logoLindsay Locke vs. Porsha Pembroke

We return to Battling Ring Angels and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: �I came to Just Watch Lindsay!�; �Samantha Staffer is the best!�; and �Bow down before the Goddess Nina LaRue.� The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.

Kenny: Cari, we have a good one up next. A member of The Children of the Revolution will face a member of The Hit Squad.

Cari: Don't they work together?

Kenny: I think that'll be tested in this one. Lindsay Locke againt Porsha Pembroke.

Cari: I don't like this one at all.

A voice crackles over the loudspeakers in the arena.

Voice: The revolution will now be televised!

As strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning, Lindsay walks to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a �T�, palms down. As pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a �V�, palms up. Lindsay stands in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face.

�Children of the Revolution� from T-Rex starts to play as Lindsay and her entourage walk towards the ring to the mixed response of the crowd. The song in which T-Rex informed rock promoters and record company execs that no matter what they tried to sell to the public, whatever image it was, you can't fool the children of the revolution, is a fitting tune for the new look of Lindsay. She receives a large number of boos and jeers, but a healthy amount of cheers from those wearing �Child of the Revolution� T shirts. Lindsay stops every few steps to point out a few of her supporters or whisper to Janus.

Lindsay wears a pair of tight black vinyl pants and black wrestling boots. Her top is a Los Angeles Kings jersey (the old time one in purple and yellow with the big crown on the front and the name Locke and the number 32 on the back), covering a blue �Child of the Revolution� T shirt. Her blond hair is newly cut and styled, in a very modern wavy fashion. She wears black sunglasses and gives the fans more of a show than usual as she struts to the ring.

Next to her stands Janus. The Dark Angel wears her usual attire of black leather pants and black velvet shirt, finishing up with black and blue cowboy boots. On the other side stands Angel Dust, in a red leather skirt and red leather boots. She wears a black T shirt with the words �One Taste and You're Hooked� on the back in red letters. Lindsay walks to the center and takes out a microphone.

Lindsay: To all my Children of the Revolution�here comes your big chance to�

Her fans chant the line along with her.

Lindsay: (with her fans) Just Watch Me!

Lindsay waits for the cheers of her fans to subside.

Lindsay: Now I know I'm supposed to fight Porsha tonight. But we have bigger business.

Lindsay turns to Janus.

Lindsay: Jan, I see you haven't gotten a chance tonight to do what you like to do and mess up someone innocent as a message to Lesley. That is what you like to do, isn't it? To beat up on the innocent?

Janus looks troubled by where this is going. She slightly nods to Lindsay as the fans become quite.

Lindsay: And that is what you were trying to do when you almost got us into a big fight with simply ridiculous, wasn't it? You were trying to make your point about beating on the innocent, right?

Again, all Janus can do is slightly now.

Lindsay: Good! Because we took the liberty of getting you one. An innocent, that is. Soooo without further adieu�Janus' innocent victim for the evening!

Kenny: What?

Without warning, smoke starts to gather at the head of the entrance. The smoke gets thick and almost obscures the area, save for the backlighting. As several oddly shaped shadows appear behind the wall of smoke, 'Mississippi Queen' from Mountain booms across the arena speakers. The first to appear is the miniscule Paula Pembroke, clutching a cigarette in her hand. Behind her walks Jessica Estrella, her Hit Squad companion. Next appears Sasha Crowley, Samantha Slick and Brenda. Lastly, the gigantic Porsha Pembroke appears. The giant is dressed in riding kit, black riding pants tucked at the ankles into heavy black riding boots. She wears a white blouse and her dark hair is pulled straight back. She walks slowly and with purpose, just a few steps behind her sister. She is dragging a frightened Angela Downey, forcing her to the ring.

The entire Hit Squad moves towards the ring eyeing it with a dark purpose. It is clear that this is some plan for Janus. They reach the ring and Porsha stands Angela in the center. Samantha and Sasha exchange some words with Lindsay, before taking the microphone.

Cari: That's Angela Downey. She must be Janus' victim.

Kenny: This can't be.

Sasha: Jan, we decided to help you out a little. Now I know this whole thing with Angela and her kid has been bugging you. So we decided to let you work it out. With her. She's all yours.

Kenny: This is sick. Janus walks over to Sasha and gives her an odd look. Slick forces a fork into Janus' hand and points her towards the horrified Angela. The crowd is booing and jeering this whole event.

Slick: Do it, Jan. Show us you're one of us. You don't need her. You need us. Do it!

Kenny: Don't do it, Janus! This isn't you!

Cari: Oh, shut up!

Janus regards the fork in her hand and looks at the scared Angela. The poor girl is almost begging Janus not to hurt her. Janus looks back at the people in the ring with confusion.

Sasha: Go on, Jan. You'll feel better.

Slick: Prove to us you're a monster. Prove to us you're the Dark Angel.

Janus looks at the fork and at Angela. She seems unsure.

Kenny: She's not going to do it!

Finally, Lindsay takes the microphone. She looks at Janus with anger and disappointment.

Lindsay: What the hell is wrong with you? What the hell are you doing? I told you to mess her up! Now you do it! Do it! Don't make me look stupid in front of all these people!

Janus starts to get angry. She looks at Angela, trying to escape from Porsha's grasp. She starts to walk over to her.

Lindsay: Yes! Do it! Mess her up! Prove to me that you deserve to be my friend! That you deserve to be with us!

Janus stops next to Angela and sees the fear in her eyes. She lifts the fork. But suddenly�a voice from the back.

Mixie: Janus, stop!

Kenny: It's Mixie Locke!

Mixie: Don't do this. Listen to this first.

Mixie steps aside and Kevin Downey is standing behind her. He looks at the ring with tears and scared eyes.

Kevin: Auntie Jan, don't hurt Mommy.

Cari: What's this kid doing here?

Janus looks at Kevin. She drops the fork and lets it hit the mat. The whole Hit Squad looks at Janus. This gives Angela the opportunity to take off.

Kenny: Run, Angela!

Angela gets out of the ring and runs to Mixie and Kevin. The whole gang surrounds Janus. She pushes her way past Lindsay and out of the ring. Lindsay yells after her.

Lindsay: You've disappointed me, Jan! You've really disappointed me!

Janus walks away, ignoring the commotion in the ring. Samantha gives Jessica a nod. She returns this with a pointed look.
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