Kimie Kurita


Tina Dream

by WWJ

Another commercial break is ending. Not that anyone inside the arena actually payes them any heed, but they are the leagues lifeblood, the backbone of it's cashflow. The camera focusses on Garry and Sandra at their announcers table. In the background, there is movement as some fo the fans used the short pause to provision on beverages and snacks, or answer nature's call.

Sandra : Welcome back folks. After witnessing a spectacular tagteam match, we're back with a singles match that promises to be just as exciting.

Garry : Newcomer Kimie Kurita, who recently joined Evonne's Carmikel's Syndicate, and who managed to score a tagteam win last week with her unlikely partner Sabrina Perezi, is facing off with Body Shop veteran Tina Dream. Well, she's Shop, that about sums it up.

Sandra : Tina Dream sure has the experience advantage here. She's a spectacular wrestler who's always good for a few fancy moves. That also makes her a favourite with the crowd.

Garry : Sure, and that tiny bikini she's usually wearing has nothing to do with that, right ?

Sandra : Oh stuff it, you sexist pig !

Garry : I so do love it when you give me compliments, babe.


Garry : Pamela Anderson in Barbwire, right ?

Sandra : You're beyond hope of redemption !

At that moment, the lights in the arena dim, and the buzzing of the crowd changes pitch. A red circle with a dragon in it is shown over the entrance, spotlights focussing on the way in. "Gimme The Prize" by Queen, from the Highlander soundtrack starts up over the soundsystem and out of the back appears Kimie Kurita, the Little Dragon. Kimie is wearing a black ensemble of PVC shorts, a sports bra, Doc Martins and fingerless gloves. Walking down the isle to the ring, she produces a Tina Dream action figure, one of the trademarked BRA-series of wrestling action dolls. She watches it for a moment, the camera's showing everything in close-up on the videowall. Having everyone's attention, she sticks the head of the figure into her mouth seductively. A few male fans begin to whistle at this. The, with a vicious gin, Kimie bites hard, severing the figures head from the starts and stripes bikini clad torso and spits it on the floor. Throwing the headless figure on the ground, she then grinds it under boot, smearing fleshcolored bits of plastic over the concrete.

Sandra : That was a sickening display ! I do hope she isn't giving any ideas to kids watching this show, for doing that can be dangerous. Before we know it, BRA could have a lawsuit on their hands because some kid choked itself trying to imitate that stunt.

Garry : Oh, I thought that was kind of cool. And you'll see, Kimie will do the same to the real Body Shopper soon enough.

Sandra : What is it with you and the Body Shop, Garry ? Did some Body Shopper steal your candy when you were little ?

Garry : Yeah, that must have been granma Sherry then, she sure is old enough !

Sandra : That's really getting stale, Garry ! Can't you find another record to play ? Besides, Sherry's a lot younger then you are.

Garry : OUCH ! That hurt !

Kimie, meanwhile has climbed into the ring, hanging in her corner seemingly disinterested as the lights die down and the spots focus on the entrance again. "Sweet Virginia Breeze" by Robbin Thompson, Tina's music, begins to play, and from behind the curtain appears … Veronica Millions ???

Garry : Huh ? What is she doing here ?

Sandra : Age must have affected your eyes Garry, look at that leash she has in her hands !

Suddenly the music changes to "Eye of the Tiger by Survivor" and Veronica leads Tina out. Tina Dream is wearing a tigerskin bikini and thigh high tigerskin boots. Her face and body are painted with yellow and black tiger stripes. Tina stalks to the ring behind Veronica putting on a show for the cheering crowd. As they reach ringside Veronica unsnaps Tina's collar. Tina prowls the ringside area playing it up for the fans all the while watching for Kimie to appear. As the little dragon remains in her corner, apparently not impressed, Tina leaps up onto the ring apron and climbs onto the top turnbuckle performing a backflip somersault into the ring. Taking the announcer's mic Tina will smile and address the crowd:

"MEEEEOOOOWWW BABIES!! The year of the Tigress is here!"

Sandra : A real spectacular entrance for sure ! And the public clearly appreciates it. Listen to those cheers.

Garry : Yeah well, I'd cheer to if she would have had the guts to come out here wearing nothing but that body paint.

Sandra : This is a family show, Garry, not some spectacle for perverted freaks like yourself !

Garry : My, you really are charming tonight, aren't you ? Uh oh ? Maybe Dream shouldn't have turned her back on the little dragon, parading around the ring like she is ?

As soon as Tina Dream's back is to her, Kimie flashes out of her corner, executing a thrush kick to the small of Tina's back. Taken by surprise, Tina can't stop Kimie from grabbing her hair, and dragging her to a corner. Slamming Tina's face into the turnbuckle a few times, she then turns the Dream around and headbutts her. As Tina drops to the mat, apparently stunned, the referee is yelling at Kimie to wait for the bell. With a sweet, if somewhat sneering, smile at the referee, Kimie walks around the ring, showing off to the crowd to very mixed reactions. Part of the public is cheering her while others are voicing their disagreement with her tactics. Going to stand over a still downed Tina, Kimie does a bump and grind routine, causing her fans to vocally outpower her detractors. Leaning down, she breaths on the side of Tina's face and says : "How is that for breathing fire baby?"

Sandra : Maybe she shouldn't have gotten quite that close to say that !

And indeed, as if on cue, Tina's head slams forward, returning the headbutt favour, sending Kimie staggering back, while Tina gets to her feet, looking none too pleased about the early assault. The referee shakes his head, and signals to ring the bell to officially start the match. The point is a bit moot now, but rules, you know ?

Sandra : Well, we're off officially now and Tina has the initiative after that surprising start by Kimie.

Garry : Surprising start ? Doh ! I saw that coming from a mile away. That Kimie is a woman as I like them. Hard and agressive. Hey, what are you doing ? You're not going to hit me, are you ? EEK !

Sandra : What's the matter, Garry ? I thought you like agressive women ? But maybe not when their agression is aimed at you ?

Garry : Quit playing and call the match !

Before Kimie can recover, Tina grabs a hold of her arm. Dragging Kimie down by the arm, she changes the hold to an armbar, putting pressure on the shoulder and arm. Keeping the arm stretched, Tina nimbly twists her body, bringing one leg down on Kimie's arm hard in a legdrop variant.

Sandra : Nice move by Tina Dream, working over the little dragon’s arm. And she’s not finished yet !

Indeed, Tina reapplies the armbar, then twists it into a figure 4 armbar. Kimie Kurita appears to be in quite some pain. The referee is looking closer, but notices it is way to early for a submission. Tina can’t resist taunting her opponent a bit

Tina : Dwaggie, honey! You're no match for this lil tigress!

Garry : Typical Body Shop behaviour. She gets in one good move, and she’s gloating already !

Kimie, having one arm free notices the referee’s attention wavering, and suddenly slams a full fist between Tina’s legs.

Sandra : LOW BLOW !

The referee has noticed something is wrong, and warns Kimie to keep to the rules. The cheap shot had it’s desired effect, however. The little dragons arm is free. Seeing Tina still doubled over, she first does a few pressure moves on her arm, getting it back in working order. She then moves closer to Tina, kicking at her face. A fast pull backwards and the Dream manages to get her head out of harm’s way, but the follow-up kick hits her in the stomach, and a spinning backfist to the face sends her stumbling into the corner.

Garry : You see the power this woman possesses ! One blow like that and Tina is seeing stars already.

Tina seems stunned by that hit, and Kurita executes a couple of jumping knees to Tina’s lower ribs, then headbutts her. Grabbing Tina Dream by the hair in the back of her head, she then rams her knee into Tina’s face, repeating the move a few times.

Sandra : Brutal moves there by the little dragon ! Tina’s nose is bleeding. I hope it isn’t broken.

Garry : Ah well, maybe she can get it fixed right this time.

Sandra : Watch your mouth there, I’m sure Tina could teach you a thing or two about giving someone a nose job.

Kimie just drops Tina to the mat and covers.



Kickout ! Kimie Kurita smiles, as if she’d have been disappointed if it had been over already. Tina Dream gets to her feet, looking none to pleased. Tina with a knife chop to the throat, blocked by Kimie. But it was just a distraction, as Tina kicks the little dragon in the stomach. Grabbing Kimie’s hair, she smashes her head down, while jumping upwards, driving both her knees into Kurita’s face.

Sandra : And Tina Dream returns the favour with that double kneelift !

Garry : That was an illegal move. Foul !

Sandra : It was not. It was a perfect executed move within the rules. That was no cheating.

Garry : It must have been cheating ! After all, Tina is Body Shop, and they always cheat.

Sandra : If you don’t knock it off, you’re going to need to shop for a new body soon enough, buster !

Tina Dream meanwhile isn’t idling her advantage away. Grabbing hold of Kimie Kurita, she executes a vertical supplex hitting the ropes, and rebounding out, she slams Kimie facedown into the canvas.

Sandra : Wow ? Was she trying to use the little dragon to drill for oil in the ring ? She almost smashed her through the mat there.

Turning a dazed Kimie on her back, Tina goes for the pin, pulling up her opponents legs as the veteran she is.



Thr …

Sandra : Not quite ! Kimie Kurita getting a shoulder free at the last moment.

Garry : At the last moment ? Are you on dope or something ? Kimie could have easily gone to the bathroom, then visit the mall to do some shopping and still be back in time to get out.

In any case, Tina is back on her feet quite quickly, with Kimie Kurita still down on her back. Tina jumps into the air, and crashes down, legdropping the little dragon across the throat. Pulling her opponent, still gasping for breath to her feet, Tina launches her into the corner, Kimie's back connecting with the turnbuckles hard. Rebounding out of the corner, Kimie meets Tina's feet with her stomach and Tina monkey flips the Japanese girl over her to the mat. Jumping to her feet, she elbowdrops into Kimie's stomach, pulls up a leg and covers.


Tw …

No, a fast kick-out by Kimie ! But Tina isn't finished just yet. Bringing Kimie to her feet, she use a knife-chop to the throat, then another one to drive her into a corner. Seeing Her opponent hanging against the turnbuckles, seemingly completely winded, Tina can't resist taunting some more.

Tina : The poor lil dwaggie has just met her slayer !

Sandra : Things look grim for Kimie Kurita right now.

Garry : No way, can't you see she's about to counter-attack ?

Taking a step back, Tina kicks at Kimie's stomach. The little dragon moves with amazing swiftness, though, catching Tina's leg, immobilising it. As Tina jumps up to kick Kimie in the head with an Enzugiri, Kimie brings her elbow down hard on Tina's knee joint, ducking under the potentially damaging kick. With Tina off-balance, Kimie legsweeps her down, then stomps on her leg.

Garry : I told you so ! Kimie's counter-attacking.

With Tina down, Kimie elbowdrops, hitting her in the groin, much to the displeasure of the referee. Part of the crowd is booing the move. Kimie doesn't pay them any heed though, and ascends the cornerpost. Tina is getting to her feet, looking around where Kimie might be. Movement catches her attention, just before Kimie's elbow connects with her skull.

Garry : Yeah ! That's the Atomic Fission, Kimie's finisher. Tina can go say hello to the sandman now.

Tina drops like a ton of bricks. Kimie doesn't waste time, and covers.




Sandra : Shoulder up by Tina !

Garry : You wished, the three-count has been given.

The referee seems to agree with Garry, showing three fingers, and the officials at ringside do ring the bell.

Garry : And the lovely, talented wrestler from the Syndicate, the little dragon, the firebreather, Kimie Kurita takes a well deserved win against one of the Body Shop minions, showing .

Sandra : Do they actually pay you to be so obnoxious ? The Sisterhood, The Syndicate, that's all you ever see.

Garry : That's all there really is to see. I don't need to see those losers from the Body Shop, or the Alleycats to know they're going to cheat.

Sandra : ***sigh*** This wraps it up. Winner of this match, by pinfall, little dragon Kimie Kurita ! And now for a commercial break.



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