Naughty Naughty vrs Bloodlust

By: ToneDef

[We come back from a commerical to survey the sold out arena, where the ecstatic fans are on their feet, attempting for a moment of recognition on the cameras as they scream for their favorites and wave their signs. A few of the apparent signs say ‘GET WELL SOON, EVONNY’, ‘BRING ON THE SWEET ONE!’, and ‘KORN IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF A NUTRICIOUS BREAKFAST.’ The camera spins around, to focus on the announcers table at ringside.]

Sally: "Wow! What a great night we’ve had so far, and we are just getting started here! It’s time for another hectic battle!"

Garry: "Hectic? 2 law abiding teams, gawdamn, these chairs should come standard with pillows."

Sally: "I think that it will be a true test of ability, not like those fiasco’s that you’re particularly fond of. And the winner of this match will be sure to be the top contender for the tag belts!"

Garry: "You’ve got to be kidding, I don’t see Ms. Evonne Carmikel on either of these teams! Or Lisa Dream…or the Babe Squad! What have you been smoking, these two teams are…"

Sally: "proven combatants who work well together, and who add a lot of class to this league!"

{ The crowd is quickly silenced as a concusion grenade explodes, and the lights in the arena all go out. }

A siren screeches over the sound system, and it is followed by the thumping sounds of "You've Got Another Thing comin" by Judas Priest. The Angel tron then comes to life, }

{ The crowd begins to cheer again, and then really go wild as the Angeltron begins showing clips of Sherry Ann and Darling Katie is ring action, and in glamour poses, and then goes into a series of shots of them working out together, }

{ A large arrow then points down on the screen, and standing under the Angeltron is Sherry and Katie....Sherry is dressed in her long black drovers coat, that has Body Shop on the back of it. Her famous thigh high black leather boots can be seen as the coat flings open as she walks, as can her black bikini. Katie is dressed in a yellow floral print bikini, and has yellow pumps on. }

{ The crowd goes into a frenzy hooting, whistling, and cheering for them, and they make their way down the ailse towards the ring. }

{ Katie kicks off her pumps at ringside, then hops into the ring, where Sherry is holding open the ropes for her. Sherry then steps in the ring behind Katie, and she takes the mic from the ring announcer. }

"Hellloooo Las Vegas!!!!! It's great to be home again, and even better to have the love of my life by my side again, Darling Katie!!!"

{ The crowd let's out a big pop, as Sherry raises Katie's hand high in the air. }

"Well it's time for the talking to end, and the action to begin, so Bloodlust, come on down, and get what's coming to you....Oh and leave that circus act that follows you all around in the back, or we're gonna have some serious problems out here...TRUST ME!

{ Sherry throws down her mic, then much to the delight of the crowd, she whips her long coat off, and reveals her tight muscular body. She and Katie then give each other a high 5, and do some stretching as they wait for Bloodlust to come out. }

Garry: "What a sad display, playing to the crowds like that, you know they’re dissapointed in having to watch these fools wrestle instead of some women of real talent!"

Sally: "Huh? I can’t hear you over the roars of this appreciative crowd!"

[The lights in the arena dim and spotlights focus on the entrance. Killing Joke’s song "Love like Blood" start up over the soundsystem while the videowall shows the symbol of Bloodlust : the orange outline of female lips superimposing a yellow teardrop outline on a bloodred background. Red colored smoke pours from the entrance, while around the arena, red pyrotechnics provides some illumination. Out of the back stride Wendy "Wildcat" Jones and Amanda Sinclair. Both are wearing an identical bloodred outfit : wrestling boots, supple tight fitting leather pants and a tanktop which repeats the Bloodlust symbol in the front. Wendy’s blonde hair looks punkish, cut short, and standing straight. They purposefully step towards the ring, all the while on the lookout for possible ambushes. As the crowd sees them, there is more cheering then booing this time. Wendy and Amanda acknowledge the fans waving, and even slapping a few outstretched hands. Wendy even takes the time to autograph a photo of a young fan wearing a red bloodlust T-shirt. They climb in and hug each other shortly, causing whistling and shouting]

Sally: "Though here for only a short time thus far, they already have a rather strong fan following, that is for sure!"

Garry: "Don’t know why, these two are fools. Wendy especially….earning the attention of Lisa Dream is not a thing that a sane woman would do…"

Sally: "Hey, Lisa is what made Wendy into what she is today, apparently, and I, for one, can’t wait to see Wendy knock the snot out of that cowardly goth!"

[Wendy takes the microphone, and adresses the crowd. "Hello BRA fans ! When Bloodlust came to this league, we said our main goal was the tag-team title. That still is the case now. Tonight, we're facing another contender for a title shot, so expect a hard fought match, a match like you all like ! Hard, but if we can help it fair." There is a lot of cheering, and some booing at that. "I'm sure both teams want to win this match badly. We promise you to give it our best, for that is what you all deserve ! May the best team win tonight, and … enjoy the show !"]

Garry (shaking his head): "Fighting fairly….what a joke!"

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "And here we go! This is going to be great….Wendy is in there first for Bloodlust, and Sherry is in there first for Naughty Naughty…they warily circle…"

Garry: "C’mon, let’s see some action! Wendy extends her hands for a test of strength, Sherry complies….Sherry goes for a knee to the belly, but Wendy pulls back, pulling Sherry with her…"

Sandra: "Wendy goes to the ground and Monkey flips Sherry over her! Nice move!"

Garry: "I don’t think that Sherry was expecting that, they both get to their feet, but Wendy is there first, with a dropkick to send the aging cheater to the mat!"

[Wendy then gets Sherry into a side headlock, going to wear down the legend of the squared circle as Amanda yells encouragement from her corner. Sherry, however, manages to break the hold by grabbing a hold of Wendy and side suplexing her to the mat.]

Sandra: "You don’t give Sherry a chance to get a hold of you in that ring, that’s for sure!"

Garry: "Exactly…the stench alone is enough to make even the strongest gals legs wobble…Sherry follows up the move with a jarring closeline!"

Sandra: "Sherry stomps on Wendy, then pulls her to her feet….gutwrench suplex takes the wind out of the Wildcat! Sherry is using her strength very well in the early going of this match, don’t you think, Garry?"

Garry (was sleeping, but lifts his head up at the mention of his name) " Huh? What? Who?"

Sandra: "And a tag in to Katie!"

[Katie hops onto the ropes to the cheers of the crowd, and she flying dropkicks Wendy to the mat just as Sherry legsweeps the Wildcats legs out from under her. Sherry then retreats to her corner, and Katie is right there, getting Wendy in a modified camel clutch. The referee comes over to ask if she submits, but Wendy gets a hand on the ropes before she can answer, and Katie has to break the hold.]

Garry: "Typical Shop fools, always doing their submission holds too close to the ropes! If they were to grow even half a brain, they’d pull their opponent out into the center of the ring!"

Sandra: "Oh, you mean like what Katie is doing now? No….drop toe hold from Wendy sends the blond down to the mat, and followed up with an ankle lock submission hold! Where did that come from?!?"

Garry: "Katie could be in trouble…please let this match be over, I’ve had enough already…"

Sandra: "Katie does not give up so easily…but this time escapes the hold from the aid of Sherry, who runs in and stomps on Wendy!"

Garry: "Damn cheaters…"

[Wendy casually gets to her feet, pulls Katie over to her corner, and tags in her partner, Amanda. The two of them use their count of 5 to hit Katie with a jarring amount of kicks and punches while she is trapped in the corner, and, when Wendy finally leaves the ring, Katie goes to one knee, attempting to recuperate from the damage inflicted.]

Sandra: "Some nice teamwork from Bloodlust, Katie took some solid shots there, and I don’t think that Amanda is going to be giving her some leeway here!"

Garry: "Amanda pulls Katie to her feet….a scoop and a slam! Amanda then tags in Wendy again, who goes to the top rope…and a bodysplash from the top of the turnbuckle finds its mark! Wendy hooks the leg…"

Sandra: "Kickout at 2 and a half, I didn’t think that Wendy would have her that easily…nice moves from Bloodlust, though!"

Garry: "Wendy tags in Amanda again…I tell you, some great tags from this team, to say the least. Isolate on teammate, keep her trapped in your corner, and have both of you in there as much as possible, that’s the key to success!"

Sandra: "Well, Bloodlust is certainly doing that to Katie here, that’s for sure! They both hook Katie up…and a double vertical suplex with authority!"

[Amanda goes for the cover this time, but Katie once again kicks out at 2 and a half. Amanda doesn’t look too happy at Katie’s resiliency, and, pulling her to her feet, whips her into the ropes and backdrops her to the mat. She again goes for the cover, and again only gets a count of 2 and a half.]

Garry: "Sherry is stomping and clapping her hands together in her corner, trying to work up Katie’s confidence….the crowd gets in on it too, and soon this place is deafening! What the hell is wrong with these people?!?"

Sandra: "Whatever…Amanda goes to whip Katie into the ropes again, but Katie reverses the move…Katie does a summersault, rises to her feet with lightning speed…and a lariat takes Amanda down!"

Garry: "But Katie can’t capitalize! She just slumps on her front to the ground, needing some recuperation time!"

Sandra: "Well, you would be the same way after a beating like that!"

Garry: "Honey, I could take all 4 of these ladies with both hands tied behind my back and a paper bag over my head!"

[Both wrestlers are down, but Amanda makes it to her feet the quickest, and once again pulls Katie to her feet. A punch to the belly from Katie does nothing to Amanda, who goes to punch Katie in the face. Katie blocks the punch with her left arm, the slams her left palm against Amanda’s ear, stunning the Bloodlust member. Katie then knees Amanda in the belly, and spinning neckbreakers her to the mat]

Sandra: "Wow, some lightning quick moves from Katie! She has to get to her corner and make the tag now!"

Garry: "I think she just may, both ladies are down again, but Katie got in some great shots there…in fact, she is the first one to stir of the two!"

Sandra: "The crowd is going crazy, and Katie begins to make her way to her corner, just as Amanda stirs, and goes for the tag as well……Amanda gets to her corner first, and gets in the tag, but Katie makes the tag as well, and Sherry hops into the ring and running closelines a dashing Wendy to her feet!"

Garry: "This has to almost be over now…"

Sandra: "Wendy gets to her feet….but is met with a face rake from Sherry Ann! A surprise underhanded move from the legend herself!"

Garry: "Surprise? The only surprise is that it took her this long to do it…"

[Wendy clutches her face, and Sherry follows the face rake up with a whip into the ropes, and a sidewalk slam. Sherry then sits herself down on Wendy and begins to choke the Wildcat, much to the chagrin of the audience. The referee gives Sherry to a count of 5 to break the hold, and she breaks it at 4. She then moves to her corner, and tags in Katie]

Sandra: "Sherry hoists Wendy up….Katie dashes to the opposite ropes, and flying closelines the Wildcat out of Sherry’s grasp! Good double team move from the two, and Katie goes for the pin!"

Garry: "Kickout at 2…damn, is anything going to end this match?"

Sandra: "What a great match so far! Katie pulls Wendy to her feet, whips her into the ropes and goes for a flying dropkick…"

Garry: "NO! The Wildcat drops to the mat, and Katie hits nothing but air! Wendy does a little roll towards her corner…and tags in her partner!"

Sandra: "Amanda comes into the ring just as Katie is standing, and bodyslams the blond to the mat! With authority! Amanda follows it up with a guillotine legdrop…then hauls Katie to her feet!"

Amanda: "Ya shouldn’t have cheated, now ya’ll take the consequences!"

Garry: "Doesn’t sound too happy that Katie’s partner did some underhanded tactics a bit earlier…."

[Upon saying this, Amanda picks Katie off of the ground and Spinebusters the blond to the mat. She then tags in Wendy, who quickly mounts the top rope and drops off of it with a solid elbowdrop to the face. She then goes for the cover, but Sherry gets into the ring and stomps Wendy off of her partner.]

Sandra: "A nice save from Sherry, I think that that hit was more than enough to have put Katie away there!"

Garry: "Pffft, what can’t put away Katie? I heard that, in the other league, Evonne just blew on her and the little girl just fell to the ground!"

Sandra: "Well, Wendy gets Katie inside of a Boston Crab, after making sure that they were nowhere near the ropes, she is not making the same mistake as earlier, that is for sure! Katie could be in trouble!"

Garry: "Good! Submit! Get this over with!"

Sandra: "Katie looks to be in a considerable amount of pain….Sherry once again gets into the ring, and kicks Wendy off of her partner!"

[This time, when Wendy gets up, she begins to say some heated words to Sherry, who merely smirks at the Wildcat as she goes back to her corner. Wendy tags in Amanda, and the two of them whip Katie into the ropes and backdrop her to the mat. Amanda goes for the cover, and Katie once again kicks out.]

Garry: "What a sorry excuse for a wrestler…Amanda whips Katie into the ropes, goes for a closeline…Katie ducks under, stops behind Amanda, and, when Amanda spins around, is met with a superkick to the face!"

Sandra: "Nice Superkick! Katie looks to be in pretty rough shape, but she does manage to make it to her corner to tag in Sherry!"

Garry: "Oh good, and here comes the cheater…"

Sandra: "Sherry is in, hauls Amanda to her feet…Russian LegSweep takes her right back down to the mat! Sherry hauls her to her feet again…and, hauling her over to a turnbuckle, begins to repeatedly drive her face down onto the turnbuckle!"

Garry: "The crowd counts with her….after the necessary 10, Sherry releases Amanda, who slumps to the mat, definitely confused!"

[Sherry plays to the crowd, flexing her biceps and chatting it up with them, and then she tags in Katie. The two of them whip the British woman into the ropes, and double drop toe hold Amanda to the mat. Katie then goes for the cover, but again Amanda kicks out.]

Sandra: "Katie almost seemed to expect that kickout this time…she runs at the ropes, and, bouncing off of them, hits Amanda with a springboard leg guillotine! She then hauls Amanda to her feet…and drives her head into the mat with a DDT!"

Garry: "Wow, Sherry’s flavor of the month does know a couple of moves…"

Sandra: "Katie, this time, plays for the crowd, smiling for them and waving, and then the blond whips Amanda into the ropes. Amanda suddenly jumps to the second rope, spins around….gets Katie with a picture perfect flying headscissors!"

Garry: "What a display of athletisicm!"

Sandra: "Right into the Final Embrace, Amandas finishing hold! A combination Waist Scissors and Sleeper!"

[Sherry is immediately inside of the ring, but Wendy has anticipated her, and she dropkicks Sherry out of the ring before the legend can reach her fallen opponent. Wendy follows Sherry outside as the referee checks on Katies condition. Nowhere near the ropes, and with no way to break the hold, Katie can only remain there and slowly lose conciousness inside of the solid submission manuever. The referee soons checks on her condition, and, deeming her unconcious, orders the bell to be rung.]

Ding Ding Ding

Garry: "Wow, I think it’s the first time that we’ve ever seen that finishing manuever! It took Katie down pretty good!"

Sandra: "I heard that Amanda has spent many years perfecting that one….once you’re trapped in it, there is really no escape!"

Garry: "Bloodlusts theme music blares over the loudspeakers, and Wendy gets back in the ring to celebrate with her teammate as Katie is unceremoniously rolled out of the ring, and revived by her teammate."

Sandra: "What a great match! But now, we have to take a short commercial break…we will, however, be back with some more great action!"

[Fade to a commercial for the Alexandra Parker Spring Collection, affordably priced to fit even the most strained budget]

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