logoBecca Blush vs. Porsha Pembroke

(The camera pans the arena as it comes back from commercial. THe capacity crowd is on its feet in anticipation for the next match. Home made signs are waived by most of the crowd, some of them saying "Becca Nurse me back to good health", "I love the Marlboro Woman", "Puff on this Porsha". The camera stops at the smiling faces of Kenny and Cari sitting behind the announcers� table. )

Kenny: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.

Cari: This match promises to be a real slobber knocker between two relatively new but none the less vicious wrestlers.

Kenny: Calling either of them wrestlers is stretching the point. I don�t think either one of them is capable of a decent huricanrana or tilt - a - whirl backbreaker,

Cari: They are two of the best fighters in BRA. They may not bother with the technical niceties but they give it all they got.

Kenny: I�m not denying that. The biggest problem with the two of them is that they cheat. They don�t need to, but they do. They make a bad example for the younger viewers of Battling Ring Angels.

Cari: They are perfect role models for children. The most important thing in life is to win. These two women will do what ever it takes to win.

Kenny: What a horrible thing to be teaching our children.

Cari: Listen up kiddies! NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!

(Without warning, smoke starts to gather at the head of the entrance. The smoke gets thick and almost obscures the area, save for the backlighting. As several oddly shaped shadows appear behind the wall of smoke, 'Mississippi Queen' from Mountain booms across the arena speakers. The first to appear is the minuscule Paula Pembroke, clutching a cigarette in her hand. Behind her walks Jessica Estrella, her Hit Squad companion. Next appears Sasha Crowley, Samantha Slick and Brenda, followed by Janus and Lindsey Locke. Lastly, the gigantic Porsha Pembroke appears. The giant is dressed in riding kit, black riding pants tucked at the ankles into heavy black riding boots. She wears a white blouse and her dark hair is pulled straight back. She walks slowly and with purpose, just a few steps behind her sister. The entire Hit Squad moves towards the ring eyeing it with a dark purpose. It is clear that Porch's opponent is outnumbered. The huge woman crests the ring steps and climbs over the top rope into the ring. She eyes the crowd and looks ominous. She regards her sister, who offers last minute instructions. Jessica looks on as Porsha turns and stands ready for the match.)

Kenny: It�s bad enough that Porsha out weighs Blush but now she has to bring in five of her friends.

Cari: Who knows how many people Becca Blush is going to bring into the arena with her. I just hope she doesn�t bring in that obnoxious Dr Cosmo McKinley with her.

Kenny: I agree with you there. He insists on sitting at the announcers� table were he adds nothing to calling the match.

Cari: But that�s not the worst part. He also brings that silicon enhanced bimbo, Nurse Ansalong with him.

Kenny: She does have some good points . . .

Cari: . . . which hang out of her blouse and rub against every guy in the world.

Kenny: We�ll find out soon enough who Becca Blush brings with her because she is entering now.

(With a sudden and tense act, the lights black out, and over the loudspeaker comes a seductive voice.)

"I�m a superstar."

(Explosions fire up, with flames shooting from the sides of the ramp. One more spark of intense fire erupts from the top of the ramp as the curtain parts, revealing Becca Blush, to the chagrin of the fans, their distaste for her evident. She stands for a moment, soaking it all in, wearing a white tube top, barely containing what it holds, white rubber shorts, clinging to her dangerous hips, and white PVC boots which come to directly beneath her knees, laced to the top, her high heels adding a few inches to her height. Apollo, symbol for doctors and nurses, is printed across her heavy chest and �Superstar� is printed on the backside of her tiny, tight shorts. She runs her hands through her long blonde hair and begins pointing at the ring. Suddenly, from the sound-system, her theme song, �Superstar� by the Lords of Acid belts out her arrogant entrance music. With a rapid pace in her step, she makes her way to the ring, growling and hissing at anyone bold enough to get in her way or gets too close while jeering her.)

(Nurse Ansalong appears behind her, wearing her usual tight nurse�s uniform, waving to the fans and approaching the sides stopping to stare at one of the more attractive fans. As she seems to chat for a moment, while Becca approaches the ring, it appears as if phone numbers are exchanged. As she approaches the next fellow, Becca casts a glance back, furious, then Ansalong hurriedly does double time to the ring, jiggling the whole way.)

(As Becca reaches the ring, she leaps up to the apron and turns, raising her arms as more explosions ignite, with her entrance song screaming out �Superstar.� Finally, she turns and enters the ring, staring daggers through anyone left inside.)

(On the outside, Nurse Ansalong begins a go-go routine dancing to the music of �Superstar,� and almost going into an erotic strip routine before Becca screams at her, apparently upset that her own limelight is being siphoned off. )

(Satisfied with Ansalong�s motionlessness, Becca leans against the turnbuckle, extending her long, luscious legs and smirking. )

Kenny: At least she brought the better half of the Ansalong/McKinley team.

Cari: You still won�t get a date with her.

(The ref signals for both wrestlers to come to the center of the ring. The members of the Hit Squad stay outside the ring near Porsha�s corner. Nurse Ansalong wanders around outside the ring, not really certain where she should be, but having no trouble finding men to flirt with at ringside. Both wrestlers return to their corners waiting for the bell. The Hit Squad yell instructions and encouragement to Porsha. Ansalong smiles and waves at the camera.)

Kenny: The capacity crowd is going wild with anticipation for this match.

(The Crowd noise reaches a crescendo just as the bell sounds beginning the match. Blush circles the slower moving Pembroke, looking for an opening. For her size Porsha moves surprisingly fast. Becca leaps in the air to deliver a kick but Porsha grabs her foot and flips her to the mat. Blush hits hard and rolls out of the ring before Pembroke can do any more damage. Porsha walks to the ropes and begins to scream at Blush to get back into the ring. Becca ignores her as the ref begins to count her out. As the count nears the end, Becca feints a run to the ring but instead grabs Porsha�s feet and pulls her legs out from under her. A surprised Porsha lands with a thump on her rump. Becca takes advantage of Porsha�s surprise to enter the ring untouched. Becca leaps into the air and nails Porsha in the back with drop lick. Pembroke�s neck hits the ropes and she gags as her head is whipped back.)

Cari: Becca Blush is taking advantage of her superior speed to punish Porsha.

Kenny: She�ll have to do more than a drop kick to defeat Pembroke.

(Blush puts a sleeper hold on Porsha. Porsha swings her arms wildly trying to get out of the sleeper. Becca increases the pressure as Porsha�s struggles get weaker.)

Kenny: I don�t believe this. Becca Blush looks like she is going to put this match away in the opening minutes.

Cari: Porsha has stopped struggling. She may be out.

(The ref checks on Porsha and Becca loosens her hold. Suddenly Porsha jumps up, breaking the hold. Becca staggers back in surprise as Porsha leans against the ropes trying to get the blood flowing in her head.)

Cari: Porsha tricked everyone into believing that she had succumbed to the sleeper.

Kenny: Porsha has a lot of fight left in her.

(Blush takes advantage of Porsha�s still weakened condition and begins to attack her with a serious of kicks. The first couple land squarely to her midsection, followed by on to her her thigh and another to her inner knee, which causes Porsha to drop to one knee. Blush sends another kick toward Porsha�s face but Porsha grabs the leg and holds on to it as she gets to both feet. Becca is forced to hop on one leg to keep from falling. Suddenly Becca leaps into the air and drives her free foot into the back of Porsha�s head, causing Porsha to fall face first onto the mat.)

Cari: A beautiful enzigurri kick from Becca takes Porsha to the mat.

Cari: Becca Blush is really dominating the early part of this match.

(Becca jumps on Porsha�s back and wraps her hands around Pembroke�s neck. She begins to blatantly choke her. The ref orders Blush to break the choke. She ignores him and tightens her grip on Porsha�s neck. THe ref begins to count and Becca releases the choke just before he reaches five. Porsha gulps in some much needed oxygen as Becca argues with the ref. With a heave, Porsha rises to her knees and shakes Blush off her back. Porsha gets to her knees as Becca gets quickly to her feet. Pembroke sends out a lightening quick right hand that finds it target at the juncture of Becca Blush�s luscious thighs. Blush�s face contorts in pain and her mouth forms a perfect O but no sounds comes out of it. Becca slowly slumps to her knees.)

Kenny: LOW BLOW! A low blow by Porsha brings Becca Blush to her knees.

Cari: You can always count on one of those to turn a match around.

Kenny: The ref is yelling at Porsha but it is having no effect on her.

Cari: The ref should just stand back and let these two go at it.

Kenny: I don�t think either of the two wrestlers will ever listen to him.

(Porsha grabs Becca and lifts her over her head. Porsha holds Becca there for a moment before slamming her onto the mat. Becca bounces on the mat. Porsha quickly grabs her again and slams her to the mat a second time. Becca groans on the mat and tries to massage her sore back. Porsha grabs Becca and forces her to her feet. She whips Becca into he corner and Becca hits it hard with her back causing her head to snap backward. Porsha follows her into the corner and nails her with a big corner splash. Porsha moves out of the way and Becca flops to the mat.)

Cari: I think that Porsha just squashed Becca flatter than a pancake.

Kenny: Say it isn�t so . . . I mean . . . Becca is really feeling the effects of that splash.

(Porsha forces Becca�s shoulders to the mat with a lateral press. The ref drops to the mat and slaps it twice before Becca is able to just get on shoulder off the mat. Porsha yells at the ref for what she considers to be a slow count. She presses Becca�s shoulders to the mat. The ref checks and slaps the mat.)


Kenny: Porsha is really using her weight advantage now. Even if Becca is able to shake her off, it will take a lot of her strength and endurance to do it.


(This time Becca moves her leg and manages to just barely get her foot on to the rope. The ref sees it and stops the count. While the ref is telling Porsha about the foot on the rope, Jessica Estrella pulls back on the rope causing Becca�s foot to fall off it. Porsha points this out to the ref and the ref begins to count again. Becca gets her foot back on the rope and the ref stops the count again. Nurse Ansalong wanders near the ring and sees that Becca�s foot is on the ropes.)

Ansalong: Oh dear! Are you tangled up in the ropes, Becca?

(In an effort to help Becca, Ansalong "untangles" her foot from the rope. The ref sees that Becca�s foot is no longer on the rope and begins to count again.)

Cari: I can�t believe this. With friends like Ansalong who needs enemies.

(The ref slaps the mat twice before Blush raises her shoulder off the mat. Porsha is furious at what she considers to be a slow count by the ref. She is also furious at Becca still having enough fight in her to keep from being pinned. Porsha gets to her feet and grabs a handful of Blush�s hair. Porsha whips Becca through the ropes and onto the floor of the arena.)

Kenny: Becca landed hard on the solid concrete floor of the arena. She is very slow getting to her feet. Porsha has been brutal to Becca and the effects are beginning to show.

Cari: That was not a smart move, throwing Becca out of the ring. She�ll take as much time as she can getting back into the ring in hopes of getting some of her strength back.

(That is in fact what is going on. The ref has begun to count but Becca shows no sign of heading back into the ring. The count is nearing the end when everyone turns and stares at Ansalong. Ansalong has taken a cigarette out of her purse and lit it. She takes a long puff on it and exhales slowly. The ref stops counting out Blush and begins to yell at Ansalong. Ansalong stares at the ref with a blank look on her face.)

Ref: Put that cigarette out! This is a smoke free environment.

(Porsha realizes that Becca is taking advantage of the free time she is getting outside the ring.)

Porsha: Stop bothering with that bleach blonde bimbo! Count Blush out of the ring and give me the match.

Ref: She is violating the law! There is no smoking in this building. She could be fined, not to mention the damage she is doing to everyone�s lungs here.

Porsha: There is nothing wrong with smoking. I even do it.

Ref: What you do in the privacy of your own home is your business. But you can�t do illegal things like that in public.

(Ansalong continues to stare uncomprehendingly as she takes another long drag on her cigarette. Jessica Estrella and Lindsey Locke sneak up behind Becca and grab her. They throw her into the ring as the ref continues to yell at Ansalong. Finally security arrives in force and arrest the miscreant, Ansalong. She is carried out in shackles, mulch to the disappointment of the males in the crowd.)

Kenny: Well, I�m glad to see that the ref finally did something right.

Cari: What did he do?

Kenny: He forced that horrible smoker to leave the arena.

Cari: If he paid more attention to the match, maybe we would have had a winner by now.

(Both wrestlers are back in the ring and the fans attention has returned to it. Becca has taken advantage of the time she had and is refreshed enough to avoid the attacks of Porsha. Becca seems to be goading Porsha into attacking her and then dodging out of the way at the last minute.)

Cari: Becca is using her head and is forcing Porsha to waste energy and breath by making attacks that don�t connect. That is the third attack Porsha has made, but Becca has dodged all of them.

Kenny: Porsha�s lifetime habit of smoking is beginning to show. She seems to be getting short of breath.

(Porsha and Becca circle each other in the center of the ring. Becca sneers at Porsha.)

Becca: I always thought Southern Belles were supposed to be CUTE.

(Porsha moves in and swings at Becca, but Becca ducks under it.)

Becca: Wanna know what�s more dangerous than smoking?

(Porsha ignores her which only only causes Becca to laugh derisively.)


Kenny: That one�s funny. I like that . . . naughty nurses.

Cari: Isn�t that the title of your favorite movie?

Kenny: Yea . . . I mean No! That sounds like it might be a dirty movie.

(Porsha makes a lunge at Blush which is sidestepped. Becca drives a kick into Porsha�s belly, knocking the wind out of her. Porsha staggers toward the ropes, doubled over. Becca puts Porsha in a side headlock and then falls backward, driving Porsha�s head into the mat with a violent DDT. Porsha�s head bounces off the mat and she rolls onto her back. Becca is quickly on her feet and stands with one foot on Porsha�s face. She pushes off the mat with her other foot,causing her boot to grind into Porsha�s face with nasty boot scrape. The ref warns Becca about the boot scrape but she acts totally innocent and places her foot on Porsha�s face o do it again. Porsha grabs Becca�s foot and twists causing Becca to fall to the mat. Porsha gets to her feet and drops a knee to Blush�s midsection. Becca gasps and rolls into the fetal position. )

Kenny: Porsha turned the momentum of the match around with that move.

Cari: I don�t know how much longer Porsha can keep this up. She is breathing so hard that I can hear it.

(Porsha hauls Becca to her feet and straightens her up with a nasty knee lift to the face. Becca staggers backward, disoriented. Porsha grabs Becca, pinning both her arms to her side. She leans back, lifting Becca off the mat and squeezing her in a crushing bear hug. Becca struggles but her arms are pinned and there is not much she can do. The ref asks Becca if she submits but Becca shakes her head no.)

Cari: I don�t know if there is anyway for Becca to get out of this.

Kenny: Porsha may just crush the life out her or at the least break a couple of bones.

(Porsha grunts as she increases the vise like pressure of the bear hug. Becca�s body jerks violently from the effect. Her knee drives upward and finds its mark in Porsha�s "nether region". Porsha lets out a strangled cry as she lets go of the bear hug and her hands go, to late, to protect her groin. Becca slumps to the mat gulping in large amounts of air.)

Cari: Well . . . that�s one way to get out of a bear hug.

(Becca is the first to get to her feet and she puts a headlock on Porsha, Becca spins and brings the back of Porsha�s neck over her shoulder in a spinning neck breaker. Becca drags Porsha to the corner and somehow gets her on the top rope. Becca climbs the rope and wraps her arms around Porsha. Becca jumps off the ropes and spins planting her knee while landing in an inverted Atomic drop. Porsha lies unmoving on the mat as Becca covers her. The ref drops to the mat and slaps it three times. Jessica Estrella enters the ring but it is too late to stop the pin. The ref signals for the bell and raises Becca�s arm in victory.)

Cari: The Winner: Becca Blush!

Kenny: It was a tough match with both wrestlers giving it their all.

Cari: Becca is still lying on the mat. The ref let go of her arm and it dropped to the mat.

Kenny: Jessica is helping her friend, Porsha, to her feet.

Cari: Look what Jessica is doing!

(Jessica walks over to Becca who has gotten gingerly to her feet. She blew some sort of red mist into Becca�s face Porsha grabs Becca and lifts her over her head and holds her there for a moment.)

Kenny: On NO! Don�t do it, Porsha! The match is over, don�t give Becca the "iron lung".

Cari: I love it. Porsha is going to make Becca pay for winning this match.

Kenny: Didn�t she pay enough? Becca could barely move after the match.

Cari: Porsha doesn�t seem to think so.

(Porsha slams Becca to the mat with a brutal body slam. She then back hands Becca a few times across the face before she and her friends in the Hit Squad leave the arena.)

Kenny: We�ll be back with more Battling Ring Angel action after these words from our sponsors.

THE WINNER: Becca Blush, by pin fall
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