Sherry Ann
Lisa Dream


Sherry Ann. A symbol of strength, of power, of raw courage. A scene of Sherry Ann standing infront of her body shop associates, arms crossed. A picture of Sherry, raising one of her many won titles to the cheers of the crowd. An array of action shots, completed with Sherry having some poor opponent trapped inside of the Sherry Crab, a smile gracing her face.

And then the thorn in her side. The current Celestial Champion, Lisa Dream. A scene of her arrogantly posing for the camera, backdropped by a picture of Evonne Carmikel and a bunch of floating bills. Another scene, of Lisa strutting around the squared circle with the Celestial Title. Then, an array of action shots, finishing with Lisa signalling to the crowd and driving her opponents face into the mat in the DayDreamer.

And then, conflict. A scene of Lisa joining the shop…then the scene of her betraying her own sister for Evonne Carmikel. Of the Royal Rumble, where Lisa manages to eliminate Sherry Ann. Lisa fighting the woman dressed as Sherry Anne, making a mockery of the powerful Shop woman. Sherry talking to the crowd, getting them behind her as she insults Lisa. Flashes of the subsequent matches, detailing Sherry’s victory, and her defeat during the tag match. Sherry spraypainting Lisa’s back. Then Lisa: "Sherry, you will NEVER win this belt!!!"


Sandra: "Wow! Has it ever been a good night, but we now have the most eagerly anticipated match of the evening to get to! The main event, the final of a best of 3 series between Lisa Dream and Sherry Ann, and I tell you, there is no love lost between that pair!"

Garry: "That’s for sure! It all comes to a head tonight, when Lisa finally puts that old hag away…for good!"

Sandra: "Lisa may be good and all, Garry, but Sherry has a ton of experience on her! Add that to the fact that Sherry won’t be falling for any of Lisa’s mindgames, and I am giving the Shop leader the edge in this one!"

Garry: "Experience? Mindgame protection? Doesn’t mean nothing! Lisa has talent…and that, Ladies and Gents, is enough to give her the win here!"

Dreams, by Van Halen, blares over the arena’s loudspeakers, and the crowd positively erupts into cheers as the lights dim, and pyrotechnics announce the arrival of Sherry Ann. She steps out of the dressing room area with a determined expression on her face, but she still takes a moment to wave to her fans, who respond with even louder cheers, if possible. Accompanying her are several of the other Body Shop members, including Tina Dream, Veronica Millions and Katie Garlits.

Sandra: "Quite an impressive grouping of characters she has with her…rather noticably absent does appear to be Zantara Underworld, who did cause Sherry’s loss at the tag match last week…"

Garry: "Pfft…as if the two of them had any chance against the Syndicate! Zantara just saved Evonne and Lisa some much thanked energy!"

Sherry is wearing a long black drovers coat, which has the Body Shop Logo written on the back of it. She makes her way to the ring, and then removes the coat, revealing her black bikini ensemble, with the black thigh high boots. She then poses for the crowd.

Sandra: "She does look ready here…interesting to note that every time that Sherry has won a title, that song has been played for her…"

Garry: "Well, her lucks about to change! Feast your eyes and Fantasize, Ladies and Gents, because here comes *perfection*!

The lights dim, and the sounds of twinkling stars and awe music fills the arena. The blood red letters ‘THE DREAM’ come up on the jumbotron monitor. Then, there is a burst of light, the music shifts to ‘NOOKIE’, by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area to the roars of the crowd. She is wearing her typical black leather pants and black leather halter top combination, and arrogantly surveys the crowd, the Celestial belt wrapped around her waist. In her hand she holds a microphone…and, after a few seconds, the curtain behind her parts again, and L’il Alexandra emerges, wearing her white outfit with the suspenders.

Sandra: "Well, I’m glad that the two freaks in this federation have finally found eachother…"

Garry: "You better hope that Lisa doesn’t hear you call her that! Now, quiet! My little sugar dumpling is about to speak!"

Lisa Dream: "Feel justified, all of you lucky little ticketholders, because your All American Sweetheart is in the house, just to make your participation in this event all worthwhile. I know how bored all of you must be, having watched all of these ridiculous peons and insignficants try to fight in that very ring for the past couple of hours, so now the money you payed for those tickets is all worthwhile! You now get to gaze upon the ultimate form of human *perfection*, the Battling Ring Angels icon herself, as she stomps another pitiful fool into oblivion in the squred circle!"

"This match is going out to all of my lucky little DREAM-o-phobics, all of you that wish that you were as cunning as the dream, as talented as the dream, as gorgeous as the Dream! To all of you who know that, though I am your greatest DREAM, I am all these peons worst nightmare! I will not dissapoint you…I will show all of you exactly why I am the Celestial Champion, and you need not worry, for, when I leave here tonight, this very belt shall remain around the most *luscious* waist in all of BRA!"

"Sherry Ann, you pitiful old hag, you truly believe that you have what it takes to step up to *perfection*? Oh yes, you may have gotten lucky in the past…you may have even tried to deface my *luscious* body with your crude slogans….but you have no place to run to, no place to hide tonight! Tonight, you will find out WHY it is that this oh so lovely belt remains inside of my possession, and I am going to make you acknowledge to everyone here who your superior is! Honey, you had best close your eyes…and fantasize….’cause that is the ONLY way you are EVER going to top….*perfection*."

When done with this, Lisa drops the microphone to the ground and arrogantly makes her way down to the ring with L’il Alexandra in tow. When she gets to the ring, she smoothly enters it, and begins to do a little bump and grind dance for the benefit of the crowd as L’il Alexandra takes up a place outside of the ring.

Sandra: "Wow! This crowd is positively ecstatic! They cannot wait for this match to begin, with that Celestial Title right on the line!"

Garry: "This is going to be great! This is BRA in all it’s glory, and I am just glad that I have a front row seat for it!"


Referee Sam Tool knew that he was going to have his work cut out for him in this match. There was a lot of emotion involved, a lot of anger, and it was going to take all of his abilities just to maintain order in this bout. Combine that with Sherry and Lisa’s natural tendencies for underhanded tactics, and it was no surprise to Sam that they had given this match to the most senior referee.

He was right about to call them over, and instruct them on the rules when Sherry Ann suddenly burst from her corner and hit Lisa from behind, who had been showing off for the crowd. Sam shook his head…it should have been expected, but there was nothing that he could do about it now. He signalled for the bell to be rung, and began to watch the contest.

Ding Ding Ding

Sherry had caught Lisa completely off guard, and was busy attacking her with a series of powerful kicks and punches, eventually driving the gothic beauty against the ropes and dropping her to her knees. The punches that Sherry were landing looked suspiciously like close fists, but Sam was not going to bother them with it…there was no use officiating rules that were not going to be enforced. The fans would not have wanted this match to end with a disqualification for closed fists!

However, as soon as Lisa was to her knees, She suddenly dropped to her belly and rolled out of the ring. That was when Sam spoke up…this was a wrestling match, not a brawl, and if they remained outside, that was certainly what it was going to become. He began to count as Lisa walked over to L’il Alexandra…another person that Sam was going to have to keep his eye on.

Sherry Ann suddenly followed Lisa outside, to the cheers of the audience, and Lisa took off in the opposite direction…right into the outstretched arm of one of the Shoppers. She was closelined to the mat by an outside interferer, an instant grounds for disqualification, but Sam was not going to do that….not at this stage of the match, and not for such a small blow. This was what the fans had paid to see, after all! Instead, he slid out of the ring and instructed Sherry to get back in the ring.

Sherry ignored him…was there any wrestlers left that paid attention to the referees?…and, pulling Lisa to her feet, drove her face down onto the ring apron. Lisa cried out, and clutched her face, bemoaning the injuries to her flawless features. She was an arrogant one, that was for sure! Sherry then slammed her face down a second time, and signalled to the crowd, still holding a handful of Lisa’s hair. She then ran forward, pulling Lisa with her, and drove the DREAMs face right into a ringpost. Lisa went down, and Sam really needed to get them back in the ring. He started his count, on the outside of the ring..hopefully that would do it.

Sherry smiled at the crowd, pulled Lisa to her feet…and Lisa caught her with a low blow. As soon as Sherry doubled over, Lisa hooked her up, and DDT’d her down onto the ringsteps. Sam now began to order Lisa back into the ring, attempting to maintain order in the only way he knew how. Lisa smirked at him…pulled Sherry to her feet, and then, rolling her into the ring, followed her inside.

Sam shook his head as he got back into the ring as well. This was going to be a trying contest, that was for sure.


Lisa arrogantly walked around the perimeter of the squared circle, showing off her *perfect* body for all of her adoring fans. She was the center of attention, the focus of all the viewers, which was exactly where she should be. Sherry was just starting to get to her feet, however…as much as Lisa would have wanted to continue to address the crowd, she had a different insignificant to take care of first.

Walking over, Lisa helped the Shopper to her feet, whipped her into the ropes, and struck her with a stunning spinning back heel kick, sending her right down again…but, amazingly, Sherry still started to get back up. It did not bother Lisa…she would just keep hitting the old woman until she stayed down…but it was the first time she had seen such resilency. With a smile, Lisa did a back handspring, which caught Sherry under the chin with her feet. She then turned to the fans, outstretched her arms, and asked:

"Who’s your Sweetheart?!?"

She spun back around…and Sherry was right there, with a quick scoop and a slam. Lisa cried out, and clutched her back…that slam hurt, damnit! Rough hands gripped her hair, aided her to her feet…she was then picked up at the side and Sidewalk Slammed to the mat. Lisa cried out, but still managed to buck out at the one count when Sherry attempted the pin.

Sherry pulled Lisa to her feet again…Lisa raked across her eyes, which made Sherry release the grip on her hair and spin around, holding her eyes. A simple move, yet most effective. Grabbing Sherry’s arm, Lisa whipped her into the opposite turnbuckle…then, arrogantly strutting over, Lisa hit her with a couple of punches, blew a kiss to the audience…then calmly backhanded Sherry across the face with the hand she blew the kiss with. Ah, her adoring fans!

Sherry went to one side, dropping to a knee, and that was when Lisa clamped on the armbar.


Sherry was in trouble…she knew it, could feel it in her arm as Lisa painfully twisted it. This match was NOT going the way that Sherry was hoping, that was for sure! She had the gain in experience, the gain in power…the mere fact that this insolent whelp had gotten in a few hits was more than startling!

But she had come out here to teach this betrayer a lesson…and that was exactly what she was going to do. The first thing, however, was to break the armbar…Lisa was standing in good position, hard to break the move with Sherry down on one knee like that. Lisa was playing to the crowd, as always…though Sherry did not normally resort to such tactics, she felt no compunctions when dealing with Lisa. Grabbing the gothic womans leather clad crotch, Sherry clamped on a claw.

Lisa’s gasp was most rewarding, but she maintained the armbar. That was when Sherry raised her hand, practically lifting Lisa off of the ground by the claw..Lisa began to backpeddle, Sherry followed, and soon Sherry had Lisa against the ropes in the claw, the armbar forgotten, the pain written all over the arrogant vixen’s face.

But she was in the ropes, and had to break the hold. With a scowl for the aging referee, Sherry pulled Lisa off of the ropes, and, hooking her up, reverse atomic droped her right onto her tender crotch. Lisa hunched over, and Sherry sent her to the mat with a running closeline.

The fans were roaring their approval, but Sherry had to remain totally focused on the match. She had to…she knew how devious Lisa was, how quickly she could think her way out of a situation. Lisa tried to get to her feet…Sherry ran forward, and speared the champion to the mat.

Instead of just lying there, however, Lisa rolled back with the punch, right into the corner, where she got to her knees and started to make a time out symbol with her hands, begging Sherry for a break from the assualt. A pathetic display of cowardice, and Sherry ignored it as she hauled Lisa to her feet again, and, whipping her into the ropes, tilt-a-whirl backbreakered her onto her outstretched knee. Then, keeping the young girl on the knee, Sherry pushed down on her neck and legs, getting her in a submission hold.


Daniella Stevens had one of the best seats in the house, right inside of the front row, directly behind the guard rail that sourrounded the ring. She had paid a good price for the ticket too, but it was definitely all worth it. The matches up to this point had been astounding…and this had been the one she had come to see. She had known it was going to be a good match…but she had come to see the Legend inside of what may have been her toughest match to date, and so far, Sherry was doing well.

Lisa Dream was painfully bent over Sherry’s knee, her head and feet touching the ground, and Danielle could even hear her moans of anguish from where she sat. Sherry had had her in the hold for a while so far, however, and still the gothic champion had not submitted. Danielle doubted that she could have lasted this long in such a deadly hold! It attested to Lisa’s durability, she supposed….Daniella wasn’t too fond of Lisa. She was too arrogant and cowardly for her tastes. Besides, how could you possibly compare to a legend like Sherry?

Sherry finally dumped Lisa off of her knee, after realizing that Lisa was not going to be giving up. Lisa slumped on her front, one leg idly kicking at the mat. Sherry sneers down at Lisa, and then begins to stomp away at her left knee. Daniella figured that she was doing that to take away Lisa’s speed, which was a wise move…it was the only reason that Lisa had managed to do so well up to this point. Lisa cried out, and reached for the ropes, but was too far away.

Grabbing the leg, Sherry placed it around the bottom rope and twisted it to one side, trying to hyperextend the knee, and Lisa’s anguish was all too apparent as she cried out and slapped at the mat. She grabbed a handful of Sherry’s hair, but the referee was right there, and Lisa was forced to relinquish the hold. Lisa thought quickly however…Daniella had to give that to her…and she slid between the ropes, so that she was half in and half out of the ring. The referee forced Sherry to break the hold, and Sherry did, being the rule abiding legend that Daniella loved.

Sherry grabbed a handful of Lisa’s hair, and tugged, guiding her to her feet, where Lisa suddenly drove a finger right into Sherry’s eye. Sherry spun around, holding her face, and Lisa followed it up with a jumping bulldog. Both ladies went to the mat, and lay there, Sherry on her front, Lisa on her back. Niether moved, needing some much needed recuperation time. The referee began his ten count.

That was when there was a disturbance in the crowd to the right of Daniella. She looked over, but all she could see was a fair amount of people turning to look at someone who was pushing through the audience. Daniella couldn’t see who it was…but she supposed, that, very soon, she would know who it was.


Referee Sam Norton had known this was going to be a battle right from the start, and he hadn’t been dissapointed. Both women had taken a beating so far, a beating that would have laid most women out by then, and he figured it would soon be over. He was counting, though he was hoping that one would soon rise…he did not want to rip off the ticket holders by ending the match in such a way. He was not dissapointed, however…both women struggled to their feet, and he stopped the count at 8.

Lisa went for a punch to Sherry…it was blocked, and retaliated upon by Sherry, who squarely got Lisa a couple of times. On her third punch, however, Lisa grabbed the fist, pulled Sherry forward, and Drop Toe Holded her to the mat. Probably the first solid move Sam had seen from her all night.

Sherry flipped onto her back, and Lisa ran for the ropes, slightly limping due to the damage Sherry had earlier inflicted on her. She bounced off the ropes…ran to the opposite ones, and launched off of them, moonsaulting right down onto Sherry’s prone form. Sam supposed that that was a patented move of some kind.

Lisa then slid on top of Sherry, getting her inside of a grapevine pin, and purred: "Feel honored for a second time, old woman, being allowed this close to perfection."

Sam began the count, but Sherry managed to muscle her way out of the hold. Lisa arrogantly smirked, helped Sherry to her feet by a handful of hair, and shoved her head between her legs in a standing headscissors. Lisa then did a bump and grind for the audience, and slapped Sherry’s bottom.

Sam figured that that would anger Sherry, and he was not dissapointed. Sherry suddenly lifted, so that Lisa was off of the ground, grabbed Lisa’s legs, and slammed her off of her body with such force that the gothic champion practically bounced! A great counter, and the fans were all cheering now as Sherry dropped an elbow right into Lisa’s belly, doubling her over.

Sherry helped Lisa to her feet…shoved a head under an arm, and vertically suplexed her right down to the mat. An attempt at a cover….kickout at 2. This match was almost over now, Sam could feel it. Sherry again pulled Lisa to her feet, wrapped her arms around her belly, and belly to belly suplexed her down to the mat.

And then Sherry turned to the audience and pumped her fist, which Sam supposed meant she was going to go for her finishing manuever. Lisa got to her hands and knees, but was in rough shape….this was almost over, that was for sure.


Daniella watched in total fascination as Sherry Ann pulled Lisa to her feet, and kicked her in the belly, doubling her over. Here it came, the most deadly finishing manuever of them all, the Sherry Stunner! Daniella stood on the edge of her seat as Sherry hooked Lisa’s head over her shoulder….

No! Lisa managed to push Sherry off of her, towards the ropes…Sherry came bouncing back, and Lisa launched herself up, so that her legs were tightly wrapped around Sherry’s head!

And that was when the figure streaked out of the audience and launched herself at the ring


Garry Grimoire: "Here it comes, Lisa’s finishing manuever, the DayDreamer! I love it…hey, what the hell is…?!?"

Sandra: "It’s Wendy Jones, streaking out of the audience! What is she doing here?!?"


The crowd watched in an awed state of silence as Lisa Dream perched on Sherry’s shoulders, and blew a kiss for the crowd. She was right about to drive Sherry’s head down into the mat from her vantage point when Wendy Jones suddenly jumped up onto the ring apron and slammed what looked like a cane into the back of Lisa’s head.

The referee had missed it…he had been ordering Tina Dream back to ringside, for she had shown the signs of interference. He spun back around just in time to see Lisa fall off of Sherry to the mat, and Sherry cover her in a matchbook pin. He moved over….his hand struck the mat 3 times…and this bout was going down into the record books.

Sherry’s theme music began to play just as Wendy Jones entered the ring, and began to stomp away on Lisa’s prone body, who was in no shape to defend herself. The crowd audibly boo’d for the Wildcat until L’il Alexandra sprung into the ring with her own cane, and drove the Wildcat off.

Sherry left the ring, and the crowds cheered as the Legend had won the title for the umpteenth time.


Lisa was still in the center of the ring, seated, her head bowed. She could not believe that she had lost the belt…that the Celestial title no longer remained around the most *luscious* waist in all of BRA. And to have lost it to Sherry Ann…that was the most embarrasing point of them all. Sure, that insignificant Wildcat had interfered, but Lisa had still lost the belt to someone she deemed to be her vast inferior.

She drowned out the cheers of the audience, and Sherry’s theme music, as she desperately tried to think, tried to find a loophole to retain her title. If Sherry and her were to meet again, obviously Lisa would come out on top…but Sherry, being the cowardly woman that she was, would never put the title on the line against her again. No, Lisa needed to come up with something, and come up with something quick, before Sherry exited the arena.

And then, finally, it came to her. She knew exactly what she could do, and legitamitely as well. With an arrogant smirk, she got to her feet...ordered one of the peons at ringside to give her a microphone...and then she raised it to her lips.


Sherry Ann was positively ecstatic…she had won the title, for what seemed like the millionth time, and had put that arrogant little whelp in her place once and for all. Who cared if Wendy had interfered…all that mattered was the win, and she posed and flexed for the cheering crowd as she made her way back up to the dressing room, the belt around her waist. Then, suddenly, her music stopped, and an all too familiar voice was heard.

"Sherry Ann, you stop right there! You have something that still belongs to me."

Sherry spun around, amazed that this little girl would persist in such a manner, after being beaten like that. What could she possibly have to say of any value? But Sherry turned to regard her, choosing to humour the former champion before heading back to the Shop Headquarters for some celebrations.

"Now, all my adoring little fans, I told you that I was not going to be leaving here without the belt, and I never go back on my word! Because, truly, which waist would you much rather see the gold strapped to? Hers, or around the waist of the ultimate image of human *perfection*? But you have nothing to fear, all my loyal DREAM-o-phobics, because that belt is still mine!"

Sherry had to laugh at this…was Lisa so delusional to believe that the belt was still in her possesion?

"Now, you all saw Sherry pin me…you all saw my shoulders pinned for the count of 3! I do not deny it…Sherry got the drop on *perfection* a second time, a complete rarity…but you all also saw that Wendy Jones interfered to cause such a defeat! And, if memory serves me, the Wildcat was not allowed inside of the arena tonight due to her choice of match for the evening, that no holds barred against Nina Larou. Meaning she was banned…and, all my lucky little DREAM-o-phobics, the rules simply declare that should someone banned from an event interfere in a match, that match is considered null and void!"

The crowd erupted into disbelief, and Sherry could only stand there, with a shocked expression on her face. Was this true? Could it be true?

"Amanda Strike, I know you’re sitting at the back, just waiting for such a moment! So get your big ol butt out here…and bring that rulebook with you!"


Daniella watched with the rest of the crowd in stunned disbelief as Lisa finished her little speech, and waited for the arrival of Amanda Strike. She was just as confused as everyone around her, and could not believe that Lisa Dream would stoop so low just to retain her title. In Daniella’s mind, the better woman had won, even with some outside assistance, and to have Lisa steal the belt back in such a method…well, it seemed like Lisa, however! Always conniving…always underhanded. It did not surprise Daniella in the least that she would try this…but would it work?

The crowd watched in anticipation as Amanda Strike did exit from the dressing room area, holding a copy of the rulebook, and made her way down to the ring. She got for Sherry Anne to follow her as well, so that the two combatants, along with one of the top dogs of the company, were standing in the ring.

Would Sherry Ann lose her title? Would Amanda Strike force her to hand it back over to Lisa? Those were the questions flying around Daniella as they all stood there, waiting for the verdict. Daniella hoped that she wouldn’t…she thought that Sherry would be a much better champion than Lisa, whose main tactics seemed to be running away and begging off. Sure, Sherry cheated a bit, but she was a legend of the sport…she deserved that belt!

The participants talked inside of the middle of the ring…Lisa showed Amanda the passage in the rulebook. Amanda read it…then raised the microphone to her lips.

"I am afraid that Lisa Dream’s interpretation of the rules must stand. This match is considered null and void…and Lisa Dream is still the Champion."

The crowd erupted into disbelief a second time as Amanda took the title from a shocked Sherry and handed it to a smiling Lisa, who raised it above her head and began to parade around the ring, showing it off to her ‘adoring’ fans…though, who her adoring fans were, Daniella had no idea. Sherry looked like she was going to pounce on Lisa…but then, shaking her head, she left the ring, dejected…and Daniella didn’t blame her.

‘NOOKIE’, by Limp Bizkit, blared over the loudspeakers as Lisa paraded around the interior of the ring, showing off her belt to the crowd. Danielle could not help but feel gyped…she had come here looking for a definitive match, and instead had gotten one in which interference had costed Sherry the title. She was not impressed, and hoped that Lisa was not too cowardly to keep Sherry from another title shot, which she so very much deserved.


Garry: "And Lisa retains the belt! Didn’t I tell you it was going to happen, Sandra?"

Sandra: "You have got to be kidding…both me, and these fans, all know how much of a farce it is, her still having possession of that belt! Sherry beat her fair and square!"

Garry: "Fair and Square? I think you missed the Wildcats assisstance…without her aid, there is no way that Sherry could have ever topped perfection!"

Sandra: "Whatever…they had better meet again, I highly doubt that this feud is over with a verdict like this….that’s it for this Pay Per View, though, folks…be sure to join us for our regularly scheduled card next Monday! So, I’m Sandra Evans…"

Garry: "And I’m Garry Grimoire…"

Sandra: "Bidding you all a fond adieu!"

Match Verdict: Null and Void









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