Debbie Burras & Debbie Loretto
Lisa Dream & Little Alexandra

Sandra: Welcome back Ladies and gentlemen. This next match should prove interesting It is a tag team match and neither team has worked together before. One team consists of two rookies that have only had one match each.

Garry: The other consists of the Celestial Champion Lisa Dream and her friend Little Alexandra. They should destroy these rookies in little time. This match will be brutal and short.

Sandra: Both Loretto and Burras showed good wrestling technique in the rookie four way match at the Frozen Hearts PPV. I think they will give these ring veterans a run for their money.

Garry: Yeah, right. I just got a beer, I'll bet the rookies are carried out of the ring on stretchers before I can finish it.

Sandra: You're on. Here comes the first team.

(Garry takes the first swig of beer as "TNT" by AC/DC begins to play . . . Debbie Burras is there in the entrance . . .  NOT with the OTHER Debbie . . . When the music plays, silver pyro bursts skyward, with Debbie pumping her arms to the music . . . She makes her way down to ringside to await the entrance of her partner.)

Garry: I don't think that is the whole team. Where is Loretto? Did she chicken out?

Sandra: We have our roving reporter Jenna Janewell backstage with a camera crew. Lets go to her now.

(The camera cuts to show awell-muscled beauty standing in the corridor just behind the entranceway, clenching and unclenching her fists, and obviously psyching herself up. Suddenly, a microphone is thrust into her face. )

Jenna: Ms. Loretto . . . do you have anything to say? Surely the BRA administration
is being a little unfair in pitting you against two such experienced wrestlers?

(Debbie Loretto  simply looks with scorn at the reporter, a withering glance that has her cringing. )

Debbie: Of course not. This is a wonderful opportunity for me, and I'm grateful  for it. I can finally show the audience what Debbie Loretto can do . . . and the fact that I'm going to do it against the Celestial Champion and her pal? That's just added spice.

(With that, there is a rumble of drums; the beginning of Debbie's entrance music, and she is gone. )

Garry: Brave words for a girl about to be fed to the lions.

Sandra: She is not a girl, she's a woman and I, for one, believe that the two rookies might surprise the haughty Champion and her insane partner. I think it's great that she is willing to address her opponents with such bravado.

Garry: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's just a new way of saying "We who are about to die, salute you."

(There is a sudden boom of timpani to attract the audience's attention, and then Elgar's Cello Concerto, played by Jacqueline du Pre fills the arena. Dressed in black combat pants and a black midriff top, Debbie Loretto makes her way to the ring, pumping her fist in the air as the music begins to climax. She slides underneath the
ropes and into the centre of the ring, and as the strains of the cello reach their peak, strips off her midriff top to leave only a revealing black bra.)

Sandra: Interesting entrance music. I believe she is the only wrestler to use classical music to make her entrance.

Garry: Elgar's Cello Concerto is a truly moving piece of music, but I believe that Loretto should not have chosen Jacqueline Du Pre's version. Yoyo Mah's version is clearly the sin qua non interpretation of that work. Of course the choice of Elgar's Cello Concerto is really not appropriate for this match. I believe that Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King" from his Pier Gynt Suite would be more appropriate for the slaughter that this match will be.

Sandra: (looking at Garry in disbelieve.) What? Where did you learn about classical music?

Garry: I have always appreciated the finer things in life. Which is why I can't stand you.

Sandra: (Trying to get the subject back to wrestling) I think it's interesting that these two rookies entered separately. I don't think they even like each other. They will have to work together to beat these two experienced and ruthless wrestlers.

Garry: "The Funeral March of the Marionettes" would work well in this match too.

Sandra: Can we get back to the wrestling match?

Garry: Why? It hasn't started yet.

Sandra: Well it will soon. Here comes Lisa Dream.

(The lights dim as the words 'the DREAM', written in gold letters, and show up on the Angeltron above the exit from the dressing room area.  The sounds of twinkling stars and awe music fill the arena (Note: Very reminiscent of Golddust's opening theme music).  Smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of light, the music changes to 'Nookie', by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area.  She is wearing some black leather pants and a black leather halter top, and she arrogantly surveys the crowd. She then makes her way down towards the ring, walking like a supermodel on the entrance ramp.  Little Alexandra leads the way,
cutting the air with her walking stick.  Little Alexandra is wearing a white cut off shirt, exposing her midsection, white suspenders, and white pants with black bowler and black boots.  Once they get into the ring, Lisa grabs a microphone as Little Alexandra stands guard, not allowing Lisa's important words to be interrupted.

Lisa: All right, all you lucky little DREAM-o-phobics, the time has come once again for all of you to thank your lucky stars for those overpriced tickets you hold in your grubby little hands!  That's right, the ultimate form of human *perfection* has decided to grace all of you with her awe inspiring visage, and show all of you exactly why it is that I am your Celestial Champion!
Oh, I know that all of you were worried during the Pay Per View . . . all of you nearly broke down in tears at the mere possibility of your All American
Sweetheart's luscious waist no longer adorned with the gold!  But I am your champion yet again, Ladies and Gentlemen . . . Sherry may have gotten lucky with the aid of that insignificant Wildcat, but I showed them exactly how inferior they are to myself!
You two Debbies, you insignificant peons, what exactly possessed you to sign on against the BRA Icon?  Against the Celestial Champion?  Do you truly believe that you can compare to *perfection*?  That you have a chance against the best damn champion this league has ever seen?  Little Girls, I am going to teach you what it is like to face a REAL wrestler, and toss your pitiful carcasses from one end of the ring to the other!  I could do this myself, of course, but you fools are doubly in trouble tonight, for you face myself, along with the deadliest and most disturbing individual ever to grace the squared circle, L'il Alexandra!  And if you thought me a challenge in the ring . . . which, if you were smart, you would . . . you haven't seen anything yet until you have to size up next to the unpredictable monster herself!
Little Girls, you best just lie down for us now, cause you had best close your eyes, and fantasize......if you EVER think you will EVER top . . . *perfection*!

(Lisa tosses the microphone down and seats herself on a turnbuckle, arrogantly waiting for the match to begin.  Little Alexandra stands nearby.)

Garry: Now THAT is an entrance.

Sandra: A lot of work by these two to intimidate the two rookies.

Garry: It seems to have worked. Neither of them seem to want to be the first in the ring.

(Loretto and Burras are in their corner discussing something when the bell rings. Lisa Dream arrogantly struts to the center of the ring for her team. The Debbies continue to talk. Lisa walks to their corner.)

Lisa:( her head arrogantly held high )  Who do you think you are, challenging *perfection* in such a manner?

(The two Debbies regard Lisa silently.  Finally Debbie Burras enters the ring. Lisa extends her hands up for a test of strength. Debbie B raises her arms, and is met by a snap kick to the gut by Lisa. Debbie B doubles over and Lisa smiles as she points to her head, showing off her supposed greater intelligence. The crowd whistles as Lisa does a little bump and grind.)

Sandra: A rookie mistake by Debbie. She doesn't seem to have studied her opponent.

Garry: What do you mean? Debbie made a smart move.

Sandra:She just got a sucker kick to the stomach.

Garry: No, she didn't she was smart enough to stay out of the ring. It's what's her name  . . .

Sandra: No. Debbie is in the ring. The rookie outside the ring is named . . .

Garry: Oh boooy. They're both named Debbie.

Sandra: They are. This will get confusing.

Garry: You can say that again.

Sandra: This will get confusing.

Garry: Don't start that.

(Lisa stops her bump and grind as Debbie B recovers from the kick. Lisa turns and is met by a punch to the stomach causing her to double over. Debbie B takes Lisa up and over with a snap suplex. Lisa bounces on the mat, but gets quickly to her feet. Debbie B kips up and they circle each other looking for an opening. Lisa lunges at Debbie B, but it is a feint. Debbie B backs away. Lisa smirks to the crowd.)

Lisa: Who's your sweetheart?!?

(The crowd yells back a mixed reaction. Most of the man yell "Lisa" while most of the women roundly boo her. Debbie B moves in on the unsuspecting Lisa, but Lisa is prepared for her. Lisa grabs Debbie B's arm and whips her into the corner. Debbie B's back hits the turnbuckle she bounces out of the corner but is pulled back into it by Little Alexandra, who has a handful of Debbie's hair. Debbie L. sees the double teams and enters the ring. The ref goes to her and orders her out, but she refuses to go. The ref forces Debbie L. out of the ring. While the ref is distracted, Little Alexandra manages to pin both of Debbie B's arms behind her. Lisa moves in and begins to nail her with a series of punches to her unprotected face and belly. Little Alexandra also weighs in with a few hard punches to Debbie B's kidneys. Debbie B screams in pain as each punch hits home with a sickening thud. The ref turns to Lisa and Debbie B. Little Alexandra releases Debbie B and Debie grabs the ropes to keep from slumping to the mat.)

Garry: This match may be over soon. Lisa really gave Debbie a corner beating.

Sandra: And Debbie didn't help getting into the ring. She distracted the ref and Lisa and Little Alexandra took advantage of it and double teamed Debbie.

Garry: Debbie is in pain and needs to get out of that corner. Debbie is waiting to get tagged in.

Sandra: Are we making any sense?

(Lisa punches Debbie B a couple of times in the face and then blows a kiss to the audience. The crowd reacts with an equal amount of cheers and boos. Lisa then backhands Debbie B  across the cheek with the hand she blew the kiss with. Debbie B surprises Lisa by appearing to slump to the mat, but instead she kicks her foot out and caches Lisa in the knee. Lisa screams in pain and hobbles backward. Debbie B turns and hits a surprised Little Alexandra in the face, knocking her off the ring apron. Debbie B staggers across the ring and tags in her partner.)

Sandra: Debbie is showing a lot of fight She really surprised Lisa with that kick.

Garry: Debbie got out of that corner but Debbie looks like she needs a lot of time to recover. Debbie, on the other hand is fresh and raring to fight.

Sandra; Debbie slumps outside the ring as Debbie runs at Lisa, who is still in pain over that kick to the knee.

(Debbie L. grabs Lisa in a front headlock and bends her over. She straightens Lisa up with a knee lift to the face, Lisa howls at the rookie. Debbie L ignores Lisa and sends her crashing into the ropes with a whip. She prepares for a back drop, but Lisa stops short and kicks Debbie L. in the face. Lisa sneers at her.)

Lisa: Is that truly the best you can do?

(Lisa moves to her corner quickly and tags in Little Alexandra. Little Alexandra smiles as she enters the ring and walks toward Debbie L.. Little Alexandra and Debbie L. circle each other. Little Alexandra smiling at Debbie L. all the time.)

Little Alexandra:  Methinks Debbie is a nice name.  We'll carthax it on your tombstone.

(Little Alexandra moves in and starts punching Debbie L.. Debbie L. blocks some and returns a few of her own. They are soon trading punches in the center of the ring. The punches have a telling effect on both wrestlers as a tickle of blood begins to flow from Debbie L.'s lip and blood also flows from Little Alexandra's nose.)

Garry: Debbie is much stronger than Debbie. Debbie would never have stood up to the punches of Little Alexandra like Debbie has.

Sandra: That's true. Debbie is more of a finesse wrestler while Debbie is a brawler. They would actually make a good team, with Debbie making up for the limitations of Debbie.

(Debbie L. lands a solid punch to the pliable stomach of Little Alexandra. Little Alexandra grunts and doubles over. Debbie L. shoves Little Alexandra's head between her muscular thighs and tries to lift her into a power bomb. Little Alexandra blocks the move. Debbie L. strains hard to lift Little Alexandra but screams in shock as she finds herself being lifted into the air and then dropped to the mat over Little Alexandra's back.)

Sandra: Debbie was overconfident there. Little Alexandra is one strong woman. Debbie needs to soften her up first before trying those types of moves.

Garry: Debbie is trying to recover from her corner beating outside the ring. I think Debbie will have to stay in the ring to allow Debbie to recover.

( Little Alexandra laughs at Debbie L. and brings her to her feet by means of a handful of hair. Little Alexandra places Debbie L. in a fireman's carry and walks to the side of the ring. Little Alexandra begins to spin around in an airplane spin. Debbie L. begins to scream as Little Alexandra lifts her off her shoulders and launches her into the air. Debbie L. spins one more time on her own, screaming the entire time. Her scream is cut short as her neck hits the top rope. The ref cautions Little Alexandra about using the ropes for a choke. Little Alexandra merely smiles and nods yes to the ref. Little Alexandra then pushes down on Debbie L.'s head and back, causing her to be choked against the rope. The ref orders Little Alexandra to break the hold. Again Little Alexandra smiles and nods yes to the ref but keeps the hold on. The ref begins to count. Lisa yells at Little Alexandra to break the hold and she does just as the count reaches four.)

Sandra: These vicious veterans are showing no mercy toward Debbie.

Garry: Debbie seems to have recovered but Debbie has to use the ropes to get to her feet. Debbie should tag out. Debbie appears to want to be tagged in.

(  Debbie L. slumps to the mat as the ref forces Little Alexandra away from her. Debbie L. uses the ropes to get to her feet. Before she releases the ropes, Little Alexandra kicks her in the face, snapping Debbie L.'s head back.)

Debbie B: Your noggin is for pounding, not for thinking.

Sandra: There goes Alexandra with that jabbering. Does anyone know what she is saying?

Garry: I'm sure Debbie doesn't know. And Debbie is too far away to hear.

(The ref forces Little Alexandra away from Debbie L., who is still holding the ropes. Debbie L. uses the time to shake the cobwebs out of her head. She releases the ropes and moves back to the center off the ring. Little Alexandra moves in again to punch Debbie L., but she sidesteps the punch and grabs Little Alexandra's arm. Debbie L. puts Little Alexandra in a hammer lock. Little Alexandra doesn't seem to react to this even when Debbie L. pulls up on her arm, putting intense pressure on Little Alexandra's shoulder.)

Debbie L.: You might be crazy . . . but I've got a brain.

Sandra: Nice reversal by Debbie. Debbie needs to tag in Debbie.

(She keeps the pressure of the hammerlock as Debbie L. works her foot between Little Alexandra's legs and takes Little Alexandra to the mat, face first, while maintaining the hammerlock. Little Alexandra hits the mat hard, but still does cry out or seem to react at all to what has happened. Debbie L. releases the hammerlock and quickly grabs Little Alexandra's feet and places her in a Boston Crab. Debbie L. leans back and increases the pressure on Little Alexandra's back. Little Alexandra begins to sweat from the torture but she still doesn't say anything. Debbie L. leans back further, bending Little Alexandra's back past the point which normal backs can bend. Little Alexandra reaches behind her and grabs a handful of Debbie L.'s hair. Alexandra gives it a mighty pull. Debbie L. screams in pain as her hands go to her hair to try to ease the feeling of it being pulled out in chunks. Using the hair, Little Alexandra forces Debbie L. off her back.)

Little Alexandra: I need some black hair for my collection.

Sandra: Leave it to Little Alexandra to use hair pulling to break a hold.

Garry: That girl may be insane, but she has the right idea, anything it takes to win is used.

Sandra: At least Debbie fights cleanly.

Garry: What do you mean? Debbie cheats I saw her do it at the PPV.

Sandra: She did not. Debbie never cheats.

(Little Alexandra gets slowly to her feet and forces Debbie L. to hers by means of the handful of hair. The ref warns Little Alexandra about the hair pull, but Little Alexandra ignores him as she pulls Debbie L. around the ring by her hair. Little Alexandra massages her back with her free hand, The ref begins counting again. Lisa climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and yells for Little Alexandra to tag out. Little Alexandra drags Debbie L. over to the corner and tags in Lisa. Lisa leaps off the turnbuckle and brings her elbow down on Debbie L.'s exposed neck. Debbie L. crashes to the mat, with Lisa on top of her. Little Alexandra gives Debbie L. a foot scrape to the back of her head as she exits the ring.)

Garry: A nice double team by the veterans. They may be a new team but Lisa and Little Alexandra work well together.

Sandra: Lisa seems to be the brains of this team, which makes it surprising that they know what to do in the ring.

Garry: Debbie better tag in Debbie. Lisa is fresh and Debbie has taken a severe beating. Debbie has had a chance to recover and seems ready to join the fight.

Sandra: Debbie wants to use her high flying moves to defeat Lisa while Debbie wants to use her strength and power moves.

(Lisa brings Debbie L. to her feet and whips her across the ring and into the ropes. On her rebound Lisa nails her with a drop kick, sending Loretto crashing to the mat on her back. Lisa ignores Debbie L. as she does another bump and grind for her appreciative fans. Lisa moves close to Debbie L. and is met by a boot to the knee. Lisa's knee buckles and she falls to the mat. Debbie L. rolls onto Lisa and places her in a camel clutch. She pulls back on Lisa's chin as Lisa wails in agony.)

Sandra: A surprise move by Debbie has Lisa in a submission situation.

Garry: Debbie may be bigger than Debbie but she is almost as quick as Debbie.

( Lisa pounds the mat with her fists. The ref asks if she submits but Lisa spits in face. Lisa begins to rock to the right. Debbie L. tries to force her back to center. Lisa takes advantage of this and rocks quickly to the right rolling over and forcing Debbie L. to break the hold. Lisa quickly scrambles out of the ring. The fans near ringside begin to boo Lisa as she massages her back. Lisa turns to the fans and begins cursing them. The ref begins to count Lisa out, but she ignores him as she continues to yell at the crowd. Debbie L. runs and vaults over the top rope and nails Lisa with a suicide planca. Both wrestlers crash to the concrete floor. Both wrestlers are slow to get to their feet. Debbie L. gets to her first and delivers a series of kicks and punches to Lisa. Lisa covers up and back pedals. Debbie L. traps Lisa in a corner of the barricade and delivers stunning kick to the *perfect* belly, causing Lisa to squeal and fall to her knees. Debbie L places Lisa in a reverse headlock.)

Garry: A high risk maneuver by Debbie pays off. Debbie usually leaves the high flying stuff to Debbie.

Sandra: Yes Debbie prefers power moves while Debbie likes to use the top rope. But Debbie has shown power and Debbie has proven that she can deliver the airiel moves too.

( Debbie L. runs toward the steel steps and smashes Lisa's head into them. A cut is opened on Lisa's *perfect* face. Debbie L. tries to do it a gain but Lisa puts her foot out and blocks it. One more attempt by Debbie L. allows Lisa to slide out of the headlock. Lisa reverses the hold and rams Debbie L.'s head into the steps opening a gash on her scalp. Debbie L. staggers away from the steps as Lisa shakes her head to clear the cobwebs from it. Debbie L. staggers around the trying to regain her bearings.  Lisa smiles and then sends a kick between Debbie L.'s legs. Debbie L.'s mouth forms a perfect O as her hands leave her head and go to her wounded area. She falls slowly to her knees and then to her hands and knees. Lisa takes advantage of this and brutally kicks Debbie L. in the belly, causing her to raise off her hands and knees. Lisa struts around Debbie L., playing to the crowd as Debbie L. writhes in agony on the floor.  Debbie B runs to Debbie L.'s aid. Lisa sees her coming and tries to nail her with a sinning heel kick. Debbie B ducks under it and punches Lisa in the face. Lisa screams and her hands go to her face to protect it from further harm.)

Sandra: It's about time that Debbie came to help Debbie.

Garry: Debbie is cheating. Debbie is the legal person, not Debbie.

( Debbie B leaps into the air and sends Lisa crashing into the barrier with a standing drop kick. She moves toward Lisa but is stopped by Little Alexandra grabbing her from behind in a bear hug. Debbie B struggles against the crushing pressure of the hug. Little Alexandra raises her in the air and then brings her crotch down on her outstretched knee in an atomic drop. Debbie B hops about trying to relieve the pain of the move. Little Alexandra goes to Lisa and helps her to her feet.)

Sandra: Two low blows by Lisa and Little Alexandra. The only thing that surprises me is that they waited this long to do them.

Garry: Hey! Lisa accidentally kicked Debbie there and Debbie was cheating. Debbie is back on her feet but doesn't look too good at the moment. Debbie is still hobbling around.

Sandra: Debbie needs to get back into the ring and Debbie needs to get back to her corner. An outside the ring brawl is just what Lisa and Little Alexandra want.

(The ref's count has reached 15 as Debbie L. rolls under the ropes. Lisa soon follows her into the ring. Little Alexandra chases Debbie B around the ring. Lisa and Debbie L. lay on the mat trying to regain their energy. Debbie B gains a lead on Little Alexandra. After they turn a corner Little Alexandra is met with a European upper cut that catches her on the chin. Little Alexandra is knocked to the floor by the force of the move. Lisa gets to her feet as Debbie L. manages to get to one knee. Debbie L. slowly gets to her feet as Lisa runs to the ropes and rebounds off them Lisa leaps into the  air and flips wrapping her legs around Debbie L.'s neck and sending her to the mat with a hurricanrana. Debbie L. lands with a thump and lies on the mat. Lisa then sits on Debbie L.'s face in a reverse, face sit pin. Lisa begins to gyrate. Debbie B sees what is going on in the ring. Little Alexandra is still on the floor from the surprise European upper cut. Debbie B leaps to the top rope and springs off it, just as the ref raises Debbie L.'s hand for the first time. The hand flops to the mat just as Debbie B nails Lisa with a missile drop kick. Lisa is sent skidding across the mat from the force of it.)

Sandra: Debbie saved Debbie with that move.

Garry: Debbie was out of it but Debbie cheated and saved Debbie.

Sandra: The ref is trying to force Debbie out of the ring as Debbie lies unmoving on the mat.

Garry: Lisa gets groggily to her feet as Debbie fights the ref in an effort to protect Debbie.

Sandra: Debbie and Lisa are going at it as Debbie manages to get to her knees.

(Debbie B manages to escape the ref long enough to grab Lisa and send her crashing to the mat with a German suplex. Little Alexandra has gotten to her corner just in time to see Lisa land on the mat. Debbie L. has gotten to her feet but is very shaky on them. The ref has grabbed Debbie B and is physically forcing her out of the ring. Little Alexandra takes the opportunity to run into the ring and put the boot to Debbie L.'s stomach. The ref turns in time to see Little Alexandra leaving the ring. Debbie L. staggers to her corner and tags in Debbie B. Debbie B climbs to the top rope and leaps off, dropping a leg across Lisa's head. Debbie B brings Lisa to her feet and whips her across the ring and into the ropes. Lisa grabs the ropes to keep from bouncing off them. Lisa lunges and tags in Little Alexandra. Little Alexandra enters the ring as Debbie B runs and jumps on the bottom rope. Debbie B uses the rope as a spring board to hit Little Alexandra with a flying elbow smash. Little Alexandra crashes to the mat. Debbie B quickly gets to her feet and runs to the ropes again. She leaps to the second rope and springs off it dropping a leg across Little Alexandra's neck. Little Alexandra gags and her hands go to her throat. Debbie B gets to feet again and runs to the ropes again. She leaps to the second rope and springboards off with a flying elbow drop.)

Sandra: Debbie is in her corner recovering, while Debbie has just done a fine series of aerial moves to take the fight out of Little Alexandra.

Garry: A rookie mistake by Debbie. She went to the well once too often.

( Little Alexandra rolls out of the way and Debbie B lands hard on  the mat. Debbie B rolls on the mat clutching her elbow. Little Alexandra goes to Debbie B and begins to kick her with those oversized combat boots. Debbie B rolls into a ball to protect herself. Little Alexandra grabs Debbie B by the hair and brings her to her feet. Little Alexandra continues to hold Debbie B by the hair with her left hand while she punches Debbie B in face with her right.  Debbie B brings her hands up to protect her face but Little Alexandra continues to punch, cackling after each punch. Debbie B delivers a solid right to Little Alexandra's stomach causing her to double over. Little Alexandra continues to hold Debbie B's hair as Debbie B rains rights and lefts on Little Alexandra's face and belly. Little Alexandra finally releases Debbie B's hair. Debbie B backs away from Little Alexandra. Little Alexandra charges at Debbie B but Debbie B grabs her arm and whips her into the Debbies corner. Debbie L. takes the opportunity to land  a couple of punches to Little Alexandra's kidneys before Debbie B runs and splashes into Little Alexandra trapping Little Alexandra between Debbie B and the turnbuckle. Debbie L. kicks Little Alexandra in the back before Little Alexandra is able to roll out of the corner.)

Sandra: Debbie is showing a lot of fight in her and she fights clean. I don't really like those cheap shots to the back that Debbie has just done.

Garry: Debbie is playing it smart. Debbie knows that you have to put all the damage you can on Little Alexandra. Debbie's "clean" fighting style may cost them this match.

( Debbie B brings Little Alexandra to her feet and whips her into the ropes. Debbie B bends over to backdrop Little Alexandra on the rebound. But Little Alexandra is able to wrap her arms around Debbie B's waist and take her over with her. Little Alexandra quickly puts her legs on Debbie B's shoulders while holding on to Debbie B's waist, pinning her to the mat. The ref drops down. At the count of two Debbie B brings both her feet together on Little Alexandra's ears causing her to break the pin.)

Sandra: Another rookie mistake by Debbie, she telegraphed that backdrop.

Garry: You're right Debbie should tag in Debbie. Debbie would never make a mistake like the one Debbie just made.

( Little Alexandra Stands with her hands covering her ears. Debbie B rolls to her corner and tags in Debbie L.. Debbie L. Moves in quickly and sends Little Alexandra to the mat with a drop kick. Debbie L. grabs Little Alexandra's legs and begins to twist them into a figure four leg. lock. Debbie L. succeeds in getting the leg lock on. She leans back, putting more pressure on Little Alexandra. Little Alexandra doesn't react but nonchalantly grabs a rope. The ref signals Debbie L. to break the hold but she refuses. The ref begins to count and Debbie L. releases the hold at the count of four. The ref forces Debbie L. away from Little Alexandra as she uses the ropes to get to her feet. Little Alexandra takes the time to rub her aching knee. Lisa yells for Little Alexandra to tag out. Alexandra rolls out of the ring and runs to Lisa and tags her. Lisa tries to enter the ring but the ref won't let her, signaling that it is an illegal tag.)

Sandra: Did that mentally challenged, Little Alexandra, really think that was a legal tag?

Garry: Hey she tagged Lisa, that's all that matters. It's  a stupid rule about having to be in the ring to do it. Even Little Alexandra could see that.

( Little Alexandra enters the ring and immediately tags in Lisa. Lisa moves in quickly but is met by a whip into the Debbies' corner. Debbie L. follows that up with a splash that causes Lisa to moan as she sinks to the mat.  Debbie B climbs the turnbuckle and signals for Debbie L. to tag her in, which she does. Debbie B leaps off the top rope  to deliver a body splash. Lisa rolls out of the way and Debbie B hits nothing but mat. Debbie B lies on the mat groaning as Lisa gets to her feet pointing to her head as if to say she has the brains in this match.)

Garry: Lisa proves that she has more brains than Debbie. Debbie shouldn't have tagged Debbie in without holding Lisa in place.

Sandra: Well, Debbie is a rookie, and so is Debbie for that matter.

( Debbie B gets to her feet as Lisa runs toward her and leaps into flying head scissors. With her legs around Debbie B's neck, she signals to the crowd, then drops down, driving Debbie B's  head into the mat with a DDT. Debbie B hits hard and flops onto the mat. Lisa rolls her over and presses down with one hand, pinning her shoulders to the mat. The ref drops down but Debbie B kicks out before the count of one. Lisa shakes her head in frustration at Debbie B. She raises Debbie B to her feet and is surprised by a punch to the belly. Lisa squeals in surprise as she double over. Debbie B brings an upper cut that smacks into Lisa's face snapping her head up and causing her to stagger backward. Blood spurts from Lisa's nose. Lisa screams at her opponent.)

Lisa:  My face! My beautiful face! How dare you lay a hand upon me?  Who gave you the right to touch such an example of *perfection*.

(Debbie B ignores her and goes to her corner and tags in Debbie L. as Lisa goes to her corner and tags in Little Alexandra.  Debbie L. charges Little Alexandra and delivers a drop kick that sends Little Alexandra reeling backward, but doesn't cause her to fall to the mat. Debbie L. gets to her feet but is met by a headbutt from Little Alexandra. Debbie L. staggers from the effect of it. Little Alexandra kicks Debbie L. in the crotch causing her to scream and drop to the floor in the fetal position. The ref warns Little Alexandra about the low blow. Little Alexandra smiles at the ref and nods her head yes and promises not to do it again. Little Alexandra bends down and gets in Debbie L.'s face.)

Little Alexandra: Welcome to the real deal, bitch.

(Debbie L. surprises Little Alexandra with a leg sweep that takes Little Alexandra's legs out from under her. Little Alexandra hits the mat and Debbie L. rolls on top of her, pinning her. The ref drops down but Little Alexandra kicks out before the two count. Debbie L. lunges to her corner and tags in Debbie B. Debbie B climbs to the top rope and leaps off just as Little Alexandra gets to her feet. Little Alexandra turns in time to see Debbie B flying through the air ready to deliver a body splash. To the surprise of all, but especially Debbie B, Little Alexandra catches her.)

Little Alexandra: This is where your humble narrator writes your final chapter, my dear.

( She holds Debbie B in her arms and then drops to one knee and drops Debbie B over that knee in a gutbuster. Debbie B's air is expelled from her lungs in a loud OOOFF! Little Alexandra pushes Debbie B off her knee and then brings her to her feet. She sends Debbie B into the ropes and swings her in a clockwise direction spinning neck breaker. Little Alexandra rolls her up for the pin. The ref drops to the mat)

Garry: The clockwork orange. Little Alexandra's patented finishing move.

Sandra: Debbie needs to get in the ring and help Debbie.

Garry: Debbie is still trying to recover from the match outside the ring. Debbie is pinned now and the match is over, no mater what Debbie does.


(Debbie L. enters the ring and runs toward Little Alexandra.)


(Debbie L. kicks Little Alexandra in the side but Little Alexandra maintains the pin. Lisa runs into the ring to attack Debbie L..)


(The ref signals for the bell as Lisa drop kicks Debbie L. away from Little Alexandra. Little Alexandra rises to her feet and both Lisa and Little Alexandra advance on Debbie L.. Debbie L. realizes that discretion is the better part of valor and slides under the ropes and runs from the arena. Lisa does a bump and grind as the crowd whistles and cheers it's approval, at least of her dance. Little Alexandra walks over to Debbie B and smiles at her.)

Little Alexandra: It's been real. It's been fun.  It's been real fun!

Sandra: A brutal victory over the rookies by Lisa and Alexandra. Debbie did show a lot of promise. I expect Debbie to be a contender, after she gets more experience.

Garry: What are you talking about? Debbie was clearly the superior wrestler. I expect big things of Debbie.

Sandra: You've had too much to drink. Debbie is clearly the class of the rookies.

Garry: Were we watching the same match? Debbie is clearly the better wrestler.

Sandra: You only liked Debbie because her outfit was skimpier.

Garry: Debbie is better looking and a better wrestler.

Sandra: I'm getting word that we have to go to commercial. Stay tuned fans for more BRA action.

(As the camera fades to commercial we hear Garry's voice)

Garry: By the way, which Debbie were you talking about?

(A commercial for Sincerely Understanding, Caring, Kind and Enthusiastically Romantic Selves comes on.)

The Winners: LISA DREAM AND LITTLE ALEXANDRA, by pin fall.

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