Wendy ‘Wildcat’ Jones vrs L’il Alexandra

By: ToneDef

[The camera fades from black to survey the Battling Ring Angels arena, a large venue located in the heart of the city. It is packed with ticketholders at the moment, all of them yelling and waving their signs, hoping for a moment of glory infront of the cameras. A few of the apparent signs are ‘SEDUCE ME, TIFFANY’, ‘UNDERWORLD DREAMS’, and ‘CARMIKEL-A-HOLIC’. The camera spins around, to regard the announcers sitting at ringside.]

Sandra: "Welcome back, ladies and gents, to our all star card for the date of January 10th, in the year 2000! It has been absolutely spectacular thus far, and we still have some great matches coming your way!"

Garry: "Yeah, we get to see the greatest stable on the face of the planet, the Syndicate, totally annihlate two members of the shop, and I can’t wait for that! Let’s just skip to the main event!"

Sandra: "This next match is going to be spectacular as well! Wendy Jones, though new to the fed, has made quite an impact with her stable, including an aid in Simply Divine’s loss to Jenny Anderson for the tag belts!"

Garry: "And L’il Alex is a bonafide psycho…..hmmmm, two crazy women going at it in the ring, I love it!"

[The lights in the arena dim and spotlights focus on the entrance. The aggressive, guitar driven punkrock of Therapy’s "Trigger Inside" starts up over the soundsystem, while the videowall shows the yellow icon of a snarling and clawing cat on a black background. Out of the back strides Wendy "Wildcat" Jones, wearing her trademark black bodysuit. Her long blond hair is kept in a single braid and bound with bloodred ribbon. The crowd meets her entrance with mixed feelings, both booing and cheering her. A few steps behind her is Amanda Sinclair, keeping an eye on the crowd. Wendy purposefully steps towards the ring, all the while her eyes flash back and forth to detect possible ambushes. She climbs into the ring and heads towards her corner. She greets the public with a clenched fist raised in the air.]

Sandra: A mixed reaction for the Bloodlust lady….a women with many issues, is that one, but I think she’s ready for this match!"

Garry: "Who could possibly be prepared against a psycho?"

[Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ starts up, and Dr. McKinnley and Nurse Ansalong exit from the dressing room area. Nurse Ansalong in her tight nurse’s outfit and Dr. McKinnley in his pulled over 1930’s style psychiatrist’s jacket, both smiling. They both pull aside one section of the curtain as soon as ‘The End is the Beginning is the End’ by the Smashing Pumpkins starts, and Little Alexandra comes through with her bowler, tight white outfit, walking stick, white midriff shirt and suspenders. As they go down the aisle, Dr. McKinley and Nurse Ansalong wave to the audience as if they are fan favorites and McKinley signs fans’ programs whether they want them signed or not. To one lucky fan, he hands over a copy of his autographed book, The Road to a Better You, Nurse Ansalong bends over to sign her name, too, hoping to get the favor of some of the male fans.]

Garry: "Hmmmm, that Nurse certainly has some nice….assets…"

Sandra: "And she certainly uses them to her advantage as well. Let’s just hope that neither of them decide to interfere in this match…it should be a great, solid match!"

Garry: "Dr. McKinley? Nurse Ansalong? Cheat? I don’t know what you’re talking about…."

[Little Alexandra enters the ring as the Nurse and Doctor remain on the outside of the ring, and smiles at Wendy as the bell sounds.]

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "L’il Alex immediately storms over to Wendy, met with a punch to the belly….She appears to just sluff it off, and the two start to throw series of punches at eachother!"

Garry: "Both of these women are brawlers, no real technique here, but oh how I love to watch women beat the crap out of eachother!"

Sandra: "Wendy has the size advantage, but I don’t think that pain registers inside of the psycho’s mind…she drives Wendy back against the ropes and continues the assault…Wendy looks to be in trouble here!"

Garry: "No! Foot in the belly pushes L’il Alex away a few feet…and a running closeline takes her down!"

[Wendy stomps on L’il Alex’s belly, and then quickly gets her inside of a headscissors, her legs tightly clamped around L’il Alex’s head. L’il Alex just lies there, and suddenly, with a cry, Wendy releases the hold and stands up, holding her leg]

Sandra: "I….I think that L’il Alex just bit Wendy!"

Garry: "Entirely possible! Wendy goes to pull L’il Alex to her feet…I tell you, speed is not the psycho’s greatest asset…but a low blow from L’il Alex doubles over the feline, followed up with a DDT!"

Little Alexandria: "I’ve been sharpening up for some….ultraviolence."

Sandra: "Follows it up with some solid boot stomps to Wendy’s prone body…what a nutcase! Are those boots even legal?"

Garry: "Of course they are, you think that the Doctor would allow Little Alex to wear non legal boots?"

[Little Alexandria pulls Wendy to her feet, and gets her into an airplane spin, Wendy facing the mat. She then, after building enough momentum, drops the Wildcat down onto her face in a brutal slam]

Sandra: "Wow! I think that’s the first technical move that I’ve seen out of the psycho all night….Wendy could be in trouble here!"

Garry: "The doctor is yelling at Alexandra to pin her, but Alexandra doesn’t even seem to notice the doctor….she seems to be in her own little world as she places a boot against Wendy’s neck, choking her!"

Sandra: "The referee orders a break…Alexandra doesn’t comply, until the referee grabs her and pulls her off of Wendy, who clutches her throat in agony!"

Garry: "Alexandra merely stares at the referee, wide eyed and open mouthed…nothing upstairs there heh heh heh! But who says that a woman needs a brain?!?"

[The referee backs up a couple of feet, and Alexandra goes back to Wendy….Wendy suddenly sweeps out a leg, tripping Dr. McKinley’s protégé to the mat. She is still feeling the effects of the match, however, and is slow at getting to her feet..in fact, Alexandra stands at the same pace, which goes to show how much pain Wendy is in. Alexandra dashes at Wendy…Wendy scoops her up, and powerslams her to the mat]

Sandra: "Wow! What a powerslam!"

Garry: "I didn’t see that coming, not at all….Wendy decides to get the smaller woman inside of a waist scissors this time, careful to keep her legs away from Alexandra’s mouth…which is always a smart plan! You never know where that mouth has been!"

Sandra: "I doubt that anyone could get L’il Alex to submit, however, I don’t think that pain registers in that psycho’s mind….she just lies there, and the referee misses Nurse Ansalong putting Alexandra’s foot on the ropes!"

Garry:" Good move from the Nurse…the referee notices the foot, and orders a break, and Wendy complies. She glances over at the Nurse….not that’s a sight for sore eyes! But I don’t think Wendy saw the Nurse interfere!"

[Wendy quickly whips Alexandra into the ropes, and takes her down with a solid missile dropkick. Wendy then mounts the top rope, smiles for the crowd, and solidly bodysplashes Alexandra from the top rope.]

Sandra: "Wow, high impact manuever! Wendy hooks the leg, going for the pin. 1….2…"

Garry: "Not even close, I think it would take a wrecking ball to put Dr. McKinleys protégé down for good!"

Sandra: "Well, I must say that Wendy looks to be a wrecking ball thus far in this matchup….I am very impressed with the Wildcats moves, to say the least! She knows a little bit of everything!"

Garry: "Yeah, that and a dime can get you a cup of coffee….Wendy elbowdrops L’il Alexandra in the belly, then, pulling her to her feet, gets her inside of a full nelson!"

[Alexandra merely stands there inside of Wendy’s grasp as the Wildcat clamps on the deadly move and applies as much pressure as she can. The referee asks if Alexandra wants to submit….Alexandra doesn’t say a word, and then suddenly drives her elbows back, into Wendy’s startled face. The stunned Wildcat relaxes her grip just enough for Alexandra to slip free, and Alexandra follows up with a jarring running closeline]

Sandra: "Wow, did you see that closeline?!? Wendy practically did a 360 in mid air! What strength from L’il Alex!"

Garry: "L’il Alex follows up the attack with a series of solid boots to Wendy’s entire body…The referee is chastising Alex for her attack, but can do nothing for it….it is just barely legal!"

Sandra: "Barely being the operative word….Wendy could be in trouble here, Alexandra is really going to work on her!"

L’il Alexandra: "Bones breaking from a swift tolchock is a symphony to my ears."

Garry: "What a nut! After her ever so elegant saying, she pulls Wendy to her feet…and irish whips her into the opposite corner! Wendy hits it with a cry and bounces out of the corner…."

Sandra: "Right into Alexandra’s waiting arms! It’s a bear hug, I think that Wendy could be in a lot of trouble here!"

[Wendy writhes in Alexandra’s grasp as the Detonvale protégé tightens her grip around Wendy’s midsection. The referee asks if Wendy submits….Wendy shakes her head, but the pain is all too apparent on her face. Suddenly, however, Wendy brings her head forward, slamming it into Alexandra’s. The move stuns Alexandra just enough for Wendy to wiggle an arm free and begin to drive it into L’il Alex’s face. Soon, L’il Alex releases the hold, and walks away, holding her face.]

Garry: "She actually made the psycho feel pain! Wow!"

Sandra: "Wendy scoops Alexandra up……a vicious backbreaker! Without a moment’s break, she pulls the nutcase to her feet, whips her into the ropes…hurricanrana! I think that Alex is the one in trouble now!"

Garry: "Wendy signals to the crowd…here it is, the Feline Felony, her finishing manuever! A combination headscissors and armlock, it is one of the most deadly finishing holds I have ever seen!"

[Nurse Ansalong suddenly gets up on the edge of the ring apron, and begins to yell something at the referee, bending over enough to expose some of her generous assets. The referee is distracted by her, and walks over to her to tell her to get off the apron. Wendy sees this…releases the hold…walks over to the Nurse and flips her into the ring by her hair]

Sandra: "I think that the good Nurse may be in trouble here! She tries to crawl away from Wendy, but Wendy grabs her by the leg!"

Garry: "Wendy pull her to her feet by a handful of hair, picks the Nurse up, over her head, and bodyslams her out of the ring, onto the harsh concrete floor! Now really, there was no need for that!"

Sandra: "Cheaters get what they deserve…"

[Wendy has forgotten about L’il Alex, however, who has struggled to her feet within the ring, and walks up to Wendy. Wendy spins around, and L’il Alex kicks her in the belly. Then, getting her in a sideheadlock, and spinning neckbreakers her in a clockwise motion to the mat]

Garry: "That’s it, the clockwork orange! Here’s the cover…1..2….3!"

[Ding ding Ding]

Sandra: "Well, this match goes down in the record books as a victory for L’il Alex…with, of course, some help from her good nurse…"

Garry: "What are you talking about, L’il Alex defeated Wendy all on her own!"

Sandra: "Whatever….L’il Alex continues to stomp on Wendy after the bell has sounded….in comes the good doctor, who looks to sedate the psycho!"

Garry: "Good idea, I don’t want that nutcase flipping out around me!"

Sandra: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have to take a short commercial break, but we will be right back with more action!"

[Fade to a promotional piece on the upcoming Simply Divine-Cheerleaders battle slated for the Pay Per View.]




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