logoNina Larue vs. Angeldust

We enter the BRA arena to find the place in chaos. Fans are tearing their hair out as they chant and cheer for more action. The fan base for this great organization has grown to one of the most loyal in the industry. They bring signs and placards in support of their favorites. These signs usually contain some sort of catchy phrase. Signs reading: 'I love Gina Moore more than you know!'; 'Sakura Ito is neat:o!'; and 'Amanda Star is a star!' dot the landscape. There is a lyrical tone to the support of the fans. Our cameras come to rest on the recognizable faces of Kenny Harber and Cari Trammel, the well:known BRA announce staff.

Kenny: Cari, this should be a very interesting one. Angel Dust, a member of Lindsay Locke's "Me:Some" or "Children of the Revolution" or whatever she calls her group, will be taking on the leader of The Sisterhood, the legendary Nina LaRue.

Cari: Angel has been a lot better since she joined up with Lindsay, but Nina has a clear advantage in experience and her record suggests an easy win in this one.

Kenny: Angel's relationship with Lindsay has meant good things for this woman who was once the laughing stock of BRA.

Cari: And don't forget she has Janus and The Hit Squad on her side. But Nina has the entire Sisterhood united behind her.

Kenny: Lots of bad blood between those two groups. Anything can happen in this one.

Cari: And probably will. But I gotta go with Nina.

Kenny: We'll see. And here comes the Goddess.

Suddenly, Sisqo's "The Thong Song" begins to play as the fans jump to their feet, awaiting the arrival of "The Goddess" Nina Larue. The curtains part and Nina stands before the crowd, clad in a black, lace, thong bikini, showing off her sleek, curvy figure. She completes the look with black boots, with a platform heel, and her long, black hair falls to the small of her back in a cascade of curls, framing her flawless face. The busty beauty poses for a moment, surveying the crowd, before sashaying to ringside. The bewitching brunette gracefully enters the ring, the crowd showering her in catcalls and wolf whistles. With a sly smirk across her gorgeous visage, she seductively leans over the top rope, blowing a kiss to the fans and offering them a view of her ample cleavage. Needless to say, the catcalls and whistles are now deafening. Nina does a few sexy stretches, arching her back in a tantalizing fashion, as she awaits the start of the match.

Kenny: She sure knows how to make an entrance.

Cari: But you have to wonder where the other members of The Sisterhood are.

Kenny: I'm sure they're watching backstage and are ready to come to her aid.

"The Perfect Drug" by Nine Inch Nails plays over the P.A. system as Angel walks out wearing her cut up jean shorts and new Me:Some t:shirt. She gets in the ring then climbs on the middle rope and yells out "It's My Time!" She then bounces off and waits for her match to begin.

Cari: If entrances decide the match, I gotta give this one to Nina.

Kenny: Note that neither The Children of the Revolution, or The Hit Squad is with Angel. Both wrestlers choosing to go it alone in this one.

Cari: At least right now.

Kenny: Ref Vickie Task in the ring. And she wants the bell. The match has begun.

Cari: I hate you Vickie!

Kenny: With that said, both women lock up in the center of the ring.

Cari: I think Angel Dust Locke:ed up last night.

Kenny: That's just wrong! Knock it off.

Cari: Just what I've heard.

Kenny: We have action in the ring. And Nina uses her slight height advantage to get Angel down. Angel getting back to her feet�look out! Martial arts style kick to the head of the kneeling Angel!

Cari: Smart attack by Nina. She got Angel compromised, and then went to her strength. That kick may have laid Angel out cold.

Kenny: Good point, Cari. Nina pulling Angel back to her feet. We have an Irish whip to the ropes�and a spinning heel kick on the return! Again connecting with the head of The Perfect Drug, and The Goddess is making this into her kind of match already.

Cari: Nina is a trained martial artist. Angel is just trained to be Lindsay's gimp.

Kenny: I'm not gonna touch that.

Cari: Again Nina pulling Angel up.

Nina: Bow before the Goddess, Urchin!

Cari: Isn't that a type of sea:life?

Kenny: You are impossible. Snap suplex by Nina onto Angel. Nina in total control.

Cari: And she drops her elbow onto the chest of the downed Dust. I think she may have just bit the dust.

Kenny: Nina is a house on fire. She moves in for the cover. Vickie drops into position�

Cari: Die Vickie, Die!

Kenny: Only a two count as Angel somehow manages to get the shoulder up. Die Vickie, Die?

Cari: It's German�uh, De Vickie, De.

Kenny: Uh:huh. Nina once again hauling the battered Angel to her feet�another Irish whip to the ropes, and look at Nina! Finishing it up with a flying elbow that connect with Angel square between the eyes! Angel is down and out. That could be it.

Cari: Nina stopping to take in the crowd response. And Kenny, don't look now!

Kenny: What? Where?

Cari: I told you don't look.

Kenny: Here comes Lindsay and Janus. And here comes the entire Hit Squad. Samantha Slick, Brenda Busley, Jessica Estrella, Porsha Pembroke and Sasha Crowley. This looks bad for Nina.

Cari: Nina sees them coming. She needs to concentrate on Angel and not on the people outside the ring.

Kenny: Angel is slowly getting to her feet. Nina spins and sees her�and puts her right back down with a spinning heel kick. Those kicks to Angel's head must be starting to take their toll.

Cari: She was never that bright to begin with.

Kenny: Nina stands Angel up and slaps her right across the face. That was a sign to her pals outside the ring.

Cari: Angel is busted open. A trickle of blood coming down from her forehead just above her left eye. Nina has beaten the tar out of her in this one.

Kenny: Angel wobbly on her feet. She's on dream street. Nina sizing her up�low blow!

Cari: Here it comes!

Kenny: DDT! Nina's Knockout! Cover�wait! What?

Cari: You suck Vickie! Look at Task busy with Lindsay, who just happened to pop up on the ring apron.

Kenny: We have a pin. 1 � 2 �3 � 4 � 5�come on!

Cari: Nina getting off Angel, what is Brenda doing on the ring apron? Vickie still arguing with Lindsay. Just DQ Angel!

Kenny: Nina seems to have caught sight of Brenda�and she knocks the big biker right off the ring apron with a haymaker! Nina on her way to get Task�look out!

Cari: Red Mist! Red Mist!

Kenny: When no one was looking, that weirdo Jessica rolled into the ring, and the second Nina turned she got nailed in the face with that Red Mist! Jessica is out of the ring, Nina is stumbling holding her face and Lindsay is trying to get Angel back into the mat.

Cari: And your favorite ref never saw any of it. What a jerk!

Kenny: Lindsay was distracting her. Angel is getting to her feet while Nina does everything to clear that mist from her eyes. Angel is wobbly, but she's up. I don't know how she can stand after the pasting Nina gave her.

Cari: Vickie needs to end this. Where's The Sisterhood?

Kenny: There must have been some treachery backstage. Angel has her senses�she lifts Nina, and watch out! Wing Clipper! Wing Clipper! That's her version of The Outsider's Edge! Nina's down!

Cari: No!

Kenny: Cover by Angel�1 � 2 � 3! I can't believe it! That may be the biggest win of her career!

Cari: She stole it! And now the whole gang is in the ring and putting the boots to Nina while Lindsay supports Angel! Look at Sasha and Samantha directing traffic while Porsha, Jessica and Janus put the boots to Nina. And now Brenda is joining in.

Kenny: Angel is up on the second rope and she's looking at you Cari�

Angel: Hey Cari, put another one on the win column!

Kenny: Cari, she's blowing you a kiss�and giving you the middle finger.

Cari: Come get some you loser!

Kenny: The Hit Squad still pummeling Nina. This is a chance for them to take out the leader of The Sisterhood. And look at Lindsay slapping her in the face! This is sick.

Cari: Samantha Slick has the black marker. She's going to write "Loser" on Nina's forehead�

Kenny: Oh no she's not! Here comes The Sisterhood! Alexandria Parker going right after Porsha Pembroke! Jennifer Christian and Jessica Estrella going at each other!

Cari: Lindsay Locke and Laura Parker exchanging blows while Tiffany tries to get Samantha and Sasha off Nina and check on her friend! This is a melee! This is a war!

Kenny: Jennifer takes out Jessica with a drop kick! Porsha and Alexandria exchanging blows!

Cari: Lindsay and Laura exchanging blows! Tiffany DDT's Brenda! Nina struggling to get back up while both Jennifer and Tiffany try to fight off Samantha and Sasha! Janus still trying to get her hands on Nina!

Kenny: Security is pouring out of the back to split the two sides apart! Getting in between the Sisterhood and the combined forces of The Children of the Revolution and The Hit Squad. In the midst of all of this, Angel Dust steals a win after Nina kicks the hell out of her. And I think this has only just begun.

Cari: This is a war Kenny! Look at Porsha Pembroke still trying to get at Alexandria! Samantha Slick wants Nina! Tiffany looks like she'll take on anyone! Jennifer trying to get a hold of Jessica! This is a war!

Kenny: Fans, we'll be right back!

Cari: Someone needs to get a handle on this�

Winner: Angel Dust, with a little help from her friends
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