logoEvonne Carmikel vs. Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson

(The screen fades up from black as the camera�s pan around the arena. The fans are on they�re feet, eagerly awaiting the final match of the evening. A long history lives between the next two combatants. One a vision of youthful vitality, ever changing and expressing itself. The other, a vision of corruption and decadence, where life has little meaning, other than to attain monetary goals. However, circumstances have changed, life, in this fickle reality is never quite predictable or understandable, but is always entertaining. )

(The camera pushes in to the announcer�s desk. A concerned Garry Grimoire sits nervously as Sandra smiles into the camera.)

Sandra: � Welcome back folks, well our last match of the evening is sure to be� interesting.�

Garry: � This is insane! Evonne cannot beat Jenny in her condition. She has a medical illness!! �

Sandra: � Whatever she has, I like it. Evonne has been a changed woman since 3 weeks ago at the Frozen Hearts PPV. Maybe, the blackest heart of them all had a thaw?�

Garry: � She�s been drugged!! Dupes!! Her brain switched by Aliens! Whatever has happened, the fact remains that in her present state, she is no match for Jenny Anderson!�

Sandra: � She�s no match for a Tele Tubby. �

Garry: � You see!! This match should be postponed! Cancelled! If Evonne gets into the ring in her present state, and Jenny , being the nasty , dirty , wrestler that she is. Evonne will be seriously injured!�

Sandra: � Well, she could always forfeit the match and ruin her perfect record?�

Garry: � That�s not going to happen. But a postponement is in order.�

Sandra: � Jenny Anderson has been waiting a long time for this. Evonne has humiliated her, injured her, broke her heart, attacked and injured her mother. Just because Evonne seems to have a problem at the moment, that is no excuse for not reaping what she has sown. �

Garry:� Well, Lisa Dream shouldn�t let her boss go out there, Heck!! Her Doctor should have banned her from wrestling!�

Sandra: � Serve�s Evonne right for choosing that quack McKinley as a personal physician.�

( The lights dim down for a moment as all eye�s turn to the wrestler entranceway. The Happy and up beat tune of � Do you really want to Hurt me � by Culture Club begins to play, as the lights come back on in bright red and white colors. A series of pink and white explosions illuminate the entrance as Evonne Carmikel skips through it. A third of the crowd laughs, a third cheers and a third weeps as the once mighty leader of the Syndicate skips down the ramp towards the ring. She is wearing , something that might be considered a wrestling outfit. She is barefoot, a pink sundress and her hair in pigtails. She sucks an extra large lollipop as she slaps the hands of ringside fans and giggles as people try to snap photo�s. )

Garry: � HEY!! No Photo�s!! Security!!�

Sandra: � Oh man, if she ever snaps out of this, she is going to be so mad.�

( The six-foot Evonne is quite a sight in her dress. She looms over most ringside fans, even in this state, her presence is felt. Although the happy faces on her cheek, and the � I Love Cosmo� painted in bright red letters across the front of her dress, prevent anyone from being frightened of the Carmikel Inc. CEO.)

Garry: � What would The Foxx say if she saw this �.this is a travesty.�

Sandra: � Who?�

Garry: � Never mind, you had to be there.�

( Evonne climbs into the ring and starts to clap her hands as she skips around the ring. The ref tries to stop her , but fails as she ignores him, dancing to the music , only stopping for a moment to wave out into the crowd and then continues on her way. A laugh comes forth from the audience as the ref chases Evonne around the ring, trying to check her illegal objects. Finally Evonne stops, she turns and gives the ref a big kiss on the cheek, leaving a pink smudge on his face. The ref blushes as Evonne giggles and waits in her corner. )

Garry: � This is it, it�s come down to this. Jenny is going to end Evonne�s career tonight, I have a feeling.�

Sandra: �Well, Jenny and her sister Linda haven�t been seen lately. Rumor had it that they went missing and Sherry Ann and the Body Shop have been frantically looking for her.�

Garry: � Really!, oh umm, that�s a shame � whoo hoo.�

( The lights suddenly dim down and a cheer erupts from the crowd. The Ohio Fight song begins to play )

Sandra: � She�s here! �

Garry: � Run Evonne!! Dammit!! RUN!!�

( The song plays, but there is no movement from the curtain. )

Sandra: � Hmmm, she�s certainly taking her time.�

Garry: � Maybe she�s�.hey! Ring the Bell!!!�

( The timekeeper frowns and looks up at the entranceway. The ref turns and the nods his head as the announcer speaks into a mic. )

Announcer: � Ladies and Gentlemen, Jenny Anderson!!!�

( The Ohio Fight song continues to play, but the curtain remains motionless. )

Garry: � Ring it you idiot! Ring it now!�

Sandra: � Jenny had better get down here soon, or she�s gonna forfeit this match �

Garry: � Oh please, oh please ..oh please ..RING IT!!�

( The crowd seems confused, although not as confused as Evonne. She wanders to the ropes and looks up at the entranceway with a sad look. She scratches her head and then slides out of the ring, heading towards the announce table. )

Sandra: � Where is Miss Happiness going?�

Garry: � Stay in the ring Evonne!!! Stay in the ring!!�

( Evonne walks up to the ring announcer and smiles, extending her hand. He hands her a microphone and then she slides back into the ring. )

Evonne: � Oh Jenny, Jenny Sweetie. We have a match.�

Garry: � For the Love of God!! Ring that BELL!!!�

( The ref turns and points at the timekeeper.)


Garry: � Finally!�

Sandra: � Well, Jenny has 20 seconds to get to the ring. You know, I wouldn�t put it past Evonne�s minions to have trapped Jenny in the back, so that Evonne would get the win.�

Garry: � You think so? What a great idea that would have been�. Umm I mean, No way! Lisa Dream and the Syndicate do not need to stoop to such underhanded methods to win a match.�

( The Ref starts his count as everyone in the building seems a bit upset about Jenny�s absence.)

Sandra: � Electra�s not going to be happy about a no-show.�

Garry: � Shhhhhh, listen to the count �..4�..5�.6�..7..�

Ref: � 8�..9��10 �

Evonne: � Jenny!! Hurray!! You�ve only got 10 seconds��

( The crowd picks up the count, with the faint hope that Jenny will be able to make it. )

Crowd: � 11 �..12 ��13�..14�.15��16��

Sandra: � 17 �1.8���

Garry: �19.20 it�s over!!!�


( The crowd begins to boo as the ref calls for the bell.)

Garry: � Ahhh, Evonne�s perfect record is intact!�

Sandra: � I hope Jenny is ok, I have never seen her miss a match, ever.�

Garry:� She knew she couldn�t beat Evonne ,she just didn�t want to be humiliated��

Sandra: � Speaking of humiliated, look!�

( Sandra points to the ring as Evonne cracks a devilish grin. She makes a head motion to a ring tech, who speaks into his head set. A moment later, some new music is heard.�

Garry: �What the Hell�that�s the Stripping Song!!�

Sandra: � It look�s like Evonne�s going to put on a show!�

Evonne: � Cosmokin�s!! You�ve been hiding from me all week now, but I know you�re in the building, my little love muffin. So, I�m calling you out, and just to make sure, I�m going to strip until you come and get me�

Garry: �WHAT!!!�

Sandra: �Oh this I gotta see!� Garry: � Kill the lights!!! Show�s over!! Show�s over!!!�

Sandra: � Look�s like the Show is just beginning!�

( Evonne starts to dance around the ring, she slowly peels the strap off of her right shoulder, letting the dress sag a little. Whistles and catcalls come out from the audience as Evonne slowly unties her pigtails, letting her hair hang loosely over her face. She goes to grab the other strap of her dress )

Garry: � Security! The woman is ill, somebody do something!�

Sandra: � I just hope she�s got something on underneath that sundress, or BRA is going to lose it�s PG-14 rating.�

( Just as Evonne slips the other strap off her shoulder, the lights dim down. The crowd boo�s in displeasure, cheated of it�s spectacle.)

Garry: � Thank god, whoever did that , just earned their pay for the week�

Sandra: � Something�s happening here, someone just climbed into the ring!�

( As the lights slowly dim up, Evonne stands in the middle of the ring, her sundress hanging around her waist, revealing a pink and white satin bra. Behind Evonne stands a woman in a tight white sweater, a bowler cap, and white pants, oh and a 2x4.)

Garry: � Is that Lisa?�

Sandra: � I don�t think so, Lisa isn�t a blonde.�

( There is complete silence as the crowd watches the chair raised high in the air )

Garry: � What the hell!!�


Sandra: � That�s Lil Alex!! She just nailed Evonne in the back of the head!!�

( Evonne falls to her knee�s clutching her head as Alex swings the piece of wood down again, smashing it against Evonne�s skull, sending her to the mat. Alex stands above the downed Evonne, smiling as she looks at the crack in the wood. )

Alex: There now, that should fix her Razadoodle �

Sandra: � Razadoodle?�

Garry: � Where�s Lisa!! Where�s the Paramedic�s!!�

( Almost on cue, the Syndicate Enforcer comes running down the ramp. A few steps behind her, Dr.Cosmo McKinley, with a look of sheer horror on his face hurry�s to the ring. Nurse Ansalong, bumbles behind him, pausing to pick up the many pills she is spilling as she runs. Also giving some of the ringside fans a good look at her shapely and scarcely covered posterior.)

( Alex seems happy to see her Buddy and smiles as Lisa slides into the ring. The Dream is completely shocked by her � associates� actions. She grabs the chair from Alex as Cosmo climbs up the ring steps. He turns to get his bag from Ansalong , but frowns as he sees�s her administering some green and purple pills to some ringside fans.)

Garry: � That woman is a nut , she should be in an institution!�

Sandra: � Which one�?�

Garry: � Alex!! She is a menace, look what she did to Evonne.�

( Cosmo storms up the ramp and grabs Nurse Anaslong by the arm, dragging her towards the ring. She yelps and trips, causing both of them to tumble, spilling even more contents of the �medical� bag onto the floor. Lisa bends over Evonne, grabbing her hand and feeling it limp in her grasp. Alex stands, slightly confused over the whole situation. Finally after a few more moment, members of BRA�s Medical team bring a stretcher to the ring. )

Garry: � Evonne is cut! And this is all Jenny Anderson�s fault!!�

Sandra: � WHAT! How can you say that?�

Garry: � If Jenny had shown up, there would have been a match.�

Sandra: � But you said earlier that Jenny would annihilate Evonne in her current condition�

Garry: � I never said that! Stop putting words in my mouth.�

( The BRA medic�s tend to Evonne as Lisa yell�s at Cosmo, who in turn is yelling at Alex, who is still confused why everyone is so mad. Anaslong is doing to her best to assist the medic�s how in turn , keep telling her to go away.)

Sandra:: � Well, this is a fine kettle of fish. Alex nails Evonne, Cosmo drug�s Evonne, Lisa fails to protect Evonne. Can you see the pattern here?�

Garry: � Pattern? There�s no pattern!! This is a travesty of justice! A day of infamy!�

Sandra: � You may have just hit that on the head. Didn�t you notice that from the moment Evonne became the Number One Contender to Lisa�s title, she suddenly started having problems?

Garry: � What?�

Sandra: � Well, Lisa is known to have a relationship with the Dentonvale Crew, and right after the match with Zantara, Evonne became the Number One contender, and then she started having all these problems?�

Garry: �What?�

Sandra:� Put two and two together you idiot!�

Garry: �4�

( Sandra sighs and turns to the camera )

Sandra: � Well folks, that�s it for us tonight. Thanks for coming and in the mean time, and in between time, that�s it, another edition of Battling Ring Angels�

( As the camera fades to black, Garry�s voice is heard )

Garry: � Four, it�s four� what was so hard about that?�

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