logoSix Woman "Rookie" Tag Match

   Glenn Robbins straightened up. "Ladies, these are the rules. You tag in a set order. Medusa tags Missy, who tags to Daisy, who tags to Medua." The man turned to the second team. "Same on your side. Katie tags to Charisma, who tags to Sierra, who tags to Katie. The tag means nothing unless I see it. If I didn't see it, you don't get in the ring. If you're in the ring, you get out when I tell you to and whoever was there before comes right back - but she comes alone." His voice accented this point. "After tagging, you've ten seconds to get outta my ring. Aside from that, usual rules apply. Twenty count before you're disqualified from being outside the ring, doesn't count if your teammates hinder the opponent from re-entering, blah blah blah." Glenn fumbled for something in his pant pocket. "I shouldn't have to explain this crap to you. This isn't kindergarten. I'll give you two warnings. After that, you and your whole team are DQed. Am I understood?"

   Grudgingly, the women nodded, shooting daggers at each other with their eyes.

   "My, but such a friendly group I have," Glenn retorted. He withdrew two handfuls of straws. "Now, to make things a little more fun tonight, each of you is to draw a straw. The woman with the shortest straw goes first for her team." Glenn thrust his fists outwards. "So start picking - NOW!"

   Cautiously, each woman scanned over the stems of the straws, gingerly prodding and tugging at each before removing their selection. Glenn watched carefully as Charisma Carr and Mia Lexington stared back at each other, each holding the shortest straws of their team. Glenn nodded back to the announcer.

   "And the match will begin with 'The Daisy' Mia Lexington and Charisma Carr starting things off," the announcer called into his microphone.

   Glenn turned back to the teams. "Everyone outta the ring except Carr and Lexington."

   Both Sierra Brown and Medusa rage spat out venomous detractions, hungrilly eyeing each other.

   "Outta the ring," the referee barked. "You'll get your chance to rip into each other.

   "But I-" Sierra began.

   "I said outta the ring!" Glenn bellowed. He took a step closer to Sierra and looked her in the eyes. "I'm the official here. I saw what goes. Get out of the ring now, or this match is over before it started."

   The bell rang.

   Mia wasted no time, either. Charisma felt her heart jump as Mia shot out at her, sending a solid kick wizzing just past Charisma's nose. The smaller Carr tossed herself out of harms way but pinned herself against the turnbuckle. Her eyes bulged at the knife-hand thrust which shot straight for her heart from the Daisy. Charisma dropped to her seat and the blow barely missed biting into her head, instead ramming straight into the turnbuckle behind.

   Mia yanked back her hand reflexively, muttering curses. So much the better for me, Charisma thought as she kicked Mia's legs from under her. Mia tumbled back onto the mat, but rolled back before Charisma could get a good stomp on her.

   Again, both women were standing, sizing each other up. Charisma was at an obvious disadvantage with height and weight, although not one that could cripple her. Mia, who deceptively looked younger than Carr, smirked. Mia thrust her leg up to Charisma's head. Again, the smaller woman ducked her head back, but mistakenly brought it forward too soon.

   Charisma reeled as Mia brought the same foot back in a single, split second motion which knocked her off guard. Charisma stumbled towards the ropes and held them to steady herself, but only for a second. Mia's feet stung Charisma in the back and shoved her up against the ropes. The velvet chords sunk deep into her rib cage, fighting her diaphram for space. The lovely Carr had no chance to even recognize the pain as Mia latched onto her hair and swung her around, driving her knee into Charisma's belly.

   Charisma gaped at the blow and stared Mia, wide eyed, in the face. Mia backhanded Carr, following the blow with a knife hand thrust in the chest. Charisma slunk back as Mia rained kicks punches and chops on her. She batted at Mia's flying paws like mosquitos, but her attempts were unsuccessful at keeping the darting fists away. A chop landed on Charisma's shoulder, at the base of her neck, which drove her down into position for a perfect roundhouse kick to the jaw.

   The crack of the foot connecting echoed in Charisma's head, and what followed was the odd vibration sound sort of like water loose in one's ear drums. Charisma's body slumped forwards to the waiting canvas just as Mia's boot ripped up into Charisma's belly. Carr squinted as the mat momentarily pulled away from her and all her stomach muscles spasmed. Her hands clutched the wound as she slammed against the canvas. She felt Mia's warm hands clutch her shoulders and roll her on her back as Mia's left arm braced itself against Charisma's neck. Beyond the ropes, Charisma could here the mixed reactions of the fans, as well as her own teammates demanding Charisma rally to her feet. The only immediate thought in Charisma's head, in her stupor, was which brand of perfume was it she was smelling on Mia.

   A thunder clap rang out. Charisma's eyes fluttered as her brain struggled to send the message out to the rest of her body: That's not thunder! That's the referee's count!

   Charisma's body wriggled and she managed to push her shoulder up as the referee's hand was about to meet the mat a second time. She didn't look at him. All that mattered was she hadn't been counted out. She gasped as her lungs greedily sucked air in. Her opponent, she realized, was standing over her, and smiling down at her.


   She slight shadow of Mia Lexington disappeared from overhead. The rushing water sound was dimming, although Charisma could still feel her eardrums pulsating - or was it her heart? - as she rolled over onto all fours. Wearily, she looked up and saw Mia parading about the rings, her arms up in a triumphant stance, her form there for all the fans to appreciate.

   Embarassment lit up in Charisma. Her big showing - and not a hit off yet. Watching Mia show off to the crowd fanned the flame into a small blaze.

   Charisma groped for the ropes and climbed to a stance. She gritted her teeth as she eyed her haughty opponent. Clumsily, she stepped forward towards Mia, and her steps soon turned into a small run. The aches of her muscles were eased by the anger she felt, even if it was more at her own performance, as she thrust a quick jab into Mia's back, just behind the woman's kidneys.

   Mia let slip a sound like a kitten who's tail had just been stomped on. The Daisy looked towards her attacker, but a right cross ruffled her pretty petals. Mia's long silky hair spilled into her face, obscruring her vision as another punch came from Charisma bit her in the side. Mia faltered in a retreat, but Charisma held Mia's chin in place as she struck at it.

   Charisma looked down on Mia, who rolled at her feet. She raised her foot at the Daisy and brought it down. This time, Mia didn't even try to roll out of the way. Charisma planted her heal just above Mia's groan, and again the woman made her hurt kitten sound.

   Mia clawed her way towards her corner, where Medusa's muscular arm was waiting for a tag. Charisma felt pride was over her as the tide of the battle was obviously changed. She grabbed Mia by the ankles and pulled her back a bit, then leaned back and swiveled her own hips, tossing the woman towards her own corner.

   Mia was gather her wits when Charisma pulled her to her feet and whipped her into the ropes. As Mia sped back towards Charisma, Carr ducked a bit and scooped the Daisy up and lifted her overhead, driving her soft head into the mat. Mia rolled onto the mat, her mouth quivering like the fresh catch of the day.

   Charisma dropped down on the woman, sitting firmly against her face and pinning the woman's shoulders with her own feet. What Charisma forgot to hold down were Mia's athletics legs.

   Both feet shot up immediately, kicking frantically at Charisma's face. One toe managed to catch Charisma in her open mouth, its hard boot tip scraping along Charisma's teeth. The pretty Carr rolled back defensively. She clutched her mouth as Mia scrambled up and dashed to her corner, where Medusa's hand met hers.

   Medusa slithered into the ring, glaring down at the little girl before her.

   The referee's insistance had somewhat - altered - the plans. Only somewhat. She'd bide her time, though.

   Carr scooted to her feet and was checking Medusa from head to toe. Medusa had seen the look before in other leagues. Rookies who thought they were hot stuff - that they could take anyone on - and then slammed into a brick wall call reality.

   Medusa fully planned on being that brick wall.

   Charisma finally pulled some - well, charisma - enough to missile dropkick at Medusa. Typical rookie move. Medusa just stepped out of the way and watched the cute little brunette sail by. Medusa caught Charisma under the jaw with her hand and slammed the girl down to the mat. The look on Charisma's face told Medusa that she recognized just how unfair the pair up was.

   Medusa lifted the light baggage and placed her over her shoulder. No use expending more energy than necessary. She paraded Charisma around over her shoulder - just like a trophy. She paused momentarily and shifted Charisma like a yoke over her shoulders, and pulled down on her body. The referee immediately ran to check on the rookie, asking for a submission. Of course, she didn't. Rookies never did. They always tried to fight it out, which is what made facing them so much fun.

   Medusa yawned carelessly and and flexed her muscles. She pulled down on the former dancer's body, hard enough to hear the melodic pop of the various vertebrae in Carr's back. To Carr's credit, however, she was really fighting back from screaming.

   Sort of a shame, she thought. Screams are always nice to hear.

   Medusa loosenedd the hold and the brunette dripped off her shoulders and spilled onto the mat. Carr held onto her back and looked up and gazed up at the mountainous Medusa Rage. In a way, it's a nice way to start off a match, Medusa pondered as she kicked her boot up Charisma's nose.

   Again, the dancer struggled. Not as much as before, but there was obviously some desire still in her. There had to be something in there, because most her blood was dripping from the gash in her lip and nose.

   Medusa pulled Carr to her feet and jokingly slapped her on her cheek, making sure she wasn't about to drift away on her. What Carr did surprised Medusa - as well as most of the fans. She slapped back.

   The firecracker sound was what got Medusa to release Carr. She'd not expected such an attempt from Carr. She cupped her cheek and stared in amazement, then grew aware the slap had hurt Carr's hand more than her. This was growing interesting, but Medusa could feel Sierra's stare burning holes into the back of her head. She had to move this along so they could begin their plan. Time to get a tag.

   Medusa stepped forward and drove her fist into Carr's stomach. The punch lifted the woman inched off the mat. Charisma landed on her feet, though, but the next punch - a heart punch - took care of that. Charisma fell back into the ropes.

   Medusa yanked Charisma from the ropes and whipped her. The light woman flew to Medusa who caught her with another boot across the chin. Charisma twirled, and Medusa took her from behind, picked her up and held her upside down. Medusa's vice arms clamped Carr just above her stomach and below her breasts (Or is it the other way around when they're upside down?) and crushed. She felt Carr's ribs give a little more than ribs normally do before dropping her on her head.

   At long last, Medusa saw the recognition of the situation on Charisma's face. Her tail between her legs, she crawled shamefully to her corner, reaching for a tag.

   Sierra Browne accepted, and entered the ring.

   Things were finally back on track.

   An aerial exchange began in the ring, starting with a near miss dropkick by Sierra and a near miss elbow drop by Medusa Rage.

   A little too near, really.

   Rookie night. Garry hated watching rookies go at it. Mind you, not all of them were rookies in the literal sense. Take the Giant - er, Medusa Rage. She was experienced, and so was Browne. So was Katie.

   Katie... experience.... Garry smiled at a sick comment he'd have to make, if Sandra gave him the proper chance to do so.

   Speaking of which, she was talking to him. Garry shot back a half-interested reply, his mind wandering. He glanced back in the ring. Sierra had managed a nice kick on Medusa. Not that it had much effect, but big surprise there. Garry sipped his coffee and eyed Sandra. His mind wandered a little bit. You know, Sandra is actually sorta pretty in the right light, he pondered. She's really kept her body up since her wrestling days. Maybe I should-

   "I have to admit, in a way, this is a misnamed match," Sandra commented to Garry. "I mean, most of these women do have some form of professional experience. Medusa and Sierra in GDWA, and-"

   "And Katie in Sherry's dressing room," Garry replied.

   Sandra glared back at him.

   So much for that, Garry told himself. Again, he sipped his coffee and watched the "display" in the ring. Something about it seemed fishy. Browne and Medusa looked like they were literally just putting on a show - like they were -

   Garry's train of thought derailed as he noticed one of the ring attendants glancing up into the rafters. Concerned, Garry looked up, but the lights blocked whatever was up there. It was possible she was just as bored as she was, but Garry had learned one thing in all his years of wrestling - The worst things hide in the weirdest places.

   Kim Chi squinted. The lights were hurting her eyes, but she knew she'd seen something up there. Something in the rafters.

   The figure of a woman moved around a bit, asif fixing her footing. The lights managed to bounce a little off her hair.

   Her long, blonde hair.

   Kim's chest seized. Granted, there were a few women nuts enough to be in the rafters, but only one that scared her. Immediately, Kim scanned the rest of the rafters, and the seats behind her, for the familiar bald head of a certain doctor. When she didn't see him, Kim began to rethink herself.

   "If Cosmo's not around, that's not Alexandria," she muttered. "So who in the -"

   Katie looked to Charisma.

   The brunette's breathing was loud, and she could tell the girl was still in a lot of pain, even if some of it was just her ego. She reached over and placed a comforting hand on the rookie's shoulder. Charisma looked to her and gave a weak smile, one that was obviously forced over a bit of disappointment.

   Katie looked past Charisma for a moment, though, and noticed a ring attendant - a young Asian girl - staring up into the rafters. Katie began to follow her gaze, when she heard Charisma make a surprised sound.

   Katie looking into the ring, but all she saw was Sierra's chest as the woman slammed into them, knocking both Katie and (from the sound of the muffled cry) Charisma off the side of the ring.

   Katie rolled her head up enough so it wouldn't slam into the pavement - something she'd learned from a lot of practice and experience. The floor still hurt, of course, but it didn't completely stun her. She blinked a bit as the lights from above finally reappeared. They were blotted out, though, when the boot stomped down on her face.

   Medusa wasted no time in getting over here, she thought.

   But as the boot stomped her midsection, she sat up, and saw it wasn't Medusa Rage's foot kicking her.

   "I love a good set-up," Sierra hissed, as she brought her foot down once more.

   Mia spun off the side of the ring like a rag doll.

   Missy watched Medusa retract the punch, a bit envious she'd not been the one to land it. None the less, she'd put two and two together, and hopped off the side of the ring and raced back a bit, ducking behind the announcer's table. The old man in the tuxedo looked down at her, and she held a finger to her lip for him to be quiet. She peeked beyond the table and saw, sprawled out, Mia's near motionless body, and Medusa Rage seemingly satisfied. She probably thought Missy had run off.

   Slowly, Missy walked over towards the ring. She could see a scuffle on the other side of the mat, but couldn't make heads or tails over who was ahead. Nonetheless, the turn of events was angering. From the look on the referee's face, though, it was more angering to him than anyone else. He was signalling the time keeper to ring the bell.

   "As the familiar clang vibrated, Missy noticed Mia stirring at her feet. Missy placed her boot and Mia's throat and pressed down with all her wait. The pretty young woman flailed and gurgled. Annoyingly, it wasn't as much fun as one might have hoped.

   "Missy heard the announcer say something, but his words were drowned out by a sudden burst from the fans. Again, the struggle, but a swatch of blonde hair flew about. wildly.

   A finger tapped Missy's shoulder. McKinley looked over and smiled as her comrade, Daisy, stood next to her and held up Missy's guitar. "Needin' this?" she asked.

   "Thank ya," Missy replied, politely. She stepped off of the gagging Mia as watched while Daisy slammed the guitar repeatedly over the woman's head. The wood shattered, and splinters made homes in Mia's forehead.

   Mia looked for the microphone, but the announcer was still clutching it, and the notorious spoil sports of the league - the BRA Security team, were heading this way. Still, there was something to be said for bravado.

   Missy stormed towards the announcer and yanked away his microphone. She returned and leaned into the face of Mia Lexington. "Yeah! Look What friendship got you? A throbbing head-ache courtesy of Missy McKinley, dont you forget that sugah!"

   Mia rolled onto her side, not even reacting. Missy looked up proudly, but only the fans immediately near her seemed to pay any mind. Even the security guards, who were now arriving ringside, seemed more interested in what was occurring on the opposite side of the ring.

   Daisy and Mia exchanged glances and shrugged. Missy looked down one more time at Mia, then hurled the microphone at her. The device slammed into Mia's forehead, and the electronic squeel from the microphone filled the arena. Mia shook off the effects, as if waking up, and glared up at Missy. Mia's foot rocketed up, striking the first thing it could.

   Missy doubled over from the low blow while her friend struggled to hold Mia down. She limped over to nearby fan and yanked away his chair. She folded it closed and walked to Mia, the seat raised above her head.

   But it vanished from her hands.

   The gruff guard's voice behind her said, in a polite tone, "I'm going to have to as you and your friend to step away from Ms. Lexington and leave the arena, Ms. McKinley."

   Medusa watched as Mia Lexington fell backwards from ringside. When she'd turned to work the country bumpkin over, McKinley had hidden herself behind a table. No matter, though. She'd finish her off in a bit.

   What struck her was the sound of Sierra, on what sounded like the tail end of a beating. Medusa turned and strode past the referee to check the matter out. As she did, she heard the bell ringing. She smirked at the referee as she passed him.

   Just beyond the ropes, she saw the body of Charisma (Not so charismatic now!) a few feet away, and Darling Katie with Sierra in a camel clutch. Sierra's lower lip was bleeding, and her eye puffing up. She could tell Katie had been working Sierra over nicely.

   Medusa jumped the ropes and landed inches away from Katie. Medusa wasn't sure how Katie had turned the fight against Sierra, but she was about to turn it around. Katie released the hold and backed off as Medusa reached out for her. To Medusa's surprise, Katie intercepted the arm and swung Medusa into the guardrail. Medusa shook the cobwebs off and wheeled around to Katie.

   But Katie wasn't there.

   The floor got a lot closer as Medusa suddenly became the victim of a leg takedown. Her head cracked against the hard floor and she felt her leg being lifted and twisted. It hurt.

   It hurt a lot.

   Medusa propped herself up a bit and tried to push Katie off, but the blonde knew what she was doing.

   Luckily, so did Sierra, who was behind Katie with a chair.

   Medusa hurt the, "klang" and felt the pressure relieve for her legs. She reached for the guardrail and pulled herself up just as the folding chair skittered past, ending near the still Charisma Carr. Medusa looked over as saw Katie, slugging it out with Sierra, her back to Medusa. The brawl seemed about even.

   Medusa strode up behind Katie and drove her fist down into the back of her neck. Katie's knees buckled, but she didn't go down. She instead looked back and punched Medusa in the bread box. Sierra slugged Katie in the back of the head, to which the blonde turned around and punched her right back in the face.

   Enough was enough. Medusa slammed a double axe handle into Katie's back that noticeably put a cramp in the woman's activeness. Medusa held Katie's arms up behind her head. "You think you can tear family apart?" she growled into Katie's ear. "You will never ever tear us apart!"

   Sierra got two punches into Katie's stomach before the woman thrust her legs up and around Sierra's neck in a leglock. Sierra dropped to her knees, clawing at Katie's legs, but Katie wasn't letting go. Medusa wrenched Katie's arms back more, but it seemed to only make Katie work harder at tightening the leghold.

   That was when Medusa saw her fall from the rafters.

   Rappelling down a rope, Sherry Ann landing in the ring. She cut free of the rope and leaped out of the ring, straight for Medusa. Medusa immediately jumped back, letting go of Katie. Katie fell on her head against the floor and lost her hold on Sierra. Sierra immediately pulled away, choking.

   In the background, the announcer could be heard as the bell again rang. "By order of the referee, all participants have been disqualified. There is no winner of this match."

   Medusa took hold of a chair from the audience and swung it at Sherry Ann, but the woman ducked. Sherry flipped out a billy club and swung it at Medusa, but she blocked the hit with her chair. Sherry Ann leaned her wait into the attack and forced Medusa backwards, spilling her momentarily. That was all she'd needed, really.

   Sherry slammed the club down. Medusa jerked her hand up, without thinking, as if to block the hit. The stick rapped against her knuckles and the woman pulled back her hand. She looked beyond Sherry to see if Sierra would be coming to her aid, but saw Katie and Browne locked in a test of strength.

   Sherry again raised the club, but jerked as the arena filled with the sound of a screaming microphone, thrown to the ground. Sherry looked back to Medusa just as the woman was raising a chair.

   And at that, the guards overran them all. Sierra and Katie had to be pried apart, and each walked away with some of the other's hair.

   Medusa and Sherry met with long glares before Medusa finally turned away and headed towards Sierry. She looked up again, and watched as Katie and Sherry were lifting Charisma and walking her to the lockerroom.

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