Skye Soaring Hawk



Gary: …….want my body, AND ya think I’m sexy…..c’mon sugar..

Sandra: ahem!!

(The camera returns to the announcer’s table where Gary and Sandra are getting ready to call the next match. Well, at least one of them is…)

Gary: Face it! You do!

Sandra: Do what??

Gary: Want my body! It’s no secret!

Sandra: The only thing I want from you is to concentrate on the next match!

(The lights dim and green pyrotechnics obscure the entrance as “People of the Sun” by Rage Against the Machine blares. Suddenly, out of the green fire, Skye Soaring Hawk, dressed in a jean vest, matching daisy dukes and knee high buckskin boots under a floor length leather duster strides down the aisle)

Gary: Just sign here…

Sandra: Look at th…what??

Gary: She looks greeeaatt! Skye Soaring Hawk makes her return to BRA after the death of her parents, and she looks like she never missed a beat!

Sandra: She certainly looks fit and confident! This match should go a long way towards seeing how she has recovered. Despite her recent losses, Americana is still one tough lady and won their previous encounter!

Gary: A match she won by falling on her opponent! No one could have shifted that weight!

(Skye starts to stride down the aisle, a wide smile on her face shaded by a wide brimmed flat-topped cowboy hat. She slaps hands with a cheering crowd)

Sandra: Well the certainly seem happy to see Skye Soaring Hawk back!

Gary: Just what this place needed was a wrestler of quality! Want to use my pen?

Sandra: Every wrestler in BRA is quality!! What do I need the pen for?

(Skye gets to the ring and slides under the lower rope, tossing her duster to an attendant and throwing her hat in the audience to a lucky fan! She finally sinks into the corner to wait.)

Sandra: They love her! It’s going to be tough to fight against that!

(Kate Smith’s “God Bless America” starts to pound loud over the speakers and Americana, wearing her clingy red white and blue unitard and a blue and white cape struts confidently into the arena carrying the American flag. Many fans are waving her new poster, several trying to get them to sign them. She looks great. Her hair and make up nicely done as she smiles and enjoys the cheers which she hasn’t heard in a few weeks.)

Sandra: This is tough. I don’t know who the crowd loves more this time! The last couple of weeks Americana has been fighting a bad image.

Gary: And Bill Cosby!

Sandra: What do you mean?

Gary: Well…all that pudding had to come from somewhere!

Sandra: You had better watch what you say! Her lawyer is watching tonight and I don’t think it’s just the match either!

Gary: Don’t worry! I know! I WONT be calling Americana Puddin’ ass tonight! Hehe, he may not have heard me, I said I WONT BE CALLING AMERICANA PUDDING ASS TONIGHT!

Sandra: You’re despicable!

Gary: Just on the dotted line please…right here.

Sandra: What are you on about??

Gary: I agree with you.

Sandra: What are y……what?? You agree with me?

Gary: Americana is getting more popular with HER fans, but I don’t think she’s making many friends in the FED with this lawyer mumbo jumbo! She’s alienating anyone who could stand up for her!

Sandra: You mean people like Sherry and Peggy Christian.

Gary: Yeah, the granny brigade. You don’t here them whining when they lose a couple of matches! If poppin’ fresh had thought of that BRA would have been to court long ago and often!

Sandra: You know your actually making some sense for a change. Americana still has a respectable record in the Fed. So does Sherry Ann. Poor Peggy tries but she will never win many matches. If anyone should cry discrimination, it should be her. But she never will, and I don’t think she is too supportive of Americana’s claims either.

(The spotlight shimmers off the sparkles sprayed into her hair and smeared on her face and cleavage, her pretty brown eyes twinkle as she smiles. As she works the crowd the jumbotron springs to life, not with the American flag though, but with the image of Johnny Cockroach, Americana’s lawyer)

Sandra: What is that?

Gary: Uh oh!

(The image on the screen springs to life

“I have advised my client not to speak to the press, but we’ll see how BRA management lets this match go. Americana is once again facing a very young girl, which seems to be their strategy”)

Sandra: Why is he saying that? Americana is the oldest wrestler here?

Gary: He just wants to inflate her record against jobbers like Sherry and Piggy!

( “This youngster is no wrestler, in fact the only way she trains is by punching some steel bar! So it looks like BRA management is trying to injure Americana…shut her up…get her out of the way.”

A chorus of booing started to break from the crowd, building the more Johnny Cockroach spoke.

“But as you’ll see, a veteran wrestler can deal with that…it’s just a question of how much BRA management will interfere in this match!”)

Gary: Baaaaaaaad move! Listen to the crowd! By the time the nights over the only fans Americana is going to have left are the ones on the ceiling in her house!

Sandra: In her defense, I don’t think Americana knew that her lawyer was going to do that!

Gary: Be realistic! She’s in it up to her Puddin’…

Sandra: Gary!! Just look at her face!

(Americana looked dismayed at how the crowd was treating the announcement. She enters the ring and hands her flag and cape to an attendant. Skye just looks across from her corner and grins.)

Sandra: The crowd’s reaction has shaken her up.

Gary: Nothing like what Skye is going to do to her!


(As the two women come together in the center of the ring they go into a lockup. Americana quickly latches onto one of Skye’s arms and Irish whips her to the ropes, but Skye just hooks an arm into the top rope and grins at her opponent.)

Gary: Not very original move by Americana. She must take Skye for an idiot!

Sandra: I think she had something in mind and was hoping to catch Hawk off guard, but Skye is crafty.

(The two women go back into a lockup. This time Americana turns it into a top wristlock. It lasts a second as Skye twists under and around and with little effort now has Americana in a hammerlock. The patriot slaps at her shoulder as she feels Skye twist it hard, but showing another fine display of skill twisted and reversed the hold herself. Skye now slapped at her shoulder for a second before reaching behind her head and…)

Gary: Snap mare!! Americana goes down!

Sandra: Some good fast paced wrestling so far!

(Americana springs quickly to her feet and immediately circles before resuming the lockup. Again she gains the advantage twisting Skye’s left arm into a painful looking armbar. In a second she gives the arm another twist and then launches Skye into the ropes. This time the native rebounds right on and over the back of Americana to the mat. Americana throws herself over top of her opponent quickly.)

Gary: The cover!


Sandra: No!! Kickout by Skye! Good movement though for the bigger woman!

(Americana gets quickly back to her feet again and surprises the younger woman with a monkey flip that sends her a fair distance before crashing into the mat. The fans are still behind the patriot cheer at the display of skills being put on by their favorite. As Skye tries to scramble to her feet she is met with a dropkick square to the chest that sends the smaller wrestler crashing to the mat! Skye quickly rolls under the ropes to the floor…looking a little shocked at the happenings so far.)

Gary: Good move by Skye to take a break there.

Sandra: Hawk is definitely looking a little rusty after her layoff, and Americana has something to prove.

Gary: Doesn’t look like her discrimination suit will hold much water if this keeps up!

(Hawk rolls back into the ring at the six count and tries to get to her feet but Americana grabs her head before she can get fully up.)

Sandra: I would throw the case out of court after this show by the patriot……OWWWW!!

Gary: That just took the wind right out of ole ass of puddin’s sails!

(Americana is doubled over clutching her tummy after receiving a vicious shot to her mid section. The tone of the crowd changes as Skye quickly grabs Americana’s head and….)

Gary: DDT!!! Great stuff from the native…….look out!!

Sandra: Owww….elbow drop to the lower back…and again!!….and AGAIN!!

(Americana writhes as her back aches from the assault. She finds herself hauled to her feet in a front headlock, then in one fluid motion…)

Gary: Great spinning neck breaker from Skye!! She took the best her opponent had and now is showing the throwback what REAL wrestling is about!

Sandra: She has sure lost the momentum…..OWWWW….guillotine leg drop right across the neck!

(Americana writhed on the mat now, bathed in sweat and suffering. As she staggered to her feet she groaned as she felt her opponent come right up to her face, saying with a spiteful voice, “For your insults to my heritage, you will pay the price!” Skye then staggered her opponent with a lightning fist to her jaw that sent her reeling into the ropes. The referee, perhaps under caution of the lawsuit, proceeded to caution the native on the closed fist. Seeing maybe her only chance Americana came off the ropes and wrapped her arms around Skye. A surprised hawk could not react as she was taken down with a belly to belly suplex!)

Sandra: Don’t count Americana out of it yet! That was a great poachers move!

Gary: She was out of it a decade ago. Obviously she put the ref up to distract Skye so she could cheat, just like the cheater she has become.

Sandra: How could you say such a thing!!……oh..what happened there??

(Back in the ring Americana lay on her back on the mat, moving very slowly and clutching her jaw. Hawk’s response to the suplex had been to deliver another lightning shot to Americana’s jaw. Skye got up and hauled the slowly moving patriot to her feet, then wrapped her in a front headlock and DDT’d her to the mat!)

Gary: She’s going up to the top turnbuckle! This ones gotta be over now!!

Sandra: Like I said, don’t count Americana out of it!

Gary: Are you kidding! Look out! Bird of Prey time!!

(Skye had mounted the top turnbuckle and raised her arms in the air. With Americana apparently helpless on the mat, she leapt into the air and….)

Gary: BINGO!! Skye Soaring Hawk is BACK with a vengeance! That nearly drove AMERICANA through the mat!

(In the ring Skye hooked a leg of Americana as the referee dropped to the side.)





Sandra: Looks like Skye got her revenge for losing the first match. Once she got her footing back Americana was lost!

Gary: As long as she doesn’t go whining to her lawyer now! “I lost…discrimination”

Sandra: She may have lost the match, but she doesn’t deserve that!

(As Americana lay unmoving, Hawk had gone out of the ring and brought back a steel folding chair. As she laid it in a corner she hoisted her hurt foe to her feet and cranked another front face lock on and was dragging her to the corner. The referee was protesting and trying to stop the native and only meeting with limited success.)

Gary: She’s going to repeat the bird of prey on the chair! Oh this is going to be good!!

Sandra: She’s won the match! Why does she want to do that?

Gary: She’s going to make her pay for all those anti culture messages Americana spouted at her.

Sandra: Someone get security in here!! This is too much!

(As Skye got a stunned Americana to the corner the crowd got to its feet and running down the ramp was…)


Gary: THAT”S your idea of security?

(Skye looked in curiosity at the newcomer who had got to the edge of the ring and was pleading for Skye to show some respect.)

Sandra: THIS could be interesting! Skye and Peggy are not allied but they’re both on the same side. Has Peggy forgiven Americana?

Gary: No way! That would be stupid! Then again, she did want to wrestle!

(Skye finally said something and shook her head at Peggy.)

Gary: She’s ignoring her, she’s going to do it!

(Skye positioned Americana who was still getting her bearings, then dropped her head in the DDT…)

Sandra: She moved it!!! Good girl Peggy!!

(As Skye looked on in surprise Peggy held up the chair she had pulled away at the last moment, then tossed it aside before storming back to the dressing rooms. By then security started arriving and a fuming Hawk left the ring, her business unfinished.)

Gary: That may have been one of the stupidest things poppin fresh has ever done…and the list is a long one!

Sandra: An interesting finish, but the result stands! We’ll be right back with more action!

Winner by pinfall: SKYE SOARING HAWK

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