
"Remember your darkest Hour."

From a black screen we fade in.

At first we get just a blurry image of a woman in a wrestling ring as heroic/heartfelt music starts to play. The voice of an announcer begins as the picture starts to clear up.

Garry Grimmoire: "On last Tuesday night, the sport was saddened to lose one of its biggest and most engaging stars."

The blurry image finally clears and it is Janus standing in the center of the ring, Fallen Angel Title belt held aloft.

Garry: "Janice Van Ryan...better known to the world as The Dark Angel Janus."

In slow motion, images of Janus in the ring start to come across the screen. Janus sticking a fork in Cammy Master�s forehead. Janus giving "The Faces Of Pain" to Sandra Blake. The music continues to play. The blood streaked scowl on her face is framed in the center of the screen.

Garry: "She was a woman of strength and fury, but possessed of a soul and artistic ability."

Slow motion images of Janus recording one of her Grammy winning albums and hosting her late night talk show "Face Two Face." Janus smiles and waves. Sings and dances for the studio audience.

Garry: "Tonight, we remember her legacy and we honor her commitment and contribution to the sport."

A slow motion image of Janus slamming Missy Jones through a flaming table. It is followed by Janus and Lesley Magnus in the infamous "I quit" match that lost her the title.

Garry: "She touched us all. Friend or foe, she will be remembered."

The voice of Lindsay Locke plays as the slow motion images continue. This time, Janus slams a fork into the head of Shea London.

Lindsay: "I loved her like she was my sister. I was her best friend. She was soooo lucky to have found me when she did. I helped her on the right road."

As a slow motion image of Janus choking Viper with a strand of barbed wire plays, Sasha Crowley�s voice can be heard.

Sasha: "I trained her and built her. I shaped her. But no one could ever control her. She was a force of nature. We may never see anything like her again."

Images of Janus winning the Karaoke contest at the Crimson Waves PPV. The moment that launched her singing career. The voice of Angela Downey plays in the background.

Angela: "She loved to sing and tell jokes. She was a kind and beautiful person. Few people ever saw that side of her. If there�s a Rock and Roll Heaven, Jan is up there singing with the Angels."

Janus pins Kelly Mase and retains the Fallen Angel title as the voice of Jessica Estrella plays in the background.

Jessica: "Adios, Janus. Vaya con dios."

A slow motion image of fans standing in a row of seats in a packed arena. On each of their stomachs is painted a letter. They stand together to form the name "Janus." A slow motion image of Janus doing a "Super Steel Silverware" add appears on the screen. The voice of Kenny Harbor plays.

Kenny:" The first time I saw her wrestle I thought she was insane. But in the ring she was an artist. It was a bloody painting, but she made it look grand. The whole sport is better for her having lived."

A slow motion image of Janus blowing a fireball into the face of Brandi Lynn is followed by a slow motion image of an angry Janus fighting to get free of some handcuffs while Lesley Magnus passes out with the Fallen Angel belt around her waist. The voice of Lesley Magnus plays.

Lesley: "I always respected you, even if I never told you that. Goodbye, Janus."

The screen goes to a slow motion image of Janus pacing in her well known interview space. From there, we see a slow motion image of "The Threesome" posing in the center of the ring. The voice of Cari Trammell plays.

Cari: "She always had that fork. I think half the wrestlers didn�t want to face her just because of that fork. She was something else."

A slow motion image of Janus chasing Tiffany Lane out of the ring, wielding a fork in her hand. This is replaced with an interview spot of Janus holding a fork up to the camera.

Garry: "For what she brought to the ring, and for what she brought to our lives, we here at BRA...and her fans around the world...will never forget her."

The screen freezes on an image of Janus sitting in a corner of the ring, twirling a fork in her fingers. This may be the only shot of its type in the world. The look on her face is one she never showed in the ring. She looks...happy. Under her image sits the words:

Janus 1973 - 2001

As the screen goes black, the timekeeper�s bell rings out the traditional 10 bell salute.

Fade back in, the Batting Ring Angels Arena. The crowds erupt with their typical "on-air" announcement, the signs waving madly in the hands of the few lucky enough to get their visages on Television. The images slide across the screen in constant motion, hoping to capture the magnitude of their influence, and more.

Kenny: "A solemn blow dealt to all of us here at Battling Ring Angels, who wish her family and friends the best in this."��

An eruption of flying phlegm into white rag, the slobbering Cari Trammel slowly became the target of the camera�s eye. Her eyes seemed reddened and truthful, something not always attributed to the vicious commentator.

Cari:�� "No More Forks!"

She let her head bounce off the announce desk as the tears came forth, drawing a raised eyebrow from her counterpart. Kenny slowly shook it off and laid his eyes back on his comfort, the small computer monitor chocked full of all the most completely useless statistics a man like that could need.

The crowd seemed a bit docile now, whether it was the impact of the montage, or even just the shock of the Battling Ring Angels losing one of their own. All that seemed to change as the figure emerged from the back, a cloaked man who just seemed to stand before the wind, billowing waves creating an image of someone so much larger than life.

A mask, a golden fa�ade that forever kept his true identity a secret, covered his face and bore the same staid expression as always. At his acknowledgement, two ladies joined to his side; both demurely acting as if they were in the presence of god.

And he spoke.

"I received an interesting letter last week."

Gabrielle took a moment to look at the people around him, especially his faux winged angels, who feigned actual interest in what he had to say.

"Simply Irresistible vs. Slick and Janus, or else? Nothing else. No signature. No letterhead. It was a coward�s attempt to coerce me into giving them a chance, which might have otherwise not been deserved. Generally, I would not be one to give into demands, and with the loss of Janus, it became... how do I say it, impossible, for me to comply. So? Now what?"

Gabrielle looked back and forth, pretending to actually wait for something to happen to him. Behind that mask, he didn�t care. Nobody would touch him; nobody could touch him.

"Nothing. Nothing happens. None of you can do a damn thing to me. I am the one who controls each and every move you are allowed to make in this promotion, and if you want to fight someone, you should come to me on your hands and knees and ask. Not leave some threatening letter under the door. Any other night? I would simply have you humiliated..."

Gabrielle nodded, glancing around at the fans, by now voicing their disapproval rather loudly.

"Tonight though? I don�t have the heart. In my own way, I too have to remember the legacy of the departed Janus, and in doing so; I will give you a fight. Tonight, Simply Irresistible, despite the most cowardly "Threat" ever handed to me, you will be allowed to face the team of Slick and Sasha Crowley. To see a fight, yes... that is what she would have wanted."

There was an undeniable heave, as if the man beneath the shroud sighed from the pressure of such a decision. His right arm just seemed to appear from the folds, glints of light reflecting from the golden prize in his gloved hand. It was the Celestial Title.

"Remember this?"

The crowd grew more restless as chants of "ASSHOLE" began to permeate the arena. They loved that word, so easy to let slip from the tongue, especially to one who fit the bill as easily as Gabrielle.

"I knew you would. This is the symbol of a champion. This is the symbol of the one athlete who above all else signifies the perfect combination of skills, charisma, and raw virtue to surpass all her opposition. Two months ago, I took this from a competition because it simply did not belong there. Neither competitor could ever fill the qualifications of being the figurehead for this promotion."

One could not deny the pleasure that came from his voice when he spoke of taking that prize, and how easily it had been accomplished.

"So, I thought to myself... Tournament? Where else would we have found the most worthy to be our standard bearer? However, looking at the current trend of cheating and rule breaking, I decided that it would have not chosen the most worthy... only the most ruthless. Not a quality that should tarnish my reign."

"And it came to me."

He raised his other hand in the air to mirror, a wicked snap of lightening arcing across the arena, albeit a bit cheesy. He didn�t care, it was fun! It was invigorating! Most of all, the children went nuts! His first... pop?

"I am the authority. I am in command, if I want a champion, I simply have to make one. I have seen the tapes. I have watched from week to week, and in that time I have found the woman that best exemplifies my Battling Ring Angels. Lindsay Locke.

Cari: "I can�t think of a better choice."

So much for the pop. His announcement is no sooner spoken than met with hatred, the collective voice of the crowd howling in disgust at the decision.

"Now, since it does sound like some of you disagree with me on this point?

Kenny: "Do you think? He�s just come out after all this time and is placing the belt around her waist? What the hell has she done to deserve this honor? A belt is won in the ring..."

Cari: "This coming from a computer geek? The closest you�ve ever been to being an actual wrestler is Playstation."

The fans continued to heap their disdain upon the cloaked figurehead, who only seemed to absorb their meaningless sounds into the waves of cloth at his sides.

"To show I am not unfair, I will test our new champion at Frozen Hearts, to be held in Whistler. The Main Event will see Lindsay Locke defend her new championship against Laura Parker."

"Wait just a damn minute."

Cari: "Why do I get the feeling something bad is about to happen?"

Kenny: "It�s Johnny! Johnny Angel is here!"

Cari: "Whoopty Doo!"

The Italian stood in the back of the arena, between rows of fans who now pumped their fists and waved their hands madly to let the world know, they�re on TV.

"Gabrielle? Exactly, what in the hell do you think you�re doing? First you cost Sakura Ito the title. Then you take the highest honor in Battling Ring Angels to simply decorate your office until you can think of something better?"

Johnny shrugged his shoulders and glanced about, chuckling under his breath.

"That�s bullshit."

That was all he really needed to say to bring the fans to his side, the crowd feeding upon the heat between these two. Johnny took a minute to let them enjoy the statement, even pumping his fist through a chant of "BULLSHIT". Gabrielle merely shook his head, staring up at his antithesis.

"Battling Ring Angels is mine. You have no authority here. If you do not leave immediately, I will have security throw you out."

Johnny faked a shiver and rolled his eyes, barely even wanting to acknowledge the idle threat.

"Actually, I do. While it may eat you alive, I was the one left in control of this company, and as such, it is I who will determine the Celestial Champion. To me, it only makes sense that the Champion is the woman who last held it, whether or not it was you who allowed keeping it. She is tradition. She is, Tiffany Lane."

Johnny held up a second belt, something identical to that currently in the hand of Gabrielle, glinting with the same golden prestige. A smile creased his Italian features, a truly unnerving sight.

Kenny: "Two Celestial Titles? What the hell is going on?"

Cari: "Well, aren�t you a foul mouthed tonight? You can tell that�s a fake. We sell those to the children through merchandising; anyone can have a Celestial Title. Only the one around the waist of Lindsay Locke means anything though."

Kenny: "Need I remind you, Tiffany Lane never officially lost that title? Locke is just a whim."

Cari: "Gabrielle has spoken."

"And she will face Porsche Pembroke for the Celestial Title at Frozen Hearts. Thus is my decree, as I place no value in your selection for champion."

Gabrielle stomped his feet and brought the belt down, quietly wishing he could really send lightening across the ring to strike down that pain in the ass, Johnny Angel.

Kenny: "We have two Celestial Champions?"

Cari: "No, we have a Celestial Champ, and a Celestial Chump."

"Johnny! This isn�t over. Battling Ring Angels is mine."

And with that, the figure whirled around in a storm of flowing cloth and disappeared through the entryway. Johnny simply threw his arms wide and smirked, shaking a couple hands of the fans in his vicinity.

Kenny: "What a turn of events! For the last two months, we haven�t been able to claim a true celestial champion, and in one night, we have two!"

Cari: "Two Celestial Champions. A Dead Hardcore Contender. A weak threat from the new girls on the block... and we haven�t even started wrestling yet.

Kenny: Speaking of which, here comes our first match-up of the evening. Perhaps this will slow us down some?

Cari: The rusty nail Gina Moore take on up and coming BRA superstar


Kenny: Gina may not have had much in ring action as of late but let's not forget that she is still currently one half of BRA's tag team champions.

Cari: Let's also not forget how she became a tag champion. Without the experience of Three-time tag champion Alexandria Parker Gina would still be at home with her hubby Jimmy.

Kenny: Gina definitely holds up her in dealing with the tag titles.

Cari: Holds up her end? Nothing against Parker but presently BRA's tag team ranks are at it's poorest to date. When's the late time we saw a tag title defense?

Both announces are interrupted as The crowd begins to come alive as they hear the opening bars of "It's Hard to be a Saint in the City" by Bruce Springsteen. As the gruff wailer from the shores of New Jersey begins to spout his poetic lyrics, the granite goddess of demolition begins to make her way down the runway, dressed in a turquoise tank top and biker shorts that show off the angular muscles, along with matching boots, knee and elbow pads and wristbands, eyes shifting from side to side. Fans shout out and try to slap her hands, but she flatly ignores them, so they try even harder. As Gina begins to reach the ring, her head drops down so her hair covers her eyes.

Gina's head jerks suddenly upward, and it is as if a new, different, angrier person is staring back into the camera. Her rock-hard muscles flex involuntarily as she mounts the steps to the ring.

The match is quickly started as Gina pushes Angeldust, who was already in the ring, from behind

Cari: Now that's the way to get a match started.

Kenny: Come on that's cheating.

Cari: It's not cheating it's......

Angel quickly turns around and pushes the larger Gina with all her might to no avail as the size of Gina quickly comes into play. Gina stands untouched as the crowd roars in approval.  Gina turns to the fans after her show of obvious strength.

Cari: Gina's got this one in the bag.

Angeldust quickly re-groups by elbowing Gina in the back of the head sending her into the ropes.

Kenny: See that's what happens when you showboat.

As Gina bounces off the ropes her back is greeted by another elbow and she falls to the ground. She's picked up and then not so easily scoped slammed the ring shakes upon impact.

Kenny: Angel wants to really make a statement here today.

As one half of BRA's tag champions lay motionless on the ground, Angeldust drops a series of elbows to her lower back.

Kenny: That's a good strategy by Dust to immobilize the larger woman because when Gina does get up you don't really want her at one hundred percent.

Dust tries another scoop slam but is met with a heavy blow to the back from the sleeping giant.

Cari: Now it's time for the match to really began..

Gina uses her incredible strength to hoist her opponent in the air only to drop her flat on her back.

Kenny: A perfectly executed spine buster puts the former porn star flat on her back.

Gina then stands in the corner awaiting Dust's next move. Angeldust stumbles to her feet only to be met by a strong close line sending her crashing to the ground. The angry Gina quickly puts the boots to her stable mate showing no sign of mercy. A pickup and then Gina hoist her opponent in the air as a

display of her strength.

Cari: Now that's power.

Gina slams Angeldust hard to the mat and then stands over top of Angel

shouting and screaming at her downed opponent.

Cari: I see some of Alex's characteristics have rubbed off on Gina.

Kenny: You said that like it's a good thing.

Cari: It is.

Standing over Dust Gina repeatedly slaps her until her faces reddens.

Gina: "You're no angel, and when I'm through exacting my demolition you'll be just plain Dust!"

A pickup and Gina walks around the ring with Angeldust on her shoulder like a small child. Running from the left corner she power slams her opponent almost driving her through the center of the ring.

Kenny: Now that's power.

Suddenly, the crowd pops as "The Goddess" Nina Larue steps from behind the curtains, clad in a slinky, black, micro mini dress and black, platform heels. Her long, black hair falls down her back in a cascade of curls. Along with Nina is the equally beautiful Miss. Vanity. She wears a black catsuit that clings to her curvaceous form. With a scowl on her gorgeous features, Nina kicks off her heels and stalks to ringside flanked by Miss. Vanity.

Kenny: Hey wait who's that?

Cari: It's Nina and Miss. Vanity!

Kenny: What are they doing here?

Cari: The crowd popped for those two more than Gina and Angeldust combined.

Kenny:  I'm not sure what they're doing here but I guarantee you that

business is about to pick up.

A face first whip to the corner brings the crowds attention back to the ring. Miss. Vanity and Nina both quietly conference outside of the ring discussing strategies before splitting to different sides. The two wrestlers in the ring ignore the duo and continue on with their match. The beautiful Miss. Vanity grabs the referee and pushes his face deep into her massive cleavage. The agile leader of the Sisterhood of Seduction leaps onto the apron and then scales to the top rope. She then launches off the top rope connecting her feet to the chest of Gina Moore with a dangerous missile drop kick that leaves Gina rolling around the ring gasping for air.

Cari: Now that's an athlete.

Angeldust just stands there looking at Nina as she quickly gets to feet. Nina's sparkling violet eyes burn a hole through Angeldust as she's tries running out of the ring but is met by Nina who delivers a vicious low blow.

Following the low blow is Nina's infamous Nina's Knockout that leaves

Angeldust's unconscious body in the center of the ring. Nina pulls Moore onto Dust and exits the ring. Miss. Vanity also removes the ref's face from her cleavage as she hops down to the floor and fishes under the ring.


Cari: This one is over.

Kenny: This is ridiculous. Damn Nina and Miss. Vanity.

However the carnage has not ended. Sliding into the ring is Miss. Vanity. The once unconscious Angeldust has risen to her feet and stalks Miss. Vanity back into a corner. The helpless Miss. Vanity begs for her life as she falls to the corner.

Suddenly Angeldust falls to the mat in a pool of glass and her

own blood as a sinister like grin appears on the face of Nina who stands behind. Nina's looks down and picks up a Miss. Vanity's stiletto heel.

Kenny: No! Nina, No!

Cari: Yes! Nina, Yes!

The fearsome leader barks out an order for Miss. Vanity. Miss. Vanity pulls out a bold black marker. Nina holds Dust and as she rights FRAUD across her face. The two high five as the exit the ring. As they exit medics enter.

Kenny: "And the winner of the match, in what was just a brutal assault, Gina Moore. One has to believe, that was just a message to be sent to the Revolution."

Cari: "Black Permanent Marker! OH! She�s a genius! A complete Genius!"

Kenny: "In my tenure as announcer for Battling Ring Angels, I have never seen a group of people quite as hateful of each other. I am sure this is far from over between the two groups."

Cari: "Who cares? Have you ever seen two groups as nasty as the Sisterhood and Revolution in a fight against each other? This isn�t the normal "For the Fans-For the Hell of it" fight, this is about as nasty as it comes. I haven�t been this excited in years."

Kenny: "Sounds like you need a man..."

Cari: "Are you trying to be funny?"

Kenny: "And on to our next match, hopefully something far more athletic than our last effort. Have you noticed that since the departure of Ito, nobody can win without help?"

The arena is going crazy for the BRA action. Row after row of fans on their feet all the way to the top of the arena. The camera pans across the wild and rowdy sea of humanity, taking a moment to stop on a few of the more interesting signs present. Tonight there seems to be a theme among them. A large banner is being held up by a number of fans. It reads "Goodbye Janus." Several fans near the front wave plastic forks as a tribute to Janus. One young fan near the rail holds a sign reading "Thank You Janus!"

Kenny: We�re back fans. Up next we have a three way dance. Alexandria Parker, Samantha Staffer and Red Rose will all be in the ring at the same time and I�m excited.

Cari: "Huh? Oh, yeah. Exciting. Sure."

Kenny: "Well, I�m excited. And right now we have..."

Before Kenny can finish his sentence, "Children of the Revolution" starts to play from the large speakers. Lindsay Locke and Sasha Crowley appear by the top of the entrance. They walk to the announce position to the jeers of the fans. Lindsay picks up a set of headphones while Sasha pushes a production assistant off his chair and brings it over the announce table. Both women sit down next to Cari and Kenny.

Cari: "Ah, I see we�re being joined by two of my favorite wrestlers. The legendary Sasha Crowley and the highly talented Lindsay Locke."

Kenny: "Earlier you said Lindsay was an overrated hack and Sasha did us all a favor by retiring..."

Cari: "HAHAHAH! Nonsense! I said Nina was a hack and Tiffany Lane should retire. You just heard me wrong. Ladies, how are you this evening?"

Lindsay - "We�re sooo good."

Kenny: "To what do we owe this honor?"

Sasha - "We just wanted to get a closer look at this match. "

Kenny: "Wouldn�t have anything to do with the fact Samantha Staffer�s in it?"

Lindsay - "Oh, is Samantha in this match?"

Sasha - "Couldn�t tell you. I just came to watch Red Rose wrestle. Is she ever good?"

Kenny: "Uh-huh."

The lights go dim and Samantha struts out to Queens 'Another one Bites the Dust'. She is dressed in a skin tight short suit in shiny black with tall black leather boots, her hair is braided in a single braid down the back to keep it out of the way. She wears a baseball cap with Thirtysomething on the front. She looks cool and confident and greets the crowd with a wave and a smile. Behind her on the Angeltron are glimpses of her past fights, both with Peggy and solo fights. She slaps hands as she makes her way to the ring. The crowd roars its approval.

Sasha - "Oh, goodness, she is in this match."

Lindsay - "How ever did we miss that?"

Cari: "By the way, I feel so badly about Janus� death. Did you get my sympathy card?"

Kenny: "You said she was the queen of the garbage matches and she was a waste of space on the card."

Cari: "Kenny! Must you talk about the dead that way?"

Sasha - "We got the card. Thank you."

Lindsay - "The fruit basket was very nice also."

The Angeltron comes to life, flashing in large red letters, 'RICH BITCH'. Pictures of Alexandria Parker destroying opponents flash onto the screen, showing some of her greatest moves, concluding with a montage` of her flipping off 'fans', and the smashing the infamous mirror over the head of Samantha Staffer. An explosion occurs from the back and fireworks falling from the ceiling are the next visual treat as Trina's Baddest B*tch writhes across arena speakers. Standing poised at the top of the ramp is Team Parker (comprised of Alexandria Parker, Miss. Vanity, and Jordan). Alex wears a black skintight cat suit with matching boots and kicking pads. Her blazin� red locks fall flat down her back. Miss. Vanity, holding Alex's tag title high in the air, wears a black mini dress from the Parker Collection with matching Prada pumps. Her blonde hair is slightly curled on the ends. Jordan who holds the infamous mirror wears leather, black Prada pants with matching boots and belt. His raven hair, corn rolled straight back. Jordan holds the mirror as Alex and Miss. Vanity pose in the ring for any quick photo's from the crowd. Alex lightly strecthes before the match.

Sasha - "Look who�s here."

Lindsay - "It�s Alexandria Parker and her gimp "I Miss" Vanity."

Cari: "HAHAHA! You�re both so funny!"

Kenny: "Uhhh. And what do you mean by "Gimp?"

Lindsay - "I don�t want to spread rumors..."

Sasha - "So I�ll do it. Ever see "Pulp Fiction?"

Kenny: "Yes."

Sasha - "Get the picture?"

Cari: "I do."

Kenny: "Very funny."

Alexandria and Samantha walk around in the ring, waiting for Red Rose to appear and make the match official. Alexandria gets sight of Lindsay and Sasha and walks to the ropes. She points them out to the ref and starts to complain.

Lindsay - "Wanna hear something really funny about Alexandria Parker?"

Sasha - "I do."

Lindsay - "She has no talent, but she keeps trying to wrestle. Isn�t that funny?"

Cari: "Yes."

Kenny: "Oh for Pete�s sake!"

Alexandria continues to complain about the guest announcers. Miss Vanity gets on the ring apron and joins in the argument. Sasha and Lindsay act very innocent as the ref checks them out.

Kenny: "Now we�re just waiting on Red Rose."

Sasha - "You want a piece of me, Parker?! Come on!"

Lindsay - "I don�t think she wants any of you, Sasha."

Sasha - "Of course not. She�s a coward."

It becomes clear that the ref is not being swayed by Alex�s arguments. Miss Vanity hops down while Alex points at Sasha and Lindsay and waves them on. Sasha and Lindsay act innocent.

Cari: "She seems angry at you."

Lindsay -"What-ever?"

Sasha - "I wonder where Red Rose is?"

Red Rose�s music starts to play as Red Rose starts to walk towards the ring. Before she can get very far, two women jump out of the stands. It�s Porsha Pembroke and Samantha Slick. They immediately attack Rose, kicking and stomping her to the ground. Porsha stands her up and Chokeslams her to the steel ramp. Red is not moving.

Sasha - "What a move by Porsha Pembroke!"

Kenny: "What is this?"

Lindsay - "I don�t know, Kenny. This type of attack is totally uncalled for. I don�t think Rose is gonna be able to compete."

The ref, seeing what�s happened, decides Rose is out of the match and calls for the bell. The EMTs appears to collect Rose while Samantha and Alex lock up in the ring.

Cari: "Looks like we have a singles match."

Kenny (frustrated) - "Yes it does."

Samantha and Alex meet in a collar and elbow tie up. Samantha uses her size and strength advantage to power Alex down and she soon has Alex on the mat in an amateur style hold. Slick and Porsha make their way to the announce position.

Sasha - "I see we�re being joined by two of the best wrestlers in the world."

Kenny: "Alex Parker is down right now. Excellent amateur hold being applied by Samantha Staffer. She�s trying to drive the strength and wind out of Alex."

Cari: "Ms. Slick. Ms. Pembroke. It�s an honor."

Slick and Porsha stand behind the announce table. In the ring, Samantha has moved Alex into a hammerlock and is keeping her face down on the mat. The Rich Lady is having trouble getting free as Alex does what she can to restrict her movement and wear her down early.

Kenny: "Samantha Staffer is turning this into her type of fight."

Sasha - "Hey, Slick, look who here. It�s Miss Manatee."

Lindsay - "She is a little big in the hips."

Samantha Staffer stands and pulls Alex up with her. She hefts the Red head, placing her over her shoulders. Samantha executes a beautiful airplane spin and finishes it by tossing Alex across the ring. Alex lands hard, hurt and disoriented.

Kenny: "The airplane spin! Great move."

Cari: "So, Sasha, you don�t like Miss Vanity?"

Sasha - "Miss Manatee."

Lindsay - (effecting the voice of the killer in "Silence of the Lambs") "Oh yeah, was she a great big fat girl?"

Samantha Staffer drops an elbow into the midsection of the prone Parker. She follows it up by going for the pin. The ref counts.

Kenny: "Only 2!"

Cari: "She got the shoulder up."

Samantha points out that she thinks it was a slow count. The ref assures her it was fine. She yanks Alex to her feet and scoops her up. She slams her down with a scoop slam and drops over her for the pin again. The ref counts.

Cari: "This could be it".

Sasha - "1...2...Hey!"

Miss Vanity makes sure the ref isn�t looking as she places Alex�s foot on the ropes. Jordan calls it to the ref�s attention and she informs Samantha the pin is broken.

Lindsay - "What a cheater!"

Cari: "I agree!"

Kenny: You what? You said you thought Alex was one of the best wrestlers in the company.

Sasha - "You said that, Cari?"

Cari: "No...he...no! He�s got it all wrong."

Samantha again voices her concern to the ref. Slick and Porsha start to move closer to the ring. Samantha Staffer returns her attention to Alexandria. But the long argument with the ref has given Alex some time to recover. She waits for Sam to get close and sends a shot to her gut. She follows it up with another and then a low blow.

Sasha - "Low blow! What a cheater!"

Kenny: "You used to do those all the time."

Sasha - "I never."

Lindsay - "Don�t listen to him, Sasha. He�s just jealous."

Cari: "I agree."

Alex scrapes her boot on Samantha�s face while she slowly regains her composure. She flips off the fans for their obvious dislike of her low blow. Alex returns her attention to Samantha. She stands Samantha and whips her to the ropes. Samantha comes back and is immediately hit with a drop kick to the face that sends her back to the mat.

Kenny: "Great move! Right on the money!"

Lindsay - "That was a horrible move."

Sasha - "You gotta think Samantha Staffer is just playing possum."

Lindsay - "She is one of the best wrestlers in this company."

Alex stands Samantha again and executes a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. She drops Samantha to the mat and goes for a cover. The ref counts but only reaches 2 before she sees Samantha�s foot on the bottom rope. Courtesy of Samantha Slick.

Sasha - "Great move by Staffer!"

Lindsay - "Couldn�t agree more."

Kenny: "Hey?"

Alex argues with Slick, who just acts innocent. Parker pulls Staffer back up and whips her to the corner. She follows her to the corner and delivers a series of kicks to the midsection, followed by a vicious kick to the head that drops Samantha. Staffer looks out of it.

Kenny: "That may have done it."

Sasha - "I need to get a closer look."

Sasha drops her headphones and starts to head towards the ring. In the ring, Alex lifts Samantha up and delivers the Bitch Bomb. Samantha is out on the mat. She covers Samantha.

Cari: "This could be the match!"

But the ref is distracted by the commotion outside the ring. Porsha and Slick attack Miss Vanity and double team her, driving her to the floor. Sasha is in Jordan�s face, encouraging him to hit her. Since BRA rules explicitly state that no male valet or manager can hit a female wrestler, he thinks the better of it. While all this going on, Lindsay leaves the broadcast location and slips into the ring. She pulls out her cell phone and nails Alex in the head with it. Alex falls hard and Lindsay places Staffer�s lifeless arm on Alex. She rolls out of the ring.

Kenny: "What is going on here?"

Cari: "Great plan!"

Lindsay bangs on the ring apron and the ref sees her. She points out the pin and the ref counts.

Kenny: "1 - 2 - 3! I can�t believe it!"

The ref raises Samantha�s hand as she slowly and groggily gets to her feet. The members of The Hit Squad and Lindsay enter the ring and start to bear down on Alex as Samantha slowly makes her way out of the ring. With Miss Vanity out of the way, Alex is at their mercy.

But before they can do anything, Mixie Locke comes charging out of the back with a bamboo cane. She slides into the ring and starts swinging the cane, driving the assailants out of the ring. Lindsay and The Hit Squad point at her and make menacing gestures as they walk away. Mixie waits until they�re gone and bends down to check on Alex. Finally, she leaves as Miss Vanity enters the ring to help Alex out.

Kenny: "Damnit! Can we have one complete match without someone cheating?"

Cari: "Get used to it Kenny, there is so much hatred between these parties that they will take every opportunity to get at one another. I know I would."

Kenny: "There you have it, the winner... by, a phone to the head, Samantha Staffer."

Kenny shook his head a moment, then tapped his computer screen lightly before hacking a few keys.��

Kenny: "Well, you�re not going to believe this... but, we�ve just got word for our third match at Frozen Hearts.�� Gina Moore and Alexandria Parker vs. Slick and AngelDust, for the Battling Ring Angels Tag Team Championship. "

Cari: "Word from who?"

Kenny: "I don�t know."

Cari: "Are things going to get any weirder?"

Kenny: "I don�t know, but here comes the results of the threat made by Simply Irresistible, as they�re going to have to face Sasha and Slick."

(The scene fades from a commercial for Parker Productions and returns to The Battling Ring Angels arena. Tonight, the arena is filled to capacity with cheering and screaming fans. The camera pans the throng of fans, catching a few glimpses of signs, including "Rest In Peace, Janus", "I Came To Enter The Twilight Zone", and "Mix It Up, Mixie". The camera finally lands on the BRA announce team of Kenny Harbor and Cari "The Brat" Trammell, both seated and wearing head sets.)

Kenny: "Welcome back fans. We have had quite an exciting night of action. Alexandria Parker, Red Rose, and Samantha Staffer just had a tremendous match. And, in the opener, Gina Moore defeated Angel Dust, thanks to the interference of "The Goddess" Nina Larue."

Cari: "Well, Nina owed Angel Dust after that tainted win from a few weeks ago. Like she always says: "Never Cross The Goddess"."

Kenny: "Indeed. Speaking of tremendous matches, we're about to get another one as rookie sensations Simply Irresistible take on the team of Sasha Crowley and Samantha Slick."

Cari: "I thought Sasha was retired."

Kenny: "She is but she decided to make a special appearance for Gabrielle."

Cari: "Well, that should certainly be interesting."

(The bell rings as the announcer stands in the center of the ring.)

Announcer: "This match is a one fall, fifteen minute time limit, tag teamencounter. First, representing The Hit Squad, I would like to introduce Sasha Crowley and Samantha Slick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Suddenly, "Superfly" by Curtis Mayfield slams across the arena speakers. The Hit Squad leader, the tall Samantha Slick, dressed in jeans and a tan turtleneck, appears by the entrance. She finishes her outfit with the famed Turquoise and yellow cowboy boots worn by the head of the Hit Squad. She walks towards the ring, the boos and jeers of the fans. She smiles and throws dismissive hand gestures towards them. Next to her walks Sasha Crowley, in black leather pants and a black velvet shirt. She finishes her outfit with some heavy black biker boots.

Sasha smiles and whispers in Samantha's ear as they both laugh over the fans dislike for them. She is flanked by her bodyguard Brenda, in black jeans and a black "Hit Squad" T-shirt. The last to appear are Jessica Estrella and Porsha Pembroke. The giant and the voodoo queen keep a sharp eye out for interference. Jessica wears an outfit consisting of black vinyl karate pants, loose fitting and tied off with a red

belt. She wears red wrestling boots. She wears a black and white tee shirt reading: 'The Hit Squad' on the front and the back proclaims: 'If we hit you once, you won't get back up.'

She sticks her tongue into the air and wiggles it slowly back and forth, allowing the red mist to run all over her chin. All three women enter the ring and talk together in their corner while Brenda and

Porsha patrol the ring area for interference. The fans boo all three of them, but they just ignore it. They stretch against the ropes and prepares for the match.)

Kenny: "Well, they certainly looked prepared. This should be a great match up."

Cari: "I've only heard good things about this Simply Irresistible."

(The music dies as the announcer begins to speak again.)

Announcer: "Their opponents are the tag team sensation Simply


(The crowd begins to cheer but no one steps from behind the curtains. The announcer looks to the ref who shrugs his shoulders as the crowd begins to murmur.)

Kenny: "Hey! What's going on here?"

Cari: "I don't know but it doesn't look good."

Announcer: "(clears his throat) Introducing, Simply Irresistible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Once again, no music plays and no one exits from behind the curtains. The crowd begins to boo as The Hit Squad members all look to one another.)

Crowd: "BORING!! BORING!!"

Kenny: "I don't understand. What could be going on? Where are Simply


Cari: "I don't know. They don't seem like the type to chicken out."

(The ref and announcer confer as the bell sounds, signaling the start of the match.)

Announcer: "The ref has determined that if Simply Irresistible do not come to ringside by the count of twenty, they will forfeit the match."

Ref: "1...2....3.....4..."

Cari: "Simply Irresistible better hurry to the ring of they don't want to lose this match!"

(The ref continues to count as The Hit Squad keeps their eyes focused on the curtains.)

Ref: "10...11.....12......13....14...."

Kenny: "It doesn't look like Simply Irresistible is coming to this match."

(The ref reaches the count of twenty and calls for the ringing of the bell.)

Announcer: "The winners of this match as a result of a count out, The Hit Squad!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(The crowd begins to boo as Sasha and Samantha throw up their hands in

disgust. Suddenly, the Angel Tron flashes to life, showing the inside of the BRA locker rooms. As the camera moves closer, the entire arena sees both members of Simply Irresistible laid out, bloody and beaten.)

Kenny: "Holy cow! No wonder they weren't here! Someone has attacked themalready! We need some type of assistance backstage! Who could have done this?"

Cari: "I don't know but they sure did a number on those two. (laughs) Welcome to BRA girls. Hope you live through the experience!"

Kenny: "Cari, that's just plain sick! We'll be right back, fans, with more action."

The Hit squad makes their exit from the arena, as Kenny begins to pound on the desk.

Kenny: "I want a god damn match! Is that too much to ask? Really? We�re a freakin� wrestling program, and all we get is a bunch of spoiled, psychotic women who don�t seem to know anything about "Sport"! Cheating. Two on three. Jumping them in the back. I think Johnny said it best, this is BULLSHIT!"

Cari looked away from her counterpart, rummaging through a bag at her side.

Kenny: "Don�t you have anything to say?"

Cari "I have some Prozac in here, I would highly suggest you take it."

Kenny slammed his fist again on the table, and walked off from the announce table, leaving Cari by herself.

Cari "Allow me to apologize for my co-host�s attitude this evening, he just learned that indeed, urination isn�t the only use for his penis."

Well, she thought it was funny at least, giving herself an obligatory giggle at her absent partner�s expense.

Cari: "Well, since I am the only one here, I suppose this is my responsibility. This was the time slot we had currently allotted to show you Janus and Viper, and as such, we figured this to be the best time to make this announcement.

The powers that be have decided to hold a match in Janus�s honor, at Frozen Hearts. It will be a fork on a pole match for the Fallen Angel Title. The Viper, Leslie Magnus will take on Jessica Estrella in a match that promises, like the deceased, had no rules or boundaries."

Somewhere from the audience came the scream again.


Cari: "Hyper, isn�t he?"


Cari: "Oh my god... he�s got a microphone."

Sure enough, the camera swiveled around to show Kenny about half way up an aisle with a microphone.

"What are you really here for? I know I am not the favorite person, or the one you hoped would grab a microphone for the evening, but I have something to say. I have, for the last several weeks watch our sport become nothing but a joke! None of our athletes prove anything!

They�re not winners! They�re not champions! They won�t even come out to the ring without a full complement of body guards and weaponry. This is wrestling! This is where the best go to prove themselves as athletes, not base thugs... I have never done this before, but I implore any of you guys who claim to be in charge to fine people who break the rules. I ask that you find ways to bring honor back into the sport, before it becomes just another collection of trash like anything else found in the Monday Night Wars."

And with that, he just threw it down and walked towards his post, partially satisfied with all he has said thus far. The crowd went nuts, wishing for the days of good vs. evil, as opposed to this unending streak of back attacks and heelish tactics.

(The screen fades up from black as the camera pans the arena. Hundreds of signs litter the landscape "LONG LIVE THE DARK ANGEL" "SISTERHOOD-4-LIFE", "BRING BACK PEGGY!" are just a few of the many home made signs waving frantically to get on TV.)

(Another camera shot appears, inside the ring, the straight arrow Moira Young stands in one corner of the ring. Sitting at the announcer desk, the duo of Ken Harbor and Cari "The Brat" Trammel.)

Ken: " Up next a tag team match with the Locke Family Vs Tiffany Lane and the Goddess Nina LaRue. Perhaps more importantly, it pits the Celestial Champions against one another, for what promises to be an exciting match."

Cari: "Woah! Let�s make this clear up front. Family is the only thing that Lindsey and her tramp of a cousin have in common. This match shouldn�t be happening. Pairing Lindsey with her cousin against the Sisterhood elite is a travesty of justice!

Ken: "Why? Mixie is a great young wrestler and they say blood is thicker than water. I think deep down Lindsey cares about her cousin.

Cari: "What are you smoking and where can I get some?"

("Intergalactic" from The Beastie Boys starts to play throughout the arena. Mixie Locke appears at the ramp. The crowd gives a good cheer for this popular newcomer. Mixie has a very intense and focused look on her face as she walks briskly towards the ring. She slaps hands with the fans at the rail, making sure to get as many of them as possible on the way. The toned and tanned athletic young woman wears a pair of black spandex shorts with the words "All Mixed Up" on the back in red letters. She wears black wrestling boots with the letters "ML" on the top in red letters and red knee pads. She wears a white T shirt that says "Mixie Locke: The Hardest Working Girl In Wrestling" on the front in blue letters. Beneath the words is a South Park style drawing of Mixie. On the back it says "Mixie Locke: Not Just Another Jobber World Tour 2000" and beneath that a variety of cities where she has wrestled and dates next to each one. Beneath the T she wears a black spandex sports bra style top. She has two ear rings in her left ear, and three in her right. Her belly button is pierced as well, as shown by the slightly too short T shirt. When she gets to ringside, she takes a good look at the ring and the arena, taking it all in. She enjoys the crowd's support for moment before she climbs to the ring apron and to the ropes. She enters the ring and sticks her tongue out at the crowd, showing off the stud in her tongue. She pauses for the referee to check her for any foreign objects, and stretches in the corner waiting for the start of the match. )

Cari: "Well, here comes the weak link..."

Ken: "Oh come off it! Mixie is a tremendous talent and if Nina or Tiffany underestimate her, they are in big trouble."

Cari: "Puuuuuhhleasssse."

(A voice crackles over the loudspeakers in the arena.)

Voice - "The revolution will now be televised!"
"As strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning, Lindsay walks
to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a "T", palms down. As pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a "V", palms up. Lindsay stands in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face. "Children of the Revolution" from T-Rex starts to play as Lindsay and her entourage walk towards the ring to the mixed response of the crowd. The song in which T-Rex informed rock promoters and record company execs that no matter what they tried to sell to the public, whatever image it was, you can't fool the children of the revolution, is a fitting tune for the new look of Lindsay. She receives a large number of boos and jeers, but a healthy amount of cheers from those wearing "Child of the Revolution" T shirts. Lindsay stops every few steps to point out a few of her supporters. She smiles at them, allowing them to gaze at her glory. Lindsay wears a pair of tight black vinyl pants and black wrestling boots. Her top is a Los Angeles Kings jersey (the old time one in purple and yellow with the big crown on the front and the name Locke and the number 32 on the back), covering a blue "Child of the Revolution" T shirt. Her blond hair is newly cut and styled, in a very modern wavy fashion. She wears black sunglasses and gives the fans more of a show than usual as she struts to the ring. )

(Next to her stands Angel Dust, in a red leather skirt and red leather boots. She wears a black T shirt with the words "One Taste and You're Hooked" on the back in red letters. Behind the "Children of the Revolution" comes "The Hit Squad", lead by Sasha Crowley and Samantha Slick. The now retired Sasha sports her usual black leather pants and black shirt. She sports her turquoise and yellow cowboy boots. Samantha walks next to Sasha. She has on designer jeans, lightly faded, and a black turtleneck. She finishes her look with a black leather trench coat and black boots. Behind them walks Brenda Busley. The biker wears black jeans and motorcycle boots. She has on a Hit Squad T and a Raiders cap. The rest of the Hit Squad is represented by Jessica Estrella and Porsha Pembroke. The creepy voodoo queen and misshapen giant follow a few steps behind Sasha and Samantha. The whole gang reaches the ring and enters. Lindsay walks to the center and takes out a microphone.

Lindsay - To all my Children of the Revolution! Heree comes your big chance to..."

(Her fans chant the line along with her.)

Lindsay (with her fans) - "Just Watch Me!"

Lindsay waits for the cheers of her fans to subside.

(As the fans hit Lindsay with more jeers than cheers, The Hit Squad exits the ring. Lindsay exchanges a friendly hug and kiss with Angel Dust. A very friendly kiss. She exits the ring and Lindsay stretches in her corner, preparing for the match. )

Ken: "911! 911!"

Cari: "What? What happened?!"

Ken: "I think 2 of the boys from "I TAPPA KEGGA" just passed out when Lindsey gave Angel the French Connection!"

Cari: "Somebody needs to hose those idiots down."

(The lights dim down as Lil Kim's "How Many Licks" begins to blast over the speakers as the crowd jumps to their feet. The curtains slowly part, revealing the sleek, curvaceous forms of The Babe Squad, "The Goddess" Nina LaRue and "The Blonde Bombshell" Tiffany Lane. Nina wears a tiny, black, lace, thong bikini and matching, knee-high boots, with a platform heel. Her long, silky, black hair is styled in an elaborate ponytail, bangs resting above her sensual violet eyes. The equally stunning Tiffany wears a tiny, pink, satin, thong bikini, trimmed in pink fur, and matching, knee-length boots, with a platform heel. Her luxurious blonde hair graces the small of her back in a cascade of curls, framing her lovely face. The two busty beauties pose for a few moments, atop the entrance ramp, before making their way to ringside. As they sexily enter the ring, the crowd showers the two seductresses in catcalls and wolf whistles. Nina seductively leans over the top rope, blowing a kiss to the fans and offering them a tantalizing glimpse of her ample cleavage. Meanwhile, Tiffany stands in the center of the ring, a smirk across her flawless face. She proceeds to do a sensual bump and grind, eliciting a louder reaction from the male fans. Finally, the two women make their way towards their corner, lazily performing a few stretches as the males look on with a mix of adoration and lust.)

Ken: "Geez if looks could kill. Lindsey is glaring a hole through Tiffany."

Cari: "And vice-versa. These two do not, repeat DO NOT like each other."

(Moira Young looks at the large crowd gathered outside the ring and leans through the ropes to talk to the announcer.)

Cari: "What is she doing?"

Ken: "I don�t know, looks like we�re going to have an announcement."

Announcer: "Ladies and Gentlemen, referee Moira Young has ordered the ringside cleared of all non wrestling personnel!"

Cari: "What??!"

Children: "WHAT!!!"

Ken: "Wow! Moira is taking charge right off the bat here! Sasha and Slick do not! Repeat DO NOT look happy!"

(Sasha scowls at the ref as other members of her crew begin to scream at the ref. Moira stands firm and points towards the back. Across the ring, Tiffany and Nina share a wink, as if they know something that everyone else doesn�t.)

Cari: "She can�t do that!"

Ken: "She just did! And it�s about time! All this interference has gone to far!"

Cari: "But Slick and Sasha both have managers contracts! They are allowed to be..."

Ken: "If the ref allows it! Moira is making the call and the Children are being sent home!"

(After a few choice words, the Children begin to leave the ring area and head up towards the wrestler entranceway. Nina and Tiff give each other a little high 5, before looking across the ring with gigantic smirks on their faces. Suddenly the Angeltron shows the backstage area where a huge Dumpster has been placed in front of the Sisterhood locker room. Tiff�s and Nina�s smiles fade as they can hear Jenn, Laura and  Alex pounding on the other side of the door, demanding to be let out.)

Ken: "Well well well, it seems nobody will be interfering in this match tonight."

Cari: "Grumble...I just want to say that I like both teams, well, Tiff and Nina and Lindsey. Mixie is pierced, two-bit, wanna-be."

(Back in the ring, Lindsey has stepped through the ropes and is pointing at her cousin to start the match. Nina and Tiff whisper to each other and Tiff steps through the ropes. Mixie stands ready when Lindsey steps back through the ropes and decides she�s going to start.)

Ken: "Can�t she make up her mind?"

Cari: "Ahem, Lindsey is a top draw, of course she should start."

(Nina and Lindsey face off in the ring. Both women come together in a clinch. For a few seconds they strain against each other. After a moment  Nina pushes her back into the corner. Moria calls for a break and Nina takes a step back, Lindsey lowers her arms for a second and Nina strikes. A quick forearm shot to the head, stuns Locke as Nina grabs a handful of hair and pulls her into the middle of the ring. LaRue quickly fires a European upper cut that staggers Lindsey sending her back into the ropes. Nina follows her in, driving her knee up into her opponent�s belly.)

Cari: "Machine like precision! Nina is a joy to watch."

Ken: "I don�t think there is any joy in anything she does."

(Mixie yells encouragement from the corner as Nina drags Lindsey over towards Tiffany. The Blonde Bombshell sticks her knee between the ropes and Nina drives Lindsey�s face down into it. As Locke slumps to the mat, Tiffany is tagged in. She vaults over the ropes, landing her leg across Lindsey�s back.)

Ken: "Nina and Tiffany off to a fast start.!"

(Tiffany quickly rolls Lindsey over for a pin, but Locke kicks out before the ref can count one.  Tiffany hooks Lindsey in a headlock and cranks on the pressure. Mixie continues to yell from her side of the ring as Lindsey slowly forces her way up to her feet.  She rams her elbow into Tiffany�s tight midsection, causing Lane to wince slightly. Again Lindsey fires an elbow, causing Tiffany enough distress to force her back into the ropes. As they hit the strands Lindsey uses the rebound to push Tiffany away, sending her across the ring. Tiffany rebounds quickly and comes charging back in.)

Ken: " Shoulder block by Tiffany! She nailed Lindsey with that one."

( As Lindsey hits the mat, Tiffany quickly runs back across the ring. Locke gets to her feet as Tiffany comes charging back in. Lindsey drops to the mat, forcing Tiffany to leap over her and continue on her way across the ring. Lindsey turns as Tiffany extends her arm.)

Cari: "Clothesline!"

Ken: NO!"

(The crowd cheers as Tiffany swings her arm to nail Lindsey. Locke ducks and jumps driving her shoulder forward into Tiffany�s gut.)

Ken: �Spear!"

(Tiffany is sent crashing to the mat with Lindsey on top of her. Locke begins raining down a series of quick fists. Closed fists.)

Cari: "Booo! I mean...yeah! Dammit! I don�t know who to cheer for here!"

( Moira calls for a break as Tiffany is able to grab the bottom rope. Lindsey takes an extra shot and gets a warning from Moira. She scowls at the blonde zebra and steps up off of Tiffany. Lindsey grabs a handful of hair and whips Tiffany into her corner. Mixie smiles and extends her hand, tagging with Lindsey. Before she steps through the ropes, Lindsey whips Tiffany across the ring as Mixie jumps up to the top rope. Tiffany comes running back in and Mixie leaps..)

Ken: "Wow! Missile Dropkick!"

( Mixie quickly jumps to her feet and drops across Tiffany�s chest for the pin. Tiffany powers out at the 2 count. Locke jumps to her feet and grabs Tiffany by the leg, she quickly twists it across her thigh into a leg bar and then falls to the mat. Tiffany howls in rage and pain as Mixie stretches her leg in an awkward position. The ref asks for Tiffany�s submission, but the Lane just screams at her. Tiffany starts to pulls her body closer to the ropes, showing her strength by dragging the entangled pair across the ring. Moria calls for the break and Mixie immediately complies. Locke backs off as Tiffany rises to her feet. Mixie quickly runs and leaps into the air, nailing Tiffany with a dropkick sending her into the corner. Tiffany�s arms flop over the top rope as she slumps down on the second turnbuckle. Mixie runs to the opposite corner, she waves her arms in the air, before charging across the ring.)

Cari: "What is she...?"

Ken: "Back Handspring Elbow!"

( The crowd cheers as Mixie performs a back handspring and then plows her elbow into Tiffany�s chest. As Tiffany bends over, Mixie wraps her arm around her head and takes off running. She drags Tiffany along with her and then leaps up into the air..)

Ken: "Bulldog!"

Cari :"NO!!"

(As Mixie leaps, Tiffany wraps her arms around Locke�s waist and holds her up. Mixie tries to react, but Tiffany slams her forward, dropping to one knee and slamming Mixie�s butt across it.)

Ken: "Ouch! Atomic Drop!"

( Mixie bounces up to her tiptoes and staggers away, as she turns, Tiffany nails her with a short clothesline. Tiffany looks down at her opponent and then across at her partner. She grabs a handful of blonde locks and pulls Mixie up. Tiffany quickly throws Mixie into the corner and then turns to face Lindsey. Tiffany walks towards her, egging Lindsey on with hand gestures and trash talk)

Tiffany:" "Lindsay, you will forever live in the shadow of the true Blonde Bombshell."

(Across the ring , Nina wraps the tag cord across Mixie�s throat and begins to choke her. Lindsey see�s this and simply smiles.. Tiffany turns and joins LaRue in the assault as Moira runs over to break up the melee. The ref is adamant and starts to count. Tiffany slams her fists in rapid succession into Mixie�s midsection as Nina chokes her.. They ignore the ref until the 4 count, narrowly avoiding a DQ. Mixie drops to the mat, gasping for breath as Tiffany tags in Nina. The Goddess steps through the ropes and hauls Mixie up by her hair. In one quick motion, Nina scoops Mixie up and then slams her down to the canvas.)

Cari: "Hehe, did you see Mixie bounce?"

Ken: "Yes.."

( Mixie rolls on the mat, clutching her back as Nina reaches down and hauls her up again. LaRue scoops Mixie up into a fireman�s carry and then takes a few steps forward before powerslamming Mixie into the canvas.)

Cari: "She planted her with that one!"

Ken: "Nina�s going for the pin ....1....2...."

Cari: "Boooo!"

Ken : "Kick out by Mixie!"

(The crowd cheers as Mixie gets her shoulder up just before the three count. Nina�s face remains cold as she hauls Mixie up off the canvas. She goes to scoop her up again...)

Ken: "Small Package!"

(Mixie surprises Nina, pulling her down into a pinning position. Moira slaps her hand down once before Nina powers out. Mixie quickly tries to crawl across the ring to her teammate, but it stopped a few inches away as Nina grabs her leg. LaRue pulls Mixie back into the middle of the ring. Nina reaches down and grabs Mixie�s other leg, pulling them up and then twisting Mixie�s body around.)

Cari: "Crab Baby! Boston style!"

(Mixie howls as Nina squats down on her lower back, while pulling backwards on her legs. Lindsey yells encouragement or perhaps threats if Mixie gives up. Mixie shakes her head, fighting back the pain. Moira asks for a submission, but Mixie ignores her. The young Locke tries to power out, but Nina maintains the hold and pulls back even further, forcing Mixie�s body into a horrific looking U."

Ken: "Thank god Mixie�s flexible!"

Cari: "Shhhhhhs, if you�re quiet, we might hear her back snap."

(Moira asks Mixie if she wants to quit. Locke screams her defiance as Nina clamps on even more pressure. Lindsey stands in her corner, watching as her partner�s body is bent.  Mixie tries to crawl towards the ropes, gaining a few inches. The crowd cheers the scrappy grappler on as she forces her body to reach for the ropes.  Nina grunts and starts bouncing up and down, putting tremendous strain on Mixie�s back, but with each bounce Mixie fights to crawl another inch or two and finally reaches the safety of the ropes.)

Ken: "What a heroic effort!"

Cari: "Bah..."

(The crowd cheers as Mixie grabs the bottom rope. Nina scowls as Moira tells her to break the hold. Nina waits until Moira starts her count before breaking. . Nina hauls Mixie up by her hair, before shoving her into the corner. Nina tags Tiffany and the Ex-Celestial Champion steps through the ropes. She grabs Mixie by the arm and pulls her out of the corner. She whips Mixie across the ring and waits. Locke hits the ropes and rebounds in. Tiffany grabs her as Mixie bounces back and lifts her into the air, twirling Mixie in the air before dropping to one knee.)

Ken: "Twilt-O-Whirl Backbreaker!"

Cari: "Mixie�s going to need a chiropractor after this match."

( The crowd winces as Mixie�s body is bent across Tiffany�s knee. Lane quickly clasps her hands together and slams them down into Mixie�s stretched abdomen. Instinctively, Mixie�s torso rises. Tiffany swings her fists forward, smashing into Mixie�s jaw, knocking her off her knee and to the canvas.)

Ken: "Nina and Tiffany are working over Mixie�s back, bigtime!"

Cari: "Mixie likes to move around that ring , hard to do when your spine is jello."

( Lane pulls Mixie up by her hair and whips her across the ring. Mixie hits the strands and bounces back in as Tiffany stands ready. Lane bends down to body drop Mixie as she runs in, but the British grappler see�s the move and reacts. She leapfrogs over the bent Tiffany and dives for the outstretched hand of Lindsey.)

Ken: "Tag made!"

(Lindsey charges into the ring as Tiffany rises. She knocks Tiffany to the mat with a punch to the chops. Lindsey glares at her opponent with rage in her eyes. She hauls Tiffany up and scoops her into a cradle. In a show of strength, Lindsey falls backwards, hurtling Tiffany over her and crashing to the mat. Lindsey jumps to her feet and grabs the rising Tiffany by the hair. She quickly stuffs Tiffany�s head between her thighs, before bending forward and encircling her waist.)

Ken: "Piledriver coming up!"

Cari: "No... Sit Down Powerbomb!"

( Lindsey grunts as she lifts Tiffany into the air. Then she quickly kicks her legs forward and slams Tiffany down into the mat. Tiffany�s shoulders are held in place on the mat by Lindsey�s legs as Moira jumps to the mat.)

Ken: "One ...two ...."

Cari: "Kickout!"

( Tiffany gets her shoulder up, as Lindsey glares at the ref, holding up three fingers. Moira shakes her head and holds up two. Lindsey seems dissatisfied and grabs Tiffany around the neck in a headlock.)

Cari: "Choke! I mean ...ummm ...Dammit!"

Ken: "That�s not a choke."

( Lindsey clamps on the pressure, slowly rising to her feet. Tiffany is forced to rise with her and the pair back up into a corner. Lindsey then takes off across the ring, she leaps into the air, and falls forward, driving Tiffany�s face into the mat. Lindsey quickly rolls Tiffany over for the count, she hooks the leg as Moira slaps her hand down.)

Ken: "Look out!"

( The crowd boo�s as Nina steps between the ropes and kicks Lindsey in the head, breaking the count.)

Cari: "Beautiful."

Ken: "Locke had Tiffany pinned!"

( Moira jumps up and demands that Nina leave the ring. Lindsey is furious and rises to her feet clutching the back of her head. She grabs Tiffany by the arm and pulls her up. She hoists Tiffany into a fireman�s carry and moves across the ring towards Mixie. Locke immediately jumps up to the top rope as Lindsey comes closer. Locke extends her arm and tags Mixie who rises to her feet on the top rope. Lindsey jumps to the side delivering a devastating Spicolli Driver, planting Tiffany into the mat. Mixie jumps off the top. The punk flips in the air, and crashes across Tiffany�s chest.)

Ken: "What a Moonsault!!!"

( Mixie quickly hooks the leg....)

Ken: "One ..two ....Where�s the ref!!!?"

( Across the ring, Nina is arguing with Moira as Mixie slaps her hand down three times. Lindsey is even more enraged and runs across the ring. She shoulder blocks Nina off the ring apron and down to the floor. Moira turns as Lindsey steps through the ropes after the Goddess. The ref runs across the ring to make a count. )

Ken: "One .. two ..."

Cari: "Foot on the ropes!"

( Tiffany manages to get her foot on the bottom rope, breaking the count. Outside the ring, Lindsey and Nina are going at it again. Lindsey goes to whip Nina into the guardrail, but the Goddess reverses it, sending Locke into the metal divider. Nina moves in as Lindsey slumps to the ground. In the ring, Mixie has pulled Tiffany off the mat and wrapped her arm around Tiffany�s head. Mixie runs into the corner, leaping up onto the second rope, before pushing off. )

Ken: "Tornado DDT!!"

( Tiffany�s head is driven into the mat, causing her to bounce and then flop over onto her side. Mixie rises to her feet and claps her hands above her head. She points to the corner as the fans cheer.)

Cari: "Lookout!"

(Outside the ring, Nina has just smashed Lindsey�s head into the announce table. Ken grabs his laptop as Nina goes to repeat the move. Lindsey blocks it and returns the favor smashing Nina�s head down. Lindsey grabs Nina by the hair and starts dragging her towards the ring post. Where high above, Mixie has mounted the top turnbuckle. Nina lifts her hand and rakes it across Lindsey�s face, causing Locke to yelp in pain and step away. Nina quickly grabs Lindsey by the hair and goes to ram her into the ring post. Mixie looks down to see what�s happening and quickly adjusts her position.)

Ken: "What is she ...oh my god!"

( The crowd cheers as Mixie leaps off the top rope and splashes down onto Nina and Lindsey. All three women crash to the floor.)

Cari: "What was she thinking?"

Ken: "Mixie went to save Lindsey from a blow to the post. Or maybe she�s just nuts! Wait ..what is Tiffany doing?"

( Inside the ring, Tiffany is slowly rising to her feet. She looks around the ring to see the three other combatants slowly rising. The Lane quickly runs to the opposite ropes and the charges across the ring.)

Cari: "Incoming!"

(Again the crowd cheer as Tiffany leaps over the top rope in a Suicida Plancha, plowing into the three rising wrestlers. As the group crashes to the floor as Moira looks on in horror from inside the ring. After a moment, she begins to count. Mixie rises to her feet first and looks to her partner. Nina rolls away and pushes herself up, to see Moira counting them out. Lindsey rises to her feet with Mixie�s help as Tiffany grabs a hold of the announcer�s table to aid her in rising.  All four women glare at each other and then look up into the ring. Moira is at the 15 count as Mixie quickly slides back into the ring. Tiffany also jumps into the ring as Nina grabs a chair from a Spanish announcer. Lindsey is looking up into the ring as Mixie and Tiffany glare at each other. As Moira turns her attention inside the ring. Nina smashes the chair into Lindsey�s head.)

Ken: "My GOD!"

( The sickening thump causes Lindsey to slump to the floor. Nina drops the chair and jumps up onto the ring apron as Tiffany and Mixie lock up. Tiffany pushes Mixie back slightly, suddenly Mixie rolls backwards, kicking her legs up. The impact into Tiffany�s midsection, flipping the Lane over in a monkey flip. Mixie rolls with the move, ending on top of Tiffany for a pin. Moira slaps her hand down twice, before Tiffany kicks free. Mixie rolls away and takes a quick look around for her partner. From inside the ring, she can�t see the prone form of Lindsey holding her head on the floor. Tiffany slowly rises as Mixie turns her attention back to the match. Locke charges across the ring and leaps into the air.)

Cari: �Miscue!"

( Tiffany bails out of the way at the last second as Mixie goes flying past her. Tiffany quickly stomps down on Mixie as she lies on the canvas. Tiffany launches a barrage of kicks and stomps to the semi-stunned Mixie. Locke tries to squirm away from the onslaught, she brings her hands up to protect her head as Tiffany seems intent on stomping her foot right through her.  Lane manages to land a brutal kick to the side of Mixie�s head, which causes the Locke to go limp for a moment. Nina calls over to Tiffany who looks up with a glazed look of frenzy. Tiffany then drags Mixie over to the corner where Nina tags in. LaRue points to the other corner and Tiffany cracks a wicked grin.  Nina scoops Mixie up and places her upside down, hanging in the corner. Tiffany runs to the opposite corner and then with a howl, runs across the ring. Mixie is helpless and upside down as Tiffany comes running in.)

Ken: "Oh no..."

Cari: "SAFE!"

( Tiffany performs a baseball slide directly into Mixie�s unprotected face. The impact causes Mixie�s body to brutally bend before she falls off the ropes. Moira yells at Tiffany to get out of the ring as Nina drags the limp Mixie to her feet. Again Nina points, although this time it�s at the top turnbuckle. Tiffany complies immediately and scales the ropes as Nina places Mixie in a piledriver position.)

Cari: "Spike coming up!"

Ken: "NO!!LOOK!�

( As Nina moves Mixie into position for the devastating Spike, the crowd cheers as Lindsey leaps up onto the ring apron. She punches Tiffany in the foot, causing her balance to slip. The crowd groans as Tiffany impales herself on the top rope. Lindsey then fires a punch into the surprised Goddess�s face. Nina staggers backwards, giving Mixie the moment she needed. Locke twists her body, while tightening her legs around Nina�s head. LaRue is forced to follow the move and is sent flying across the ring )

Ken: "Hurricanrana!"

( Lindsey steps into the ring as Mixie smiles at her. Locke has a cut on her forehead, which causes a small stream of blood to run down her face. She snarls at her cousin, mentioning something about having to save her ass, as they both pick up LaRue. They quickly hook the Goddess up under their arms and in one motion, lift her into the air.)

Cari: "Doubleteam!"

Ken: " Giant Double suplex!"

( Lindsey and Mixie hold Nina up in the air for a moment, before falling backwards, smashing the Goddess into the mat. Lindsey gives Nina a kick in the belly before Moira grabs a hold of her. Lindsey turns quickly, assuming it�s Tiffany and almost fires a punch into the ref�s face. She stops herself at the last moment.)

Cari: "Hit her! Hit her!"

( As Moira escorts Lindsey from the ring, Mixie goes to pull Nina to her feet. Behind her, Tiffany has pried herself off the top rope and is crouching on the turnbuckle. With the ref�s back turned again, she leaps off, nailing Mixie with a fist drop to the head. Locke crumples to the mat as Nina rises to her feet. Tiffany quickly rolls out of the ring as Moira and Lindsey turn to see Mixie lying on the mat holding her head and the Goddess looming over her. Nina grabs a handful of hair and hauls Mixie up as Tiffany jumps back onto the apron. Nina lifts Mixie up and places her on the top turnbuckle. LaRue quickly climbs up to the second rope and tucks Mixie�s head under her arm. With her free hand she tags Tiffany. Nina then lifts Mixie up off the top rope and falls directly backwards. Mixie�s body is driven directly down into the mat headfirst. She flops over onto her back and lies still. Tiffany jumps up to the top rope as Nina rolls to her feet and runs across the ring towards Lindsey, who is stepping through the ropes. Tiffany stands high on the top rope , before leaping off. )


( Tiffany Swanton Bomb�sinto Mixie, causing them both to bounce up on impact. Tiffany hooks the leg as Nina raises her arms in the air. Moira jumps down to make the count .)

Ken: "Come on Mixie!"

Cari: 1....2...

Ken: Come on..."

Cari: "SAVE! I mean ...BOO ..I mean..DAMMIT!"

(The crowd has a mix of cheers and boo�s as Lindsey dives in at the last second to save her cousin. Moira immediately tells Lindsey to get back to her corner. Lindsey does, screaming at her cousin that she�d better not lose. Tiffany has a nasty scowl on her face as she drags Mixie to her feet. Tiffany whips Mixie into the ropes waits as Mixie rebounds back in. Tiffany kicks out her boot, but Mixie ducks and puts on the brakes. She reaches and grabs Tiffany around the neck before spinning and falling to the mat.)

Ken: "WOW!!! Spinning Neckbreaker! What heart from Mixie!"

Cari: "Bah, she just doesn�t want to disappoint her cousin."

(Mixie rises to her feet and stumbles towards her corner. She reaches out and tags her cousin. The fans of the Revolution cheer as Lindsey jumps into the ring, and runs towards the slowly rising Tiffany. Lindsey leaps forwards, nailing Tiffany in the side of the head with a dropkick.)

Ken: "Ouch! Right in the kisser, and what a kisser!"

Cari: "Like I said before, these two do not like each other."

(Lindsey grabs a hold of Tiffany�s hair and pulls her up. Locke then drives her knee up, dangerously low. Lane�s eye�s nearly bug out as she lets out a pain filled gasp. Lindsey quickly shoves Tiffanys head between her thighs and pulls her up. Locke shifts her arms around Tiff�s waist and thigh and then drops down to the mat.)

Ken: "Cradle Piledriver! Ouch! Nobody does that move better than Lindsey!"

(Locke slides across Tiffany in a very arrogant cover. She places her hand on Tiff�s face, shoving her head to the side. Moira drops down for the count, but only gets a two before Nina�s boot kicks Lindsey in the ribs. Locke yelps and rolls away as Moira turns and demands the Goddess return to her corner.)

Cari: "Save by the Goddess. Neither team is willing to give it up here."

Ken: "Well, I�ve heard that Tiffany will give it up for..."


Ken: "Ouch! Just a joke."

(Lindsey rubs her ribs and rises to her feet. She grabs Tiffany by the legs as the ref is forcing Nina back to her corner. With an evil grin, Lindsey stomps her boot down into Tiffany�s nether region.)

Ken: "LOW BLOW!, what has happened to Lindsey! What happened to America�s hero?"

Cari: "She got smart! People love winners and Lindsey is a winner."

(Tiffany is rolling around the mat in pain as Lindsey watches with a perverse smile. After a moment she grabs Tiffany by the hair and pulls her up. She goes to whip Tiffany into the turnbuckles, but the Bombshell reverses it, sending Locke rushing towards the Sisterhood corner. Nina quickly launches her foot up between the ropes and nails Lindsey with a boot to the chest. Tiffany runs over and tags Nina in. Both women begin stomping on Lindsey as the ref calls for a break. Mixie has seen enough of this and charges across the ring. She slams into Tiffany�s back, knocking the bombshell away. Moira turns and shoves Mixie away, yelling at her to get out of the ring. Mixie complains about the double-teaming, but Moira ignores her and starts to count. Mixie throws her hands up in frustration and starts to head back to her corner. Meanwhile, Nina had placed her boot across Lindsey�s throat and is choking her, as well as berating her.)

Nina: ""You can't compare to BRA's Angelic Beauty!"

(As Moira turns her attention back to the action. Nina lifts her boot off of Lindsey�s throat and pulls her up. She whips Locke across the ring and into the ropes. As Lindsey hits the strands, Mixie slaps her cousin on the back. Lindsey comes rebounding as Nina jumps into the air, spinning her heel around. Locke ducks the move and keeps on running. Nina turns to face her as Lindsey hits the opposite ropes. )

Cari: "Was that a tag?!"

Ken: "Yes! Mixie�s in the ring and Nina doesn�t see her!"

(Tiffany yells across the ring at her partner as Lindsey bounces back towards her. The Goddess is suddenly grabbed from behind and gasps as Mixie�s boot slams up into her belly. Mixie grabs Nina by the ears and jumps up and backwards, pulling Nina�s face into the mat.)

Ken: "ALL MIXED UP! That�s Mixie�s finisher!"

(Mixie rolls Nina over and hooks the leg. After a second ,she looks around and can�t believe her eyes. Across the ring, Tiffany and Lindsey are fighting and the ref is trying to break it up.)

Ken: "Twice now! Mixie�s pinned both Nina and Tiffany and both times, Moira�s been distracted!"

Cari: "What a shame...tee hee."

(Mixie slams her fist in frustration and rises to her feet. She glares across the ring as her partner and opponents brawling have cost her the match..twice! With a snarl on her lips, Mixie takes off across the ring.)

Ken: "What is she.."

Cari: "Woah!"

(Mixie runs and nails her cousin and Tiffany with a dropkick, sending them sprawling through the ropes and onto the floor. Moira is glanced by the blow and she tumbles into the corner. Mixie rises to her feet with her hands on her hips and glares down at her cousin and Tiffany.)

Ken: "Look out Mixie!"

(Mixie turns back into the ring, only to feel Nina�s arm drive up between her legs. The young Locke gasps and doubles over, grasping at her groin. The Goddess quickly hooks her in a side headlock and then leaps up and backwards, placing her legs across Mixie�s back.)


Ken: "Oh no!"

(Mixie�s head is driven into the mat, with so much force she bounces up like a top, before flopping over. Nina struggles to her knee�s and flops across Mixe�s body, hooking a leg. Moira pushes herself out of the corner and runs over for the count.)

Ken: "Come on Mixie!"

Cari: "1...."

Ken: :"2...Come on kid!"

Cari: "3!!!!!"


(The Sisterhood faithful cheer as the bell rings. Outside the ring , Lindsey has Tiffany in a headlock and looks up to see the bell ringing and Nina�s arm being raised. Lindsey�s eyes explode with rage and she drops to the floor, nailing Tiffany into the hard surface with a DDT of her own.)

Cari: "See! I told you! Mixie would cost Lindsey this match!"

Ken: �Mixie had this match won..Twice!"

Cari: "Coulda , woulda , shoulda!"

(Lindsey scowls and leaves her cousin lying in the ring as she storms up the wrestlers ramp in huff. Nina is barely able to stand as she looks around for her partner.)

Ken: "Oh geez, Tiffany�s bleeding."

(The camera shot shows Lane lying on the ground, a trickle of blood running down her forehead.)

Cari: "This ain�t over, not by a long shot."

Ken: "Well, both teams put up a terrific display tonight. I�m really impressed with Mixie. She didn�t look out of place at all in that ring."

Cari: "I suppose she did ok. But in the end, Tiffany and Nina pull out another victory. Although I think Lindsey would have won if she had a better partner."

Ken: "What? They were a great team in there. Some beautiful double teams, great timing, I suspect that if they stayed together, they could be champs one day."

Cari: "Well, if Lindsey has Janus ..god rest her charred soul. Things might have been different."

Ken: "Charred? You are beyond cruel."

Cari: "What? It�s not like she can hear me."

Ken: "A real match! No interference. No beat downs! Is this really Battling Ring Angels?"

Cari: "Cynical? You? That�s my job. Do I need to get my contract out?"

A voice boomed again from the main speakers, the same voice that earlier declared Tiffany Lane as one of the Celestial Champions.

"The crowd has spoken, and perhaps none of us have ever listened? I wanted Battling Ring Angels for my own. Gabrielle wants Battling Ring Angels for his own. We�ve both forgotten something... Battling Ring Angels is for the fans."

Johnny stepped back to his perch in the back, nodding in time to his words while the fans ate him up with cheers.

"On February 12th, Frozen Hearts, only Battling Ring Angels athletes with valid contracts will be allowed to enter the backstage areas or ring. Furthermore, any wrestler who intervenes in a match they have not been assigned to will find themselves terminated. If this seems cold, one needs only look at the title. I�m bringing the sport back to Battling Ring Angels."

Kenny: "Yes! We have a hero!"

Cari: "He can�t do that! He�s not in charge! He�s nothing..."

Fade to credits and copyright.

Batting Ring Angels, January 29, 2000



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