logoRose Red vs. Veronica Millions

We return to Battling Ring Angels and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: �I came to Just Watch Lindsay!�; �Samantha Staffer is the best!�; and �Bow down before the Goddess Nina LaRue.� The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.

Kenny: Cari, this next match should keep everyone on the edge of their seats. This is a huge re-match of last week's match between Veronica Millions and Red Rose.

Cari: After Veronica almost killed Rose last week, I'm hardly interested in watching this.

Kenny: After what happened last week I think Rose will be interested in some serious revenge.

Cari: You would think that wouldn't you?

Kenny: As we await the entrance of tonight's competitors I would like to take a second to say to Janus�I had nothing to do with the whole Leslie Magnus thing and please don't take it out on me.

Cari: What are you talking about?

Kenny: She promised she was going to come out and mess up one person during each show until she got her wishes of a re-match with Leslie, and she said it didn't matter if it was a wrestler or a referee or (gasp) an announcer.

Cari: You mean that psycho could be coming after me?

Kenny: Yes�

Cari: How do I get myself into this?

"Shimmer"By fuel starts to play over the loudspeakers and out steps Veronica Millions. She stands at the entrance ramp looking around as her orderly stands next to her. She still acting different walks down to the ring not paying any attention to the fans. As she walks down to the ring wearing a white nike sweatshirt and black low cut boots. She steps into the ring and takes off the sweatshirt showing that she is wearing a pink satin high cut bikini underneath.

Kenny: Veronica looks ready.

Cari: Why? Why's she ready? Where's Janus?

Kenny: She's not here. Relax.

Cari: Ok. She wouldn't come after me anyway. I've always been a big supporter of her career.

Kenny: Cari, something's coming on over the arena�look up on the Angel Vision.

Cari: What's this? That looks like one of the dressing rooms. That's Red Rose.

Angel Vision shows the Locker room of Red Rose. Rose is putting the last knot in her boots and getting ready for her match. Suddenly the lights go off in the room. When they come back on someone is standing behind Rose.

Kenny: That's Rose's dressing room. And who's that behind her? It's Janus! She just hit Rose from behind! And again! Huge blows to Rose's back! Janus has the little rookie down.

Janus knocks Rose to the floor and starts to kick the stunned girl. She is stomping her unmercifully.

Cari: Kenny, she's lifting Rose. Did you see that Kenny?

Janus lifts Rose high above her head and throws the almost lifeless girl at a bank of lockers. Rose's back connects with the metal lockers and all of it tumbles to the floor. Rose comes to a rest on the overturned lockers. Only her heaving chest shows she's still alive.

Kenny: Janus just tossed Rose into a bank of lockers! The lockers fell with the weight of the toss! Rose is hurt. She's not moving. Janus is picking her back up. Don't do this!

Janus stands Rose and delivers her �Faces Of Pain� finisher to Rose right on top of the lockers. The pedigree type move assures that Rose's face and head connect with the metal lockers. Janus stands and looks down at the battered and bleeding Rose.

Cari: Thank goodness.

Kenny: What?

Cari: At least it's not me.

Kenny: Cari�this is sick. Janus has a fork!

Janus sits Rose up and digs her fork into the squealing youngster's head. Blood starts to trickle from Rose's brow. Janus finally releases her and looks out, seemingly into the stadium and at Veronica who has watched the entire attack on Angel Vision.

Janus: BRA, hear my words and heed my meaning! I promised you one a week until I get what I want! This was the first! Veronica, so sorry your match has to be cancelled tonight. But if you would like, I could come out there and kick your ass also!

Veronica is not sure how to react to any of what she's just seen. But suddenly two women hop over the guardrail. They're dressed in street clothes (boots, jeans, black t-shirts, baseball caps). One picks up a chair and they both attack Veronica.

Kenny: What's going on here?

Cari: Oh what now?

A Couple of chairshots, and then just an old school beatdown on Veronica. The crowd is absolutely stunned at what they have just witnessed. One of the women lifts Veronica and positions her. She lifts Veronica and they deliver a huge spike piledirver. Veronica lies motionless on the mat. One of the women points down at ringside crew and calls for a mic. She is handed a microphone, and grins wickedly at the crowd

Kenny: Who are these women?

Cari: I don't know, but Janus has watched the whole attack and seems pretty angry that someone interrupted her show.

JLM: Hello, boys and girls.

The crowd regains just enough composure to begin some light booing.

JLM: I know you don't know who we are, but you will. Oh, trust me, sweethearts, you will.

The other woman puts a boot to Veronica Millions as her partner speaks

JLM: My name is Jessica Lee Milburn. This is my esteemed colleague, Brandee Thompson. We are Simply Irresistable. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

Cari: The look on Janus' face says she's just learned it and made a mental note to remember this.

She flips her long blondish-brown ponytail back over her shoulder.

JLM: Battling Ring Angels, you wanted us? Well, you got us. Remember, six months from now, when half your girls are in the hospital and the other half are somewhere curled up in a corner in the fetal position, sucking their thumbs in a puddle of piss, that you brought this on yourselves. See, we were at home, minding our own business. Then, one day a couple of weeks ago, Brandee calls me on the phone. She says, "You're never gonna believe what I saw on the internet today." I must say, I was intrigued. I asked, "Why, whatever did you see?" And do you know what she said?

She leans the microphone over to Brandee

BT: I said, "I saw this website today for Battling Ring Angels, and there's some li'l punk ass bitches runnin' around, callin' themselves, 'The NEW Syndicate!'"

JLM: I was shocked! I said, "New Syndicate? But you can't have a NEW Syndicate when the OLD Syndicate is still running the show in Women's professional wrestling!" In your myopic little world here in Battling Ring Angels, you honestly thought that eventually The Kingpin wouldn't find out you've been using his stable's name in vain. Well, guess what, sweethearts? We found out. And the Syndicate -- the OLD Syndicate �

BT: The *REAL* Syndicate...

JLM: ...Has come to town to settle up debts. Now, I've heard rumours that the New Syndicate isn't even around any more. Nobody's seen half of these chumps in a while. But there is one person who is still around. I've seen her cut promos. I've heard her mouth running like a marathon for weeks. Ansalong, your name was on the list, and therefore, you're gonna take the ass whippin' for your entire crew. You tried to fake and perpetrate, and maybe that gig is over now, but guess what? Some debts never go away. You always have to pay them back.

Brandee leans over Jessica's shoulder

BT: Payback's a BITCH!

JLM: You know what? So are we. So make sure your insurance papers are in order, Ansalong. Get some of your nurse friends to find you a comfortable bed in the hospital. Because come hell or high water, you're going to pay for calling yourself Syndicate.

Kenny: I don't understand. Are they calling out Nurse Ansalong?

Cari: I guess so. Kenny, have you looked at the Angel Vision? Janus looks really mad.

Kenny: Cari, I can't take my eyes off these two women. Veronica Millions hasn't moved since their attack, and I still can't figure out who they are.

Cari: They told you who they are.

JLM: The Syndicate is the Kingpin. Andrea Chandler. Micki Duran. Heidi Leick. Amber and Amy Jo Johnston, Monica Bogert, Gretchen Gwynne, Elizabeth Zavodsky, and Simply [censored]ing Irresistable. The Syndicate is not some five dollar whore in a nurse's uniform from some backwater federation populated by ridiculous [censored] "Bikini Matches" at PPVs and people with names like "Zantara Underworld."

Cari: I remember a couple of them.

She looks down at Veronica Millions with disgust.

BT: This kinda [censored] makes me sick...

JLM: Me, too. So it's game over, BRA. Game over for "Bikini Matches," game over for mud wrestling or pudding wrestling or whatever other kind of perverted nonsense your creepy old man promoters can come up with. Most of all, it's game over for calling anyone else "The Syndicate." The Syndicate is in town, now, and WE are making the rules.

BT (counting them off with her fingers.): Rule number one: Thou shalt not kill. Rule number two: Thou shalt not steal. Rule number three: Thou shalt not [censored] with the Syndicate.

Jessica giggles at Brandee, who bursts out laughing.

JLM: What's up, Brandee Dudley? But she's got one thing right: Thou shalt not [censored] with the;Syndicate, because we're not just ruthless. We're not just in charge. We're Simply Irresistable.

Brandee joins in with her

JLM and BT: Learn it. Live it. Love it.

Jessica tosses the mic down on top of Veronica with a thump as Brandee climbs out of the ring, and the two go marching up the ramp. But Janus is still on Angel Vision.

Janus: Are you finished? Because as far as I'm concerned�you're done!

The two women turn and face Angel Vision.

Janus: Now let me tell you something. You just put one foot in [censored] by coming out here and interrupting me! Wanna put the other one in it? I don't care if the two of you want to tear Nurse Ansalong or Veronica Millions or anyone else into little pieces. I only care about me and mine!

Kenny: She means it.

Cari: This is making me very nervous.

The two women look at the Angel Vision and chuckle. Janus glares at the camera. Her huge face on the screen looks horrid.

Janus: I really have no interest in you two little girls and your personal issues over a name. But you never...ever...interrupt me when I'm making a point! Or the next point I make will be with the point of my Super Steel Fork right in your head! Now, are we clear?

The two unknown women shake their heads, laugh and give the Angel Vision dismissive hand gestures. They seem unimpressed by The Dark Angel.

Janus: Do you think I'm [censored]ing with you? I am not [censored]ing you. When you [censored] with the bull, you get the horns! Now, are we clear?

The women continue to laugh and point. One can be seen saying something about Janus being ugly.

Janus: Well, maybe I need to come down there and make it clear to both of you!

Kenny: Here we go!

Cari: Janus is about to shut these two up!

The two women start to walk back from the ramp as Janus appears at the top of the ramp. The crowd gives her a huge pop. In one hand she carries a large bar-b-que fork. But before she can get to the two women the rest of The Hit Squad and The Children of the Revolution shows up and holds her back. While Porsha Pembroke and Angel Dust hold Janus back, Lindsay tries to calm her. Jessica keeps a vigilant eye on the two newcomers while Sasha yells at Janus �Not now! Not like this!� Samantha Slick stands in front of the commotion, trying to get between the whole affair and the two unknown women, who continue to laugh and give each other friendly slaps while they point. Samantha points at them.

Samantha: Enjoy it girls. That was your one free pass.

Again the two women show no concern. Rather they mock Samantha.

Kenny: These two are not backing down from the entire Hit Squad�

Cari: Or The Children of the Revolution. Who are these women?

They continue to laugh and mock as the whole gang finally starts to pull Janus back. Samantha still stays out in front with her arms outstretched in a �want some?� fashion.

Samantha: You don't know how close you just came to being a memory!

The two women continue to mock and fake frightened looks. One has a chair in her hand. Samantha points at them.

Samantha: You're both dead!

Samantha finally turns and walks away with the rest of the crew. The two women wait for the commotion to die and take off also.

Kenny: You talk about making an impact. Not only did they beat the heck out of Veronica Millions, but they just stared down some of the nastiest women in this company.

Cari: Is it safe to come out yet?

Kenny: We gotta take a break. Stay around, you never know what's gonna happen next!
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