logoApology of Evonne Carmikel

(The lights in the arena dim slightly and all eye's turn to the wrestler entranceway. Garry and Sandra are sitting at the desk, as the camera moves in on them)

Sandra: " Now it's time for a little humility, or is that humiliation?"

Garry: " This is a disgrace! How dare the archangel force Miss Evonne Carmikel to apologize for striking some loud mouthed punk who came onto her."

Sandra: " Well, Evonne did break the man's nose, and she easily could have just walked away."

Garry: " She was assaulted! Attacked, she responded as anyone would to the situation."

Sandra: ' Two wrongs don't make a right and Evonne is under contract with Battling Ring Angels and she has to follow the rules. The archangel is acting in the only fair way, the only credible way. Evonne has to apologize. As a wrestler and being 6 feet tall, she easily could have found another way to deal with the situation. Instead, she chose violence and now she has to pay the price for that decision."

Garry: " Well, I have it on good authority that Evonne will not even show up tonight. Her lawyers have told her to make no comment, since this matter is now in the courts."

(Suddenly the lights dim down and pink and white fireworks explode from the entranceway. " Don't Worry, be Happy" begins to play through the loudspeakers as the entire arena stands stunned as something appears through the smoke. )

Sandra: " What the hell!?"

Garry: " Oh my god �."

( Evonne skips out to the edge of the ramp. She is in a pink sundress and sunglasses. She smiles as she sucks a lollipop, her hair is tied in pigtails and she dances her way towards the ring. Behind, with her head hanging low is Ivana Harlote. She shakes her head in dismay as Evonne slaps some of the hands of the stunned ringside fans)

Garry: " She's flipped!!"

Sandra: " This is ummm. Wow."

(Some members of the crowd boo as Evonne walks past them. She stops and frowns at them and then extends her arms and walks towards them. The fans gasp as Evonne hugs a few of them and smiles, even planting a kiss on a young man's cheek. )

Garry: " This is a trick, this is gotta be some kind of trick�oh please lord, say it's a trick."

( Evonne walks up the steps and climbs into the ring. The stunned announcer stands in shock and Evonne gives him a hug and pecks him on the cheek. He quickly exits the ring, handing a microphone to Evonne .)

Evonne: " Hello everybody �I love each and everyone of you "

( Stunned silence, not a pin drop is heard. Thousands of people sit, motionless, wondering just what the hell has happened to Evonne. )

Evonne: " I've got something to tell all you wonderful people. I've found true happiness, true joy, I have found my true love. "

Garry: " What!!?"

Sandra: " She has flipped, her only love is power."

Evonne: " I've been a really bad person over the past few years and I want to say�."

Garry: " No �no ..don't �oh for the love of god ..no"

Evonne: " I'm sorry."

( Amazing how two little words can have so much meaning. The crowd still sits stunned, the murmur of hundreds of different conversations is heard as people try to figure out what has happened to the real Evonne Carmikel )

Evonne: " I'm sorry for being so mean. I now realize just how bad I've been. I've hurt so many people, committed so many crimes against good honest people. But love has shown me a wonderful New World. And I feel ashamed for my actions, and I hope you can all find it in your hearts to forgive me. "

( Evonne holds the microphone to her chest and sighs. Some of the crowd cheers, other still boo. The Bag heads of Carmikelholics begin to weep as their hero pours her heart out in the ring. )

Evonne: " Thank you, thank you for letting me into your hearts, thank you. And I hope that you will one day, know the love that I feel. To feel your heat beat for one special person. Cosmo, I hope you can hear me. "

Garry: " COSMO?"

Sandra: " COSMO!?"

Crowd: " COSMO!!?"

Evonne: " Yes, the sweet doctor who cured my evil ways and showed me what true love is all about. The kind , the sweet, the dearest Doctor in the land, the only man who could tame me and make me his."

( Luckily all BRA tickets come with a complimentary airsick bag )

Evonne: " But I'm not here to talk about my pookie, I did a bad thing is Vail and I need to make some amends. archangel, I apologize"

( Ivana Harlote has had all she can stand, she climbs into the ring and walks up to Evonne. She grabs the microphone and slaps Evonne across the face. The lollipop goes flying across the ring as a collective gasp from the audience is heard. Evonne's eyes seem to glaze over with fire. Ivana steps back realizing what she might have just done. The hate disappears from the tall brunette's eyes and she begins to pout, asking for the microphone. )

Garry: " Did you see that!? Ivana just slapped her boss!"

Sandra: " She did something that every BRA fan ,employee and wrestler has wanted to do for six months. "

(The six-foot brunette fumbles around the ring, looking for her broken lollipop as Ivana grabs her by the arm and drags her out of the ring. The crowd begins to laugh as Ivana yells at Evonne to come with her and the CEO of Carmikel Inc. just giggles and skips behind her up the ramp.)

Garry: " Pinch me, I must be �.OUCH!!"

Sandra: " hehe ..hey, you asked."

Garry: " Folks , we gotta take a break, this is a tragedy."

Sandra: " I think they make a cute couple. Beast and Bitch "

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