and she has Rebecca get in the ring. Michelle is asking for the mic now. }

Michelle: I only agreed to this fight for one reason and it is that bitch, Tina Dream! Jenny, I will not fight you, if this does not prove that I don't care what happened back in high school. Then I won't lay a finger on you.

{ Michelle throws down the mic, and steps onto the ring apron. }

Garry: Whoa, now this is interesting, Michelle is refusing to mix it up with Jenny.

Sandra: Hmmn not real wise on her part, as I can assure you Jenny isn't gonna hold back from hitting Michelle.

Garry: I'm gonna take the underdogs here, I think Michelle can pull this off.

Sandra: Cool, wanna bet on it?

Garry: Nah, to risky. Hey look!

Sandra: It's Amanda Strike! and she's climbing into the ring!

{ Amanda climbs through the ropes, and she has a mic in her hand. She goes to the center of the ring and addresses the crowd. }

Amanda: Alright, I'm gonna make this match interesting, whoever gets pinned, gets this!! (Amanda holds up a pink slip.) That's right, whoever gets pinned in this match is outta here! So good luck ladies, your jobs are on the line here!

{ Amanda throws her mic outside the ring, and then climbs out of it, and heads for the back. }

Garry: Holy *bleep* did you hear that!!!

Sandra: I sure did, wow! We haven't seen Amanda in a while, and she comes back in a big way here, making this a pink slip match!

{ Back in the ring, the ref signals for the bell, and the match is underway. Jenny and Rebecca lock up in the center of the ring, and the bigger Rebecca drives Jenny backwards into a neutral corner, and then drives a knee into her stomach. Jenny fires back with a forearm smash to Rebecca's jaw that staggers her. Jenny seizing the opportunity nails Rebecca with a standing drop kick that sends her hard to the mat. }

Garry: She sure doesn't mess around does she?

Sandra: Nope, Jenny is all fun and games, but when she steps through those ropes, look out!! Jenny is tagging Tina in now!

{ Jenny makes a quick tag to Tina, and she stays in there. They both pick Rebecca up, and send her into the ropes. Rebecca bounces off, and is met with a double drop kick, that nearly takes her head off, but she lands close to her corner, and makes the tag in to Michelle. Jenny after being yelled at by the ref, returns to her corner, and Michelle and Tina square off. }

Garry: Well this is what Michelle has been waiting for, let's see what happens.

Sandra: This rivalry goes back a long time between these two. They flat out hate each other!

Garry: Smartass Tina seems to be all buisness tonight, and is remaining focused.

Sandra: She better, Sherry was a little leary about Jenny teaming with Tina. She says her head just isn't in her matches lately.

Garry: Who cares what that hag thinks?

{ Sandra writes down a note. }

Garry: Hey, what are you writing?

Sandra: Oh Sherry told me to write down what you say about her. We have a match going on tubby, call it!

Garry: Hmmnn.....Ok..Michelle is going to town on Tina right now smashing her face repeatedly into the top turnbuckle. Her sister Betty seems to be enjoying this, and she's taunting Tina from outside the ring.

Sandra: Well Linda is keeping a close eye on Betty, making sure she doesn't get involved.

{ Michelle grows tired of pounding Tina's face into the turnbuckles, and takes her to the center of the ring, and lays her out with a nicely executed Russian Leg Sweep. }

Garry: Michelle looks great tonight!

Sandra: Yes she does, I was getting worried about her, we hadn't heard from her in a long time, but she's back in full force!

{ Michelle drops a knee on the back of Tina's head, and then gets up, and makes the tag to Rebecca. Rebecca rushes in, and goes for an elbow drop on Tina, but Tina telegraphed it, and rolled out of the way at the last second, causing Rebecca to crash to the mat. }

Garry: Dream is hurting, she needs to make a tag.

Sandra: Yes she does, and she's trying to.

{ Tina crawls towards Jenny, and Michelle screams at Rebecca to not let her tag out. }

Michelle: Keep her in there damn it!!!

{ Rebecca dives towards Tina, but as she grabs her ankle, Jenny gets tagged in. }

Sandra: Here comes Jeeeennnny!!

Garry: Yup....WOW!!! Did you see that?!?!

Sandra: Yea! Jenny came into the ring in a big way! She did a Frog Splash off the top rope, and just nailed Rebecca with it.

Garry: She musta been 20 feet in the air!

Sandra: Jenny has more hangtime then an NFL punt!

Garry: Punt...Hmmn reminds me of a word that ryhmes with what her mom is.

{ Sandra takes another note, and highlights that one. She then slaps Garry in the face, HARD! }

Garry: OUCH!! hey stop writing stuff down!!

Sandra: Hey this Rebecca may be finished, she looks totally out of it!

{ Jenny grabs Rebecca, and brings her to her feet. She then whips her into the corner, and Rebecca slams into it back first. Jenny gives Tina a thumbs up, and takes off running at Rebecca, and leaps into the air. }


Sandra: Jenny may be small, but when she hits, she hits like a ton of bricks!

Garry: I'll say!

Sandra: Well that's Jenny's set up for her finisher, let's see if she ends this now.

{ Linda starts getting the crowd pumped up, doing a Jenny cheer. }

Garry: Oh no, not this again! Someone shut these fans up! UT OH! These Shoppers aren't done, Jenny just tagged Tina in again. Now they pick Rebecca up, and lay her out with a double suplex!

Sandra: Poor Michelle, she really got stuck with a dud for a partner.

Garry: Well she has nothing to be ashamed of, she did great while she was in there.

Sandra: Well this still isn't over, Jenny holds Rebecca up, and Tina nails her with a Handspring Double Mule Kick to the jaw!

Garry: Good night!

Sandra: The champs are working well as a team, and Rebecca is just getting the crud knocked out of her.

Garry: Michelle is really disgusted over there, and I don't blame her one bit.

Sandra: Look at this!!!! Jenny is locking the Sherry Crab on Rebecca!!!

Garry: Michelle has seen enough, and she and her sister are heading out of here. I feel for Michelle.

Sandra: Me too, but ya better feel for Rebecca, Jenny is going nuts with that hold, and she isn't letting go!

Garry: Yea I heard Rebecca yell out her submision right away, but that Cheerleader is just going wild with that hold. Tina can't even get her to stop!

Sandra: Jenny likes playing around with her moms famous hold, but I don't think she knows how dangerous that hold is! Tina is signaling to the back, who is she doing that to?

Garry: I dunno.....Oh crap, look who it is!

Sandra: It's Sherry Ann, and she is running to the ring.

{ Sherry hops into the ring, and grabs Jenny by her shoulder, and yells at her to break the hold. Jenny giggles, and does so. Sherry just shakes her head, and walks over to Tina, and shakes her hand, congratulating her on the win. Jenny grabs the pink slip from the ring announcer, and sticks it in Rebecca's mouth, then puts her foot on her chest, and raises her hands in the air as the victor. Sherry isn't to pleased with Jenny's actions, and she just hops out of the ring, and heads to the back. Tina, Linda and Jenny then all hug, and do a cheer routine for the fans. }

Garry: Wow that Jenny can get down right mean at times!

Sandra: Well I think I know why she got all fired up. Jenny likes experiancing everything, and this was her first time to end someones career, and she went all out to do so.

Garry: Makes sense. Well that's the last we'll see of Rebecca around here. She has her pink slip, so buh bye!

Sandra: Speaking og buh byes, we're overdue for a commercial break now. We'll be back in a couple minutes folks! 1

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