Sandra: This next match is very interesting. Wouldn't you say Garry?

Garry: I have no clue who I'm going to vote for!? I mean....Lisa Dream...or the Marquise? It's a win-win situation for me!

Sandra: Well what about the fans? Whichever one of these competitors comes out on top is going to be the dirtiest and most slippery one. I don't expect too many wrestling moves in this one...

Garry: Hey wait a minute! You can't say that about our champion and the Marquise!

Sandra: I think I just did.

The opening of the French National Anthem starts to fill the arena. The fans boo and give the thumbs down for the creature who follows this music. The Anthem starts to turn more sinister and evil sounding, before cutting off completely. The lights are cut and fire from lighters starts to pop up here and there amongst the crowd. A huge explosion and pyros shoot flares up into the air as spotlights swirl around the entire arena. The speakers pound out "Out Comes the Evil", the curtain parts, and the Marquise Yvette DeSade Malreaux steps from the back!

She is wearing her white S&M style outfit with a white crop and cape. She stands up straight, throws her head back as she laughs, and extends her arms in a "Y" shape smiling out at all the fans. Merci, Yvette's ever-present valet, steps out behind her mistress scowling at the fans booing her.

The Marquise seems uneffected by the hisses coming from all around her as she steps proudly toward the ring. Merci, however, steps from one side of the railing, back, and then back again screaming at the fans to show respect accompinied with the occasional obscenity.

Yvette sweeps her arm gesturing to the entire arena. In her hand is a microphone which she brings up to her red lips.

Tonight, mon amis, you will have the greatest pleasure of your lives. In one corner will be the illustrious Lisa Dream, your Celestial Champion. In the other corner will be myself - Marquise Yvette DeSade Malreaux, one of the greatest female competitors that the world has ever seen! In a dazzling display of techniques and superior skills, you will be treated to the finest show that BRA has ever produced! How could it not with two of the greatest competitors in the federation? Enough with the Americanas. Enough with the Body Shop. Enough with pretenders and fakes! Enough with cowardly women who will not face me. Enough with loud-mouthed rookies who know not their place. This is a night of real skills and real challenges!

Yvette whips her head quickly to the side. Her mouth moves but the microphone is too far to pick up what she says to some fan on her way down. Another woman at ringside shoves a sign forward..."The End of the Sisterhood is upon us!" Yvette scowls at the woman, takes the sign. Yvette hands it behind her to Merci who rips it in two and nonchalantly deposits it to the ground. Getting to the steps, Yvette starts to climb them before bringing the microphone back to her lips.

As many of you know, this is not the night of fury and terror. I am saving my built up passion and anger for Paris - the most beautiful city in the world. It will be there that I hope to utterly demolish my opponent. It is there that I hope to smash them into nothingness, snuffing out their miserable existence. You see, �gracious fans,� my desire in the coming weeks, is to save my anger and bottle up my rage so that I can be the perfect entertainment for you, handing my opponent over to medical care as a bloody heap. That is what you want, eh? That is what you desire? You may detest me. You may despise me. However, you WILL respect me! You will see what cruelty I am capable of, when I turn my opponent into a shell of her former self.

Handing the microphone to Merci, she takes it to the edge of the ring to deposit it also on the floor below. Merci then steps behind her mistress and takes down her cape draping it across her arm for safekeeping. The Marquise's corner is the far back left one. She moves their and starts to stretch seductively smiling to the crowd. A few of the men at ringside stop jeering the Marquise and drop their jaws at the 'moves' Yvette is doing to ready herself. Draping her arms over the ropes and ordering Merci to exit, Yvette waits patiently for her opponent.

Garry: Not exactly the type of speech I was expecting from the Marquise Yvette Malreaux. She seemed....

Sandra: Impressed. Impressed is the word you are working for. It is no secret that Yvette respects Lisa since she is matches her low perfectly. Excuse the pun...

Garry: Well yeah...wait a minute. No! These great wrestlers that are going to be performing in front of us are what this sport is all about. Fair play, decency, high standards. You have to give them both respect!

The lights dim as the sounds of twinkling stars along with the low hum of awe music. Letters spell out on the jumbotron....


Smoke, from some unknown source, fills the entrance ramp swirling with the air currents. A blinding burst of light forces everyone in the arena to turn their face away shielding their eyes. "Nookie" byt Limp Bizkit invades the whole building in full force. Lisa Dream, with a swipe of her arm, parts the entrance curtain and steps onto the entrance ramp. The fans in the seats boo once again for her as they did for the Marquise. Wearing a pair of black leather pants and blakc leather halter top, Lisa surveys the crowd with a neutral look on her face. Like a supermodel, Lisa walks down the entrance ramp as though her clothes were more on display than she was. She enters the ring and snatches a microphone on her way in. Smiling to Yvette draped in the corner, Lisa steps to her corner and perches up on the turnbuckle crossing her legs. Raising the microphone to her mouth, she begins...

All you lucky little ticketholders are most certainly in for a treat tonight! And, after having to sit through all of these pitiful matches thus far, you most definitely deserve it! That is right, Your All-American Sweetheart has once again chosen to grace you all with her *perfect* presence, so you can now feel justified for paying those ridiculous prices for those tickets you clutch in your grubby little hands! But you are truly honored tonight, for, not only do you get to see the BRA Icon in action, you get to see her face one of the few that has earned my respect, the ever lovely Yvette Malreaux! So feel honored, all of my loyal little DREAM-o-phobics, for you are most definitely in for a treat tonight! The two top women of the Battling Ring Angels get to battle it out inside of the squared circle for your viewing pleasure, and show all of you exactly what a match containing talented fighters is like! So bear witness to this awe inspiring display of talent, of intelligence, and of skill, for it only comes around once! So Feast your Eyes and Fantasize, all�.this WILL be a night to remember!

Tossing the microphone with an amplified "Thump!" to the canvas, Lisa hops off the turnbuckle and steps to the center of the ring. Seductively and while performing a little bump and grind for her fans, Lisa strips down to her skimpy white bikini she wrestles in. The outfit covers her body to her satisfaction, but is enough to swoon the most cold-hearted of men. Catcalls start to drown out the jeers and boos of the fans.

Garry: Oh that entrance! MMMMMM! The hottest entrance in all of wrestling!

Sandra: She sures does have an effect on the fans. I have to give her that.

Garry: Have an effect!? Wow! What an effect!


Both wrestlers step out to the center of the ring. Surprisingly, Yvette puts her hand out in a show of friendship and sportsmanship. Lisa looks at the hand with narrowed eyes not sure what to make of this. She hesitates, then takes the hand shaking it once. Yvette smiles and simply drops her hand back to her sides. Lisa turns one corner of her mouth up in a half-smile...the most appreciation anyone has ever gotten from the All-American Sweetheart.

Both women lunge forward and lock horns. Pushing and shoving violently, they try and take the upperhand early. Yvette is a little stronger and gets Lisa to back up into a corner pushing her chin back to arch her back over it. The ref moves in and tries to break them both up ready to warn one or the other for a cheap shot. Yvette raises her arms up slowly then backs away smiling. Lisa keeps her eyes locked on the Marquise and simply nods. Both women circle the ring looking for an opening.

Sandra: Well I'm speechless! A clean break from both ladies! What do you think about that?

Garry: I thought you said you were speechless...

Yvette takes off running toward Lisa intent to take advantage of the situation. She sees a blur as Lisa dodges to the side and pushes her forward into the ropes. With a gasp of surprise, the Marquise bounces off the ropes and dashes back toward the middle of the ring. Lisa leaps in the air and headscissors the Marquise, then leans forward and brings her down to the mat. Jerking her legs, Lisa tightens the scissors and locks her ankles behins Yvette's head. The Marquise pounds the mat in pain as she feels light-headed very quickly! Merci looks on worried and hoping Yvette will go back to her usual way of fighting.

Sliding onto her knees, Yvette places both hands between Lisa's legs and starts to pry them open. Leaning to the side and curving her body around, Lisa throws a quick open-hand punch to the Marquise's gut! Yvette, surprised, loses her grip on Perfection's legs. Lisa clamps them hard back around Yvette's head as flesh meets flesh violently.

Garry: The Marquise better get out of this move! It's a basic escape and she should know it.

Her face is beginning to turn red with the pressure on her head. Yvette flops to the side moaning and trying fruitlessly to push Lisa's legs off of her. She thinks about her claws, then reminds herself who this is she is facing. Using her legs and arms together, Yvette starts to slide and claw her way to the rope. Soon, she has draped one leg over the bottem rope. The ref signals for Lisa to break who does so cleanly and immediately. The referee blinks and scratches his head confused. He was ready to officiate a dirty brawl...not a technical wrestling match.

Sandra: And another clean break! The fans are just as surprised as me from the silence in this arena.

Garry: What do you mean 'surprised'? I told you they were two of the most respected wrestlers this federation has to offer.

Yvette rubs her neck and smiles at Lisa. She nods her respect as if to say, "Good move." Waiting in the middle of the ring, Lisa waits in the middle of the ring for the Marquise. Stepping toward her they both lock up once again in a struggle between the two of the most hated wrestlers in the Battling Ring Angels!

Dropping to one knee, Yvette throws one arm up between Lisa's legs and dumps her over her shoulders to the mat behind her. Lisa yells out in surprise more than pain, but the French Beauty is quick to follow her and hooks her arm in a painful armbar. Pulling back, Yvette adds pressure onto her respected opponent. Lsa pounds the mat and holds her strained shoulder as the ref asks her if she gives up. You can imagine her answer...

Garry: Good combination by the Marquise!

Sandra: I don't think I have ever seen the Marquise perform a dump like that before. Clean I mean...

Struggling slowly, Lisa gets to her feet in obvious pain. She puts her hand on the back of Yvette's hand and is about to clamp her fingers in her long blonde locks. Straightening her fingers, Lisa has too much respect for the Marquise to do even a simple tactic like pull her hair back for an advantage. Instead, She hops in the air and flips once twisting her arm back to it's normal postion from the armbar, grabs Yvette's arm, and twists it instead! Yvette flips over and falls onto her butt and Lisa kneels down clamping her own armbar on. Frustration seeps into Yvette, and she pounds the mat with her free hand.

Sandra: Quick reversal by the Dream...

Scooting quickly to the side of the ring, Yvette grabs onto the middle rope and holds it as Lisa breaks her hold. She steps back with her hands up showing to the ref she intends to break cleanly. Still, Yvette watches Lisa and gets to her feet using the ropes. Stepping forward to press her advantage, Lisa grabs at Yvette to pull her from the ropes for another manuever. A blow to her gut doubles her over. Yvette lashes out with another kick to the gut which drops Lisa to her knees! The crowd is unsure if they should boo or cheer for one or the other. They just watch in amazement knowing they will never see this again!

Sandra: A low pace match so far...but a nice change from both ladies usual tactics.

Garry: It's throwing both women into utter confusion to be honest. They are having a hard time breaking simple moves and reversing.

Sandra: Indeed it has! But this will be a good learning experience for both of them.

Hooking Lisa's head and spinning her around, Yvette rolls over and hooks Lisa's leg with her own completing the small package! Lisa squirms a moment and the ref counts to 1 before she unlatches herself from the Marquise's grasp kicking out. Rolling to the side, Lisa gets to her knees quickly and sees that Yvette has done the same across the ring. Both stand and start to circle again looking for the next move.

They get closer and closer to each other before the Dream crouches down and chops into Yvette's legs. The Marquise screams and falls to the mat onto her back! Running past Yvette and toward the ropes. The Dream runs up the ropes using them like steps and moonsaults back down right ontop of the french blonde!

Sandra: Good move by Lisa! She is really impressing me tonight!

Garry: You know you are just waiting to say something bad about these two...

The ref starts to count but can't even get a 1 before Yvette rolls a shoulder up. Kneeling beside Yvette, Lisa smiles down at the Marquise. She turns her body and lets out a vicious slap to her cheek...a very familier move from the arsenal of Lisa Dream. Picking up the dazed Yvette, Lisa slings her into the rope across the ring. Rolling forward toward Yvette as she bounces back, she launches her legs upward catching the Marquise squarely in the chin! Grunting and falling back into the ropes, Yvette sits on the middle rope in a daze trying to clear the cobwebs.

Lisa moves in stalking her prey. Taking Yvette by the arm, she hauls her to the corner. She places her back against the turnbuckle and sizes her up a second stepping back a few feet. Lisa moves in and starts to punch Yvette in the face once, twice, three times, and a fourth! She smiles and blows a kiss to her fans who boo her just because she is winning. Bringing the same hand she used to blow the kiss up, Perfection backhands the Marquise who falls forward onto her knees past Lisa then onto her face with a thump.

Garry: Yvette is in trouble here! She needs to mount a comeback of some sort if she is going to win this one!

Lisa snatches the doomed Marquise from the canvass bringing her slowly to her feet in preparation for her next move. With a growl, Yvette jabs a knifehand into Lisa's stomach on her way up forcing the Dream to step back in shock! Air is forced from her lungs and she watches as the Marquise gets to her feet before her. Hooking her head, Yvette grabs Lisa's skimpy bikini bottem and heaves her up and over. The snap suplex does what it is supposed to do as Lisa's body bounces sickeningly on the mat. She grabs at her back trying to relieve the pain there to no avail.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Yvette shakes her head getting herself together. She then moves toward the downed Dream and hops in the air dropping a shapely leg across her neck in a patented legdrop. As Lisa tilts her head up gasping in pain, Yvette slides her other leg under her head to her neck. She convulses her legs and squeezes trying to take some of the fight out of the smaller quicker Lisa.

Sandra: And now it's Lisa's turn to try and power out of a grueling headscissors!

Garry: The tables sure have turned! Yvette has taken the momentum away from Lisa and now she's trying to ground her into the mat!

Kicking her legs uslessly, Lisa pounds them on the mat trying to squirm her way out of the hold but it's just too tight. Snatching one arm up, Yvette leans to her side pulling the arm tight but not straining it just to keep one arm unavailable for Lisa to use. This severly dampens the chances of Lisa's escape. With her free arm, she tries to wiggle her fingers in between the French Beauty's muscled legs to get some relief. It's just no use though.

Getting bored of this tactic, Yvette decides to let Lisa up and go on to something else. Now she realized why she hated fighting was boring and limiting! Breathing a sigh of relief, Lisa lay on the mat panting and rolling her head from left to right. Taking Lisa by the arm, the Marquise is got off guard as the Dream bends her leg athletically and kicks Yvette in the side of the head! Yvette stumbles back and Lisa gets to her feet as she recovers. Both women crouch into defensive positions and seem to be waiting for what the other is going to do.

Yvette is the first to lunge, trying to take control of her strength over Perfection. Lisa smiles and moves forward as well looking like she is going to lock up as well, then ducks under Yvette with a roll and comes up behind her. The Marquise's eyes widen and suddenly there was an arm under her chin and over her forehead locked firmly in place! Two more limbs come up and around her waist locking at the ankles in front of her lightly squeezing.

Garry: Sleeper! Lisa is going to try and end it now!

Stumbling around the ring, Yvette grabs at the arm under her chin cutting off the most of her air. The Dream clamps down tighter intent on winning fair! The life from Yvette starts to ebb away as the fight look on her face starts to droop and her hair falls over her face to hide her expression. The fans cheer and scream for more action, which one girl complies. Letting Lisa's weight drag her, Yvette stumbles backward into the turnbuckles! Lisa screams as she is caught between the two immovable objects! Staggering forward with Lisa still clinging to the hold, Yvette rushes back again finally shaking a stubborn Dream off her back.

Turning but looking as though she was stumbling about drunk, Yvette places a hand on Lisa's head. Lashing out in defense, Lisa kicks Yvette in her gut that doubles her over with an "OH"! Pulling Yvette toward her, Lisa climbs the turnbuckles backwards pulling Yvette up with her using an arm. Kissing once to the crowd, Lisa does a little bump and grind for them before hooking the Marquise's head.

Sandra: She's not going to suplex her off onto the concrete is she!?

Garry: Oh God I hope not!

Leaping in the air and turning, Lisa spins in the air holding Yvette and leans back driving her head from the top turnbuckle into the mat! Yvette feels the effects of the spinning top rope DDT and flops lifelessly on the canvas. Sitting up and with a smile, Lisa looks very much proud of herself thus far. She climbs back to her feet and sees Yvette still lying on the mat face up gasping in huge amounts of air. Running over her prone body, Lisa hops up and plants her feet on the top rope. Using the springy material there, she vaults up and back flipping in the air landing crossbody on Yvette with the *Perfect* Splash!

Garry: Oh wow! The Perfect Splash from our champion and she covers the Marquise!

Hooking one leg, Yvette moans as the ref slaps his hand three times on the mat. The bell sounds and Lisa rises to have her arm raised in victory. The announcer comes on.

Here is your winner...the Celestial Champion Lisa Dream!!!!

Bending down, Lisa checks on Yvette and helps her to her feet. Yvette stands on unsure wobbly legs but manages a slight smile accompanied with a nod to Lisa. Stepping before the champion, Yvette kisses each of Lisa's cheek showing the ultimate sign of respect in her country. Lisa nods to her peer before raising her hand. The crowd cheers at the show of good sportsmanship thinking maybe these two have changed. Yvette climbs through the ropes and lands on the concrete. Merci comes to her aid as they walk down toward the exit along the ramp together.

Lisa looks out and around the arena at all the people screaming and actually cheering. She does a little bump and grind in the center of the ring taking in her sweet victory totally. The smile on her face is satisfaction. Satisfaction for fighting fair wit her opponent. Satisfaction for winning still without underhanded tactics.

Sandra: What a match! This one surprisingly will go down in history as the most fair match in BRA history! I am speechless...

Garry: There you go with that speechless thing. I wish it were true. We still have some great matches to look forward to!

Winner: Lisa Dream 1

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