
( The camera lights flash on as the paid commercial announcement for Pembroke Cigarettes "Flavor Country" finishes. The lights dim slightly and the crowd cheers, eagerly awaiting the start of the next match. The throng of thousands wave hundreds of signs back and forth like confused waves.

"Angel and Lindsey sitting in a tree" "Goddess I need forgiveness" and "Jessica Mist-ifies me!" are just a few of the hundreds of signs. A camera shot appears on the screen, pushing its way towards the announcers table. Ken and Cari are sitting down, waiting to call the next match.

Ken: "Welcome back folks! Well, this next match up is a repeat of last week. The "rich bitch" Alexandria Parker taking on.."

Cari: "From the house of ill-repute!"

Ken: "Stop that! Taking on Samantha Staffer."

Cari: "Last week, Alex had Samantha screaming on the mat, she was moments away from defeating the whore monger."

Ken: "Ok, stop that right now!"

Cari: "What? She was a Madame? A self-proclaimed prostitute. Am I making this up?"

Ken: "No�but."

Cari: "But nothing. Moments away from pinning the woman who�s on her back more than often than a Clinton intern."

(Ken just shakes his head and sighs.)

Cari: "But that giant Porcha and that nutbar Jessica Estrella came down to the ring and attacked Alex, giving Samantha the win. It was a travesty of justice!"

Ken: "It was one of the first shots in what is sure to be a huge feud between the Sisterhood and the Children of the Revolution. Hopefully this match will be a clean contest, although with Alex.."

Cari: "Ahem! The Rich Bitch needs no help in destroying the likes of Samantha Staffer."

Ken: "That remains to be seen."

(The lights go dim and Samantha struts out to Queens 'Another one Bites the Dust'. She is dressed in a skin tight short suit in shiny black with tall black leather boots, her hair is braided in a single braid down the back to keep it out of the way. She wears a baseball cap with Thirtysomething on the front She looks cool and confident and greets the crowd with a wave and a smile. Behind her on the jumbotron are glimpses of her past fights, both with Peggy and solo fights.. The crowd roars its approval. )

Cari: "I can�t believe these morons would cheer for her."

Ken: "The fans like Samantha. She�s a hard worker, who often doesn�t get the respect she deserves. She�s beaten some of BRA�s top talent. I like Samantha�s courage. She gives 110% every single time she gets in the ring."

Cari: "Courage and a sack is worth the sack."

Ken: "Now here comes the bitch."


Ken: "My bad."

(The Angeltron comes to life, flashing in large red letters, 'RICH BITCH'. Pictures of Alexandria Parker destroying opponents flash onto the screen, showing some of her greatest moves, concluding with a montage` of her flipping off 'fans', and the smashing the infamous mirror over the head of Porsha Pembroke. An explosion occurs from the back and fireworks falling from the ceiling are the next visual treat as Trina's Daddest B*tch writhes across arena speakers. Standing poised at the top of the ramp is Team Parker (comprised of Alexandria Parker, Miss. Vanity, and Jordan). Alex wears a red, Gucci skintight cat suit with matching boots and kicking pads. Her fire red locks falls flat down her back. Miss. Vanity, holding Alex's tag title high in the air, wears a red mini dress from the Parker Collection with matching Prada pumps. Her blonde hair is slightly curled on the ends. Jordan who holds the infamous mirror wears leather, red Sean John pants with matching boots and belt. His raven hair, cornrolled straight back. Walking down to ringside Alex snatches a Jessica Estrella poster from a fan and throws it to the ground before screaming a few obscenities at the eight year old kid. Jordan holds the mirror as Alex and Miss. Vanity pose in the ring for any quick photo's from the crowd. Alex lightly stretches before the match. )

Ken: "That�s disgraceful!"

Cari: "I know! Who let that brat in here with that poster."

(Alex slides into the ring and saunters to her corner as her "crew" walk around the outside of the ring. Samantha gives Jordan a glance, staring at the mirror.)

Ken: "Samantha has to watch her back here. Miss Vanity and Jordan will do anything to help Alex steal a win."


(Samantha steps out from her corner as Alex takes her time and struts around the ring. The rich bitch gives Samantha a dismissive look before slowly heading towards the middle of the ring. Both wrestlers lock up, pushing against each other.)

Ken: "Both grapplers are similar in height and weight. Although I�d give Samantha the edge on strength."

(Showing her edge, Samantha starts to force Alex back into the ropes. Parker�s back hits the strands and the ref calls for a break. Immediately, Samantha backs off. Alex snarls and quickly lashes her hand out, striking Samantha in the face with a vicious slap.)

Cari: "Oooh, that�s going to leave a mark."

Alex: "Take that bitch."

(The slap gives Alex enough time to lunge forwards and drive her knee up into Samantha�s belly. Staffer bends over slightly and Alex raises her hands up and slams them down across her opponents back with a double Axe-handle. Samantha slumps down to the mat. Alex arrogantly places her boot on Sam�s back and makes a pose for the camera.)

Ken: "It�s a bit early for that nonsense."

Cari: "It�s never to early for that."

(Sam pushes her hands out and starts to rise, but a vicious boot to her belly, flops her over onto her back. Alex stomps her boot down again, slamming it into Sam�s firm belly, causing the pretty redhead to gasp and curl up into a ball. Alex wastes no time and grabs a handful of red locka and pulls Samantha up to her feet. She goes to whip Sam towards the corner, but lashes out her other arm, slamming it across Staffer�s throat.)

Cari: "Beautiful short arm clothesline!"

(Sam hits the mat and rolls onto her side. Alex raises her arms in the arm, showboating for the crowd as her opponent lies on the mat.)

Ken: "If Alex ever focussed on just wrestling, she would be a force in this Fed."

(Samantha rises to her knees as Alex smiles for the cameras. The rich bitch turns and sees her opponent on her knees and storms over towards her. As Alex gets in range, Sam fires a punch into Alex�s tummy, causing the model/wrestler to gasp. She stumbles backwards, clutching her belly as Sam rises to her feet.)

Cari: "Low blow!"

Ken: "What? No way."

(Sam runs towards Alex and leaps into the air, planting her feet into Parker�s chest. The dropkick sends Alex flying across the ring.)

Cari: "Hey! Careful! Do you know how much those cost!"

Ken: "I thought they were real?"

Cari: "Ummm �I meant�.err."

(Samantha jumps to her feet and races over to her downed foe. She quickly grabs Alex by the arm and hauls her up. She scoops Alex onto her shoulders and then moves to the center of the ring. Samantha then starts to turn around."

Cari: "What the? Who uses an airplane spin anymore?"

Ken: "Seems pretty darn effective to me."

(Alex is screaming as Samantha rotates faster. After 7 revolutions, Samantha tosses Alex off her shoulder, causing Alex to spin in the air, before slamming into the mat. Staffer quickly drops across her downed foe and hooks the leg.)

Ken: "Could be a pin here�.1�.2.."

Cari: "Kick out by Alex! Whew!"

(Samantha continues her attack and wraps her arms around Alex, placing her in a full nelson. Sam presses up behind her opponent, pushing down as hard as she can, forcing Alex�s head forwards. The ref asks if Alex wants to quit, but the verbal barrage he receives does not contain the word, no.)

Ken:: "Sam is really pushing down on Alex�s neck!"

(As the ref goes to ask Alex if she wants to quit again. Miss Vanity jumps up onto the ring apron. She gets the ref�s attention. As only she can do. He moves over, yelling at her to get off the apron. Meanwhile, Jordan reaches into the ring and grabs Alex by the boot. He pulls her closer to the rope, so that her boot can almost touch it. Miss Vanity finally jumps down off the apron, seeing Jordan complete his task. Samantha glares at him as the ref comes over. Alex stretches her leg out, her boot almost touching the bottom rope. Staffer however has different ideas. In a show of strength she rises to her feet, pulling Alex up with her. Then she bends backwards, lifting Alex into the air, before leaping backwards. Samantha kicks her feet out, hitting Alex�s boot on the way and forcing her legs out as well.)

Cari: "Ouch!"

Ken: "Huge keister bounce!"

(Alex�s spine gets a free adjustment as Samantha slams her butt into the mat. With waiting, Sam rolls backwards, pulling Alex into the air, before slamming her down again. Alex�s face is contorted in pain as her butt is slammed into the canvas. Staffer repeats the move before releasing the nelson and rolling to her feet as Alex moans on the mat, clutching her bottom. Staffer decides to keep up the attack and grabs Alex by the arm and pulls her up. She whips Parker into the ropes and waits for her to rebound in. Alex hits the strands and races back towards the middle of the ring. Sam bends down to perform a back drop, but Alex has other ideas. She leapfrogs over her bent opponent and then puts on the brakes. Sam, turns and is nailed in the face by a red boot.)

Cari: "Fatale-kick!"

(Sam is dropped to the mat by the blow as Alex gets a cruel look on her face. The tag champ grabs Samantha by the hair and pulls her up off the mat. As the ref warns Alex about the hair, she whips Samantha into the ropes. As she rebounds in, Alex grabs Sam and lifts her up, twirling her into a cradle carry and then drops to one knee, slamming Sam down against a shapely outstretched thigh.)

Ken: "Nice twilt-o-whirl backbreaker!"

Cari: "Finally some credit!"

Ken: "Alex is a great wrestler. There is no doubt about it. She just wastes her skills with all that showboating and cheating."

Cari: "Hardly. The sign of a great wrestler is the ability to do what you want and still win."

(Sam lets out a yelp as Alex slams her elbow down into her belly, before shoving Sam off her knee. Alex rises to her feet and bends down, grabbing yet another handful of hair and pulling Sam up so she�s sitting on the mat. Alex then takes a step backwards and jumps into the air, kicking her feet into the back of Samantha�s head.)

Ken: "My god! What a vicious move! Did you see Sam�s head snap!"

Cari: "Yeah, wasn�t it pretty?"

(Samantha rolls on the mat, clutching the back of her head. Alex cracks a wicked grin as she rises to her feet. She rubs her butt, still feeling the effects of Sam�s triple Keister bounce and wanting to get some payback. Parker grabs Alex and pulls her up, hooking her in a side headlock. Alex then grabs a hold of Sam�s waistband and pulls her up for a suplex.)

Ken: "Big suplex coming�.oh NO!"

Cari: "Brainbuster!"

(As Alex gets Samantha halfway up, she drops straight down to the mat, driving Staffers head into the mat with devastating force. Sam�s body flops to the mat as Alex rolls to her knees with her arms raised in truimph. Alex rises to her feet and places a boot on Samantha�s chest. The ref drops to count.)

Ken: "What a move! It�s gotta be all over."

Cari: "It�s over."

(The ref slaps his hand down twice, on the third time down, Samantha lifts her shoulder up off the mat. The crowd cheers as Alex snarls, denied her posing victory shot. The rich bitch jumps up and lands with both feet on Samantha�s belly, before walking over to the ropes. Alex yells at some of the ringside fans cheering for Samantha. Miss Vanity and Jordan walk over and join in the exchange of insults.)

Ken: "Alex could have had the win there if she had bothered to do a regular pin."

Cari: "She�s just toying with Staffer. She�ll pin her whenever the time is right."

Ken: "Well, you gotta give Sam the credit for kicking out after that brainbuster. She�s been working on her endurance, and it saved her there."

(As Alex yells at the fans. Samantha slowly forces her body up. She looks over and sees Alex yelling at the fans. Staffer digs down deep and runs over towards her opponent. She leaps into the air, slamming her boots into Alex�s back, sending the bombshell through the ropes and landing on top of her valets.)

Cari: "Boo! What a cheap shot! Attacking from behind like that!"

Ken: "The match was still on. Alex should have been paying attention."

(The crowd laughs as Alex and Miss Vanity are sprawled across Jordan. It�s Keystone cops as the valets and Alex try to rise at the same time, and end up keeping each other on the ground. Finally a scream from Alex and they stop trying to help each other. The ref is counting Alex out as she glares up into the ring with hate in her eyes. Samantha smiles and winks at Alex, as if saying .."Take that�bitch.")

Ken: "Alex better get into the ring, or else she�s going to lose this one."

(Alex takes her time, glaring at the ref as he approaches the 20 count. At 18 she slides into the ring.)

Cari: "See, that�s the sign of a pro. She waited until the end of the count before getting back into the ring. She got at least another 5 seconds of rest by doing that."

(Alex jumps to her feet and both women start circling each other. After a moment, they come together for a clinch. Alex though has other ideas and slams her knee up into Samantha�s groin. The crowd boo�s and jeers at the low blow. The ref gives Alex a final warning as Samantha drops to her knees, clutching at her groin. Alex ignores the ref and steps in front of her wounded foe. Alex grabs Samantha around the neck and pulls her up. Parker lifts Alex into the air and rotates her , so that Sam�s legs are up in the air and her head is hanging down between Alex�s thighs. Parker pulls Sam tight against her body, so that their bellies are touching. Then Alex kicks her legs out and drops to the mat. Samantha�s head is driven into the mat with horrific force and she pops up like a pogo stick before flopping over onto the mat.)

Ken: "Jesus! Belly to Belly piledriver, better known as a Rikishi Driver!"

Cari: "Heheh, did you see Samantha bounce?"

Ken: "Alex is out for blood, she�s pulling off some devastating moves on her opponent. I guess she is still pissed over last weeks loss."

Cari: "Duh�.you think?"

(Alex rolls seductively across Samantha�s body and lies across her for the pin. As the ref slaps his hand down for the second time, Alex lifts Samantha�s head off the mat.)

Cari: "heheh, now that�s my bitch!"

Ken: "Why? Why do that? She�s got her beat. Sam wasn�t going to kick outta that one."

(The ref yells at Alex to make the pin, but she simply waves her hand in his face, dismissing him like some employee. She rises to her feet and pulls Samantha up. Staffer is almost dead weight in Alex�s hands. As Alex pulls Sam up, Staffer suddenly wraps her leg around Alex�s and rolls backwards, near the ropes.)

Cari: "WhoaH!! Wait a second!"

Ken: "Inside cradle!

(The ref slaps his hand down twice, reacting quickly Miss Vanity reaches into the ring and pokes Samantha in the eyes. Staffer yelps, and loses her grip on Alex, causing Parker to break free just as the ref�s hand was nearly down for the three count.)

Ken: "Come off it! Samantha had her! She had her!"

Cari: "Whew!"

(Alex jumps to her feet, rage and fury in her eyes.)

Alex: "So you want some more! You want me!"

(Alex is screaming at Samantha as she pulls she partially blinded grappler to her feet. Alex scoops Samantha up as if she�s going for a bodyslam, Instead Alex drops down to the mat, driving Samantha�s head and neck into the mat.)

Cari: "There it is! Bitch Bomb! Samantha is not getting up now."

Ken: "What a disgusting display. Miss Vanity saved Alex from the pin! She stole the match from Staffer. Samantha had fought back and taken a beating, only to be beat by that little tramp!"

(The pin in only a formality as Samantha isn�t getting out of this one. Alex holds Samantha down for the full count, making sure of the pin, before rising to her feet. Jordan climbs into the ring with the mirror as Miss Vanity also steps through the ropes. The ref is hovering over the downed Sam as Miss Vanity steps over to him, grabbing him by the shirt and planting a devastating kiss on his lips. As she pulls him away from Sam�s downed body. Jordan hands the mirror over to Alex.)

Ken: "Oh come on! Stop this nonsense! There�s no need for it. Alex won."

(Alex grabs the mirror and goes to smash it over Samantha�s downed body. As she lifts it up, she gazes into it. Suddenly her vanity takes over and she brings it down, admiring herself. She orders Jordan to hold it while she plants a boot on Samantha�s head and strikes a pose. Alex seems more enthralled with looking at herself in the big mirror, than shattering it over her opponents body. Alex orders Jordan to leave the ring, making sure the mirror is always pointed at her.)

Ken: "Well, tonight it seemed Alex had all the cards. Sam had a moment or two, but Alex was very impressive tonight, even without all the outside interference."

Cari: "Samantha can count her lucky stars that Alex spared her a shattering experience tonight."

Ken: "Very funny. Folks stay tuned, more great action still to come after these commercial announcements for Duff Beer, You can�t get enough of that wonderful Duff."

*Winner: by pinfall, Alexandria Parker.
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