( The lights have just dimmed in the Vail Arena. The thousands in attendance cheer in anticipation of the start of the Battling Ring Angels Pay Per View. Suddenly, “Kick Start my Heart” By Motley Crue begins to play. Images on the large Angeltron show in the ring action of the BRA superstars. “ Sherry Ann putting an opponent into the Sherry Crab , Jenny Anderson flying off the top rope , Yvette landing the “French Tickler” , Lisa Dream doing a seductive dance, before nailing her opponent before hitting them with a DDT. Lil Alexandria’s face smiling as she twists someone’s arm in the wrong direction. Laura Parker nailing an opponent with a dropkick and then checking her nails. The crowd cheer’s and boo’s as other wrestlers on the BRA roster are shown , cheers for Wendy and Amanda , boo’s for Evonne and Zantara , a loud pop for Americana and Peggy Christian and then more jeer’s for Kayla.)

( Suddenly , an explosion of light and sound from the entrance draws all eyes towards it. On the Angeltron, a valentine heart is heading towards the screen, as it gets closer ,it explodes into a fireball, hitting the screen , blinding the audience for a moment. Then the sound of something freezing , cracks through the arena speakers. The heart is frozen on the screen as B.R.A is spread across it in black burning letters.)

( The lights come up and the cameras pan the screaming throng. Close up’s of fans, families and friends. Another camera zooms into the announcer’s desk. Garry and Sandra sit smiling as the time for the show to begin is upon them.)

Sandra: “ Welcome to Frozen Hearts PPV…I’m Sandra …”

Garry: “ And I’m your host, the Debutante of Debonair , the Sultan of Swagger , You hate me now, but you’ll love me in the morning , Grimmoire.”

Sandra: “ Way to start this first PPV of the Millenium with class Garry. Folks, tonight’s card is BRA’s largest card ever! With over 18 Battling Ring Superstars, and 3 title belts on the line.”

Garry: “ And don’t forget …CATFIGHT!!!!”

( Sandra rolls her eyes as Garry rubs his hands with glee )

Sandra: “ The TV title in on the line with Americana facing the champion Yvette. …

Garry: “ Ahem “

Sandra: “ sorry, the Marquise DeSade, Yvette Malreaux. “

Garry: “ Also , the tag titles are on the line as The Cheerleaders face Simply Divine in a re-match for the belts.”

Sandra: “ There is also a 4 way Dance , between 4 of the new and up and coming stars of Battling Ring Angels. “

Garry: “ That should be a great match, four women in the ring at one time, one fall or submission wins it, Could be the jump start to a great career for one of those Rookies”

Sandra: ‘ And, let’s not forget the highly anticipated NO DQ, There must be a winner match between Zantara Underworld and Syndicate Leader Evonne Carmikel “

Garry: “ And “The Goddess” Nina LaRue takes on Peggy Christian “

Sandra: “ Last but not least, the final match of the best out of 3 battle for the Celestial Title. Body Shop Leader and perhaps the worlds most renowned wrestler , Sherry Ann against The Champion “ Perfection” Lisa Dream!”

Garry: “ Lot’s of interesting matches, sure to give the fans their pound of flesh!!”

Sandra: “ Well, let’s get this party started!! The first match is the Rookies 4 way Dance. Kimie Kurita, Debbie Burras , Debbie Loretto and Sabrina Perezi. “

Garry: ‘ This is the first time we are going to see 3 of these ladies in action. Sabrina won her match against Cyra Min last week, so I suppose she is no longer a rookie “

Sandra: “ You’re a rookie in this business until you’ve been beat. It’s that simple. All the top superstars in this Federation have been beaten at one time or another. It’s a humbling experience and if you can overcome that and win your next match , then and only then, you’re a wrestler!”

Garry: “ Puuuhhlease!, Your no longer a rookie when you Layeth the Smack,,,,”

Sandra” Hey! Don’t say that …it’s copyrighted!”

Garry: “ Ooops …umm .. Lay the beat down?”

(Silver pyro starts to shoot up from the floor like little fountains on either side of the entranceway. Debbi Burras stands between them, arms crossed in front of her. "TNT" By AC/DC cranks up and two big explosions from the pyro fountain, brilliantly illuminating Debbie, who thrusts her arms up in sync with the explosions. . The crowd cheers as Debbie walks down the ramp, shaking and slapping hands with the fans. She is in her Liquid silver bikini bottoms, sports bra, knee/elbow pads and low top wrestling shoes.)

Sandra: “ Well the first of two Debbie’s has arrived. Dynamite Debbie Burras.”

( Debbie climbs into the ring and climbs up one of the turnbuckles, she waves to the crowd and then jumps down as the ref asks to check her for illegal objects. )

Sandra” I doubt any of the rookies will be carrying illegal objects, rumor mill has it that they have all become close friends since being forced to room together )

Garry: “Well, we’ll see how long “friendship” lasts after the bell has rung)

( The lights dim down again and Debbie turns her head towards the entrance )

( “ We will Rock You” by Queen starts to play. A single spotlight shines on the wrestler entrance and then an explosion of red light as “ Lil Dragon” Kimie Kurita walks out. She is in her black pvc shorts, a black pvc sports bra, and Doc Martins. She walks slowly down the aisle as some fans cheer, others are not sure how to judge the rookie. Kimie smiles and giggles as she walks , looking up into the ring at Debbie and then twirling around in a circle. She slides into the ring and smiles , before walking to her corner. The ref walks over and goes to check her.)

Sandra: “ Kimie looks ready to battle. Rumor has it that Evonne Carmikel has taken an interest in the Lil Dragon. For her sake I hope Kimie avoids her.”

Garry: “ Now why would you say that? Evonne has nurtured many fine young wrestlers into superstars. Might I remind you that Celestial Champion Lisa Dream is a member of her Syndicate? Does the name Nikki Foxx ring a bell? Tawny Blake? All became champions under Evonne’s tutelage.”

Sandra: ‘ First off , Tawny and Lisa were already established wrestlers before they joined up with Evonne. Secondly, Evonne only cares for one person ….Evonne.”

Garry: “ Bah, you just don’t know her good side.”

(The lights dim again as t he strains of the climax of Elgar's Cello Concerto, played by Jacqueline du Pre, fill the arena, and the lithe figure of Debbie Loretto appears at the top of the ramp. Walking confidently down to the ring, dressed in black combat trousers and a black midriff top, she gives thumbs-up signs to her supporters and pointedly ignores her detractors...the numbers of which are about evenly balanced. As she slides into the ring, she looks around the arena for a moment, and then removes her top, to reveal a lacy black bra that accentuates her curves to good effect. She runs a finger over her taut tummy, grins, and throws the midriff top into one of the empty corners. The scowls as the ref approaches her, )

Sandra: “ Debbie seems a little annoyed about being searched for weapons “

Garry: “ Wouldn’t you be? It’s an insult to her character to be checked like that. It’s almost like saying ….”

Sandra” The ref found something!!!”

( Debbie frowns as the ref pulls a small blackjack from her trousers. Burras and Kurita glare across the ring at her. Debbie shrugs her shoulders and smiles innocently. The ref glares at her and then warns her about the infraction. She feigns ignorance and continues to smile. )

Garry: “ I’m sure it was just a mistake. A girl can’t be too careful nowadays. Debbie probably just forgot that it was there.”

Sandra: “ Surrre….”

(The lights dim for the last time as “'Through The Never” by Metallica comes over the PA, and Miss America Sabrina Perezi enters the arena to a loud pop from the crowd. She is wearing a light blue sash with the words, 'Miss America' going across it. After a few moments, several flash pots explode and with great excitement, Sabrina slaps hands with the fans on her way down to ringside and exchanges high fives with them. Sabrina enters the ring and poses, while red, white, and blue flash pots explode behind her. She waves to the crowd, before smiling at her opponents. She nods to each of them, but gives Loretto an disapproving look. She removes her sash as the ref walks over. Sabrina smiles at him and thanks him ahead of time for being the official.)

Garry: “ What a suck-up!”

Sandra: “ I thought it was a nice gesture. It’s about time a ref was thanked before a match. It takes a lot of experience and courage to get between some of our wrestlers. Our referee’s to a wonderful job.”

( All four women stand in separate corners. They eye each other, their fists clenching and unclenching, in anticipation of the bell. )


Garry: ‘ And we’re off!!”

( As the bell rings, it seems for a moment that Burras, Kurita and Perezi take a step towards Debbie Loretto. The spunky brunette’s eye’s widen as all three of her opponents move in on her. Suddenly Kimie turns and charges towards Burras leaping into the air with a flying kick. Burras dodges aside as Kim lands and lashes out with her hands. She catches Kimie in the shoulder with a knife-edge chop that causes the Lil Dragon to back off quickly. Sabrina smiles as she moves in on Loretto, who is breathing a slight sigh of relief that she doesn’t have to take on all three opponents right away. Sabrina lifts her arms up for a clinch, and Debbie complies, flexing her muscles before reaching up to grab Sabrina’s hands.)

( Kimie snarls at Burras and launches a series of kicks and punches towards her. Debbie backs off, using her reach advantage to stay out of harms way, while trying to land kicks of her own. She snaps out her right leg in a thrust kick. Kimie steps to the side and grabs the leg, smiling as Debbie is forced to hop on one foot. The tall blonde suddenly leaps in the air, snapping her leg around catching Kimie is the side of the head.)

Sandra: “Beautiful Enzuguri!”

( Loretto and Sabrina are pushing against each other, testing each other’s limits. Sabrina is slowly being pushed back into the corner. Miss America suddenly drops to her back kicking her feet out. )

Garry: “ Monkey Flip!! NO!!”

( Sabrina falls backwards and kicks her feet up into Debbie’s midsection. The brunette releases her grip on Sabrina’s hands and she falls and quickly grabs her by the legs. Sabrina falls to the mat and quickly squeals in pain as Debbie puts her into a step over toehold. )

( Burras has lifted the slightly stunned Kurita to her feet and has whipped her into the ropes. The Lil Dragon rebounds off the ropes and comes charging back in. Debbie whips out her arm, attempting to clothesline her opponent. Kim ducks under the arm and keeps on running. She jumps into the air and nails Loretto with a dropkick to the back, sending her crashing into the corner. )

Garry: “ Ouch!! Loretto never saw that coming.”

Sandra: “ It’s everyone for themselves in this one, although Kim just did Sabrina a big favor”

( Burras waits for a moment as Kim pushes herself up. Debbie runs across the ring and spears into the Lil Dragon, knocking her to the canvas. The crowd cheers as Sabrina kips up to her feet and turns on Loretto, who is pulling herself up, wondering what just happened. Sabrina grabs Loretto in a side headlock and then waves her free hand in the air. Miss America charges across the ring, dragging Debbie L. along for the ride. She leaps into the air and kicks her legs out in front of her. Driving Debbie’s face into the mat)

Garry: “ Brutal Bulldog!! We have our first cover of the match”

( Sabrina quickly rolls the stunned Loretto onto her back on hooks the leg. Both Kim and Debbie B. turn and see the pin as they struggle. Loretto powers out, actually lifting Sabrina in the air and pushing her off. )

( Debbie has hauled Kim to her feet and whips her into the ropes again. As Kim comes in, Debbie whips her arm out for another clothesline. Kim ducks it …..)

Garry: “ Sucker Play!!”

( Burras lifts up her knee and rams it into Kim’s midsection as she ducks the clothesline. The Lil Dragon gasps, doubling over. Debbie leaps up into the air, placing her leg on the back of Kim’s head and driving her face into the mat. )

Sandra: “ Face Driver Slam!! Or Famouser if you like!”

( Debbie B. quickly rolls Kim onto her back and goes for the pin. The ref jumps down to count, but Kim lifts her shoulder up at the two count. )

( Sabrina has taken off to the ropes and leaped into the air for a cross body block against Loretto. The Brunette takes the impact and smiles.

Loretto: “ Time to learn a valuable Lesson …Moron!!”

( Debbie L, then walks to the center of the ring and drops to one knee, snapping Miss America against her outstretched thigh. )

Garry: “ Back Breaker!! Somebody call Sabrina a chiropractor!”

( Loretto pushes down on Sabrina’s thigh and neck, stretching her back across the thigh. Sabrina screams in pain, but refuses to surrender as the ref asks if she wants to quit “

( As the ref checks on Sabrina, Debbie B. hauls Kimie Kurita to her feet. Suddenly the Lil Dragon slams her forearm up in between the tall blondes thighs. The crowd gasps and boo’s as Debbie squeals and stumbles away, clutching her groin. )

Sandra: “What a dirty move!!”

Garry: “ I told you , that girl’s got what it takes. A desire to win, no matter what.”

Sandra: “ A perfect addition to Evonne’s band of cheaters?”

Garry: “ Yes …I uh …hey!! I never said that!!”

( Kim takes quick advantage and sizes Debbie up. Kurita lashes out with a series of marital arts kicks and punches that sends the blonde wrestler to the mat. Kim then leaps up into the air and drops her thigh across Burras’s throat. )

Sandra: “ Leg Drop!!! Kim’s got Debbie pinned!!

( Kim quickly straddles Debbie’s chest, turning her back to the ref and clasping her arms around the downed blonde’s throat Kim maneuvers herself for her thighs trap Debbie’s head tight.)

Garry: “ Hehe atta girl!!”

Sandra: “ She’s choking her!!”

Kim: “"Hope you have some of that fresh mountain air saved up, cause your going to need it!"

( Loretto tires of the hold and shoves Sabrina off her leg. Miss America falls to the mat, clutching her back. Debbie turns to scan for other opponents and see’s Kim’s back turned to her. The tough brunette cracks an evil grin and moves over to the unsuspecting Lil Dragon.)

Sandra: “ Turn About is fair play I guess “

( Debbie L. walks up behind Kim and grabs a handful of hair, pulling her off of Burras. Kurita screams as her roots are on fire. Loretto quickly scoops her lighter opponent up in a body slam position and slams her down to the canvas. Kim bounces twice before rolling onto her side. Loretto snaps a kick into Kim’s midsection, causing her to curl into a little ball. Debbie smiles and then her eye’s open wide as Sabrina’s boot’s slam into her face. )

Sandra: “ WOW!! What a drop kick!! Did you see that elevation!!!”

( Loretto is sent tumbling backwards, she crashes into the slowly rising Burras and both women tumble out of the ring. )

Garry: “ Both Debbie’s are out of the ring!!!”

( The crowd cheers as Sabrina quickly scales the closest turnbuckle and stands on the top. Both Debbie’s slowly rise to their feet )

Sandra: “ She’s not ….OH MY GOD!!!”

( There is a huge crowd pop as Sabrina leaps off the top and out of the ring. She crashes down onto both Debbie’s sending all of them crashing to the floor.”

Garry: “ That was amazing! A Suicida Plancha onto the Debbie’s!!”

( All three woman lie in a heap outside the ring. Sabrina seems better off than her counterparts. She rises to her feet first and turns as a shadow falls over her.)

Sandra: “ Incoming!!!!!”

( Kurita has vaulted herself over the top rope and crashed down into the pile. She slams into Sabrina , who falls backwards, knocking the slowly rising Debbie’s back to the floor.)

Garry: “ All four wrestlers on the outside!! The ref is starting the count!”

( Loretto is first to her feet. She reaches down and grabs an arm. She pulls up Burras and with a mighty pull , whips her into the barricade. The Tall blonde is sent crashing into the metal barrier and slumps to the floor. Loretto then turns and grabs another arm, lifting Kim to her feet. Debbie L. whips the Lil’Dragon into the barrier. Kurita is sent flying over the barricade and into the laps of some of the ringside fans. )

Garry: “ Wow , Loretto showing some good power there.”

Sandra: “Well, I’d bet she’s the strongest of the four, but not the quickest …Look!!”

( As Debbie turns from whipping Kim over the barricade, she see’s Sabrina on her feet. Debbie quickly ducks down, whipping her leg out in a sweep. Sabrina leaps over it, Debbie quickly reverses the sweep and again, Sabrina jumps over it. Sabrina leaps in the air again, spinning her heel around ,catching the crouching Loretto in the face. )

Sandra: “WoW! What a display by Sabrina!! Jumping Spinning Heel Kick!!!”

( Sabrina thrusts her arms in the air and slaps some of the hands of the cheering ringside fans. She begins to clap, trying to get the crowd to follow her in rhythm )

Garry: “ You see, total face mistake!! Her opponent is down as Sabrina is playing to the crowd.”

Sandra: “ That’s not a face mistake, that’s a rookie mistake. I don’t think you’d see Sherry playing up to the crowd.”

Garry: “ You think Sherry’s a face!!?”

( Burras pushes her self up and notices the ref is at 10, she quickly slides back into the ring. Kurita is screaming insults in Japanese at some of the ringside fans as she tries to climb back over the barrier. Loretto is pulling herself up and rubbing her chin as she glares at Sabrina who has run along the ringside, slapping hands with the fans. Some of them warn her about the count and she turns, a little surprised and thanks them , before jumping up on the ring apron. Burras smiles and moves over towards Sabrina as she steps into the ring. Both blondes come together and move into a clinch. They strain and push against each other, trying to gain an advantage. Loretto slides under the bottom rope and watches as the two blondes push against each other. She pauses for a moment and catches a breather.)

( Kim has managed to get over the barricade. She glares at the fans that “helped her over” and rubs her butt. She looks up into the ring as sneers as she see’s Loretto taking a breather. Sabrina has managed to push Burras back into the corner. The ref calls for a break and Sabrina immediately complies.)

Garry: “ You see!!! Another rookie mistake.”

Sandra: “That’s not a mistake you idiot!! That’s called , playing by the rules!!”

( Burras smiles as Sabrina backs off clean. Then she yelps as her legs are taken out from under her. Kim has reached from the outside and pulled back on Debbie’s ankles. The Lil Dragon smiles for a moment as the crowd realizes what she is about to do. Burras’s legs are on either side of the ring post. Kim prepares to pull Dynamite Debbie back, but she stops as Sabrina grabs Debbie by her arms and pulls, yelling at Kim not to do it. Kurita frowns and shakes her head in a yes motion. Miss America is screaming at Kim not to cheat like this. Sabrina is suddenly spun around and gasp’s as Loretto’s boot slams into her midsection. With the release of her arms, Burras’ is pulled into the ring post. A groan from the crowd echo’s through the arena. )

Garry: “ ohhhh, now that’s gonna leave a mark.”

( The ref scolds Kim for the infraction, but she just giggles as Debbie moans in pain. In the ring, Debbie L. has shoved Sabrina’s head between her thighs. The strong brunette bends forward, wrapping her arms around Miss America’s toned stomach. She then grunts and hauls Sabrina’s legs skyward. Debbie then jumps backwards, falling to her butt. Sabrina’s head is driven into the mat. Loretto releases her on impact and Sabrina pops up like a pogo stick before crumpling to the mat. )

Sandra: “ Powerful Piledriver!!! Debbie nailed Sabrina with that one.”

( Loretto quickly hooks the leg and the ref goes for the count. )

Garry: “ 1…2…..Booo!!”

( Sabrina kicks out at the last second. Debbie slaps her hands together three times in quick succession and then stares at the ref, who is holding up two fingers.)

( While the count is being contested, Kim has slammed Debbie’s leg into the ring post a couple of times before climbing back into the ring. Kim climbs to top rope above the stricken Burras. Kim holds her arm up, pointing her elbow at Debbie.)

Garry: “ Look’s like Kim is going to try for her finisher, she calls it “Atomic Fission”.

( As Debbie B. tries to push herself up, she notices the shadow looming up behind her. She quickly rolls to her back and kicks her legs into the second turnbuckle. The ropes shake on impact and Kim squeals as she loses her balance. She falls straight down, impaling herself on the top turnbuckle. )

Sandra: “ Ahhh, now isn’t that a shame “

( Debbie smiles as she gets a little payback. She pushes herself up and scales the ropes. She wraps her arm around Kim’s head and grabs her waistband with the other. Debbie then lifts up and falls backwards. Kim’s body is lifted up into the air and then falls over , smashing into the canvas. )

Sandra: “ SuperPLEX!! “

Garry: “ Kim nearly bounced 4 feet in the air on impact!!”

Sandra: “Burras landed pretty hard too!!

( Kim’s impact into the mat caused Loretto’s head to turn as Kim’s body flopped on the mat near her. A smile came across her lips as the Lil Dragon moaned on the mat next to her.)

Debbie L: “Really impressing Evonne now, you cretin."

( Loretto bent down and grabbed the stunned Kim by the legs. Debbie quickly twists them into a figure-four position and then falls to the mat. Kim screams out in pain, her howl is enough cause Sabrina to get to her knee’s. She rubs her head for a moment as Kim howls in agony. Burra’s also pushes herself onto her knee’s and looks over to see what the screaming is about. The ref asks Kim if she wants to surrender. )

Sandra: ‘How rude!”

Garry: “ I am sure that Kim didn’t mean that , I’m sure the ref had a mother …”

( Loretto pushes herself up on her elbows , adding more pressure to the hold. Acting quickly to save the match, Sabrina rose to her feet and ran over, jumping into the air. Loretto looked on, trying to loosen her grip as Sabrina splashed down on top of her. Burras smiled and decided to join in, crashing her body down on top of the pile. The ref slapped his hand against the mat twice before Burra’s realized Sabrina would get the pin and pulled her off. Kim slowly crawled away, clutching her leg as Loretto gasped for breath after having both blondes splash down on her. )

( Sabrina grabs Debbie B. by the arm and whips her into the corner. Debbie slams into the turnbuckles and slumps over, her arms draped over the top rope holding her up. Sabrina then runs across the ring and performs a handspring , leaping over, and slamming her elbow into Debbie’s chest. )

Sandra: “ Jumping back spring Elbow Smash!! Sabrina’s got some really good moves for a rookie!”

Garry: “ Bah, beginners luck…”

( Burra’s stumbles out of the corner as Sabrina grabs her in a belly to belly hold. Miss America grunts and then lifts Debbie up and over ,smashing her into the canvas )

Sandra: “ Belly to Belly Suplex …into a pin!! 1…..2…..”

Garry: “ Save by Loretto!!!”

( Debbie L. smashes into Sabrina at the last second, saving the count. Loretto grabs Sabrina by the arm and hauls her up into a fireman’s carry. Debbie immediately falls backwards )

Sandra: “ Samoan Drop!!!”

( Sabrina is crushed into the mat as Debbie falls backwards. Loretto quickly rises to her feet and smiles as the two blondes are down on the mat. She bends to grab Burra’s but a black boot slams into her face., knocking her to her knee’s )

Garry: “ Uh Oh !! The Dragon looks pissed.”

( Kim has a snarl on her face as she launches a series of kicks to the chest and head of Loretto. The brunette’s head is snapped back as a Kim’s boot slams into her forehead. Debbie falls backwards, her arms flop to her sides… )

Sandra: “ What a devastating series of kicks …Loretto might be out cold!!!”

( Kim snarls and grabs Loretto by the legs, she quickly flips her over into a Boston Crab. As the ref goes to check on Debbie, Burra’s rises to her feet. She notices the predicament Loretto is in and smiles as Kim looks up at her. Kim stares as Debbie moves in on her, she releases the crab, just as the ref lifts Loretto’s limp arm in the air and lets it fall …)

Garry: “ Oh no!!! If Kim had held on a second longer ..she would have won!!!”

( As Kim rises Debbie snaps out a kick of her own. She catches Kim square in the stomach. Kurita doubles over and Debbie quickly wraps her arm around Kim’s head. Burras then jumps backwards, driving the top of Kim’s head into the mat )

Sandra: “DDT!!!!”

( Kim flops to her side and Debbie quickly covers her. But it only lasts for a second as Sabrina pulls her off. Miss America pulls Debbie B. to her feet . Sabrina picks Debbie up and slams her down in front of the turnbuckles. Sabrina quickly leaps up to the top and jumps backwards, splitting her legs apart in the process. She turns 180 degree’s and slams down on top of Burras.)

Sandra: “ Split Legged Moonsault!! That should be it …..

Garry: “ 1….2……3…NO!!! NO!!!

( Kim flops on top of Sabrina , breaking the count. Debbie L. has now slowly risen to her feet. She feels her lip which is cut and curses. She glares across the ring with semi-glazed eye’s towards Kim. She begins to stagger over towards her opponents. )

Garry: “ Debbie is still feeling the effects of that brutal series of kicks, but she’s on her feet.”

Sandra: “ You have to give these rookies credit, they are holding nothing back”

( Sabrina pushes Kim off of her and rises to her feet. She turns as Debbie L. punches her square in the chest. Sabrina slumps back to the mat as Debbie looms over her. Loretto jumps up in the air and points her knee to land across Sabrina’s throat. At the last second Perezi moves out of the way and Debbie drives her knee into the hard canvas. Loretto howls and curses as Sabrina pushes herself up )

Sabrina:” You know Debbie, one less Pizza and you might have hit that one.”

( Debbie swears at Sabrina which causes Miss America to shake her head in disapproval. Sabrina reaches down and grabs Debbie by the arm hauling her up. Burra’s rolls onto her stomach and begins to push herself up as Sabrina lifts Loretto up into a double arm under hook position. Sabrina rams her knee upward into Debbie’s chest twice before bending her knee’s and lifting up, causing Debbie’s legs to fly into the air. Sabrina quickly falls to her butt , violently slamming Loretto’s head into the mat. )

Sandra: “ Double Under hook Piledriver!!!!”

Garry: “ Wow , Debbie hit hard on that one!!”

( Sabrina rises to her feet and points at one of the corners. She twirls her arms in the air, causing the crowd to rise to its feet , cheering. Miss America then heads for the corner. )

( Kim is now on her feet and holds herself up by the top rope. She see’s Debbie Loretto spread eagled out on the canvas and stumbles over and falls on top of her. Burra’s crawls over and grabs Kim by the legs, pulling her off of Debbie before the ref can count to two. Kim and Burra’s grab a hold of each other and begin to slam punches into each other. Kim uses Martial arts blows, while Debbie responds with Knife-edge chops. Both women are near exhaustion and the blow do little damage. )

Sandra: “ Debbie and Kim are just hammering into each other, I don’t think they know what’s about to happen .”

Garry: “ Neither does Loretto, she’s just getting her bearings after that Piledriver …OH NO!! Star Spangled Splash!!”

( The crowd cheers as Sabrina leaps off the top rope, spinning her body in the arm and splashing down on top of Loretto. The brunette’s legs rise in the air on impact and her body bounces off the ground and then back to the mat with Sabrina on top of her. The ref jumps to the mat to make the count. Debbie and Kim are still nailing each other with blows as the ref’s hand hits the mat. Kim notices the count and goes to move towards it, but Burras catches her across the neck with a chop and sends her to the mat. The hand hits the mat for the second time as Burras turns and her eyes open wide as she realizes what is happening. She jumps in the air as the hand comes down for a third time. )

Sandra: “ Did she get it!!?”

Garry: “ NO!! I think Burras broke it up!!”


Sandra: “ Not in time!!! Sabrina gets the win!!!!

( Debbie slams into Sabrina a second too late. She stops immediately when she hears the bell. Sabrina pushes herself up and holds her arms in the air, she stumbles over to the turnbuckles and climbs up, holding her hands up in victory and waving to the crowd. Kim is banging her hands on the mat, realizing the match is over. Loretto has rolled onto her stomach and is sucking in the wind that was knocked out of her by the splash. Debbie Burras is on her feet in the middle of the ring as the crowd cheers. Sabrina jumps down and offers to shake hands. Debbie smiles as shakes her hand, giving Sabrina a hug. Kim sits in the corner, pouting. She lifts her hand up as Sabrina walks over, but doesn’t rise to her feet. Debbie Loretto pushes herself up and turns as Sabrina is smiling at her. Debbie puts her hand out and Sabrina grabs it. )

Sandra: “ ahhh, you see! This should happen after every match. This was a great contest. Hard fought all the way.”

Garry: “ Bah, I bet Burra’s isn’t going to shake hands with Kim, not after that pole incident.”

Sandra: “ Well, that was pretty nasty, but I think she will forgive her, eventually.”

Garry: “ I wouldn’t , but hey, I’m not the forgiving type.”

Sandra: “ Or the bathing type, the classy type , the good looking type …”

Garry: “grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”

Sandra: “ Folks, stay right where you are, the TV title match is next. Americana Vs Yvette..”

Garry: “ Ahem ….”

Sandra: “ Sorry, The Marquise DeSade. That’s up next, after a commercial showing how you can order BRA matches on to keep for your very own.”





**Winner of the match: Miss America , Sabrina Perezi**



















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