Medusa Rage vs. The Ninja Missy Jones vs. Missy Mckinley

The crowd is on their feet and ready for the final event of the evening. An event that promises all the beer guzzling, nacho cramming rabid fans in attendance will have something to talk about as they belly up to the bar at the local sports bars that dot the main drag.

The lights begin to fade.

The entrance ramp lights up like a an airport runway guiding in a late night commuter flight. The announcer enters the ring and begins to make the introductions. The fans begin to quiet in anticipation of the combatants arrival.

The houselights go down.  The theme music, the ominus 4th Movement of Dvorak's "Symphony number 9: From the New World, starts up and just as it reaches its crescendo, the curtains fly apart. Medusa Rage steps out on the lighted ramp. She pauses and looks at the crowd with caustic distain as they shower her with boos. She strides to the ring with a measured pace and deliberate stride. Her pet python, Serpentine, is coiled around her shoulders, like the expensive fur of a Park Avenue socialite, hissing and ready for action. Medusa's glare is as cold as the grave as she steps into the ring, ready to go to war one more time.

She paces the ring.

Looks at the announcer and slides out her tongue, flicking it at him and the crowd mimicing her reptialian companion.

 Once again the entire arena goes dark and still. A yin-yang pierced by a sword appears on the angeltron
The lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning far in the distance.

 All is dark again .

A low roll of thunder echoes through the arena, followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Soon Jim
Morrison joins in with the Doors, singing "Riders on the Storm."

A barely noticeable shadow flies seemingly from out of nowhere as the lights pulse dimly.
Without warning, over the top rope into the ring, and Missy Jones, in  full ninja attire, lands silently on the mat. She tears off her hood and black suit in one fluid motion  to reveal a midnight blue one-piece, solidly filled in all the right places by her lithe, firm muscles. She surveys the landscape carefully as she seems to be searching for potential threats and weapons.

The crowd begins to slowly show some signs of life as the applause and cheers of the fans begins to grow to a cresendo like the Dorvak symphony. In the ring Medusa spins around quickly and retreats to a corner, careful not to expose her back to the silent intruder.

The Ninja begins to stare at at her opponent. She appears to be ready to strike. Medusa draws the attention of the referee trying to get him to restrain Missy and instruct her that this is to be a fair fight.

Medusa suddenly reels around and looks to the entrance ramp as the familiar strains of Shania Twain's "Man I Feel Like a Woman" begins to play over the arena's sound system. The fans begin to send a mixed chorus of boos and cheers as they dance to the country siren's hit.

Missy McKinley steps out on the entrance ramp and walks to the ring. Guitar in hand and cowboy hat on her head and her "Personal Secretary" Daisy Crenshaw at her side, she strides to the ring with an air of arrogance reserved for a Nashville party.

Wearing  a white leather sassy two piece swimsuit all covered by white leggings bathed in rhinestones and "jewels" and a sparkling white vest she. Her ensemble is completed by a pair of dark sunglasses and a pair of knee high black and white zebra print cowboy boots.

Missy Mickenly steps to the ring and is assisted inside the iron circle by Daisy. Daisy steps down from the apron and walks seductively around the outside of the ring. Her stiletto heels keeping time with the rythmic bouncing of her breast. The crowd issues thier complimentary cat calls as Daisy struts and Missy strips.

Missy reluctantly hands the referee the guitar after she makes a threatening motion with it to both of her opponents. The referee takes the guitar and passes it to the announcers outside the ring.

After the ring instructions are made, the referee signals to the announcers to start the match. the bell sounds and like a trio of syncronatic swimmers acting on cue, the three women each quickly back pedal back to their corners and stare at each other in surprise.

The crowd responds with boos and laughter as the three women, each with the same strategy, stand on guard in their corners. The referee shakes his head in disbelif and motions for the three to come center and start the match. Reluctantly the two Missies come center mass and face each other in a long stare. Medusa walks the perimeter of the ring as the crowd sends forth a hail boos directed to the snake woman as she elects to show that discretion is indeed sometimes the better part of valor.

" Hey, don't she kinda look like Shania?" says the Ninja Missy looking at Medusa but pointing to Missy McKinley.

Taking a second to think about her statement the Ninja shakes her head and corrects herself "HER voice and face are both WAY better than yours!"

The crowd sounds their approval with an uproar of laughter. Missy just stands there looking at the Jones Ninja and shakes her head. Without warning, McKinley rushes Jones trying for a hair mare. jones ducks to the side and side steps allowing McKinley to grab nothing but air.

The Ninja without skipping a beat continues her ducking motion and launches herself into a savate kick that connects hard on the chin of Medusa Rage. Rage spins counter clockwise and hits the canvas with a thud.

Rage counters by quickly scampering to her feet and into a corner careful not to show her back to either of the Missies.

The crowd approves of Jones' move. They begin to cheer. Jones refuses to acknowledge their cheers but rather turns her attention back at Missy Mickinley who turns around and throws her arms down in a fit of anger. She begins to walk around the ring and adjust the back of her leather bikini bottoms. She looks at Jones and motions for her to come to the center of the ring.

Jones accepts the offer. She steps to the center and with cat like speed drops to the canvas and with a textbook leg sweep takes the country girl off of her feet and to the canvas. Both Missies quickly scramble back to their feet and Jones connects to the chest of the self proclaimed country star with a missle like drop kick. McKinley is sent head over heels in love with the canvas and falls into the same corner that is currently being kept warm by Medusa. Seeing the strong muscular legs of Medusa, Missy Mac quickly  rolls out of the way but not before Rage connects with a stomp to the back of the singing Missy's head.

McKinley scrambles to her feet and out of the corner.

Jones meets her and with sniper like precision executes an irish whip into the turnbuckle from the corner from whence she just came. McKinley slams into Medusa and Rage cushions Missy's meeting with the turnbuckle.

Missy shakes her head and walks out of the corner as Medusa slumps to the mat holding her back and head. She eventually finds a moment of respite outside the ring.

The crowd is cheering for the Ninja as she seems to have dominated the match thus far. The crowd quickly turns on the Ninja though as they begin to demand their moneys worth. Missy, the Jones girl, looks at Missy, the Mckinley girl, and motions her to the center of the ring. Missy, the Mckinley one, obliges and the two Missy's meet in the center.

Missy, the ninja, issues a spinning round house kick that is quickly avoided by Missy McKinley. A quick side step by the ninja and a quick snap kick to the back of the knee takes Missy Mac down to the canvas. With the help of a handful of McKinley's brown locks the ninja pulls her to her feet.

A quick and burning sensation shoots through the forehead of both Missy's. The pain continues over the top of their respective skulls and starts to enter all sides of their heads. Both feel faint and are quickly snapped back to reality, momentarily, by the painful, burning sensation once again. The thud of skull against skull, bone against bone becomes shockingly aware to both of them as they are quickly reminded there is a third and very lethal opponent in this match.

Their knees start to buckle and McKinley begins to feel nausiated as the thud sounds off a third time. The only thing that keeps both Missies from falling to the mat in a lump of............... Missies????............ Is the handful of hair that Medusa maintains a vice like hold to.

The lights begin to flicker and kalideascope like images begin to pass through the mind of Missy McKinley as she lies motionless on her back. Her body rises up off the canvas in unision and falls back down likewise as the ring vibrates from the body slam  executed by Medusa on the ninja half of the Missy bookends. The crowd smelling blood begins to come alive as the tide of the match seems to be quickly turning in the direction of the snake charmer. Medusa reaches down and pulls both Missies to their knees by their hair. Missy Jones unleashes a quick left right combination to the bread basket Rage. As Rage bends forward McKinley drives a fist deep into her exposed unprotected crotch. Medusa falls forward gasping for air.

McKinley grabs Jones by her hair and spins her around, pulling her off balance and delivers a well telegraphed haymaker. Jones, being pulled off her base, cannot find the method, agility or the quickness needed to thwart the blow. She falls over on her side. She does however snap out her right leg and manages to connect deep in the belly of McKinley slowing her down.

Medusa somewhat recovered manages to get to her feet and grabs the ankles of the Ninja. Jones manages to free her left ankle and fires a series of alternating left right snap kicks into the face of Rage. Medusa drops her Missy's remaining ankle and stumbles backward holding her head trying to clear her head. She tries to roll out of the ring to clear the cobwebs and collect her thoughts but only manages to get out for a second as she met on the floor by a guitar weilding Daisy. Medusa quickly rolls back into the ring and is caught in the chin by an open palm strike by Missy Jones. Jones follows it up with a lightning fast super kick that sends Rage over the top rope back out to the concrete floor below.

Missy McKinley makes it to her feet and circles around the back of Jones.  Daisy perches tacticlly behind McKinley on the apron. Mckinley grabs Jones by her hair and spins her around. McKinley connects with a snap kick to the belly of Jones. Missy takes Jones by her hair. McKinley drops to her left knee and extends her right knee. With the force of the downward drop McKinley delivers jones' head onto her knee with a sickening thud. She quickly pulls Jones to her feet and irish whips her into the ropes where the guitar sling Daisy is waiting.

Medusa climbs back into the ring. Rage in her eyes she becomes hell bent on the rapid destruction of both Missies. She begins to move toward them.

Just as McKinley is about to send Jones flying into the ropes, Jones reverses the irish whip and sends McKinley into the ropes instead. The ever ready Daisy swings and connects with a center mass shot to the head of Missy, albeit the wrong Missy,  splintering the quitar into several pieces, still connected by its strings.

Medusa charges forward at Missy Jones as Missy McKinley falls to the mat semi-concious. Daisy looking to finally correct her aim fires again this time connecting with the head of Medusa as Missy Jones ducks out of the way. Rage crumples to the mat, guitar around her neck.

Daisy fearing the worst runs to the safety of the backstage dressing area while Missy...Jones takes the dazed Missy..... McKinley and wraps her up in a small package pinning her to the mat for the three count. The crowd jumps to its feet. They begin chanting the name of the winner of the three way match.
MIS-E, MIS-E, MIS-E.........

Jones that is.

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