The Ninja" Missy Jones
Yuka Nanatsu

{ Fade in after a commercial break. }

{ The camera pans over the capacity crowd inside the Battling Ring Angels Arena, and the fans leap to their feet, and cheer. They hold up their homemade signs, in hope of getting on television with them. The main camera picks up a few, then pans down the the announcers table, where Sandra and Garry are seated. Garry is dressed in a BRA T-shirt, and baseball cap. Sandra is dressed a little more elegantly, in a red buisness suit. They flip their mics back on, and are ready to resume. }

Sandra: Hello again everyone, welcome back to the most talked about show on television. The action, as always, has been great so far, and we're just getting warmed up here!

Garry: *licking his chops as he scopes out an attractive female in the audience* Mmnn Mnnn I like to be warmed up by her right now!

Sandra: Earth to pig boy, come in Pig Boy! We're on the air here, get with it!!!

Garry: Oh wow I'd like to get with that! Anyways,..........

Sandra: Just keep on a dreamin hun, but we all know one thing, and that's that you'll be going home and getting serviced by the same thing you always do, Rosey Palmer, and her five sisters!

Garry: Me? Get real woman! I think I'll take Yvette home tonight!

Sandra: Nah, she only messes with married men from what I here.

Garry: That guy was a total asshole to do that to her!

Sandra: I dunno, it was nice to see her finally with someone. She was getting cranky, and definitely in need of gettin herself some.

Garry: All she did was kiss him!

Sandra: So she says, who knows what happened later that night........

Garry: Well, that's her business, and none of yours, so shut up! Ok folks, we have an exciting match between two new comers to BRA up next, and you can bet this will be a very intense match, as both ladies are going to want a win in their debut here to show BRA management what they are all about.

Sandra: Very true, and it seems management is very interested in seeing all of the newcomers this week, as all of them are on the card this week.

Garry: nah, they just had to give some of the old hags around here a breather, that's all. Hell Sherry'd go into cardiac arrest if she had to wrestle another week here!

Sandra: *taking notes* Uh huh, interesting......

Garry: Oh crap, don't start that stuff again!

Sandra: She pays me well to takes notes on what you say about her.

Garry: Just do your regular job, or I'll turn you in for moonlighting!

Sandra: Ewwww I'm so scared! Anyways folks, our own Kelly Cartright has caught up with the New York Poet backstage. Let's go see if she can find out anything on one of the newcomers in this next match.

{ The shot goes backstage, where Kelly is talking to the poet. }

Kelly: So tell us Poet, who Missy is and
where she comes from?

Poet: who Missy is and where she comes from.

Kelly: Ok, anything else you'd like to add here?

Poet: For now, I will recite a short poem: "__Haikunfession__ -by the New York Poet
I am a bigot
No matter how big I got.
I'd still belittle."
{ The poet then retreats to the front row to watch the introductions. }
Kelly: Well that's all from back here, back to you Sandra and Pig
{ The shot goes back to the announcers table. }

Garry: *muttering to himself* No good stupid bitc.....Oh hello again..!

Sandra: That was lovely Garry. OK, I think we're close to getting things going here.

Garry: Bout time! I'm almost out of beer already! Go get me another one please.

Sandra: Let me think about it.....NO!

{ The lights dim as "She's So High" pipes over the P.A. system. The audience stands and go wild as a silhouette steps out onto the entrance ramp. She pauses for a moment, to take in the atmosphere and electricity, then begins on her way to the ring as the lights come up. }
{ Yuka Nanatsu is already in her usual wrestling attire, she waves and blows kisses at the fans as they greet her with a mixture of cheers and jeers. It doesn't matter to her if she is loved or hated by the fans, only that they give her a reaction. }
{ Upon reaching the ring, she hops on to the apron and steps through the ropes to await her opponent. }
Garry: Mmmnn she's a cutey!

Sandra: Well this is her debut here, I'm interested in seeing how she handles herself inside the ring.

Garry: Wonder how she handles herself in the bedroom?


Garry: OUCH!!!!!!!! Oh crap, we gotta go to the back again! Now what's going on?

Sandra: I have no idea.

{ Wendy Wildcat Jones wanders down the hallway toward to the entrance ramp, thinking after her cancelled match she might have been rescheduled (The card says "miss jones"). There, Cat and Missy reunite after seven years and exchange hugs in a tearful reunion. }

Garry: Oh golly, glad we caught that Hallmark moment on film. Sheesh more relatives here. I thought they were gonna say they were Sherry's kids for a moment. How many does she have now? 12?

Sandra: Get real, she has Jenny as an adopted daughter, and Bianca is her step daughter. Linda is Jenny's twin sister, and she just lives with Sherry now, but she isn't her daughter.

Garry: Oh...hmmn who's Katie then, her cousin?

Sandra: Lemme write that comment down.....

Garry: I was kidding!!!! I hope that freaking family reunion is over soon, I'd like to see this match start sometime this year! I wanna see this Nuka in action.

Sandra: Yuka!

Garry: Wasn't she in Star Wars, ya know the little fella from the swamp.

Sandra: That's Yoda ya nitwit!

Garry: OHHHHHH!!!!

{ The entire arena goes completely black, save for the Angeltron, which holds a large yin-yang with a sword stuck through it. }
{ Suddenly, the lights flicker on and off like lightning and go black again, followed by a low roll of thunder. But it isn't thunder, it's part of the theme music, The Doors, "Riders of the Storm". The lights flicker again, and somehow "The Ninja" appears from the shadows, landing softly in her corner of the ring, dressed in full ninja attire. She tears off her mask and the top of her gi, tossing both into the crowd, and revealing the top half of a jet black one-piece that really shows off her curves. }

Garry: Woah how cool!

Sandra: Impressive. Now can she wrestle is the question?

Garry: We'll soon see. Wish I had some dirt on these two to talk about. Ohhhh speaking of dirt, here comes Wendy!

Sandra: Good, maybe she'll knock the dirt out of your mouth!

{ Wendy gives her cousin a thumbs up, and takes a seat at the announcers table. }

Sandra: Hello Wendy, nice of you to join us.

Wendy: Greetings Sandra, nice to be here....Hello Garry.

Garry: Yea whatever. Alright, the ref is giving his instructions to Missy and Yoda now.......

Sandra: YUKA!!! Y U K A !!!!!

Wendy: Don't bother Sandra, it's no use. Plus you can't polish a turd.

Sandra: So true. Hmmnnn.....Oh Garry, they just called from the back, and said your car was broke into.

Garry: Yikes!!! be right back!!!

{ Garry gets up and runs to his car. Sandra just laughs, cause she made that up to get rid of him. }

Sandra: Yea, like someone would break into a 1971 Ford Pinto Wagon!

Wendy: Good one Sandra. It'll be nice to have him not calling a match here. I'm excited to see Missy again!

Sandra: I bet you are.

(((((((DING DING)))))))

Sandra: Well here we go!

{ Both ladies go the the center of the ring, and circle each other looking for an opening. Missy yells out, "Baby, you better hope you fight better than you look!" }

{ Yuka just laughs, and replies back, "Listen up, you Ninja's are a dying breed, and I'm gonna do away with another right now!" }

Sandra: Whew! The words are a flyin, now let's see who can back them up!

{ Yuka takes Missy down with an arm drag, but Missy quickly rolls away, assesses the situation, and springs back to her feet. }

{ They tie up again, and Yuka clamps a side head lock on Missy, but Missy slides right out of it. Yuka looks shocked by this, and is now talking to the referee. }

Sandra: That was weird! Yuka isn't to pleased about something, and she's making the ref check something on Missy. Missy does have a bit of a shine to her......hmmnnn.

{ The ref checks Missy, and is now asking for a towel. A ringside attendant throws one into him, and he wipes down Missy's hair, face, and neck with it, and he isn't to pleased right now. }

Sandra: Umm Wendy, it seems your cousin oiled herself down some for this match.

Wendy: Umm I know nothing about this!

Sandra: I'm just Garry isn't here for this. He'd be asking if he could do the wipe down.

{ The ref gives Missy a stern warning, and makes sure she knows to adhere to the rules here. Yuka just smirks at Missy, as she busted her trying to cheat. }

{ Once again they tie up in the center of the ring. Yuka takes Missy down with a standing dropkick. }

Sandra: WOW! That just came out of no where!

{ Hopping on top of Missy, Yuka locks her in a Camel Clutch, and yanks back on her chin, causing Missy to be in excruciating pain. }

{ Missy assesses the situation, and realizes she has a chance of getting a leg on the rope to break the hold. Fighting the pain going through her upper torso right now, Missy tries to reposition her body, to get closer to the ropes, as Yuka yanks back harder on her chin. }

Sandra: I always hated being in that hold.

Wendy: Most of us do. I don't know anyone that likes being in any submission hold.

Sandra: HEHEHE Good point!

{ Missy finally manages to get close enough to the ropes, and gets her foot on the bottom one. The ref asks Yuka to break the hold, but she keeps it on a little longer, and he begins his count. }
{ Yuka releases the hold before the count of five, but gives Missy a slap in the face before getting off of her. }

Wendy: HEY!!!! There was no reason for that!!! I should give that ref a piece of my mind!!

Sandra: Relax Wendy, he's talking to her about it now.

{ Missy slowly gets back to her feet, as the ref gives Yuka a stern warning. }

Wendy: Alright, as long as he's keeping order in there, I'm fine.

{ The crowd boos as Garry comes lumbering down the aisle, and returns to the announcers table. }

Garry: Nobody touched my car, who told you that?!?!

Sandra: Oh of the guys upstairs did, I forget who.

Garry: Liar! Well what's going on here?

Sandra: We have a good see saw battle going on.

Garry: Yoda isn't kicking her ass yet? Damn!

Sandra: YUKA!!!!!

Garry: Oh yea, I forgot.

{ Yuka shoves the ref aside, and charges at Missy. She leaps in the air, and nails Missy with a flying cross body block, that sends Missy through the ropes, and onto the floor. Yuka rolls herself out of the ring, and stays on the attack. She brings Missy to her feet, and attacks her with a series of chops to the chest. }

Garry: Woo hoo things are getting good now!

Wendy: How can you say that?

Garry: Easy, your cousin is getting ass handed to her, I can't ask for anything better!

Wendy: Jerk! That ref needs to get them back in the ring!

{ Yuka Irish Whips Missy into the steel stairs, and Missy crashes into them shoulder first. Yuka wisely rolls herself back into the ring to avoid being counted out, but as soon as the ref stops the count, she rolls right back out of the ring, and heads back to Missy. }

Sandra: This girl is just plain mean!

Wendy: I'm about to get involved here!

Garry: Oh yes, then you'd be cheating, but of course it's ok when you do it, isn't it????

Wendy: Shut up Pig Boy!

{ Back outside the ring, Yuka has Missy up on her feet again, and now she whips Missy into the steel guardrail, but Missy reverses it, and sends Yuka crashing into it instead. Missy holds her sore shoulder, and then gets back into the ring. The ref continues to count, and Yuka is very slow at getting back up to her feet. }

Sandra: She may of screwed herself here, she's very close to being counted out!

Wendy: Good, serves her right!

Garry: Well said super face! Guess you've never cheated before, eh? I seem to recall you sticking your nose into two title matches recently!

Wendy: Well...I..umm...uh....well....

Garry: Great answer!

{ The ref is up to 16 now, but Yuka is close to the ring, and at 19, she manages to roll herself back into the ring, to stop the count. }

Sandra: Now that was close!

Garry: Oh well, she made it, and that's all that matters, come on Yoda, kick her ass now!

{ Yuka gets back to her feet in the ring, and she's ready for action again, as Missy closes in on her. Yuka lashes out with a punch, but Missy sidesteps it, and grabs hold of Yuka's arm, she then applies a wristlock on her, then nails her in the chin with a roundhouse elbow. Yuka is wobbling at the knees, and Missy stays on the attack, as she goes into a series of knife edge chops to the back of Yuka's head. }

Sandra: Wow, she's on fire now!

Wendy: Go Missy!

Garry: Come on Yoda, get going!

Wendy & Sandra: Y U K A !!!!!

Garry: Oh yes, forgot again.

Sandra: I swear you have the brain of a gnat!

{ Missy lets loose with another elbow smash to the jaw, and Yuka just drops to the mat. Missy picks her back up, and stands behind Yuka back to back with Yuka, and holds her victim under the chin, she starts a leg sweep and ends like a choke slam, then goes directly into a press pin. }

Sandra: She's got her now!

Garry: Maybe not!

{ The ref hops down on the mat, and begins to count. }




{ The ref hops up after signaling for the bell, as does Missy, who then gets her hand held high in the air by the referee, declaring her the winner of the match. }

Wendy: Yes!!!!!!

Sandra: Great match!!! Both ladies did very well, and even though Missy won, she knows she was in one hell of a battle tonight.

{ Back in the ring, Missy removes her ninja pants to give the crowd a full look at her sleek figure, and then goes disappearing into the night. }

Garry: Well! Just leave when ya show us the goods, how rude!!!

Sandra: Oh shut up!

Wendy: I gotta go find Missy and congratulate her!

Garry: Oh thanks for gracing us with your appearance....Pfft!

Sandra: Shut up Garry. Alright folks, we're out of time. Stay tuned, more great Battling Ring Angels action is coming right up after a few words from our sponsors. Your winner here by pinfall, "The Ninja" Missy Jones!

{ Fade to a commercial for one of Americana's attorneys. }

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