"Lil' Dragon" Kimie Kurita & "Miss America" Sabrina Perizi
Laura Parker & Peggy Christian

( The screen comes up from black as the camera pans around the arena. The fans are on their feet, waiting for the last match of the evening. Already they have witnessed tremendous action and surprising events that make the wonderful and wacky world of Professional Wrestling so intriguing.)

( Sandra is sitting next to Garry as usual. She is smiling as the camera pushes into her. )

Sandra: “ Welcome back folks, well this has certainly been a night of tremendous actions and stunning events. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that I would see Evonne Carmikel apologize, in the middle of the ring. “

Garry: “ That is not Evonne Carmikel, this is all some kind of Body Shop Trick! Evonne would never .ev ev ev ever apologize like that, let alone be caught dead wearing pink!.”

Sandra: “ Well, we still have one more match to go tonight. A tag team match with Miss America Sabrina Perezi and the Lil Dragon Kimie Kurita , taking on the team of….”

Garry: “ They are not a team, there is no way in hell that Laura Parker, one half of the tag team champions would ever team up with Pudgy!”

Sandra: “ PEGGY!”

Garry: “Whatever. This is all the ArchAngel’s doing. She hates Laura and Alex, Simply Divine proved they are the best team in the Federation and the ArchAngel is forcing Laura to waste her skills in a match against …rookies?!”

Sandra: “ Laura will need all her skills tonight. Sabrina and Kimie can really turn it on, as we saw last week at the PPV. But it is going to be a tough go for the rookies.”

( The lights dim down and Queen’s “ Princes of the Universe” begins to play. The Lil Dragon Kimie Kurita , walks out of the entranceway and cracks a devilish grin. Some of the crowd cheer, some boo. Kimie walks slowly down the aisle, she stops at some cheering fans and does a seductive little dance for them. She smiles and continues on. A few ringside fans boo her and Kimie swears at them in Japanese, explaining how their lineage came from diseased cattle. She turns and slides into the ring. She walks around and jumps up into a corner. She holds her arms high in the air and then brings them down, around her waist. Kim is in her black pvc shorts, a black pvc sports bra, and Doc
Martins. Kim smiles and then rips off her shorts to reveal a studded black bikini bottom.)

Garry” WOW!! I’ve flossed with bigger string than that!!”

Sandra: “ It certainly is ….petite.”

( The males cheer as Kim does another little dance before turning her attention to the entranceway)

('Through The Never,' by Metallica comes over the PA, and Miss America Sabrina Perezi enters the arena to a loud pop from the crowd. She is wearing a light blue sash with the words, ‘Miss America’ going across it. After a few moments, several flash pots explode and with great excitement, Sabrina slaps hands with the fans on her way down to ringside and exchanges high fives with them. Sabrina enters the ring and poses, while red, white, and blue flash pots explode behind her. She jumps up onto the second rope and waves to the crowd. The patriotic fans cheer as the young rookie pumps them up with National Pride. Sabrina then jumps down off the ropes and walks over to her partner. She smiles and shakes Kim’s hand. The two rookies start to go over any last minute details. )

Garry: “Bah, those two have about as much chance of winning as St.Louis does over Tennessee.” J

Sandra: “ Kim and Sabrina are not to be underestimated. One mistake by Laura or Peggy and they could easily take this one.”

Garry: “ ahem …mistake by Peggy, maybe. Laura does not make mistakes.”

(As the lights dim, there seems to be a bit of a commotion at the wrestler entrance, Peggy can be seen through the curtain for a moment,. Then the lights go down on the arena. The spotlight comes up on the curtain the wrestlers pass through. Peggy Christian steps out for a brief moment but seems to be pulled back behind the curtain. Katrina and the Waves "Walking on Sunshine" begins to play through the speakers. A spotlight picks up Laura Parker. She wears a strapless floor length, Alexandria Parker Collection, gown. Her hair is worn up in a twist with a tiara in it. She is accompanied by her agent William Wienersnitzel and Comte Andre David Malreaux. Laura smiles to the crowd with that perfect beauty queen smile of hers, the spotlight reflects in little gleams off her teeth. She bounces along with the time of the music to the ring. She walks up to the ring and enters it alone. She walks around the ring posing and waving to the fans very much the Beauty Queen. She stands with her back to Willie. Willie removes the tiara from Laura's hair. Willie unzips her dress and removes it to reveal her wrestling costume. She wears a red bikini top with black latex pants and red over the knee boots with black lettering that says "simply perfect" on them. She looks angry as she stands in her corner waiting for the others to come to the ring. )

Sandra: “ Hmmm .some dissention in the ranks already? “

Garry: “ How dare Peggy try and come out first! Laura is a champion, a role model, and a spokeswoman for charity. That Canadian idiot should be shining her shoes, not be her partner!”

Peggy Christian starts to walk down the aisle. Her usual nervous but friendly demeanor is gone. She walks slowly, her head down. She ignores the calls of the fans.will. She is wearing a full-length floral kimono. Underneath she is in her black, one-piece suit, sheer clear tights and white wrestling boots. Suddenly, Peg’s music starts to play. Tom Jones' "She's A Lady" begins to echo throughout the arena. The music seems to revive Peg’s spirit as she cracks a small nervous smile and walks over to shake hands with some of the ringside fans. Peggy then climbs into the ring, she ignores Laura as she walks right past her and towards Sabrina )

Garry: “ Peggy’s wants to get this match started quickly, she’s going to nail ….oh boo!!!”

( Peggy walks up and gives Sabrina a big hug. Miss America smiles at her mentor and hugs her back. Laura curls her lip and then quickly changes it to a smile as some photographers start to take photos. Kim seems unimpressed by the whole friendship thing and just crouches in her corner. Peggy ignores Kim and turns and walks back to her corner. She frowns as Laura is perched up on the top rope, posing for any fool with a camera. Peggy turns her attention to the ref as her checks her for illegal objects. He then looks up at Laura who ignores him and continuos to pose for the press. Finally after some prodding she jumps down and cracks a false smile as the ref checks for weapons. )

Garry: “ Another insult! Laura has no need to use foreign objects to dispose of her opponents.”

Sandra: “ Well, Laura swings a mean beer tray.”

Garry: “ There is no proof that Laura was that Beer Vendor!!”

( The ref walks over to Sabrina who immediately opens her arms up and allows him to check her. Kimie seems a bit nervous as she ref moves towards her , she scowls as he checks her over. Suddenly he stops and pulls out small fish shaped container from Kim’s boot. Sabrina frowns at Kim as the Lil Dragon shrugs her shoulders and smiles.)

Sandra: “ What the hell is that?”

Garry: “ Looks like a fish, maybe it’s Sushi? Kim was saving a little snack for herself during the match.”

(The ref squeezes the fish and a stream of bubbly liquid pours out of its mouth. Laura and Peggy glare across the ring as Kimie smiles. Sabrina shakes her head and has a few more words for her partner.)

Sandra: “ Sabrina will set Kim straight. Miss America does not cheat nor does she condone any type of skullduggery. “

Garry: “ That’s why she is, and always will be a loser.”

Sandra: “Actually Garry, Sabrina is undefeated so far.”

Garry: “ Beginners Luck, she is going to lose tonight.”


( Kimie steps through the ropes and Sabrina turns to face her opponents. Both Peggy and Laura stand in the ring. Laura points to the ropes and yells at Peggy to go out. Peggy shrugs her shoulders and ducks underneath the ropes. Laura turns and cracks a devilish grin as Sabrina moves around the ring. The tag champion walks calmly to the middle of the ring and holds her hands up. Sabrina moves cautiously as Laura beckons her to the middle of the ring. Sabrina moves in close and raises her hands up. Both women lock hands, suddenly Laura leaps up extends her legs forward, slamming them into the surprised Sabrina’s chest. Miss America is sent tumbling backwards as Laura quickly springs up to her feet. She moves in and grabs Sabrina by the arm and whips her across the ring. Sabrina hits the ropes and rebounds in. Laura leaps high in the air, her black boots impact into Sabrina’s chest knocking her to the mat.)

Garry: “ Great elevation by Laura, she just showed Miss America how a champion does a dropkick!”

( Laura moves above Sabrina and grabs her by the arm. Miss America yelps as Laura clamps on an armbar. Laura pushes down on the arm, causing Sabrina to grunt in pain. Laura pulls Sabrina up and quickly steps into her. With a quick move of her hip and a twist, Sabrina is sent up and over hip toss. Sabrina hits the mat and moans as Laura maintains the armbar. She smiles as some of the ringside photographers get a shot of the action. Sabrina slowly rises to her feet and Laura pushes her into the corner. The ref comes in to call for a break. Laura pushes her body in tight against Sabrina. Miss America lets out a gasp and crumples forward. )

Sandra: “ Did you see that!!?”

Garry: “ See what?”

Sandra: “ Laura just rammed her knee up into Sabrina’s midsection after the ref called for the break!”

Garry: “ Laura? No way , she is a role model for thousands of children. She would never do that. Plus , from this angle I couldn’t see anything.”

Sandra: “ Well , neither did the ref.”

( Laura quickly jumps up to the second rope and turns to face Sabrina. Miss America pushes herself up as Laura jumps off the turnbuckles. She wraps her arm around Sabrina’s head and then slams her face first into the mat. )

Garry: “ 2nd Rope Bulldog!! “

( Laura quickly rolls the stunned Sabrina onto her back and hooks the leg. Before the ref can count to two Miss America kicks out. Laura slaps her hands together three times and then glares at the ref. He holds two fingers up as Parker grabs a hold of Sabrina’s arm and pulls her up. Laura whips Sabrina into the ropes and then runs after her. As Sabrina hits the ropes , Laura leaps up into the air.)

Garry: “ Another dropkick…”

Sandra: “ Missed!!!”

( Sabrina holds on the ropes and stops her momentum as Laura leaps up in the air and then crashes down to the mat. Sabrina quickly leaps forward , grabbing Laura’s legs and flipping over on top of her in a pin position )

Sandra: “ Roll over Pin!!!! 1….2…”

Garry: “ Kick out by Laura!!”

( Laura powers out and Sabrina falls to the side. Miss America quickly kips up to her feet, bringing forth a cheer from the crowd. She grabs Laura by the hair and whips her into the ropes. Laura rebounds in and Sabrina leaps into the air, spinning her legs around and slamming them into Laura’s chest. )

Sandra: “ Spinning Heel Kick!! That sent the Tag Champ to her pampered Butt!”

( Sabrina quickly pops up to her feet and grabs Laura by the arm. She pulls her opponent to her corner and tags in Kimie. The Lil Dragon smiles as she climbs into the ring. She grabs a hold of Laura’s arm. Kim quickly slams her knee up into Laura’s ribcage, causing the sexy brunette to yelp in pain. Kim smirks as she quickly lifts Laura up and slams her to the mat. Laura bounces and then rolls to her side , clutching her back. Kimie looks across the ring at Peggy and giggles before moving in on Laura. )

Sandra: “ Kimie’s not quite all there, is she?”

Garry: “ Well, she’s unique and very dangerous. “

( Laura seems a bit surprised at Kim’s viciousness and yelps as Kim pulls her into a sitting position. She looks around the arena before snapping her foot forward into the back of Laura’s head. The Tag champ slumps forward as Kimie glares and walks around the ring , pointing at Laura. Kimie runs over and leaps into the air, her toned thigh crashes down across the back of Laura’s head. Kim quickly turns Laura over and lies across her. )

Garry: “ 1…2……whew!!!”

( Laura kicks out at two and Kim giggles at the ref before rising to her feet and pulling Laura up by her hair. Kim goes to whip Laura into the corner. )

Sandra: “ Reversal!!”

( Laura suddenly reverses the hold and whips the surprised Kim into the corner. Kimie impacts into the turnbuckles and Laura quickly follows her in and slams her knee up into the Lil Dragon’s midsection. Laura repeats the move 5 more times before the ref yells at her. Laura turns and smiles, she points to her ears and shakes her head. )

Garry: “ Obviously she didn’t hear the ref calling for a break.”

Sandra: “ Puhleease! This is the same woman who could hear the clerk at Armani’s say “Sale” a mile away.”

( Laura places Kim in a side headlock and then falls backwards, slamming the rookies head into the mat )

Garry: “DDT. That will wipe that smile off of Kim’s face”

( Laura jumps up to her feet and drags Kim over to her corner. Laura says something to Peg and then tags her in. Peg quickly ducks under the ropes and holds Kim in a full nelson as Laura scales the ropes.)

Garry: “ Now you’ll see some really accurate high risk move, Laura is an expert at ….

Sandra: “ She missed!!”

( Laura leaps off the top rope and slams her feet into Peggy. Kim was still locked in the full nelson, but somehow Laura’s boot’s slammed into Peg’s head. The old warrior is sent tumbling across the ring as Laura pushes herself up and smiles.)

Garry: “ That’s odd. Laura never misses those types of moves. “

Sandra: “ I don’t think she missed, I think she hit her target!”

( Kim stands slightly confused over the whole thing and turns to look at the downed Peggy. Laura smiles and steps back onto the ring edge as Kim moves in on Peggy. Kim grabs both of Peggy’s legs and holds them up in the air. Kim then jumps into the air and drops her knee between Peggy’s legs. )

Garry: “ ohhh , that’s gotta hurt!”

( The crowd moans in shared agony as Peggy curls up into a ball. The ref screams at Kim about the blow, but she ignores him. Sabrina is also yelling at Kim , showing her displeasure over the low blow. Kim smiles at her partner, before pulling Peggy into a sitting position. Kim moves behind Peg and clamps on a double nerve hold. Peggy yelps in pain as Kim’s fingers knead into her flesh. The ref asks if Peggy wants to quit, but she refuses. Kim digs her hands deeper into Peggy’s shoulders. Kim drops to one knee, digging her other knee into Peg’s back. The Lil Dragon changes her grip and moves her hands around Peg’s chin, pulling her head back and shoving her knee forward. Again the ref asks for a submission, but Peg still holds on, refusing to surrender. Kim switches her grip again and grabs the sides of Peggy’s mouth. She pulls back, causing a gurgled scream to come from Peggy. The ref immediately calls for a break, but Kim ignores him and continues to pull Peg’s lips apart. Just before the ref reaches 5 , Kim breaks the hold. She rises to her feet and stomps on Peg a few times before grabbing Peg’s blonde hair and pulling her up. Kim shoves Peg into one of the corners and the quickly scales the ropes. Kim grabs a hold of Peg’s head and with her other fist, begins to slam it down across Peg’s forehead. The crowd counts in unison as Kim smashes her fist down in rapid succession)

Garry: “ 5….6….7….9…”

( Peg suddenly wraps her arms around Kim’s waist and steps out of the corner. She then drops to one knee, impaling Kim on the other. )

Sandra: “Atomic Drop!!”

( Kim pops up and clutches her groin, limping around the ring. Peg quickly knocks her down with a short arm clothesline. Peg turns and walks to her corner. Laura contemplates coming into the ring, but the sees the cameras and decides to enter the ring. She slaps Peg’s hand with all her might , causing Peg to yelp and grab her hand.)

Sandra: “ That was cruel! Laura just had to tag in normally!”

Garry: “ Well, Peg isn’t too bright and Laura wanted to make sure the ref noticed the tag”

( Laura climbs into the ring and saunters over to Kim. She takes her time, twirling in the middle of the ring to give the camera’s a good all around view of her. She bends down to pick Kim up, but the Lil Dragon’s hand shoots up in between her thighs. Laura’s eyes nearly pop out of her head as she doubles over. Kim rises to her feet as the ref yells at her again. She growls at him before stepping forward and trapping Laura’s head between her thighs. Kim quickly jumps up and falls to the mat, slamming Laura’s face into the mat. )

Sandra: “ PedigreeVariant!! That’s got to mess up Laura’s nose”

( Kim quickly flips Laura onto her back and flops across her for the pin. Laura kicks out at 2.)

Sandra: “ Kim showing her inexperience there. She should have hooked the leg, she might have had Laura.”

Garry: ‘” Bah, it will take more than that to put away Laura Parker!”

( Kim pushes herself up and drag Laura up with her. Kim takes a step back and Laura suddenly kicks her leg up into Kim’s belly. The Lil Dragon reacts quickly grabbing the leg and blocking the blow. Laura smiles and then leaps in the air, snapping her foot around. It smacks into the side of Kim’s head, knocking her to the mat face.)

Garry: “ Enzuguri!! Laura set the rookie up with that one!”

Sandra: “ But Laura doesn’t look to good herself, that face slam took a lot out of her”


( Laura rises to her feet and instinctively goes towards her corner. She stops as Peggy reaches out her arm and calls for the tag. Laura frowns and turns her back to Peggy.)

Sandra: “Laura doesn’t seem to want to tag Peggy in”

Garry: “ Would you? Laura is used to tagging in Champions, like Alex. Not Pudgy foreigners. Who probably doesn’t have her green card.”

( Peggy frowns as Laura turns her back to her. Laura grabs Kim by the arm and pulls her up. Laura whips Kim into the ropes and then takes off in the other direction. As Kim rebounds into the ropes, she reaches out her hand and tags Sabrina’s. Kim rebounds in and Laura comes flying across the ring with a running clothesline. Kim ducks and Laura runs past her. Sabrina has vaulted onto the top rope and jumps off, nailing Laura with a missile dropkick. )

Sandra: “WOW!! Great team work shown by the rookies. Laura never saw that one coming.”

( Kim slides out of the ring as Sabrina lifts Laura to her feet. She places her head under Laura’s arm and wraps her arms around Laura’s waist. Sabrina bends her knees and then lifts up and falls backwards. Slamming Laura’s back and shoulders into the mat. Sabrina then bridges up )

Sandra: “ Northern Lights Suplex!!! She’s got her down!!!”

Garry: “ 1…..2…..Kick out by Laura!”

( Laura kicks herself free and rolls to her side. She yelps though as Sabrina quickly pulls her back to her feet. Sabrina goes to lift Laura up for a slam, but the champion quickly wraps her hands around the top of Sabrina’s head and falls to her knees. Miss America’s jaw is rammed against the top of Laura’s head )

Garry: “ Great counter move!! That will knock those fillings loose!”

Sandra: “ JawBreaker by Laura,”

( Parker rubs her head for a moment as Sabrina stumbles around clutching her jaw. Laura rises to her feet and grabs Sabrina by the arm and whips her into her corner. Peggy takes a step back as Sabrina plows into the turnbuckles. Laura walks up and starts to deliver a series of kicks into Miss America’s midsection. Suddenly she feels a slap across her back.)

Garry: “ What the???”

( Peggy steps into the ring and grabs Sabrina by the arm. Laura turns to move, but the ref steps in her way and tells her to get out of the ring. )

Sandra: “ Peggy tagged herself into the match!!”

Garry: “ Laura is irate!!

( The ref slaps his hand and claims a tag was made. Laura scowls at him and then decides to keep her temper in check as some reporters move a little closer with their cameras. )

Garry: “ What an ungrateful partner Peggy is! Laura was going to give her an easy night and take care of the rookies by herself and Pudgy had to go an ruin it!:”

Sandra: “ Hardly, Peggy is a competitor and Laura was hogging the spotlight, as usual.”

( Peggy has lifted Sabrina onto her shoulders and begins to spin around in the center of the ring. Sabrina yells as her world starts to rotate. Peggy twirls around 5 times before showing her strength by pushing her arms up and lifting Sabrina up into the air. Peggy then slams Sabrina down to the mat.)

Sandra: “ Huge Gorilla Press Slam!!! Sabrina bounced a foot up off the mat from that one!”

( Sabrina rolls to her side as Peggy looks down at her a slight look of concern on the older woman’s face. She pauses for a moment, then grabs Sabrina by the legs. Peggy quickly twists Sabrina over and sits down on her lower back, pulling on her legs at the same time )

Garry: “ Boston Crab!!”

Sandra: “ Peggy’s got all her weight on small of Laura’s back.”

Garry: “ And that’s a lot of weight!”

( Sabrina screams out as Peggy pulls back on her body, slowly forming Miss America into a giant U. Kim watches with concern as Sabrina pounds the mat in pain. The ref asks her if she wants to quit, but she shakes her head in defiance. Peggy’s face shows a torn emotion as she hears Sabrina’s screams. The crowd starts to chant “ USA …USA..USA”)

Garry: “ Why do these morons chant USA!!? “

Sandra: “ Because they know, it will give Sabrina a boost …LOOK!!”

( Almost on cue, Sabrina starts to crawl towards the safety of the ropes. She strains to pull herself and Peggy. Her face is bright red as she inches towards the strands. Peggy looks back over her shoulder and then pulls back hard, eliciting a scream for Sabrina. The chant and the pain give Miss America the stimulus to push deep down and crawl the last few feet toward the ropes. The crowd cheers as she grabs the rope and Peggy immediately breaks the hold. )

Garry: “ Peggy is smiling!? Why the hell should she be smiling!?”

Sandra: “ Sabrina is her friend and Peggy is like a mentor to Sabrina I bet Peggy is proud that Miss America didn’t give up.”

( Peggy backs off as Sabrina pulls herself up. The big Canadian moves in as goes to grab Sabrina by the arm. Miss America quickly ducks under the reaching arm and runs over to her corner. She tags in Kim , who smiles as she ducks under the ropes. Peggy moves slowly towards Km who begins to giggle and slowly move around the ring. Peg makes a lunge towards Kim, but the quicker Kim jumps forward in a dropkick, planting her feet into Peggy’s knee. The older wrestler howls and stumbles back, clutching her leg. Kim jumps up to her feet and smirks. She pretends to hobble a bit, mocking her opponent. The crowd boo’s the insult, but Kim only laughs and moves in on Peggy. )

Sandra: “ That was very rude of Kim, making fun of Peggy like that “

( Garry is laughing as Sandra looks at him. )

Garry: “ That was great …”

( Laura watches from her corner. She smiles as Peggy limps on her leg. She watches as Kim quickly moves in and lands a quick series of thrust kicks, knocking Peggy down. A slight smile comes across Laura’s lips as Kim lifts Peggy’s leg and begins to slam the toe of her boot into the back of Peggy’s thigh. Kim suddenly jumps up into the air and lands with both knees across Peggy’s thigh. The old warrior screams out in pain. Kim quickly rises to her feet and repeats the move, crashing her body weight down on top of her opponent’s leg.)

Sandra: “Smart move by the rookie, keeping her stronger opponent off her feet.”

Garry: “ Well, that is why people are interested in her, she has real talent. Not like Miss wonderful or whatever her name is.”

Sandra: “ Miss America, Sabrina Perezi!”

Garry: “ Yeah, that’s it.”

( Kim drags Peggy to her feet and looks around the ring. Laura has placed her foot up on the top rope and she poses for some photographers. Kim smirks and runs across the ring, dragging Peggy behind her. She rams her opponent’s head into Laura’s boot. Causing Peggy to impact and then fall backwards into the ring. Laura turns and holds her hand to her mouth in surprise.”

Laura: ” Oooopsy”

Sandra: “ What the Hell? Laura put her boot up there on purpose!!”

Garry: “ Now why would she do that? Peggy is her partner.”

( Kim laughs as Laura pretend to be surprised at the events. The Lil Dragon quickly scales the ropes as Peggy slowly pushes herself up. Kim leaps into the air as Peggy turns. The Lil Dragon turns her body and slams into Peggy. The battling housewife stumbles back, but remains standing, holding Kim in her grasp. Kimie realizes her predicament and starts to kick, but it comes too late as Peggy drops to one knee, snapping Kim’s back against her meaty thigh. )

Sandra: “ Brutal BackBreaker by Peggy!! She nearly split Kim in two with that one!”

( Peggy shoves Kim off her knee and lies across her. The ref drops for the pin and slaps his hand against the mat)

Garry: “ 1…2……”

Sandra: “ Kickout by Kim! She just got the shoulder up.”

( Peggy sighs and rises to her feet, lifting Kim up with her. Peggy grunts as she lifts Kim up onto her shoulders. But the quick Dragon kicks her legs up and flips over Peggy’s broad back. Kim gives Peg a quick kick in the back , before running to her corner and tagging in Sabrina. Miss America vaults over the ropes and runs into the ring. Peggy turns to face her and Sabrina leaps into the air with a dropkick, Peggy is sent crashing to the mat, Sabrina quickly flips up and runs to the ropes as Peggy starts to rise. Another dropkick sends Peg to the mat. Again Sabrina takes off running to the ropes. Peg is barely able to get to her feet , before Sabrina slams into her again. )

Sandra: “ Three big dropkicks in a row!!!”

( Sabrina jumps up to her feet and pulls Peg into the middle of the ring. Sabrina grunt as she lifts her heavier opponent into the air and slams her down. Sabrina then runs and leaps up onto the top rope and then jumps backwards. She turns and splits her legs, before landing on top of Peggy )

Sandra: “ Beautiful Split Legged Moonsault.. into a pin!!!!”

Garry: “ 1….2……..3…”

Sandra: “ NO!!! Peg kicked out!!!”

( The crowd gasps and then groans as Peg kicks out of the spectacular move Sabrina shakes her head, in disbelief that Peg kicked out of the high impact move. Sabrina rises to her feet and lifts Peggy up. Sabrina shoves Peggy’s head between her thighs and goes to hook her arms. Laura looks on with concern as Peggy is being set up for a Pedigree. Sabrina hooks both the arms and starts to bend her knees in preparation to jump up, when she feels herself elevated. Sabrina squeals and Peggy lifts her up and over. As Peggy rises to her feet, Sabrina falls over her back and lands hard on the mat. Peggy stumbles forward and reaches her hand out to tag her partner. )

Sandra: “ Peggy trying to make a tag ….what the hell?!”

Garry: “ Well, she is a champion and the press demands it due”

Sandra: “ Not during a match!!”

( Peggy’s eye’s widen as Laura is on the floor, posing next to some cheering fans as a couple of photographers snap some quick photos. Peggy scowls and rolls out of the ring and walks towards Laura. The photographers stop snapping photo’s which seems to anger Laura. Peggy yells at her about tag team wrestling and Laura forces a smile and points to the cameraman. Both women glare at each other and then gasp as a body comes flying over the top rope. )

Sandra: “ OH my GOD!! Suicida Plancha!!”

( Sabrina had run across the ring and vaulted over the top rope and onto the squabbling partners. All three women crash to the floor. The crowd cheers the dangerous move as Sabrina is first to her feet. She turns to see Kim standing in the middle of the ring. Sabrina quickly grabs Laura and Peg by the hair and pulls them both up so they are standing next to each other. Kimie then runs and dives straight through the second rope and slams into the stunned Parker and Christian.)

Garry: “ Oh no!! Flying tackle into Laura and Peggy, these rookies are nutz!!”

( Sabrina rolls Laura into the ring as Kim strains to lift Peggy up and roll her into the ring. Both rookies then climb up to the top rope and wait, perching in the corner. Both Peggy and Laura start to rise, the crowd is on it’s feet as both Kim and Sabrina leap off the top at the same time. Sabrina leaps into the air, performing the Star Spangled Splash, rotating her body and slamming into Laura. Kim leaps off the top and extends her elbow. Smashing it perfecting on top of Peg’s forehead knocking her to the mat. Kim quickly drops across Peg, hooking the leg. Sabrina is lying across Laura and she too has hooked the leg. The ref stands stunned for a moment, trying to remember which two wrestlers were the legal pair. )

Sandra: “ Count you idiot!!”

Garry: “ Wait..Don’t!! “

( The crowd starts to chant …1…2..3 ……1….2…3……1….2….3……1…2….3)

Sandra: “ One , Two Three “

Garry: “NO NO NO”

( The ref pauses for a moment, before slapping his hand to the mat in time with the crowd’s chant. )


( The crowd cheers as Sabrina jumps to her feet with her hands in the air. Kim slowly gets off Peg and crawls to one of the corner and sits against the bottom turnbuckle with a devilish grin on her face.)

Garry: “ Wait ..this isn’t right!!! Peg and Sabrina were the legal wrestlers!!!”

Sandra: “ We’re they? I can’t remember, and I guess the ref couldn’t either”

Garry: “ This is an outrage!! This is all Peggy’s fault. If she had kept her focus , Laura wouldn’t have lost this match!”

Sandra: “ If Laura hadn’t been so vain, she would have been watching the match, and not posing for cameras. “

Garry: “ Well, it looks like Laura is blaming Peggy “

( Laura is on her feet and yelling at Peg, who is sitting on the mat. Laura looks like she is going to kick Peggy, but hesitates as Sabrina comes storming over. Laura slides out of the ring, ignoring her entourage and strides up the ramp, ignoring the fans and cursing the entire way. Sabrina offers her hand to help Peggy up and the old Shopper accepts. Sabrina and Peggy hug as Kim sits in the corner, watching and giggling. )

Garry: “ Look!! You see!!! It was all a plan!! Peggy and Sabrina had this all planned out!!”

Sandra: “ Sabrina would never do that, and neither would Peggy.”

Garry: “ Well, I think there should be an investigation. I believe that this match was fixed!!!”

Sandra: “ You do that Garry, folks, that’s it for tonight. Thanks for watching and staying up ….extra late to catch this last match. Thank you and goodnight.”

Garry: “ I ain’t joking! I’m going straight to Electra!”

Sandra: “ And while your there, make sure you pay that vendor tab that you have neglected to pay in 5 months. “

Garry: “ ummmm, err. I guess the match is over , there is no need to bring this up.”

Sandra: “ I though so ….Goodnight folks.”




****Winners: Sabrina and Kimie*******

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