Sweet Misty
Alexandria Parker

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(The arena comes to life after the last series of commercials end. The crowd, energetic as always, hold their signs in the air, hoping for a slight narcissist glimpse of themselves on the Angeltron. The camera, focusing in on Garry and Sandra, shows them taking down notes and Garry turning to yell at obnoxious fans who are in the middle of taunting him.)

Garry: Welcome back everyone! This has been an exciting evening so far and it looks to only get better. We have a slew of tag team matches tonight and this is one of our rare singles coming up.

Sandra: Right, Garry. We have Alexandra Parker - the self-styled, ‘rich bitch’ - up against ‘Sweet’ Misty, who has been acting odd, as of late.

Garry: My sources tell me that Misty has severed her ties with the Body Shop, putting her as her own woman.

Sandra: For once you are right, Garry. I have heard that Misty has been seen in the company of Yvette and changed her contact address to Castle Malreaux! Has Misty sold out?

Garry: No way! Wizened up is more like. I think I saw Misty with Yvette when the Frenchwoman announced the PPV in Paris. But lets talk about Alexandra Parker, one half of the tag champs.

Sandra: I don’t know what to say about that! I am still stunned over Jenny being caught cheating during Divine’s win.

Garry: Yeah! I bet she was stunned, too!

Sandra: Before the match begins I think there are some interviews. (holding ear piece and concentrating) Yes, I am told that ‘Tinseltown’ Tessa Thompson is standing by with Alexandra Parker.

(The camera clicks and standing in front of the camera is Tinseltown, wearing her tight BRA blazer and holding a microphone. The raven-haired beauty has hair tied back in a red bow, matching the blazer, bright red lipstick and a scowl on her face. Next to her stands Alexandra Parker, proudly wearing her tag belt. Alexandra is clad in black, form fitting pants, with flames on the sides. A black, seductive shirt, cut off at mid level, clings to her sexy curves, with the same flame across the bust. Her flaming red curls, hang down in a cascade.)

Tinseltown: (narrowing her eyes) Well, we meet again, Ms. Parker.

Alexandra: (raising an eyebrow and sneering) Yes, well, the pleasure is all yours!

Tinseltown: Before you go ringside to ‘entertain’ us with your match, are there any comments you would like to share with the viewers?

Alexandra: (smiling sweetly) Certainly. First of all, I do not consider an ex-roundcard girl, such as yourself to be fit to conduct this interview with me. Second, your ensemble is worse than some of the migrant workers I have seen working on peach farms back in Georgia. Finally, I don’t know what your game plan is, Misty, either in the ring or what you have been doing with Yvette, but you were much better at taking coats and fetching me drinks than you are at wrestling. Tonight I am going to prove just that.

Tinseltown: (growing angrier with every word from Alexandra’s lips, suddenly attempts to seize Alexandra by the throat) You little brat! I’ll show YOU a roundcard girl!

(Before anything can happen, Alexandra strikes a defensive pose and security locks Tinseltown by the arms, dragging her away, her screaming the entire time. The camera cuts back to Garry and Sandra.)

Sandra: (laughing) Tinseltown is as flashy as ever!

Garry: Yeah, yeah. Um, I am getting word that Jenna Jamestown is backstage with Misty.

(The camera clicks again, focusing on the blonde and perky Jenna Jamestown, in her own red BRA blazer, microphone in hand in front of Misty, who is dressed in black leather pants, small boots and a tight red shirt, seemingly cutting off circulation. Her demeanor is decidedly unpleasant.)

Jenna: (laughing) Hi, Misty -

(Misty, hearing enough already, backhands Jenna and take the microphone.)

Misty: Thanks, Jenna. Parker, I don’t have much to say to you other than tonight you are going to have the dubious distinction of being the first of many of my victims to require plastic surgery. ‘Serve you drinks?’ You really are stupid. You have no clue what you are even talking about anymore. Perhaps all that hairspray has rotted what little mind you had to start with. Let’s see how smart your mouth is when I rip out that red hair and shove it down your throat!

(Misty throws down the mike in disgust and storms off. Jenna gets up from the floor, a tear on her cheek.)

Jenna: (sniff) Back to you, Garry.

Garry: Strong words from Misty. Of course, she seems like she has been going through some kind of a change in the past couple of weeks.

Sandra: You aren’t kiddin’. I don’t like it.

Garry: (annoyed) Is there anything that you do like?

(The lights dim and the crowd goes wild with anticipation. Rising to their feet, cheering the oncoming gladiators, fireworks pierce the ears. Blaring from sound system, ‘Break the World Down’ screams to life and the Angeltron shows the words ‘Sweet Misty’ in blood red letters on a black background. The black leather pants and red shirt complement her perfectly. However, her usual jovial smile has been replaced by a stone glare. As she makes her way down the ramp to the ring, fans cheer her name, but not everyone seems happy, questioning her sudden change in the former Body Shop member. After climbing into the ring, she stands in the center, and throws her head back as pyros explode.)

Garry: Ack! What an entrance! She certainly has showmanship going for her these days.

Sandra: I know. I don’t like it.

Garry: What do YOU know? I could fill a library on all the knowledge that you DON’T have.

(More explosions occur as smoke fills the ramp. Heat fills the sides of the ramp and the fans jump back in fear. Every light in the arena dies for a brief moment. The sound system comes alive with ‘Girls on Film’ by Duran Duran. As the lights come back, Alexandra Parker stands silently and flames shoot up behind her, symbolic of the icons upon her shirt and hot pants. The crowd notes their displeasure at the dirty player as she marches her way towards the ring, pointing at Misty, smiling knowingly. She stops for a moment to tell a displeased fan what she thinks of him. She ascends the steps to her corner and stretches her arms to the heavens.)

Sandra: Well, we have seen plenty of pomp and circumstance from both women. Let’s see if form is over substance this evening. Something tells me they both have crafty tricks up their sleeves.

Garry: Ha! Ms. Sandra says something worth responding to! My pal, Candi Kane, said that she predicted Alexandra to take home the ‘W.’ I think there is some truth to that. Misty has been out a while and Alexandra Parker has been, well, if you pardon the pun, on fire. This is an Alexandra Parker who has made amazing strides in recent weeks.

Sandra: Despite her underhanded and dirty tactics, Parker is going places.

(As the bell rings, Alexandra Parker approaches Misty with a faux friendly demeanor. She extends her hand in fake sportsmanship towards Misty who has merely stared at her opponent. Misty extends her hand for the shake but instead Parker gets a powerful slap to the face, sending her back a few steps in anger. Alexandra spins around, no longer smiling, and spits out some insult at Misty, lunging forward with a closed fist. Misty jumps back, avoiding the blow as Alexandra growls in frustration. Misty, with speed and quickness that takes Parker off guard, sweeps her leg at the red head, connecting, and sending Alexandra on her back, prone. Misty wastes no time in diving to the mat, taking to wrenching the arm of the red head. Alexandra thrashes around, screaming in pain. However, a closed-handed fist to Misty’s head, weakens the lock. Parker scrambles to her feet as the official berates her for the closed first. She only manages to squawk at him before going on the offensive, seizing Misty by the hair. Lifting her to her feet, she sends Misty into the ropes. As Misty bounces back, Alexandra thrusts out a midsection kick, knocking her to the ground. As Alexandra comes for her, she spits on Misty, adding insult to injury.)

Sandra: Did you see that? Parker spit on Misty! The fans are not happy about that at all!

Garry: (groaning) What do the fans know? Those people are idiots! They have no clue what it means to win.

Sandra: They certainly know dirty plays when they see it.

(Alexandra pulls Misty by the back of the head and marches her towards the turnbuckle. Parker intends to smash her head on the turnbuckle, but Misty, mounting an offense, reverses it, and it is Alexandra’s head that bounces off the turnbuckle, instead. Misty, angered, shouts something in her ear, before seizing her by the arm and flipping her over her own back, throwing Parker to the mat, still wrenching her right arm. Alexandra goes back to thrashing around on the mat, screaming obscenities and unflattering terms. Misty, showing no mercy, yanks on the arm and proceeds to kick Parker in the ribs, sending Parker into angry tirade of screams. Parker aches her back in order to get to her feet and attempt to alleviate the pain. A clothesline from Misty sends her back down to the mat. Alexandra quickly rolls out of the ring in order to regroup.)

Garry: Parker has gotten out to rethink her strategy.

Sandra: Based on the look in Misty’s eyes, I would, as well. Something tells me that Parker, like the rest of us, was not expecting this new version of Misty that showed up for he match.

Garry: Frankly, I like it! I think it is a great change from the usual goofball antics we are used to seeing from Misty.

(Parker begins pacing back and forth as Misty comes to the ropes, looking down on her prey. She gestures for Alexandra to return, using a most uninviting tone. Parker seems to dismiss her, trying to rethink her strategy. Suddenly, the beautiful red head belts out, ‘aw screw it!’ Alexandra takes a lunge at Misty’s legs, in an attempt to move her off her feet, but Misty jumps back, allowing Alexandra enough room to get back in the ring.)

Alexandra: You’ve shown some real fancy work so far. But I know you. You’ll screw up, like everything else you do!

Misty: Yvette said you’d say that.

(Alexandra seems unnerved by the statements but quickly regains her composure. She moves in, placing a kick to Misty’s midsection, and continues her ruthless assault, pushing her back a few inches with each kick. When Alexandra has kicked Misty into the corner, it is clear that the Sweet One is out of breath. Locking herself against Misty in the corner, Alexandra places a cheap shot to Misty in the form of a knee to the groin. Misty crumples to her knees as Parker is shouting demeaning and spiteful comments towards her. The official warns Parker for her possible cheating tactic but since he did not see, he is unsure of whether it happened or not.)

Sandra: These officials are blind! Why is it they never catch anything.

Garry: Aw, c’mon, Sandra, they have to know. Besides, this is wrestling, not basketball. Let ‘em go after one another, I say!

(Alexandra takes advantage of Misty’s weakened state and brings her to her feet. Wrapping her arms around Misty’s neck, she takes a flying leap towards the center of the ring. Upon impact, Misty’s head bounces. Not a pretty sight. Alexandra slinks atop her opponent, waiting for the count. The official makes it to two before Misty kicks out. Alexandra is furious, thinking that the official is slow. She jumps to her feet, verbally assaulting the man, screaming and pounding one hand into the other. Like a ghost from Hell, Misty rises to her feet, angered and in pain. She approaches Parker, whose back is turned, still screaming to the official. Alexandra seems shocked as the official points behind her. She turns around and does not expect to see what she now gazes upon. However, she only sees Misty for a brief second, before being decked in the nose. The shot sends her to the mat. Misty, jumps on the red head and begins delivering merciless blows to the head. Misty pulls the dazed Parker to her feet and whips her into the ropes. As Parker bounces back, Misty applies a sleeper hold, wrapping her arms around Alexandra’s neck. Alexandra begins to flail around and claws at air.)

Sandra: Parker is in trouble. She is literally gasping for air!

Garry: This is gonna suck for the red head.

Sandra: Frankly, I am not sure who I want to win, based upon the actions I have seen from both women. Misty has lost her innocence.

Garry: You are a waste of space.

(Alexandra reaches backward, placing her hands around the back of Misty’s head. Parker then bends over, flipping Misty over her head and onto her back. Alexandra proceeds to deliver a guillotine leg drop onto Misty’s throat, causing Misty to sputter and splash around, holding her neck in pain.)

Alexandra: Now, scullery maid, do you see who has your number? Me! Alexandra Parker! Now, on your feet!

(As Parker smiles down at her foe, Misty comes to her knees and jabs a fist into Parker’s crotch, causing the woman to scream in pain and stumble backwards, reaching for the ropes. Misty, climbs to her feet and approaches Alexandra.)

Misty: I’m on my feet. Now what?

(Alexandra looks frightened and begins waving her hands in a feeble attempt at mercy and forgiveness.)

Misty: How dare you beg for mercy! I would have given it to you a few weeks ago. But now? But now you get none!

(Misty kicks Alexandra in the stomach and grabs a handful of the red locks. Misty puts Alexandra’s head between her legs and proceeds to set up the arrogant red head into a piledriver. However, Alexandra reaches down and pulls up to her body a desperate move of strength. She takes Misty’s legs and lifts her over her back. Misty falls, and her neck hits the ropes. Suddenly, both women are lying down on the mat, barely moving. The official begins to count them both out.)

Sandra: With both of these women on the mat, the crowd is roaring with demands of action.

Garry: Yeah, and if they revolt and want their money back, I deem you in charge of telling them!

(Within a few counts, both women have gotten to their feet and move away from one another cautiously. Alexandra seems more dazed and Misty, looking more angered and ruthless, seems to be contemplating her next move. Misty reaches out for Alexandra’s right arm and puts her into a lock, thrusting the arm ever upward, causing Alexandra to scream in pain. The official scrutinizes the lock as Alexandra screams and yells, mostly out of anger rather than pain. Alexandra tries to dart and move around, swatting at Misty, trying to work up the strength to escape. Misty just continues to apply pressure to the arm. Cleverly, Alexandra makes it to the ropes, and the official demands Misty release. Ignoring him, Misty pulls Alexandra away from the ropes, and they both go sprawling to the mat. Alexandra scrambles away, holding her arm in pain. Her goal seems to be putting as much distance between herself and the now cruel Misty as possible. Resting in the corner for a brief moment is all Alexandra gets before Misty is again on the offensive, with the fire and resolve of a creature of passion and a lust for hurting. As Misty comes forward, Alexandra kicks out in rage, knocking Misty in the jaw, buying some more time. As Misty is clutching her mouth, Alexandra seizes the opportunity to strike, and leaps at her opponent. A rage within the red head wells up and is finally released with a barrage of fists to the stomach. Misty is stunned at the actions. She seems to writhe in pain as Alexandra picks her up and drops her overtop her knee, attempting a back breaker. Misty cries out as Alexandra cups her hands together and pounds on her stomach, repeatedly.)

Sandra: Good God! Alexandra has put everything she has into her attacks.

Garry: Well, she paid for it. It looks like pain is racing through that injured arm. I hope she can make good on her attacks, for her sake.

(Misty has rolled off Alexandra’s knee and gone limp. Alexandra, like a rabbit, scales the ropes and leaps off, to the prone figure of Misty. Her fists impact with the woman’s stomach and she jolts in pain. Alexandra covers Misty and the official counts. After three, the bell rings and Misty kicks out a moment too late. The crowd reacts in anger, booing the victor, but Alexandra leaps to her feet in victory. As she raises her arms, barely able to stand, Misty rolls out of the ring.)

Garry: Parker picks up the victory!

Sandra: Yeah, but what is Misty doing?

(As Alexandra celebrates by playing to the angry fans, Misty has pushed the timekeeper out of his chair. Methodically, she goes up the stairs and enters the ring. Storming up behind Alexandra she grabs her by the hair, spins her around until they are face to face, and drives the chair into her midsection causing Alexandra to double over in pain. Misty then slams to chair over the back of her head, sending her into a heap onto the mat. The crowd is stunned, not aware of what their former hero is doing. The official attempts to get the chair from Misty but she swings at him, narrowly missing.)

Sandra: This has gone too far! Misty, what are you doing?

Garry: Hell hath no fury . . .

(Misty throws the chair down and proceeds to place Parker into a piledriver. Smashing her into the chair, head first, Misty does not yet seem satisfied. The limp red head is barely moving, a victim from a heinous attack from behind to which she had no means to defend herself.)

Garry: What’s going on?! Somebody had better get Alexandra out of there or Laura Parker will be looking for a new tag team partner!

Sandra: This is getting out of hand!

(Misty takes the quivering Alexandra Parker to the top ropes and suplexes her off, smashing her back into the metal chair on the mat. Misty then power-bombs Alexandra onto the mat, but keeps her legs in the air, pressing her legs down. Alexandra is screaming out in pain, and the official is powerless to stop the chain of events. Madness seizes Misty as she seems to be taking great pleasure in the torture of another human being. The crowd roars with excitement as Laura Parker runs down the ramp and slides under the ring, pushing Misty away from her tag team partner. Misty falls backwards, and stares at the pair with a look of rage. She rolls out underneath the ropes and gives them a look of murder. Laura tends to her friend, still in pain, and helps her to her feet. As she helps her out of the ring, Laura shouts at Misty who just frowns. Laura takes Alexandra up the ramp. After a few moments, Misty follows, being booed by the crowd.)

Sandra: I can’t believe what we just saw. That was . . . out of the realm of decency. No excuse for it whatsoever.

Garry: I . . . I . . . I am not sure even what to say.

(The camera fades to a commercial.)


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