The Babe Squad vrs Zantara Underworld/Veronica Millions

By: ToneDef

[The jumbotron over the entrance from the dressing room area suddenly bursts into life, showing a multitude of scenes containing the Battling Ring Angels elite to the beat of ‘You gotta Keep em Seperated’, by the Offspring. Sherry Ann, putting an opponent in the Sherry Crab. Evonne Carmikel, with dollar bills floating down from the ceiling. Zantara Underworld Hades Hazzarding someone through a table. Lisa Dream arrogantly strutting around the perimeter of the ring. L’il Alexandra. Yvette Malreaux and Laura Parker. Americana. Wendy Jones. Others. Then there is a burst of pyrotechnics, and the BRA logo comes up on the screen.]

[The camera pans around the interior of the building, where the sellout crowd is on their feet, waving their signs and screaming in a vain effort for a moment in the limelight. The camera then pans to the announcers table at ringside.]

Sandra: "Welcome again, Ladies and Gentlemen, to this BRA card for Monday the 24th! I am your humble announcer, Sandra Allistair…"

Garry (with a mouthful of chips): "And I’m Garry Grimoire…"

Sandra: "This is going to be a great night for all of you who have tuned in for this special occasion! But let us get right to the action, shall we?"

[‘Supermodel’ by RuPaul blares over the arenas loudspeakers, and the crowd erupts in cheers as the curtains slowly part, revealing the members of the Babe Squad, ‘Miss BRA’ Tiffany Lane and ‘The Goddess’ Nina Larue. They pose on the end of the runway for a second, basking in the catcalls and whistles of the appreciative audience]

Sandra: "These women seem to treat this more like a fashion show than a wrestling match…but their abilities are unquestionable in that ring!"

Garry: "My little sugardumplings are in the ring, and damn, do they ever look good! I think those pathetic body shoppers are in trouble tonight, who can possibly compare to these lovely ladies?"

[The two saunter down to the ring, and the ref holds the ropes open for the two gorgeous women to enter. Nina is wearing a gold halter top and a matching micro-mini skirt, and Tiffany is wearing a blue halter top with a matching micro-mini skirt, and the crowd erupts as they do a bump and grind dance for them.]

Garry: "Yeah baby, yeah! Take it all off!"

Sandra: "Settle down there, partner, I don’t think they have any interest in you…"

Garry: "Hey, why not?!? I have the looks, I have the money, I have the attitude. I’m the total package, baby!"

[Sandra just rolls her eyes as the loudspeaker starts with an original, scratchy version of Irving Berlin’s Cheek to Cheek. It then fades into ‘Keep Away from Me’, by Graham Nash. Veronica Millions and Zantara Underworld exit from the dressing room area, Veronica in a purple bikini and Zantara in her typical black suit with purple pin stripes. They make their way to the ring, Zantara pushing Veronica away when she steps too close, and when they get to the ring, Zantara grabs herself a microphone.]

Zantara: "All right, all right, Shut up! Now I said this before, and I’m going to say this again! I never wanted to be forced into a tag match like this. There will be no tag match! Instead, I am going to bulldoze these Babe Clods all by myself! And there is nothing any of these idiots sitting here can do about it!"

Sandra: "The fans didn’t take that too well, the boos of the crowd is positively overpowering!"

Garry: "The Z woman is the only Shopper with a shred of class! She goes and sits in the corner, and gets ready for the match to start!"

Sandra: "What poor sportsmanship…I tell you, this is going to be one great match, for sure! Just as long as Z gets into the team type mindset…"

Garry: "Didn’t you just hear her? This isn’t a tag match to her, this is a stomping….but she’s going to be hardpressed to take on both Tiffany and Nina! Even the Z woman has her limits!"

Ding Ding Ding

[Veronica stands in her corner, and Tiffany goes to hers as Zantara stands to face Nina. Nina moves in quickly, and hits Zantara with a couple of quick jabs to the stomach, before going for a spinkick. Zantara easily grabs the leg, lifts, and spins around, tossing Nina to the mat with authority]

Sandra: "Wow! What strength from the Underworld woman!"

Garry: "Nina can’t match it up with Zantara in a brawling contest, she’s going to have to maintain her speed if she has any hope of coming out on top of this one!"

Sandra: "She bounces to her feet, warily looking at Zantara, who just smiles at her! Nina moves in…rake across the face stuns the big brute, and Nina follows it up with a flying, spinning back heelkick!"

Garry: "But Zantara doesn’t go down! The brute is driven back against the ropes, though, Nina takes the opportunity to whip Zantara into the ropes…missile dropkick!"

Sandra: "And Z still doesn’t go down…and she meets Nina with a boot to the face as the Goddess gets to her feet, which drives her down to the mat! And Z begins to stomp away at Nina!"

[Zantara begins to repeatedly drive her boot down onto Nina’s fallen frame, doing as much damage as possible as the crowd audibly boos her attack. Nina cries out, but scampers over to the ropes, and the referee orders Zantara back. When Zantara doesn’t comply, The referee pulls her back, and Zantara glares at the referee as Nina moves over to her corner and and tags in Tiffany]

Garry: "That referee has a lot of courage, placing hands on Zantara like that…Tiffany dashes at Zantara, and Z meets her with a closeline!"

Sandra: "Tiffany right back to her feet….Underworld scoops her up, and bodyslams her to the mat! Tiffany gets back to her feet, though a bit slower than before…and a hiptoss sends the First Lady clear across the ring, back to her own corner!"

Garry: "I don’t think that Tiffany is thinking too clearly here, you do NOT allow Zantara to get a hold of you!"

Sandra: "That’s for sure! Tiffany gets to her feet, and her and Nina have a conference in the corner as Veronica shouts encouragement to Zantara. Zantara just scowls at her, and at the fans! What an ill tempered brute!"

Garry: "Better hope that Z doesn’t hear you say that…"

[The conference over, Tiffany exits her corner and warily moves at Zantara, moving so that Zantara’s back will be to Nina, who has just mounted the top rope. Zantara is caught completely off guard as Nina jumps off the top rope and bulldogs the brute’s head right down onto the mat. The referee, who missed Nina’s motion until the deed was done, orders Nina back to her corner as Tiffany smiles to the crowd and legdrops Zantara in the back of the head]

Tiffany Lane: "Miss BRA 316 says that we just smacked the taste out of your mouth!"

Sandra: "What a strong attack, I think that Zantara needs to make the tag now!"

Garry: "Tag? Zantara? I don’t even think it registers that she has a tag partner in this event! Tiffany pulls Z to her feet, whips her into the ropes…Hurricanrana takes the big woman down!"

Sandra: "A quick tag in to Nina…Tiffany pulls Zantara to her feet, the missile dropkicks her towards Nina…who stunners Underworld! This has got to be all over now, a quick cover attempt…"

Garry: "Kickout at 2! With Authority! I tell you, I think they’ll need a mack truck to keep Z down for a 3 count! Veronica is in her corner, reaching out her hand, screaming for the big woman to give her a tag!"

Sandra: "That would be the smart thing to do!"

[Zantara has earned a little bit of spare time after kicking out of the pin attempt, but instead of trying for a tag she walks over to Nina and goes to stomp away on her. Nina, however, grabs the leg, and trips Zantara to the ground. Nina elbowdrops Zantara in the face, then gets the large woman in a Dragon Sleeper]

Garry: "Tries to put Zantara to sleep! But Z won’t have none of that…she somehow struggles to her feet, still trapped in the hold…but Nina has it locked on tight, and Zantara doesn’t know what to do!"

Sandra: "Nina arrogantly smiles to the crowd, parading her victim around the ring...she strays a little too close to Veronica’s corner, however, and the raven haired beauty slaps Zantara on the shoulder! It’s a tag!"

Garry: "I don’t think that Nina saw that…Veronica hops to the top rope, and drives Nina off of Zantara with a missile dropkick!"

Sandra: "Tiffany runs into the ring…heelkick from Veronica sends down the First Lady! This crowd is going nuts!"

Garry: "Of course they would, they’re all morons, aren’t they?"

[Tiffany rolls out of the ring, and Veronica focuses her attention on Nina’s left knee, going to work on the target in an attempt to slow down the Goddess. Meanwhile, Zantara has slid out of the ring, and is watching the match as she rejuvenates. She does not look too impressed.]

Sandra: "Veronica is in solid control here, good tactics, taking out the leg of the martial artist so that she can’t do her kicking attacks…"

Garry: "Good tactics? From a shopper? The day that a shopper displays any sort of intelligence is the day that I give this up and join the circus!"

Sandra: "Veronica pulls Nina finally to her feet, whips her into the ropes…cross body block! With a pin attempt!"

Garry: "Easy kickout at 1 and a half, as if that would be enough to take care of my Goddess….oh my god!"

[Right infront of the announcers table, Zantara has suddenly picked up a chair, and has driven it down onto an unsuspecting Tiffany Lane’s back on the outside of the ring. She strikes her a couple more times, sneers at the jeering audience, and then, pulling Tiffany to her feet, gets her in a face claw, lifts, and chokeslams her body through the spanish announcers table]

Sandra: "My god, did I say that Zantara did not look too happy about being tagged out?!? It has just erupted, in one hell of a vent!"

Garry: "I knew that the Z woman would not be happy, at all, over the tag out! The referee gets out there, orders the two women apart…Zantara just sneers at the referee, grabs one of Tiffany’s legs, and begins to pull the ailing beauty back towards the dressing room area!"

Sandra: "What is she doing?"

[Meanwhile, in the ring, with no authoritative figure present, Nina Larue has gained the momentum, after a low blow, and an eye gouge. She is now choking Veronica Millions on the ropes, and Veronica is in deep trouble as her face turns a violent purple color]

Sandra: "I think that Zantara has had enough of this match! She has been tagged out, it’s over for her! But she’s taking one of her opponents with her! But wait…here comes Yvette Malreaux and Laura Parker from the back!"

Garry: "The referee has gotten back into the ring, and has ordered a break between Nina and Veronica….Nina complies, smiles to the crowd, and then, pulling Veronica to her feet, german suplexes the Shopper to the mat!"

[Zantara releases Tiffany just as the sisterhood pounces at her…Zantara actually smiles at the attack, and levels Laura Parker to the ground with a closeline. She then gets Yvette inside of a face claw, lifts, and Hades Hazards her to the ground. Laura manages to get the initiative, however, slamming into Zantara’s back, driving her to the ground. She then begins to stomp away on the powerful shopper.]

Sandra: "Nina goes to pull Veronica to her feet….Veronica has finally seen what is going on on the outside of the ring, and, when Nina whips her into the ropes, Veronica slides out of the ring and dashes over to help her teammate!"

Garry: "What a fool…."

Sandra: "Perhaps Veronica values friendship more than a victory, Garry, have you ever heard of that concept?"

Garry: "I doubt that anyone could be friends with Zantara!"

[Nina decides, instead, to sit down on a turnbuckle in the ring and pose for the audience as the referee begins his count. Veronica reaches the group, where both Tiffany and Yvette have finally gotten up, so all 3 sisterhood members are beating on Underworld. Veronica spins Laura Parker around, kicks her in the belly, and DDT’s the model down onto the runway. Underworld, meanwhile, manages to grab Tiffany and Yvette’s heads, and painfully drives them together. The two are reeling…Zantara running closelines both of them to the ground.]

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "Well, it looks as if the match is over…the Babe Squad, by DQ…"

Garry: "Exactly how it should be….MY Babe Squad is the bomb of this here federation, I think Veronica just decided to run away from them before being completely embarrased!"

Sandra: "You have a pretty warped view of things, don’t you?"

[The only women standing are Veronica and Zantara, who spin to face eachother. Veronica smiles at her, and is caught completely off guard as Zantara gets her in a face claw, lifts, and chokeslams her own teammate down onto the entrance ramp. The crowd jeers Zantara, who merely scowls at all of them, and then skulks off to the back.]

Garry: "Right to her own teammate! I don’t think that Sherry Ann is going to be too impressed with that, one bit!!!"

Sandra: "What a monster….(shudders)….folks, we’ll be right back after this short commercial break, don’t touch that dial!"

[Fade to a commercial for a genuine imitation Celestial Championship belt….hurry now, because supplies are extremely limited!]






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