Evonne Carmikel
Zantara Underworld

Garry: Ladies and gentlemen we are about to start the main event of tonights PPV.

Sandra: Yes the ring has been cleaned up and I am really looking forward to this match. Archangel has outdone herself with this match. The enforcer for the Body Shop, Zantara Underworld against the leader of the Syndicate Evonne Carmikel.

Garry: That is MISS Evonne Carmikel to you. Miss Carmikel is one of the truly great women in the wrestling industry. She is a brilliant business woman and fine wrestler. Most of all, she is a clean and honest wrestler, unlike those cheaters from the Shop.

Sandra: (incredulously) Evonne is a clean and honest wrestler?

Garry: MISS Carmikel is a paragon of virtue.

Sandra: Have you been hitting the bottle again?

Garry: You wouldn't know honest wrestling if you saw it. And you will never see it watching the body shop. Especially watching this freak that Miss Carmikel is forced to wrestle because the jealousy of the higher ups in the BRA administration. Zantara Underworld is one fry short of a happy meal. She is also vicious, mean and underhanded. Her name should be Zantara Underhanded. I'm sure she will have some illegal object in the ring with her tonight.

Sandra: Of course she will. This is a no hold barred, no DQ, match. I expect both of the wrestlers to have a lot of foreign objects with them tonight.

Garry: NO holds barred, No DQ! Miss Carmikel's beautiful face could be scared in this match. That mental hospital reject, Zantara, is sure to try to disfigure. This his horrible.

Sandra: Not only do I think Zantara will disfigure Evonne, I'm looking forward to it.

(Suddenly the crowd begins to boo as two figures walk down the wrestlers entrance ramp. One a middle-aged man and the other a voluptuous red-haired woman. The man appears in his 1930's style psychiatrist's jacket, looking like some kind of horrible and twisted ghastly creature.  Nurse Ansalong, the busty redhead, in her nurse's uniform, looks more like a stripper's tease outfit than a licensed member of the medical profession Ansalong caries an oversized Doctor's bag.)

Garry: We have a special treat tonight. The TWO BIGGEST BOOBS in wrestling.


Sandra: Keep your smutty comments to yourself.

Garry: I was taking about Nurse Ansalong AND Dr. McKinley. Who did you think I was talking about?

Sandra: I know who you were talking about.

Garry: Get your mind out of the gutter.

(Dr. McKinley high fives unsuspecting fans. He stops at one fan and autographs his program. The fan swats McKinley in the head with it. The fans, or at least the male fans are more interested in Nurse Ansalong. She stops occasionally and kisses a lucky fan. McKinley gives a copy of the book he has written to a fan. As he walks away, the fan throws the book and hits him on the head. Dr. McKinley merely smiles, picks up the book and gives it to a more appreciative fan. They both make their way to the announcer's table where they sit. Dr. McKinley puts on a headset.)

Sandra: (sarcastically) To what do we owe the honor of your presence, Dr. McKinley?

McKInley: As persona physician to Miss Carmikel, I need to be present to make sure no further injury comes to her.

Sandra: So you are telling the BRA audience that Evonne Carmikel is under the care of a Psychiatrist. That is news, but not unexpected.

McKinley: I am a doctor. I treat injuries to the mind as well as the body. Miss Carmikel is under my care for the injury she sustained as a result of the vicious attack upon her person by Sherry Ann. An unidentifiable  contusion to the metaphysical carpel vascular nerve, is not something to be trifled with.

Garry: Is  that what Miss Carmikel suffered? That sounds serious.

Sandra: I heard that it is all fake.

McKinley: Madam, are you questioning my medical opinion?

Sandra: I am questioning your medical credentials.

McKinley: (Takes out a notebook and begins writing in it.) Hmmmm . . .  Interesting. Confrontational. Unmarried at 65  . . .

Sandra: (Outraged) I am NOT 65!

McKinley: Denial, defensiveness and she bites her lip.

Sandra: (Stops biting her lip) You're the crazy one.

McKinley: Oppositional behavior. Very interesting.

Garry: What is it doctor?

McKinley: A text book example of Rynski-Korsokov syndrome. It involves prolonged childhood. The last element missing is, does she wear Winnie the Pooh panties still?

GARRY: She does, doctor! I saw them myself a couple of weeks ago.


Sandra: That's a lie. They were NOT Winnie the Pooh panties.

Garry: Believe me, doctor, they were. That is a sight will continue to give me nightmares for years.

McKinley: (Raising an eyebrow and looking at Garry.) Nightmares about your coworker.  Hmmm . . . interesting.

Garry: Uhhhmm. We don't need to talk about me. Hey isn't that Evonne's  . . . er I mean Miss Carmikel's music?

(Goldfinger begins to play over the sound system but it is suddenly and very abruptly ceased. It is replaced by the familiar, caterwauling guitar intro of Ted Nugent's "Cat Scratch Fever." The music reaches ear splitting levels that almost drowns out the announcers. The noise of the crowd indicates that they know the identity of the intruder.)

Gary: Hold it....what the hell....no it can't be!

McKinley : Who in the hell would dare interupt Evonne Carmikel! This is blasphemy!

Sandra:: Judging from the crowd they know and I'm sure you know as to well who it is! And there she is, The Darling One....It's Darling Katie in all of glory, like MacArthur returning to the Phillipines!

Katie walks out on the ramp dressed in a hot pink leather catsuit that fits her like a second layer of skin. The legs of the suit are lined with white fringe and the ensemble is completed with matching sling back, open toe, stiletto pumps. Her long blond hair is braided in a long pony tail that hangs over her right shoulder. Her blue eyes are covered by a pair of round, red lensed Gloria Vanderbilt sunglasses. In her hand is a base ball bat.

The crowd begins to cheer even louder than before at the sight of Katie. It is evident that she was missed by her fans and the welcome she receives is that of a returning conqueror.

McKinley: She looks like a demented version of Laura Croft.

Sandra: Well say what you want but it seems that 40,000 screaming fans are in complete and utter disagreement with you. They love their Darling One and they are glad that she is back. And it looks like she is back with a vengence.

Katie motions for a microphone and is quickly handed one by a stage hand.

"Evonne Carmikel...... fancy seeing your mug here."

The crowd responds with a righteous pop as Katie scans the crowd and flashes her famous radiant pepsodent smile.

"Vonnie....and I do believe I've earned the right to call you that, seeing as we have really gotten to know each other over the last year........ Our relationship has been like a football game. 1999 was the first half of the game. I wll concede that to you. 2000 is Y2Katie and it is the second half, this time you are kicking to me and as you can see all of the momentum is going in my direction."

The crowd grows into a near riot frenzy as they cheer for their heroine. Security begins to move into specially assigned areas to control the crowd should things get out of hand.

Katie slings the bat over her left shoulder, raises her right hand to her face and blows on her pink painted nails. She looks over the top of her glasses and once again begins to speak.

"Zantara....... you side show freak." The crowd begins yelling in approval and begins to chant K-T K-T K-T.........

"You seem to be a little bit confused. Its just a little itty bitty bit though, nothing that a good asskicking wouldn't fix. Evidently you need your computer re-booted. "

Katie brings the bat down and holds it up and looks at it intently.

"The computer programer is here and there is nothing to stop me from burying this thing neck deep inside that steel plate of yours."

Another righteous pop is given by the audience, some of whom have begun shaking the barricades in agreement with the Darling One.

"In closing..... Z get your act together all it takes is for Sherry to give me the go ahead. Carmikel..... don't make me come looking for you."

A stage hand walks out and lays a bucket of baseballs down at Katie's feet.

"Turn it on, Crank it up and....." Katie points the bat at the audience and they respond with a thunderous "COME GETCHA SELF SOME!!!!!!!"

With that Katie begins pulling the baseballs out of the bucket. Each one autographed by Mark McGwire and her, and she begins tossing them one by one up in the air and slapping them out into the crowd with her bat.

McKinley: That is an interesting woman. She made some interesting psycho-sexual references there. Notice the little baseball bat she 's using. Is she married?

Garry: Yes, but I've heard there are problems in that marriage.

McKinley: I now believe I know what the problem is. I would like to do a physical exam of her husband. Hmmmmm . . . that is interesting. I would like to have her at my clinic in Dentonvale. She could be a whole year's worth of treatment. Do you know if her family is wealthy . . . er . . . I mean where her family is?

( The arena lights dim as the infamous sounds of GOLDFINGER begin to play
over the loudspeakers. Katie panics and runs through the crowd and out of the arena as Gold Spotlights begin to move around the arena as thousands of little pieces of gold snowflakes  float from the rafters and down to the floor.. Each piece the metallic gold  paper bares the words " Be Honored, you've just been touched by Greatness" )

(All the spotlights converge on the wrestlers entrance as the music slowly fades. All eyes watch the entrance as the spotlights slowly fade out. Suddenly without warning there is a blinding flash of light and pryo. "The World is Not Enough" by Garbage begins to play as the curtains slowly  part. Evonne steps out onto the ramp. Her tall body is covered head to toe in a genuine white mink fur coat. Evonne's eyes are covered by a pair of sunglasses as she walks slowly down the ramp. As she walks, she ignores the jeer's and taunts from the heathens. She stops at ringside and extends her arms. It is then that Ivana Harlote, Evonne's assistant runs down the ramp with her briefcase and carefully removes the coat. The first thing that is noticed is the cast on Evonne's right arm.  An injury on the ski slopes has forced her to wear a cast. The rest of Evonne's wrestling attire consists of her black and gold body suit that opens to reveal part of her left side. On her feet she wears her black Gucchi Wrestling boots, with silver dollar signs. Her arms are bare, her hands are covered by a pair black and gold gloves. Her hair is tied in a tight ponytail. Ansalong walks over to Evonne's corner with the oversized Doctor's bag.)

Garry: WOW! That injury must have been serious. Miss Carmikel is still in a cast.

McKinley: The injury is serious. It requires her to wear that cast. But with a cast, she can still wrestle.

Sandra: Something seems fishy about the whole thing

McKinley: (Writing in his notebook) Ah, piscinephobia. I was afraid that might appear. (He looks sadly at Sandra and shakes his head.)

Sandra: OH, shut up, you crack part.

(The loudspeaker starts with an original, scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek." Then that fades into "Fright Night" by the J. Geils Band.  Zantara will walk out slowly once the new tune starts, dressed in her black suit with purple pinstripes; a purple shirt underneath; black, steel-tipped boots. She is wearing a special pair of sunglasses -ones that are strapped on.  The crowd will boo greatly, as she is definitely NOT the fan favorite. In turn, she sneers at them, and returns their negative comments with ones of her own. She hates them with a passion. In her hands, instead of her usual guitar case that she sometimes has, she will carry two huge base fiddle cases (the bass fiddle is larger than the cello). When she gets to ringside, she  violently grabs a microphone from Sandra.)

Sandra: HEEEEEY!

McKinley: Interesting. A true example of the Meyer-Lansky Greenland effect. I need to study this woman.

Zantara: "Okay, okay, all you morons! Time to shut up for once and listen to the
voice of one superior to you! I....Hey, shut up and listen!"

(She motions for people to come out.)

Zantara: "Now since we have been forced into this stupid attempt to sell loads of
stupid tickets, here's what I decided to do. I decided to keep it in this area. None of this sick, fighting within the fans trash."

(The men are setting up a short cage around the railing separating the fans from the action. It is about thirteen feet tall. One worker attaches some wiring to the fence.

Zantara: "Now this here fence is wired to deliver an electric pulse every five seconds.This will keep bothersome people out, and that includes you idiot fans!"

Garry: This is crazy! The match is a no DQ match but it is not a cage match. Zantara can't change the rules like that.

Sandra: The fence is not around the ring. It is around the ring area.

(Evonne argues with the ref. She points at the fence going up around the ring area. Zantara wanders back and forth in deep thought.

Garry: Evonne will put a stop to this nonsense.

(Evonne continues to argue with the ref as the men rapidly put the fence up. The ref signals to be given a mic.)

Referee: There is no rule against putting a fence along the barricade. So it is my decision that the fence will be allowed.

Garry: This is an outrage! I'll bet this is the last match this ref ever works in BRA.

(Evonne continues to argue with and threaten the ref.)

Zantara:  "I just thought of something. I made a statement to that fool Archangel
about how this match wasn't going to take place!"

Sandra: That is right! Zantara has been threatening all week to just lie on the mat and allow Evonne to pin her.

Garry: The only smart thing that psycho ever did. She at least won't get hurt that way.

(Zantara lightly hits herself on the forehead with the palm of her hand. Evonne stops arguing with the ref and watches her.)

Zantara:  "Silly me. I forgot. I'll just lay down here and let Evonne get the win . . . "

(Zantara lays down flat, and Evonne, uneasily at first, walks toward her.)


Sandra: Archangel will be furious if the match ends like this. I'm sure that Zantara will be penalized big time, maybe even thrown out of the league.

Garry: Twice as good. Evonne wins and Zantara gets booted. What more could I want?

Sandra: A brain?

(Evonne struts around the ring. She keeps her eyes on Zantara to see if this is a trick. The crowd boos loudly at this unexciting finish to the most anticipated match of the night. Evonne places on foot on Zantara's chest. The ref drops to the mat.)


(The crowd boos as Evonne smirks. Zantara moves quickly and gets out from under Evonne's foot. She stands.)

Zantara: "But wait a minute . . . why should I take the loss? We can easily screw the
Archangel and these fools out of a match if you, Evonne, let me pin you. How
about it?"

(Evonne covers the microphone and talks with Zantara. First Zantara shakes her head no, then Zantara says something to Evonne and she shakes her head no. Evonne talks to Zantara again and Zantara shakes her head yes Evonne lies flat on her back in the center of the ring.)


Sandra: I guess she sees the wisdom of not fighting Zantara. I wonder what they were talking about in the ring.

Garry: I think the pain in Evonne's arm is affecting her thinking.

( Zantara goes quickly to Evonne and places her foot on Evonne's chest. The ref drops to the mat and counts. The fans boo even louder now.)


Garry: I can't believe that Evonne would do this.


(The crowd goes crazy with booing. They start throwing cups and other items over the fence. Just as the ref's hand comes down for the count of three, Evonne lashes out with her hand striking Zantara in the back of the knee. Zantara falls backward unto the mat. Evonne gets to her feet and grabs Zantara's foot. She begins to put on a figure four leg lock. Zantara kicks Evonne in the thigh causing her to break the hold.)

Garry: I knew Evonne wouldn't tank this match. She just lulled Zantara into a false sense of security.

Sandra: Yeah right! You knew it all along.

(The cell phone that Ivana holds rings. She answers it and call to Evonne. Evonne slips out of the ring and begins talking on the phone. Zantara gets to her feet and stares at Evonne as she talks on the phone. Evonne turns her back to Zantara as she speaks on the phone.)

Sandra: IS this a match or a chat on the phone?

Garry: SHHHH! Evonne is on the phone. I'm sure it is an important call.

Sandra: This is supposed to be a wrestling match. Get that phone out of here.

(The crowd boos at this stoppage of action. Zantara moves to Evonne's corner but Evonne continues to talk on the phone ignoring Zantara. Zantara climbs to the top rope and dives at Evonne. At the last possible second, Evonne steps out of the way. Zantara crashes hard on the concrete floor. Evonne moves quickly, getting in a couple of stomps to Zantara's back. Evonne brings her to her feet and sends Zantara crashing into the fence. Zantara bounces off with no electrical shock. Evonne quickly nails her with a drop kick sending Zantara into the fence again)


(Zantara is shocked bu the electrical current running through the fence. Evonne moves in to drop kick the stunned Zantara again, but Zantara surprises her by jumping out of the way of the kick. Evonne's feet hit the fence.)


(Both wrestlers have felt the effects of the electrical fence. They both stand and wait for their heart beats to return to normal, tingling all over. Ivana reacts quickly she opens Evonne's briefcase and hands her something from it. Evonne takes it and smirks at Zantara.)

Evonne: " You think you're evil? You don't know the true meaning of the word, it is Evonne. "

(Evonne squirts the bottle at Zantara. Zantara doesn't react.)

Sandra: (Sniffing the air) That's "Diamonds" by Liz Taylor, I think. Why would Evonne spray Zantara with perfume?

Garry: I take it you have never been close enough to get a whiff of Zantara.

(Evonne swears and throws the bottle of perfume at Ivana, hitting her in the head. Zantara comes in swinging, hitting Evonne with a series of brutal punches to the face, chest and stomach. Evonne grunts as each punch hits home. Evonne tries to block the punches but Zantara keeps finding openings. She drives Evonne back into the fence.)


(Evonne bounces off the fence from the shock. Zantara kicks Evonne in the knee causing her to squeal in pain as her knee buckles under her. Zantara sends her steel toed sho into Evonne's unprotected gut. Sinking it deeply into her soft midsection. Zantara moves in to deliver more punches but freezes in her tracks as Evonne strikes out with her fist. The punch hits Zantara in the crotch causing her eyes to bug out and her mouth to form a perfect O. Zantara staggers backward before dropping to her knees. Both wrestlers remain in this position trying to get past the pain.)

Garry: A brutal attack by Zantara but Evonne's quick thinking stopped it.

Sandra: Quick Thinking? It was a low blow.

Garry: No it was a well-reasoned defense.

(Evonne is the first to move. She grabs Zantara and lifts her up and sends her crashing to the concrete floor with a power bomb. Not stopping Evonne brings Zantara to her feet and sends the back of Underworld's head  crashing to the floor with a reverse DDT. Evonne continues the assault by rolling Zantara over and applying a Boston Crab. Zantara screams and pounds the floor as Evonne increases the pressure. The ref asks Zantara if she submits. Zantara spits in his face for his effort. Zantara begins to crawl across the floor of the arena headed for the fence. Evonne increases the pressure on Zantara's back but Zantara still refuses to submit. With a great final effort Zantara lunges forward ands up and grab the fence.)


(Both wrestlers are shocked by the electricity. Evonne releases her hold. Evonne gets to her feet as Zantara lies on the floor trying to massage her back. Evonne grabs Zantara by the hair and trows her against the ring apron. She grabs Zantara by the back of her shirt and pants and heaves her under the roes, into the ring. Evonne climbs to the ring and prepares to enter it. She stretches out her arms to receive the boos of the fans. She also receives the sole of Zantara's boot to her belly. Evonne grunts but holds the ropes to keep from falling to the floor. Zantara sends another boot, this time to Evonne's already injured right knee. Evonne screams as her knee buckles. Zantara gets to her feet and grabs Evonne hair and forces her to her feet. Evonne is placed in a front head lock. Zantara falls to her knees forcing Evonne's neck across the top rope. She releases Evonne and Evonne is catapulted off the ring apron and onto the arena floor.)

Sandra: A nasty surprise for Evonne. She is rolling on the floor gagging.

Garry: Don't worry, her trusty secretary, Ivana is coming to her aid.

Sandra: I don't know how much use Ivana is. She didn't help much with that perfume.

Gary: Well Evonne is back on her feet and seems to be breathing better. LOOK OUT EVONNE!


Garry: Oh no Zantara has leaped over the top rope and nailed Evonne with a flying head butt. What was that clang I heard?

Sandra: Zantara has a steel plate in her head.

Garry: Ouch!

(Evonne drops to the floor holding her head. Zantara is even staggered by the head butt. Zantara runs to one of her bass fiddle cases and, with a key tied around her wrist, opens it. She takes a base ball out of it. She runs to the side of the ring that Evonne is on. Evonne has once again helped to her feet by Ivana.)

Garry: What did the nut case get out of her fiddle case?

McKinley: I think it is a baseball.

Sandra: The windup and the pitch!


Sandra: A strike right to the back of Evonne's already hurting head.

(Evonne groans and falls to the floor.)

Garry: This is not good. Evonne looks unconscious.

(Zantara grabs Evonne and throws her into the ring. Evonne is still not moving. Zantara gets into the ring and drags the millionaire wrestler into the center of the ring. She then kneels on Evonne's shoulders in a school girl pin. The ref drops to the mat.)



(Zantara is clobbered on the back of the head by A briefcase wilding Ivana. Zantara breaks the pin. The referee tries to force Ivana out of the ring as Nurse Ansalong quickly moves to Evonne and puts smelling salts under her nose. The ref is still distracted by Ivana but not for long as Zantara scoops her up and deposits her outside the ring with a body Evonne manages to regain her senses as Zantara chases Ansalong out of the ring with a well-placed boot to Ansalong's large posterior. Ansalong crashes out of the ring. Evonne is on one knee as Zantara returns to her. Evonne holds her hands in front of her and pleads with Zantara.)

Evonne:" Stop, Please, we can work this out  ..I thought you liked me!?"

(Zantara rolls her eyes at this and kicks Evonne in the side. But Evonne blocks the kick and grabs Zantara's leg. Evonne lunges to her feet and sends a surprised Zantara to the mat with the move. Evonne drops the elbow with the cast on it across Zantara's knee. Zantara screams in pain.)

Garry: I thought an elbow drop like that would have broken Evonne's cast.

Sandra: I'm surprised it didn't

McKinley: I would have been surprised if it did.

(Evonne is back to her feet but she is still trying to shake the cobwebs out of her head. Zantara gets gingerly to her feet checking on her knee. Zantara goes to Evonne but is met by an eye rake to the face. Zantara staggers backward her hands clutching her face. Evonne grabs her by her arm and sends Zantara crashing into the ropes. On the rebound Evonne nails Zantara with a spinning heel kick. NO! Zantara has grabbed Evonne's leg. Zantara smiles at Evonne but is nailed in the back of the head with an Enziguri. Zantara realeases Evonne's leg and staggers forward. Evonne moves in quickly and takes Zantara up and over in a snap suplex.  Zantara hits the mat hard. Evonne gets to her feet and grabs one of Zantara's feet. She begins to rap Zantara's legs into a figure four leg lock. Zantara struggles and manages to kick Evonne in the leg forcing her to release the hold. Zantara quickly scrambles out of the ring as Evonne goes to her brief case and takes something out. Zantara unlocks her bass fiddle case and brings out a can. Evonne has a lead pipe as she walks quickly around the ring toward Zantara. Zantara is struggling with the lid of the can.)

Garry: That cheating psycho has got a can of something she is going to use on poor Evonne.

Sandra: Poor Evonne? She has a lead pipe.

(Evonne walks past the corner of the ring just as Zantara has gotten the lid off the can. Evonne charges Zantara only to run into a wave of purple paint. Evonne staggers backward and drops the pipe as she uses her hands to rub the paint out of her eyes. Zantara sends her steel toed boots into Evonne stomach. Evonne lets out an OOOOFF! As her hands go to the offended area. Zantara raises the bucket and Crashes it over Evonne's head. The bucket goes all the way down until the handle forms a strap around Evonne's chin. Zantara moves around Evonne sending punches into the bucket which bring muffled cries from Evonne.)

Sandra: It looks like Zantara has just crowned a new Miss BRA. And with a bucket of purple paint.

McKinley: Purple, that is significant. Do you know that no word rhymes with purple?

Garry: Is that important?

McKinley: No. I just thought I'd mention it.

(When Evonne brings her hands up to remove the paint bucket, Zantara rains hard punches into her belly, back and sides. When Evonne moves her hands down, Zantara punches the paint can. Finally Nurse Ansalong sneaks up behind Zantara and nails her on the back of her head with a bed pan. Zantara shrieks and drops to her knees clutching her head. With the moments peace. Evonne is able, with the help of Ivana,  to get the bucket off her head. Evonne spits out a mouth full of purple paint.)

Sandra: HAHAHAHAHAH! Look who is here! Evonne the grape!

(Even Dr. McKinley and Garry can't suppress a laugh as they look at the purple paint-covered head of Evonne. Evonne grabs Ivana's blouse and rips it off. She uses the shirt to wipe enough paint off her face to be able to see. Ivana reaches into the brief case and hands Evonne another weapon. It is a hair brush. Evonne throws the brush at Zantara but it hits her on the head and doesn't phase her. A nervous Ivana reaches into the brief case and gives Evonne another weapon. This time it is something more useful, brass knuckles. Before Evonne can get them on Zantara has risen to her feet. She runs at Evonne, who takes off running around the ring.)

Garry: (Sounding like a track announcer) And they're off. Into the first turn it's Evonne by a length Zantara trailing. Across the backstretch Evonne widens her lead to two lengths. Into the far turn it's Evonne by a head. They're into the last turn with Evonne turning and nailing Zantara in the face.

(Evonne has stopped after getting far enough ahead of Zantara to turn and surprise her with a fist to the face. Zantara staggers backward as blood gushes from her noose. Caused by the brass knuckled fist of Evonne.Evonne follows it up with a series of punches to Zantara's belly, chest and face with her brass knuckles. Zantara groans after each punch. Evonne presses her advantage, until she squeals in pain as Zantara kicks her right knee again. Evonne dances on one leg as she massages her injured knee. Zantara follows that up with a stomp to the foot of the uninjured leg. Evonne is now hopping around.

Sandra: Do the bunny hop. Hop, hop, hop.

Garry: Shut up! That woman is in pain.

Sandra: That woman IS a pain.

(Zantara grabs the dancing Evonne and sends her crashing to the floor with a power bomb. Evonne screams and rolls on the floor clutching her back. Zantara runs to her bass fiddle case and unlocks it again taking out a . . . SLINKY? Zantara begins to play with the slinky as she walks back to Evonne. Evonne has gotten to her wobbly feet by the time Zantara returns. Evonne stares in surprise at Zantara playing with the slinky. Zantara takes advantage of Evonne's surprise by charging into her and sending her to the floor agin with a shoulder block. Zantara rolls Evonne onto her stomach and begins to use the Slinky to choke Evonne. Evonne struggles in vain against the fun filled garrote. Her face is turning three different shades of blue. The ref jumps down from the ring. He begins to try to get the slinky away from Evonne's neck.)

Ref: I know this is no DQ but I can stop you from killing her.

(Zantara struggles against the ref and Evonne to keep the choke on. Zantara lashes at the ref with her right arm, sending the ref against the fence.)


(The ref collapses to the floor from the shock of the electricity. Evonne takes advantage of the momentary distraction to t=get the slinky off her neck. In frustration Zantara rises and begins to kick and stomp at the prone Evonne. Evonne rolls into a ball to try to protect herself from the steel toed boots. The kicks land with sickening thuds on various parts of Evonne's body. Evonne pleads with Zantara.)

Evonne:"Mercy, It's not my fault. I'm sick, I need help  . . .  I love Hades, I love the Ice. I love you "

(Evonne's pleas have no effect on Zantara as she continues to stomp and kick. A kick to the face has caused Evonne to bleed from her nose. Another kick to her head has caused her to a gash to open on her forehead. Zantara finally stops the pounding. She brings Evonne to her feet and throws her into the ring. Zantara enters the ring and brings Evonne to her feet again. Evonne can barely stand on her own. Zantara puts a face claw on Evonne.)

Garry: OH NO! It's time for the Hades Hazard!

Sandra: It looks like the end for our purple headed Mistress

(Evonne moans in agony from the face claw. Zantara lifts Evonne in the air by means of the claw and sends her crashing to the mat in a slam. The last of Evonne's strength is driven out of her by the move. Zantara keeps the face claw on until Evonne passes out. She looks around for the referee to declare her the winner but the ref is still unconscious by the fence. A frustrated Zantara gets to her feet and goes to the ref. She begins slapping his face in an effort to revive him. Ansalong and Ivana take the opportunity to enter the ring and try to revive Evonne. Ansalong waves smelling salts under Evonne's nose as Ivana pats her hand. Ansalong gives a vial of smelling salts to Ivana to wave under the nose of the still out cold Evonne. Ansalong takes a needle out of her bag and jabs it into Evonne's rear. The combination of the smelling salts and te needle bring a squeal from Evonne as she returns to the arena from her dream land. Ivana hands Evonne a black jack before leaving the ring. Zantara meanwhile has managed to revive the ref by slapping him across the face. Although the ref is now revived, Zantara slaps him a few more times, just for the hell of it. The ref and Zantara head ack into the ring. Zantara screams in rage when she sees that Evonne has revived.)

Garry: A close call for Miss Carmikel. If Zantara hadn't knocked the ref into the fence, she would have won.

Sandra: NO wrestler should ever touch a ref.

(Zantara charges at Evonne only to be met by a black jack to the back of the head. Zantara slumps to the mat, seemingly out cold. Evonne gets to her feet. She strikes Zantara in the back of the head with the black jack again just to make sure she is down. She lifts Zantara up and sends her down to the mat with her finisher, the Goldnight. It is a reverse pedigree pile driver. The ref drops to the mat and counts.)




Garry: What an exiting finish to a really hard fought match!

Sandra: Yes it was. A very close match. It seems that Evonne the Grape, with the help of her friends was able to pull out a victory.

(A purple-covered Evonne can barely move. Ansalong and Ivana help her from the ring. Dr. McKinley leaves the announcer's table. Zantara slowly gets to her feet. She walks toward her bass fiddle cases. She open one and climbs into it. Zantara closes the lid of the case. After about five minutes a ring attendant carries the case out of the arena.)


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